Katja Pt. 11


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They sat here for a while, then Azlan knew he needed, wanted to tell her how he felt about her.

"Helen, I need to say something to you." He started.

Helen smiled at him and he felt his mind explode with the love he felt for her. "Go ahead, what do you need to tell me?"

"I know we only met today, but I've never felt like this before. Damn, this is so hard." He said.

Helen straightened up a little and stroked his beautiful face. "Then just tell me what you want to say Azlan. Don't worry about how it comes out."

He felt a shock go through him as she stroked him. He looked at her and was surprised to see her eyes were shiny. "We only met today, but... I love you. I have never felt like this way about anyone before. I need you in my life and to be with me."

Helen smiled and put her hand on his face, "That's good, because I feel the same way about you. I think I loved you from the moment Katja showed me your picture." Then she moved up until she was in his lap then she put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Azlan responded in kind, his heart singing and his body pulsed as they kissed. Helen broke the kiss and pulled back slightly. Azlan saw the tears running down her cheeks, he wiped them away and said, "I don't know how this happened so fast, but I'm so glad it did."

Helen smiled, "I'm glad it did also. I think it happened this fast because you're the one that was promised to me by the Goddess." She then told him a little of what had happened and how she knew this.

Azlan looked at her stunned a little as she said this. Then she frowned a little, "I do think I should tell what happened before."

Azlan smiled and put a finger to her lips. "It's alright love, Uncle Geoff told me something of it. You will never have to worry about that ever again, I would never, ever even think of doing anything like that to you."

He blushed a bit, "I was ready to hunt this creature down and make him pay for what he did to you, but uncle Geoff told me what happened to that piece of excrement."

Then he smiled, "But maybe that was a good thing, it would have taken me away from you for a few days and I don't think I'd like that." He stroked her face with his hand and he felt her lean into it.

Then Helen looked at him and started to cry. She hugged him saying "I love you" over and over again.

Azlan held her shaking body to him and stroked her back as he purred to calm her down. He then pushed her away a little and kissed and licked her tears away. "I love you also Helen, now and always."

Helen kissed him back, then she smiled and said, "I am yours and you are mine. We will be together always now."

Azlan felt his mind soar as she said this, but, he felt he had to ask, "Please forgive me Helen, but do you know what you've just said?"

Helen smiled and nodded, "Yes my love, I do. I want you as my Mate, if you'll accept me."

Azlan grinned widely and stood holding her to him. He let a loud roar that startled her, but then she realized it was one of joy, not anger. "YES! By the Goddess my love, yes. I will have you as my mate, my love. "I am yours and you are mine. We will be together always now."

With tears in his eyes he kissed her deeply, then said, "Thank you my mate. I love you."

Helen was crying tears of joy herself. "And I love you my mate. I know we have to wait a little for the right time for the rite, but I don't mind, I look forward to it."

Then she smiled shyly, "But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves until then does it?"

Azlan grinned back, "No my mate, it doesn't. As a matter of fact, it's looked at as practicing for the rite. This way will know what pleases each other the most."

Helen smiled and stroked his face, "You please me my love. Perhaps you could show me your quarters. I've haven't seen it."

Azlan laughed, "It would be my pleasure, it's nice to know my future mate is so smart." He kissed her, "And beautiful." Then he rubbed his face on hers and she did the same knowing that he was marking her as his.

She smiled and asked, "Making sure that everyone knows I'm yours my mate?"

Azlan grinned, "Yes, there are too many males around here to take a chance on one of them becoming attracted to you. That's the curse of having a beautiful mate. How did you know?" He asked smiling.

Helen laughed, "I've seen Katja and Ariel do it often enough to Erik and Tony. I don't know if I can do the same thing that human females can sense, I guess I could get you a shirt that says, "Hands off, he's mine."

Azlan laughed, "I promise I won't pay any attention to any other female. No matter how much they throw themselves at me."

Helen giggled, "Okay, that's good enough for now. I'll have to ask Erik on how he does it."

They held and kissed once more and Helen thought, "Thank you my Goddess." Then Helen once again felt the warmth run through her as she heard the Goddesses lilting voice say, "Your more than welcome my daughter." Azlan was stunned when he felt and heard the same thing as he held her.

