Katja Pt. 14


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Cleo purred again and said to him, "Do not worry, my humans will take care of you. There is no reason to be scared anymore, this will be your home. You will be warm, fed, and loved. And you have little ones who will play with us once they grow older."

Then male looked at her, and finally relaxed completely. He purred and put his paw on Katja's leg where she sat next to him. "Thank you for helping me."

Katja smiled and gently stroked his head. He pushed his head into her hand, then licked it.

Katja smiled, then said, "I have to clean your hurt, then I will put something on it to make it not hurt and get better. But once I do, you shouldn't lick at it. It will not taste good and might make you sick. Do you understand small one?"

The male looked up at her and purred, "Yes, I understand, thank you for your help."

Katja turned to Erik, "Love, can you get the salve and the wound cleaner we use out of the cabinet? If it works on us, it should work on him."

Erik nodded, then asked, "Would you like the bandages also?"

Katja looked at the leg and said, "Ah, not right know. Lets try it without them and see how it heals. I already told him not to lick it once I put it on, so it should be alright."

Erik nodded, "Okay, I'll be right back kitten."

He walked towards their bedroom, and when he passed the playpen, he heard Brigitte say, "Daddy, is something wrong? You sound very angry about something and it woke me up."

Erik smiled, then reached down to stroke his daughters face. "Everything is alright now kitten, there is another one like Cleo who is hurt, and mommy is trying to help him."

Brigitte purred, then said, "Can we see him?"

Erik smiled, "In a bit love, let mommy fix him up first. He's very scared and tired right now."

Brigitte smiled and purred, "Okay, mommy will fix it. You and mommy can fix everything."

Erik grinned and stroke her face again, "Thank you kitten, I love you. But I have to go get something for mommy to help him. You relax for now, and I'll come get you when we're done."

He walked into the bathroom and decided to just bring the whole first-aid pouch, just in case.

He came back and held out the pouch, "I decided to bring the whole thing just in case. While your doing that, I'll get him something to eat and drink."

Katja took the pouch, and smiled, "Okay love, it shouldn't take me long. As I thought, it's not that bad, but it's in a bad location. Every time he moves his leg, it opens up."

Erik nodded, "If that's the case, you might want to wrap it so it can close up and won't open if he moves."

Katja nodded, "I'll see what it looks like after I finish. The salve works better if it gets air in the beginning."

Erik smiled, "Whatever, you know it better than I do." He laughed, "You've used it on me enough times."

Katja smiled, "That's true. You always heal up. Now go get this poor thing something to eat."

Erik grinned, and bowed to her. Then he turned and walked to the kitchen.

She turned back to him and said to him, "I'm going to have to clean your hurt before I can put on something to help it heal. It might hurt a little more at first, but it will pass quickly."

The male looked up at her and then at Cleo. "I understand, I think."

Katja poured a little of the wound cleaner on a wad of cotton. "Lay on you side so I can get at your leg a little better." He turned slightly and Cleo once again laid her head on his and purred.

Katja gently held his leg, then dabbed the cleaner on. She felt him tense and he mewed, but Cleo purred a little louder and Katja said, "It will only hurt a little bit more, then I but the something on it to make it heal and stop hurting. I'm almost done."

Katja took some more cotton, and dried the gash, then applied the salve. It's numbing affect was almost immediate and she could feel him untense and he purred as the pain stopped.

Katja smiled and stroke his head, "There, all done. It will fix your hurt in a couple days. So, remember what I said, don't lick it."

The male purred and licked her hand. "I will remember and thank you for taking the pain away."

Katja smiled, "Your welcome. If you wait just a bit, my mate is getting you something to eat and drink. Then it would be good for you to sleep a bit, it helps the healing."

Once Erik got into the kitchen, he went to get the food he normal fed to Cleo. Then he thought a bit, and grabbed the small can of tuna thinking to give him a treat since he probably never had anything like that. He emptied it into a bowl, and filled another with water. He carried them back out to the living room, and set them near the coffee table on the floor out of the way.

