Katja Pt. 11


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Callie laughed, "Just how did they ever get Ariel to accept Ensign? I never would have thought she'd accept something like that."

Helen joined in the laughter, "As I understand it, they didn't give her a choice, they just did it. Katja said she moped around for a couple of days."

Azlan grinned, "Yes, that would be the only way she would have taken it."

Helen looked at Callie, "So, I imagine your friends? She told me Azlan and her were."

Callie nodded, "Yes, we've known each other for years, both her and Katja. We went through training together, almost like sisters really."

Helen smiled, "I can understand that, they've treated me the same way when I relocated. They both helped me through a rough patch."

Azlan asked, "Do you relocate to take the position of uncle Geoff's assistant?"

Helen shook her head no, "Not really, I hadn't seen Erik in years and he had me come out to visit, then he convinced me to stay. The Commander and his mate Victoria had come over to the house for dinner and he found out that this is what I did for a living before. We talked for a while and he asked me to help him out keeping everything organized and on track. We sort of "clicked" as we say here, and I agreed. It was the best decision I ever made, I love working for him."

Azlan leaned in close and whispered to her, "Knowing my uncle, he probably really needed it. He's always been very good with leading people, but he never was too good with keeping track of everything."

Helen almost moaned as Azlan leaned against her and whispered in her ear. His body was warm and hard against hers and there was some type of scent around him that was putting her mind in orbit. He smelled soooo good she moaned to herself. What was wrong with her, why had she been acting like this since she saw his picture.

She was finally able to get a word out as she whispered back. "Your fairly correct there, he did need the help. But it wasn't as bad as he made out when we talked." Then she giggled. "Only slightly bad."

Azlan had breathed in her scent's again as he leaned up against her. By the Goddess, she smelled so good and her body was soft and cool to the touch, and her voice as she whispered back and a slight musical tone to it. He tried to shift in his seat as his hardened member bent.

Callie had watched the two of them interact, and smiled to herself. They both have it bad she thought, there was going to be a lot of disappointed females back at the ship if she read the signs right.

They had just pulled up in front of the main building and as they got out, Azlan offered her his hand to help her down from the van. Helen took it eagerly and told him thanks.

Azlan smiled, "My pleasure Helen."

Commander Geoff had noticed the interaction between the two and grinned to himself. "I'll show you to your quarters Azlan, and Helen, could you please show Callie to hers if you would."

Helen nodded smiling and Azlan said smiling to her, "Well then, I'll just clean up and then I'll meet you for dinner afterwards."

Then he took her hand and he leaned in to kiss her cheek instead of her hand. "Since we're, in-laws I believe you call it, I hope you don't mind."

Helen had almost moaned this time as his lips touched her cheek. She held his hand and said softly, "You can kiss anything you'd like." Then she reddened as she realized what she said.

Then she turned quickly to Callie, "I'll show you to your quarters Callie, there on the other side near mine."

Azlan watched her walk away, her rear was swaying back and forth as she led Callie away. His heart sang as he remembered Helens words to him. "She is so beautiful and her scent was enough to drive one crazy." He said to himself.

Then with a grin, he followed his uncle and the others. After Geoff showed them their quarters, he held Azlan back for a moment. "Nephew, once you're done, could you please stop by my quarters before dinner? It's that last door at the end of the passageway."

Azlan nodded, "No problem uncle, say maybe an hour or so?"

Geoff smiled, "That's fine, there's no real hurry though, just before dinner. It's a personal matter, not business."

As Helen showed Callie to her quarters they talked a little and Helen asked her some questions about Azlan.

Callie smiled at her, "I will tell you one thing, there are going to be a lot of disappointed females back at the ship, now that he's, how do you say it here? Oh, yes, now that he's off the market I believe is the term."

Helen looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

Callie laughed, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, I forget that human females don't seem to notice it as strong as we do. He's yours Helen, he is totally taken with you, maybe more than just taken."

Helen stopped and looked at her, "I don't understand."

Callie grinned, "It's very simple my dear, he's your Mate. Or will be if accept him. My nose is working fine, both of you are putting out enough that anyone could sense it."

