Katja Pt. 11


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Erik put a hand on Azlan's shoulder, "Thank you my brother for healing my sister and making her happy."

Azlan smiled and placed his hand on Erik's shoulder, "Thank you my brother, she means everything to me. I also wish to thank you for making my sister happy as well. As I said, I've have heard nothing but good about you."

They both squeezed each other's shoulders, nothing else needed to be said, the bond had been made. They both knew that either of them would be there for the other if needed.

They headed back to dining area and the girls were still talking and giggling between themselves. They came up and the kissed their respective mates. Then Callie pouted and sighed, "I wish I had someone to kiss me, it's just not fair.

The three of them laughed and one by one, they kissed Callie on the cheek.

Callie smiled as the other three girls laughed.

Then Tony said to them, "I think I finally found out who taught Ariel how to pout so cutely."

Callie grinned, then looked up and around humming to herself. Ariel started to laugh and then soon, they all joined in.

Erik shook his head and said, "Helen, how about showing us or quarters now before this gets any worse."

She stood and patted his cheek, "As you wish." Azlan started to laugh.

After they grabbed their bags, she led them to their quarters. They went and showed Ariel and Tony their quarters first, then Helen took Erik and Katja to theirs. It was bigger than he expected and Erik remarked on how nice it was.

Helen smiled, "Well, this is your quarters for whenever you come here and will also be yours when we transfer. I figured you might as well have something permanent, then change every time you come here."

Erik looked at her, "You figured?"

Helen nodded, "That's one of my functions here, assigning housing. Uncle Geoff figured it would be more efficient that way."

Then she added, "Also, this one is more befitting a Commander."

Azlan looked a Helen, then at Erik. Then asked, "Commander?"

Erik hadn't told anyone else yet, Katja knew since she was there. He sighed, "Yes, Commander. Uncle Geoff figured I was going to need the rank to push things along. So, he's making me a commander when we transfer. And he's making Katja a Senior Lieutenant since she'll be running the whole maintenance department."

Azlan smiled, "Thank the Goddess he hasn't gotten to me yet."

Helen snickered, "Are you sure about that Senior Lieutenant Azlan?"

He turned to her, "What do you mean kitten?"

Helen looked at him all innocent, "That's your rank isn't my mate?"

Azlan looked at her, "Nooo, It's Lieutenant."

"If you say so." She said airily. Then she bit her lower lip and giggled. "When are you going to learn my love, I know about more things than anybody does. Like any good assistant."

He looked at her and sighed, "Senior Lieutenant??"

"Afraid so my mate. And for the same reason as Erik's promotion. But you're not to know that yet."

Erik and Katja had watched them interact and then Erik smiled. "That's all right my brother, it doesn't hurt."

Then her turned to Katja, "You got that stuff for them love?"

Katja grinned and handed Helen the bag.

Helen pulled out the jeans and shirts handing them to Azlan. He smiled and said, "Thank you, we can't get these back in Australia. We have to modify everything."

Katja nodded, "It was that way for a while by us, then this store started to pre-modify them. At first, all they were doing was the female things, then he began doing things for the males as they started buying human clothes. They'll probably open a store out here also, I told the owner that a lot of us were moving here. He's a friend, so I thought I'd give him chance to look into it."

Then she pulled out the dress pants and shirt. She handed them to him, "These are the other things we got, he just started selling these."

Azlan and Helen look at them. Then Helen said, "These look really nice, you should wear these tonight."

Azlan smiled, "If you want me to I will kitten." Then he said, "Why don't we head back to our Quarters. Let them unpack and get settled in before we go."

Helen nodded, "Okay, that sounds good to me."

Then Erik said, "Hold on a minute Sis." He went over to his bag and remove something wrapped in paper. He came back over and handed it to her. "This is from Celia. She figured you might want it."

Helen unwrapped it and saw that it was a miniature of the same statue that Erik had of the Goddess Brigit.

She looked it over and smiled, "It's beautiful Erik, thank you for bringing it."

Erik grinned, "I'm glad you like it, the same artist made it that made mine and Katja's for our alter. If your finishing the ritual tomorrow, you'll need it."