Then they both heard, "Know that your mating will also produce children that will be like your brother and sisters. Please raise them to be happy, good and loving and we will be well paid. Enjoy yourselves my children and know that we love you."

Then the warmth and feeling was gone. Azlan held her and cried with joy as he knew their mating and lives had been blessed.

They kissed once more and he asked, "Do you know what She meant my love?"

Helen smiled, "I think so, but we'll check with Erik and Katja when they get here. I think it means that our children will be a combination of the species. You did know that Erik was about third of your species, didn't you?"

Azlan nodded, "Yes Katja told me when she told me about them mating."

"Well, according to them, I am also, partially. I've never been tested to see how much I have in me." She said.

Azlan grinned. "I think we really should go back to my quarters, you have me so hard right now it's painful."

Helen grinned and kissed him. "Oh, my poor mate." She reached down and stroked his cock lightly through his pants making him shiver with joy. "Let's just see if we can fix that."

She kissed him and licked his lips, "And just how many times before you beg me to stop."

Azlan nodded eagerly and then they walked back hand in hand to the building. Once they reached the building, they saw uncle Geoff and his friend Cruz talking outside.

Geoff smiled as he saw them holding hands. "Good evening you two. I see you've both come to an understanding." He grinned at them.

Helen and Azlan blushed, then Helen said, "Ah, yes sir, we most certainly have. We were just going to discuss it a bit further."

Geoff smiled, "That's always a good idea, have fun."

Helen blushed again, then nodded. Then they watched as she dragged Azlan along into the building.

Geoff and Cruz chuckled. "Ah to be young again." Cruz added dramatically.

Geoff laughed, "Speak for yourself, my mate hasn't had any complaints yet."

Cruz looked at him, "That's only because she hasn't met me." Then he laughed.

"What amazes me is how fast it happened." Cruz added.

Geoff nodded, "It was the same way with Katja and Erik. Mark my words, they'll be Mated as soon as they can do the Mating Rite."

Then he smiled, "Which brings me to a request my old friend."

Cruz moaned, "Your smiling, asking for a favor, and called me old friend. Just what is this going to cost me?"

Geoff smiled, "Not much, I was just wondering if it would be possible to keep Azlan here. After all, when they are mated, they are going to want to be together, don't you think?"

Cruz looked at him, then sighed. "I don't suppose it would help if I counter offered to take her back with us?"

Geoff looked at him seriously, "I really don't think that's a good idea my friend. She's been through a lot, and I mean a lot." He gave him the highlights and saw him get as mad as Azlan had. "This is the first time I've seen her really happy. I'd hate to ruin that."

"Also," He grinned, "I really need her right now, she's the only thing keeping me and everything straight. You know how I am at organizing things like this." He swept his hand across the base. "Let's say he stays on as your representative here when we move some of the crew here. He can pass along information to you. Until then, he can work at the ship, getting everything ready to move. Sound okay to you?"

Cruz nodded, "Yes, your basically as worthless as breasts on a male. But, what you say makes sense, that way it will be easier when we start doing the same thing."

He shook his head, "Tell me, just when did you get so smart about manipulating things to your advantage?"

Geoff laughed, "You'll meet my teacher next weekend. My human Senior Lieutenant Woodes was able to manipulate an entire country and he taught me just how to do it." Then he laughed, "He keeps threatening me he was going to quit and move to either the north pole or Australia if I promote him again. So just don't try to steal him and bring him back to Australia."

When Azlan and Helen got to his set of rooms, they kicked the door closed and started to undress each other eagerly before they made it out of the first room. Once they got each other naked, they both looked at each other in wonder, Azlan had never seem a naked human female and Helen hadn't seen one of them naked either.

They held each other rubbing their bodies together as they kissed and stroked each other. Then Helen began pushing him towards the bedroom until they came up to the foot of the bed. They climbed in and laid facing each other.

They stroked and petted each other as they kissed, exploring each other for the first of many times. This was exploration stage of their lovemaking, finding out what each other liked and disliked. Helen reach down between them to take hold of his cock, it felt very warm and oh so soft. She loved the feel of it and wonder with a smile how it would feel inside her, plunging in and out of her.