Helen looked at her shocked, "You mean, we're supposed to be together? Like my brother and Katja?"

Callie looked at her and grinned, "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. He might not know it yet, the scent you emit is a little different than say, one I would put out, but it means the same thing." Then she giggled, "Besides, the males aren't as good at sensing it as us females."

Helen looked at her, "Are you sure? I know I've been attracted to him since the day Katja showed me his picture. But Mates?"

Callie smiled and nodded. "Helen, anyone that was near you two, knew it. Let me ask you a question, does his scent excite you?"

Helen nodded.

"Did his touch make you shiver and your heart sing?"

Helen nodded.

The Callie came closer and whispered, "And did all this, make you moist?"

Helen reddened, but then nodded.

Callie grinned, "Well, I not sure what you call it here, but we call that love for ones Mate."

She looked at Callie eyes wide as she said, "Yes, that's what we call it here to. But are you sure that's how he feels?"

Callie smiled and nodded. "He may not be sure yet, but he will be. Trust that the Goddess will make him understand." Then she giggled, "Sometimes the males can be a little dense and you have to rub their noses in it. Quite literally."

Helen felt a shock go through her when Callie mentioned the Goddess and she remember Her statement to her, "But be at peace, you will find your mate that has been destined for you soon and all will be well when the time comes."

Helen thought on this and asked herself, "Could this be what she meant?" She had no sooner asked the question then she shivered as she felt a caress. "Thank you, my Lady." She said simply.

Helen smiled at Callie, "I guess I'll just have to figure out now just what to rub his nose in."

Callie giggled, "There's always the one thing that usual works, or so I've been told."

Helen giggled also, remembering the yowls coming from Erik and Katja's room. "Yes, I think your right. I need to go get cleaned up for dinner."

About a half hour before dinner, Azlan walked down to his uncles' quarters and knock on the door. In a moment the door opened and Geoff smiled as he waved him in.

Then Geoff asked him, "Are your quarters alright Azlan?"

Azlan nodded smiling, "Yes sir, much nicer than the ones on the ship at any rate."

Geoff nodded and pointed to one of the chairs, "Please sit down, there is something you need to know."

Azlan sat a little confused and waited for his uncle to continue. Geoff sat himself and thought for a minute on how to start. "I need to talk to you about Helen, before it goes any farther Azlan."

Azlan looked at his uncle, "I'm afraid I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Uncle Geoff smiled at him, "What I'm talking about is the female who will more than likely end up as your mate."

Azlan started at that, "We don't feel that way about each other."

Geoff grinned, "You may not think so, but I assure you it's true. I've seen the way you acted around and to her. If you not, you both are sure acting like you do."

Azlan looked at him again, "But she would have said something."

"You have to remember, she's human, I recognize the signs because of Victoria. They don't know like ours do, they may sense it, but not know what it means. Unless someone points it out to them, which I'm sure Callie has already."

He smiled, "Look Azlan, wait until after dinner. I'm sure she'll say something to you, she's been waiting for you for days."

Then he got serious, "But what I wanted to tell you was about her background. She's been hurt rather badly, though she has come back from it."

He then proceeded to tell him about all that happened to her. As he did, he could see the anger growing in Azlan, these kinds of things just didn't happen on their world. When he finished, Azlan had a look on his face that was indescribable. Then he said to his uncle flexing his claws, "And just where is this," he said a word in their language that didn't translate to English, "now??"

Geoff looked at him and said, "Apparently, I understand he was killed by some of the other prisoners when he was in the human prison."

Azlan nodded firmly, "Good, it saves me from going to hunt him down and doing it myself. He got what he deserved for hurting that beautiful woman like that." He stood suddenly and paced still flexing his claws, trying to work his anger off.

Geoff looked at him and said smiling, "Are you still going to tell me you don't feel something for her acting like this?"

Azlan stopped and looked at him, then hung his head. He looked at his uncle again and said, "No, I won't uncle. I was all ready to search this thing out, hunt him down and kill him, painfully. I guess I do love and want her. But I still don't understand how it happened this fast."

Geoff smiled, "Talk to Erik and Katja when they get here, they were mated in three days. Or better yet, talk to the Goddess. I believe She has a hand in this much like She did with Erik and Katja."