Helen gave Erik and Katja a hug and thanked them again. Then she and Azlan went to their quarters.

Erik and Katja took a look around their quarters, and Erik said, "These don't look to bad. They must had been officers or senior enlisted housing." There was a living room, Kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms. Then he asked, so what do you think kitten? Can you live here for maybe a year until the house is done?"

Katja walked and looked around with him, while it wasn't as nice as their house now, she thought it would be alright on a temporary basis. She nodded after sticking her head in a closet. "I guess so my love. It is only for a short time really. Do you think it will take that long to get the house built?"

Erik nodded, "If we find something while we here, it will take a month or so to buy the property and then a couple of months to get the design done by the architect and approved. Then maybe a year to get the house built."

He paused for a minute, "I know we said it be better to get our house built, but I'm thinking it might not hurt to see what's around that's already done. It would be shorter even if we remodel."

Katja nodded, "I don't see a reason why not my mate." Then she grinned, "What was the human phrase I heard, "It doesn't cost anything to look."

Erik smiled, "Yes, that's very true, we'll ask when we talk to the realtor tomorrow. Once they find out we'll be buying it outright, we might be able to get a good price."

He smiled, then pulled her to him and hugged her. He gave her a kiss and asked, "We've got time before dinner. Want to try out the bed and see if it works?"

Katja grinned, "I think that's a wonderful idea love." She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the bedroom.

They decided that the bed worked all right, then they cleaned up and dressed. Erik was sitting in the living room flipping through the TV channels while he waited for Katja. Then he heard her ask, "So, what do you think of my new dress?"

Erik looked over at her and his eyes almost popped out of his skull. As beautiful as she normally was, how she looked now was indescribable. She had on a deep red skin-tight off the shoulder dress. It was some kind of a stretchy fabric that molded to her every curve. It was low-cut in the front with some straps holding it together in a crisscross pattern and the back was cut down to just above her tail. She wore a pair of black hi-heeled shoes that made her legs look beautiful.

He sat there stunned and just looked at her while she slowly turned so he could see all of it. He had never seen a more beautiful female in his entire life. He stood an came to her slowly, he took her hands and kissed her. "My mate, you are the most gorgeous creature in the entire galaxy. You look stunning my love, I don't know just how I'll be able to keep my hands off you until later."

Katja smiled at him, her green eyes twinkling as her mate praised her beauty. "Thank you, my mate, I'm glad you like it. I got this when we went shopping with Helen. Ariel had her get one that was similar and I liked how this one looked on so I got this one. I wanted to wear it for you before I got to the point where it wouldn't fit anymore until after the children are born."

Erik smiled, "My Mate, there are no words to describe how lucky I am to have such a beautiful mate." He kissed her again, then smiled. "Nor can mere words describe how you look. Gorgeous and beautiful just don't even come close."

Katja smiled, then stroked her mates face, "I love you my mate and you only. Please remember that tonight."

Erik nodded knowing why she said this. "I will my love. Don't worry." His mind flashed back to the time when they went to the village and he had gotten so upset with all the males looking at her and wanting her.

He looked at the time and said, "We should go, Azlan and Helen will be waiting for us."

Katja nodded and kissed him smiling again. She took his arm and they walked over to the car was parked.

Azlan and Helen had gone back to their quarters and basically did the same as Erik and Katja. They enjoyed themselves for a while, then dressed. Azlan was done first. He had on a pair of black dress pants and a deep green silk shirt that showed off his build, and also brought out the blue of his eyes.

He was waiting in the living area and he heard his mates voice say, "What do you think love?"

He turned to look at her and his mouth dropped open as he stared at her. His mate wore a short black skin-tight dress that molded to her body and showed off all her curves. The front of it had a long wide vee cut into it and it was filled with an open lacy material that showed off the sides of her breasts. The back was cut low and was joined by a series of thin straps. Her ear lobes twinkled as the light hit the earrings she wore and she had on a pair of shoes with very high heels.

Azlan was speechless, words couldn't describe how beautiful his mate was. Finally, he stood and walked over to her and he gently kissed her. "My Mate, you are beautiful. I don't have the right English words to describe just how look. I love you Helen, I don't think that there is a more beautiful woman in the universe."