Azlan grinned as he saw her smile. He reached out to massage one breast and tease her nipple. "What's making you smile so hard my love?" He asked her.

Helen grinned and squeezed his cock making him moan a little. "Oh, just wondering how this is going to fell inside me. I like how it feels in my hand, you're so warm and soft against it."

Azlan smiled and reached down to stroke her pussy lightly making her shiver and smile. Then he slowly stroked his finger between her lips and up to lightly rub her clit.

Helen moaned as she felt it, "Yes my love, that feels so good." She clutched at him as he rubbed a little harder making circles with his finger tip. Azlan felt her suddenly get wetter as he played and he smiled.

Helen then rolled on top of him and started to kiss and lick at his neck and ear. She breathed in deeply and she smelled his scent and that made her even wetter. Azlan still had his hand between them to play with her and felt her get wetter. His finger felt like it was in warm oil as he played with her.

She started to lick and kiss her way down his body until she was at his cock, it really looked no different than a human's as she took in her hand and licked at it.

Azlan moaned in pleasure as his mate licked his member. Their females didn't do this but he had read that human females did. It felt so good as she licked and stroked him.

Helen smiled at the response she got from him. She was told that their females didn't do this to the males. She actually liked doing it herself, even though some girls didn't, she had occasionally finished a guy off this way, but most of the time she didn't exactly care for the taste of their cum. She grinned, she would finish him off the first time to see if it tasted any different than a human's. She swirled her tongue around his head, then took his cock in her mouth sucking him down until she couldn't fit anymore without gagging.

Azlan's head exploded when she took him in her mouth and started to suck on him, he had never felt anything this good. He moaned as he felt her lips glide up and down him, then when she got back to the head, she'd swirl her tongue around the head before repeating it.

Helen grinned as she felt him stiffen and moan, she had never had a man react quite the way he did, Azlan must not had ever had this done to him before. She slipped one hand down to cup his balls and gently massaged them as she started to bob up and down.

Azlan was in paradise. He had never felt anything like this, then she started to massage his balls at the same time she slid her mouth up and down. He was very close to climaxing, so he panted out to her, "My love, that feels so good, but I'm close to climaxing, you better stop."

Helen paused for a second and said, "That's all right my mate, I want to do this for you. Please don't hold back, I want you to cum for me, I want to taste you." She sucked on his head then said, "You taste so good, but I want to taste it all, just tell me when you are ready to shoot."

She went back to sucking him and massaging his balls. Azlan couldn't believe she was doing this and what she wanted him to do. He moaned louder as she quickened and knew he was within seconds of climaxing.

She grinned to herself, she was really enjoying this. He did taste good and she had tasted something a little salty and sweet on her tongue. She guessed it was his precum, and if his cum tasted any way near as good, she would be doing this to him a lot more often. She finally felt him shudder and his cock swelled slightly, he must be getting ready to cum she thought. Sure enough, she heard him say. "Oh, my love, I'm going... I'm going to shoot my mate." He panted out.

She raised up until just the head was in her mouth and while see massaged his balls, she used her thumb and forefinger to stroke his cock into her mouth as he came. The first and second spurts shot down her throat, but the next ones filled her mouth. She found that she liked his taste, it wasn't as bitter as some humans she had swallowed. The texture was close to human also, maybe a little thinner. She slowly massaged his balls and stroked her hand up his cock to work the last of it out.

Azlan had told her he was climaxing and what she did next was incredible. He felt her start to suck on his head and stroke him at the same time as she massaged his balls. He started to cum hard and he moaned and yowled out his pleasure. "I love you Helen, oh that feels so incredible my love. Nobody has ever made me feel like this...My mate I love you so much." The "much" came out a few octaves higher than normal as she tried to suck out the last bit of his cum.

Finally, he collapsed back on the bed and Helen laid between his legs with her head on his thigh as she slowly stroked him and licking up any cum that oozed out. Once she was sure she had it all, she kissed his head and slowly slid back up to lay next to him. She slowly stroked his stomach and side as she caught her breath. Her pussy was soaking wet from what she just did, she had enjoyed making her mate cum like this and she had even liked the taste of it. She would have to try it a few more times to see if it changed like a humans did.