"Look Azlan, why don't you sit down and calm yourself before we go to dinner." Geoff said. "Tell me, have you heard from your parents?"

Azlan grinned, "Not yet, Katja's been waiting to hear from them also. I've got this feeling that when the next ship shows up, they'll be on it. Especially with grandchildren on the way."

Geoff grinned back, "You could be right, were expecting it in about 5 months. They'll be landing here in this country, but were still settling on the place. There's a few more of these bases left that are by themselves and not in the middle of a community."

"Why don't we go down to dinner? You have a date if I remember right." Uncle Geoff grinned.

Azlan smiled, he was actually looking forward to seeing her. "Sounds good to me. I suppose we'll be stared at all evening."

Geoff laughed, "I think you'll be okay, as long as you two can keep your hands off each other."

The walked to the dining area, meeting Helen and Callie on the way. Azlan smiled, she had changed and now wore a pair of jeans and some sort of pull-over shirt that hugged her upper body. She really looked good to him. He came up and said hello and offered her his arm to escort her in the dining area.

Helen smiled as she took his arm and hugged it to her. Azlan was wearing a pair of black pants and a tan shirt that left his arms exposed. She was amazed on how hard his muscles were as she held his arm. And she felt herself get slightly wet again as she breathed in his scent. He smelled so good to her.

Azlan enjoyed the feel of her arm around his as she held his arm and she still smelled wonderful as before, maybe even better.

Callie smiled as she walked behind them, it was amazing to her just how fast things were happening. She really hoped they'd be happy together.

Once they got to the table, Azlan held Helens chair out for her, then pushed it in as she sat. He then sat next to her and smiled, "You look very pretty tonight Helen."

Helen blushed a bit, but smiled, "Thank you, you look very nice yourself."

Azlan grinned, "I wish I could find some better clothes, but our choices are limited."

Helen smiled, then asked, "Just what would you like that you can't get?"

"Well, I liked to be able to get some of the "Jeans" I believe you call them. Like your wearing tonight, but more masculine." He replied.

Helen grinned and took her cell phone out, "That I can fix for you." She called Katja and waited as he phone rang.

Katja finally answered and Helen said, "Hello Katja, I need a favor, could you pick up some jeans for your brother and bring them with you next week?"

Azlan watched she talked with his sister and smiled as she asked about the Jeans. Then she said, "Great, hold on a minute, he's right here with me. We're having dinner."

She smiled and handed the phone to him, "Here, talk to your sister and let her know what you want."

Azlan smiled, and took the phone. "Hello my wonderful sister."

"Azlan, it's so good to hear your voice. Helen says you want some jeans, we have a shop here that we go to that has them already modified to fit our people. Just let me know what size." Katja said happily.

Azlan grinned and told her. Then he asked, "Is this the same place that Helen buys hers? If so I hope they look as good on me as they do on her." He took Helens hand and squeezed it smiling.

Katja laughed, "Yes it's the same place. It sounds like you two are getting along well." She heard her brother laugh and then he said.

"Yes, we are, and hopefully it will get much better. I'll talk to you about it when you get here."

Katja laughed, "That sounds promising."

"I most certainly hope so sister, I really do. Look, here's Helen again, we're just about to eat. We can talk more when you get here. Okay? I love you and tell everyone else I said hello."

He smiled and handed the phone back to Helen saying, "I'll go get us something to drink." She took the phone and said, "Please pick out something nice, I'll give you the money for them when you get here, I want to make a present of them for him."

She heard Katja giggle and then she said, "Sounds like you both have it bad, I wish you luck my sister."

Helen grinned and said, "You have no idea how bad my sister. I can't wait for you to get here, I really need someone to talk to. I've been talking to Callie, she says she knows you and Ariel."

"Yes, we're old friends, she can help you if you have any questions until we get there." Katja replied.

Helen saw that Azlan was coming back so she said, "Azlan's coming back, I'd better go now. I'll see you later on."

Helen hung up and Azlan set a glass down by her. "Thank you Azlan, that was nice of you." She said smiling at him.