Then he smiled, "But, if you can wait till later, I will show you just how gorgeous I think you are my most perfect mate."

Helen smiled at him as her eyes teared up slightly as she stroked his face. "Thank you, my love, and I look forward to it. You also look fabulous, I'll have to remember to thank our sister for picking out your clothes."

He took her hand and kissed it, then he led her outside to meet Erik and Katja.

As Erik and Katja saw them walking towards them, Erik could see that his sister looked gorgeous herself. He smiled to himself as he saw them together. Both Azlan and her look so happy together. Then a thought crossed his mind as he remembered what Katja had said to him. "My love, before we leave, maybe you should have a talk with Helen and I'll talk to Azlan. I don't know how much interaction he's had with humans. Helen looks so wonderful, she will be drawing attention from a lot of the males. I wouldn't want them to go through what you and I did."

Katja looked at her mate and nodded, "Your right love, I'll tell Helen the best way to keep Azlan calm and under control. You can explain it to him, he is much like you and can keep his emotions under control, but this may be the first time for him since he mated with Helen."

As they reached them, the girls told each other how much they liked each other's dresses while Erik and Azlan smiled at their mates, and Erik said to him, "Azlan may I ask a question?"

Azlan smiled at his brother and said, "Of course Erik, what did you want to know?"

Erik looked at him, "I'd imagine you don't have that much dealings with humans correct?"

Azlan nodded, "No, not really. Why do you ask?"

Erik took a breath and said, "We'll be going to a place with a lot of humans tonight that don't have a lot of contact with the Lyonness. They will not know that you and Helen are mated, or even what that means. Helen looks utterly beautiful tonight and there may be a lot of males that will be looking at her and thinking about her. This might make you upset, if you understand my meaning. Katja and myself, went through this not too long ago and if it wasn't for Ariel keeping her under control, she might have done something rash. I didn't know about it at the time, but I do now. I had the same type of problem with males doing the same to Katja and it was only my training that kept me under control and not tearing them apart.

"Katja is explaining it to Helen now on how to keep you calm and know that she is yours and yours alone."

Azlan looked at Erik and put his hand on his shoulder, "Thank you my brother, Helen and I have talked about this a little. I mentioned to her that Katja told me how you two got the wedding bands for this reason. I tell you the truth, I was a little worried about it. Like you, I was also trained to keep my emotions under control so I should be all right. I also know that you would help if needed, so I thank you for your concern."

Erik nodded, "Good, I didn't want you to be caught off guard like Katja was. She was normally all right, but that time, there was just so many people around, she got overloaded by it. So, I didn't want the both of you to go through what we did. We have a saying here, "Forewarned is forearmed"

Azlan smiled, "Yes, I like that. That is very self-explanatory. Again, thank you my brother.

Erik smiled, "Your more than welcome my brother."

As Erik and Azlan talked, Katja was telling Helen what to do. "Helen your look beautiful in that dress."

Helen smiled, "Thank you Kat, so do you. I'm glad I let Ariel talk me into it, I never thought I'd need it until I met your brother."

Katja smiled, "I know, I can tell he likes like it. But it might also cause a little problem, we're going to be around a lot of human males' tonight who are going to see how beautiful you are and have thoughts and feelings. You wear Azlan's mark as Erik does mine, but they will not know that. So, I wanted to let you know what to do if Azlan gets a bit out of sorts. If you know what I mean."

Helen nodded, "Yes, I do. We've talked about it when he asked me when I wanted to get Mated. I told him the sooner the better since we were going back to where there would be a lot of human females. We thought we'd get wedding bands like you and Erik did. So, what's your advice for tonight?"

Katja smile, "It should be fairly easy for you, just stay near him and let him know that you love him and that you are his alone, even if you just put a hand on him can do it."

Helen smiled, "I'd be willing to do that anyhow."

Katja smiled back, "That's why I said it was easy. Erik and Azlan are very much alike, they have great control over their emotions. It's normally us females that lose control a bit faster. But since this is the first time and there may be a lot of humans there, you can get overloaded if you know what I mean. That's what happened to me the first time."