She smiled asking, "Did you enjoy that my mate? I know I enjoyed doing it, you taste fantastic."

Azlan looked at her smiling tiredly, "Yes I did my mate. I have never felt anything that good before. It was wonderful, you are wonderful."

She smiled and snuggled up against him, her sopping wet pussy against his thigh. "I'm glad you liked it, I'll have to make sure I do it more often then, I liked pleasing you that way. Your females don't do that for you?"

Azlan shook his head tiredly. "No, they don't do that, we don't usually please each other orally. I read that humans do it, but reading and experiencing it are a hundred different things."

She smiled, "Well, not all human women do, some don't like to do it. I normally only did it for males that I really liked, and how I just did with you, they would have to be really special." She kissed his arm, "You can be sure I will do it for you anytime you want my love."

Azlan smiled and pulled her closer to him. He could feel how wet she was and she also smelled even more fantastic than before. So, he asked, "Helen, I also read how human males please their mates like that. Would it be all right if I tried to please you the same way my love?"

Helen grinned, "My mate, I love you, you can do anything you want with me, you don't have to ask. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, this is one of the fun parts about being with someone for the first time, finding out what pleases them."

Azlan smiled, then kissed her. Then he started to kiss and lick his way down her body.

Helen moaned as she felt his tongue on her body. It was slightly rough like a real cats' tongue and she arched her back as he started to lick and suck on her tits. She reached down and stroked his head, "Yes love, that feels so good. I love how your tongue feels, I can't wait to see how it feels on my pussy."

Azlan grinned and slowly licked her belly as he stroked her body with his hands. She had a small patch of fur at the top of her, pussy she called it. He kissed her there and breathed in her scent. He found that his cock had went immediately hard when he did, and he began to kiss his way down until he was lying between her legs like she did to him.

Helen watch him as he kissed and licked his way down to her pussy. She so wanted to know how it was going to feel. "Yes my love, please use your tongue on me, I want to feel it so bad."

Azlan grinned and began to lick his way around her lips and folds. She was so wet and soft; her scent was driving him crazy. Then he slid his tongue between her lips and licked upwards to her pleasure node, or clit as they called it. He found that he like how she tasted and began to lap at her. He smiled to himself, she must like it because her moans got louder and she arched her back pushing herself onto his tongue. Then he sucked her clit between his lips to hold it and began to lick it up and down and back and forth. He was nowhere near ready for her response to that. She moaned out his name loudly and reached down to hold his head in place.

Helen only thought she had felt pleasure before from someone eating her pussy. This was simply incredible, there was no way to describe the feeling of it. Then her heart almost stopped from the pleasure as he sucked her clit in and started to lick it in all directions. "Yes my love, just like that. That feels so damn fantastic." Then she begged, "Oh please my mate, don't stop I beg you. You're going to make me cum doing that."

Azlan grinned, and he did as she requested. Her juices were coating his tongue and lips, she tasted so fantastic.

Helen held his head to direct him and she felt her body start to shake as her orgasm came closer and closer until she went over the edge and screamed out his name telling him she was cumming.

Azlan liked the feel of her hands directing him, then he felt her body shake as she orgasmed screaming his name. Her juices cover his face as she rubbed her pussy against him. He didn't mind, she tasted good. Then her body collapsed back down on the bed and she sort of twitched each time he licked her. Her hands let his head go, so he laid his head down on her thigh like she did to him and he slowly washed her pussy with his tongue.

Helen had never orgasmed that hard and fast in her life. Whether it was because of his rough tongue, or just due to the fact that she loved him so much, she didn't know or care. She sort of purred in the back of her throat as she felt him still licking her keeping the pleasure going.

Azlan smiled as he licked his mate, he had enjoyed it immensely. He loved the feel of her pussy on his tongue and he certainly loved how she tasted. I was a combination of sweet and tangy and had tasted even better when she orgasmed. And her scent was still driving him crazy, his cock was so hard he thought the skin would rip. What he couldn't figure out, was why his people never did this and what she had done for him, it was marvelous and so much fun.