He smiled and sat down, "Well, it's not as nice as what you just did for me. I'll have to think to see if I can figure something that's a little nicer."

Helen smiled back, affection apparent in her eyes as she replied," There's no need, just having you here with me is nice enough."

Azlan grinned, "I feel the same way myself. I'm so glad I met you."

Then they walked up to the serving area and picked up dinner. It was a combination of both earth dishes and Lyonness style foods made with earth ingredients.

"I think you'll enjoy this." She said, "Katja and Ariel make a similar dish at home, it's very good."

As they sat back down, he asked, "Oh, do you live with them?"

Helen nodded, "For the moment, I'll be looking for my own place when we get back, I really haven't had the time yet."

Azlan laughed, "My uncle keeping you that busy?"

Helen grinned back, "No, not really, it's just that with organizing everything for him, then planning this trip, and moving all my stuff from California, I just haven't had the time. But, I'll need to make time, they're going to need the room for the twins when they arrive in the next four months or so."

They ate their dinner and talked while they did. Nothing serious, just sort of getting to know one another conversation. When they finally finished, Azlan grinned, "Well my dear, you certainly were right, this was delicious."

Helen nodded, "Yes it was, we have quite a good cook here right now. I understand that several restaurants are looking to have him work for them. A lot of the people like the Lyonness dishes, I really love the things Katja and Ariel make at home. They've been teaching me how to do them also, the biggest problem was finding substitutes for some of the ingredients."

Azlan smiled at her, "Are you any good at it?"

Helen grinned, then rocked her hand back and forth. "I never really cooked all that much, but I'm getting better." She smiled, "It helps when your cooking for someone you like and appreciates it I think."

"Yes, I think your right about that. I find that the more you like or love someone changes everything on both sides." He said smiling gently. "I'm sure I'd love anything you did."

Helen blushed and a thrill went through her as he said "I'm sure I'd love anything you did." She took his hand, "I think I feel the same way myself."

Azlan smiled and raise her hand to kiss it. "Why don't we take a walk before it gets too late. We can walk off dinner and you can show me around a little."

Helen smiled and nodded, "I think I'd like that a lot."

They stood and still holding hands walked outside. Geoff had seen their interaction and smiled. He hoped they would be very happy together. The only problem was, he just might end up losing his assistant if she decided to go back with him. Then he smiled, it might not be a bad idea to have a representative of the Australian crew here. He'd have a talk with Erik when he got here next weekend, he always had a good idea on how to accomplish things if he couldn't figure out a way.

Azlan and Helen walked hand in hand talking, they were not going in any particular direction or destination, they were both just happy to be together and wondering just how to proceed with each other. She had pointed out different things to him and describing what was planned that she knew of, then they came to a park like area that still had some benches and picnic tables.

Azlan suggested that they sit for a while and Helen agreed. They sat close to each other and both of them were unsure of what to do next. Azlan had never felt this way about any female before, sure he had playmates, but not many. He always wanted to at least feel something for the other, unlike some of his friends that would mate with any willing female.

Helen was in the same boat, the last person she had been attached to was a loser and an asshole. She knew Azlan wouldn't be like that, but it was human nature to still have thoughts go through your mind. She could sense the affection and kindness in him and knew he would never hurt someone on purpose. In a way, he reminded her of Erik in many ways, he was like that also. So, in many ways, she felt like she knew him. He moved a little closer and she shivered as she felt him come in contact with her.

Azlan felt her shiver, "Are you getting a little cold Helen? We tend not to notice it that much as our body temps are higher."

Helen blushed as he asked, the shiver wasn't from the cold, it was from an excited thrill that went through her, but she smiled, "Well, a little I guess."

Azlan smiled, "Well, I think I know of a way to help." He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. Helen grinned as she laid against him and put her head on his shoulder. "Yes, that's much better." She told him.

Damn, she thought to herself, he feels so soft and warm and he smelled so good. Helen felt herself flush as she felt her pussy get wet.

Azlan smiled as he pulled her to him and she laid her head against him. He turned slightly and kissed the top of her head and took in a deep breath of her. By the Goddess, he thought to himself, she smells and feels so good. Just her presence was making him want to be with her more than anybody else he had ever been with.