Then she looked over at Erik and saw that they each had their hands on each other's shoulders. "I think Erik and Azlan are finished talking about this." She giggled, "Let's go over and make them drool a little more."

Helen giggled herself, "Mine already promised to show me later just how much he like the dress later. Yours?"

Katja grinned, "I think he'll want to try it with the dress on at first. Then we'll proceed to more."

Helen laughed, "As Cleo says, I think it's going to get loud."

Katja laughed with her as they walked up. She put her arm through Erik's and Helen did the same with Azlan.

Erik smiled, and asked' "You ready to go eat?"

Katja and Helen nodded yes and Erik open the door for Katja to get in as did Azlan for Helen. It was about a half hour drive and they talked on the way about various things. Once they got there, Erik took Katja's arm and led her up to the restaurant. The smells coming from the restaurant were good and they hoped that the food would be as good as it smelled.

The hostess greeted them and Erik told her his name. He had made reservation's earlier because he was told that the place could fill up quickly. The hostess smiled and said, "Yes Mr. Woodes, you table is ready, please follow me. She had looked a bit startled to see Katja and Azlan, they didn't see many of them around here, but they knew that would change once they finished the old base. The businesses in the area were looking forward to it, once more people moved in business should start to pick up again.

As she led them to their table, Helen and Katja drew many glances from the males, especially Katja. Erik was sort of used to it, but not completely, at home they didn't have this problem as much, most people either knew them by sight or at least were used to seeing the Lyonness people. But here, they weren't, all they saw was a gorgeous cat girl in a skin-tight dress."

Katja caught Erik's slight scowl and she hugged his arm and said, "I love you my mate."

He smiled at her knowing what she was doing and he said, "I love you to, I'm all right my love."

Azlan had learned what Erik had been talking about, He was also picking up on it, granted most of them where concentrating on his sister and not Helen, but enough were.

Helen had also noticed this and she did the same that Katja did. What she wasn't prepared for, was the attention Azlan drew from the women in the restaurant. She found herself sensing this and it made her a bit irritated and she frowned because she didn't understand it.

Luckily, Azlan did and he took her hand. She looked at him and he mouthed "I love you" and smiled as she felt better.

The host seated them and handed them the menus. Their waiter came over and after doing a double take because of the two gorgeous women seated there, one a newcomer to boot, he introduced himself and asked for their drink order. He told them about the specials and said he'd be right back.

Katja was fine by now, and nothing seem any different on the menu than the ones back home. Azlan needed a little help, so Helen gave him a hand. Erik had requested an out the way table, he was used to the attention he and Katja normally drew, but he figured that Azlan and Helen wouldn't be. Once they were seated, the only attention they drew was from groups sitting near them. A few people were alright he found, it was when it was a lot of them or when they first walked in that was normally a problem. Or like this one, were they didn't see any Lyonness at all in real life.

He ordered a steak like normal and Katja was still deciding between the Salmon steak or one of the chicken meals. She finally decided on the salmon, she could always get chicken.

Azlan was a bit tired of chicken and fish, so he decided on steak as well after asking Erik what type he was getting. He decided on the fillet mignon with a red wine sauce the same as Erik and Helen decided to have the salmon steak herself as Katja did.

The waiter came back and asked if they were ready to order. Erik smiled and said, "Yes, I believe we are, I'll have the fillet mignon with the red wine sauce, and my wife will have the Salmon steak."

Katja had took his hand smiling when he called her his wife. The waiter looked up from his pad and said smiling, "Very good choice Mr. and Mrs. Woodes, both of those are very good tonight. Are you here on vacation or something else?"

Erik looked at him and said, "A little bit of everything really. How did you know my name?"

The waiter smiled, "Well, it was on the reservation and I also saw your picture in the paper a few weeks ago and recognized you both."

Erik nodded, "We out for some meetings at the old base we're converting to a town and we're also looking for some property to build a house on or a prebuilt house for when we move out here in about year."

The waiter nodded, "Well, I hope you find something, there's bit of both really, once the base closed up, a lot of people moved out of the area."

Then he turned to Azlan and Helen, "Have you decided sir?"