Katja smile when she smelled the tuna, "He should enjoy that."

Erik nodded, "I thought he could use something special, this is the first meal I gave to Cleo also."

Then he smiled, "Which reminds me, does he have a name?"

Katja shrugged, "I'm not sure, I'll ask him when I finish here, I'm almost done."

She inspected the wound to make sure she covered it. Then smiled as she asked, "Do you have a name small one?"

He looked at her confused, "I don't know, all the bad ones did was call me cat. Am I supposed to have one?"

Katja smiled, "Well, it makes it easier so you know someone is speaking to you. My name is Katja, my mate is Erik, Cleo is laying next to you. Then we have two little ones named Geoff and Brigitte. We can give you one if you wish, you are part of our family now if you want to stay."

He looked around, the place smelled nice, the humans, while a little bit strange, where very nice. Plus, the female lying next to him was very nice. It felt good to have her next to him.

Cleo stopped purring and licked him, "You should stay, it is perfect here. You will always be warm and fed good things to eat. You can stay in my house, it's very quiet, and has a soft warm thing to lay on." She licked him and purred, "It will be nice to have another to share and play with." She looked at Katja and Erik, then turned back to hm. "It might seem strange at first, there are many strange things that happen here, but it is a good strange. And you will be loved."

He looked around, the humans seemed very nice and they could talk to him, that was remarkable. "I will if you think I should. How does one get a name?"

Katja grinned, "Well, we will give you one and if you like it, that's what you will be called."

She smiled up at Erik, "He has no name, he said the ones he ran from call him cat. So, he agreed we could give him one."

Erik grinned, "Well, since he seems to like Cleo so much and she's name after Cleopatra, I think an appropriate name would be Caesar. He was the ruler of Rome and was involved with Cleopatra."

Katja smiled, "I will tell him and see if he likes it."

"My mate has suggested the name Caesar for you. Since you seem to like Cleo here so much, she was named after an important human called Cleopatra. My mate has said the human named Caesar was with her."

He looked up at her then at Cleo, "It sounds a little strange, but I like the sound of it. My name is Caesar."

Cleo purred, and licked him, "That is a nice name."

Caesar purred and licked her back, "One is happy you like it."

Katja smiled, then looked up at Erik, "They like it, so Caesar it is."

Erik grinned, "Okay then, if you're done, why don't you put him on the floor so he can eat. I guess he shouldn't bend that leg for a bit unless absolutely necessary."

Katja nodded, then said to Caesar, "I'm going to set you down on the floor, my mate has food for you, but you shouldn't use the leg for a while till it heals up some."

He purred and Katja picked him up, then set him by the bowls. He laid there, then sniffed at the tuna, it smelled very good. He took a small bite and purred loudly and started to eat.

Cleo jumped down and came over to him, "Slow down, you will make yourself sick. There is plenty of good food here.

He stopped at looked up at her, "Thank you Cleo, I forgot for a moment. I used to have eat the food very fast before they took it from me."

Cleo purred, "Well, you won't have that happen here."

Caesar purred back at her, "Would you like some also?"

Cleo purred back, "Thank you, I think I will. Sometimes Katja and the other human like her called Ariel will eat this and share it with me as we sit together."

Erik and Katja watch the two of them and smiled. Erik grinned and said, "Well, I guess we have another member of the family. I hope Geoff and Brigitte like the kittens that will more than like come of this."

Katja smiled back, "I think your right love."

The bowl was soon empty, and they both drank some water. Katja asked, "Have you had enough to eat and drink?"

Caesar looked up at her and purred, "Yes, thank you it was very good. Can you tell you mate one is grateful?"

Katja smiled, "Yes, I will tell him. But if your done, let me put you on the couch so you can sleep a little if you wish."

Cleo purred to him, "It's a very nice spot to lay on, I do it all the time."

Katja bent over and picked him up and set him back on the towel in Cleo's favorite spot. He curled up, then Cleo curled up next to him.

Erik smiled and picked up the empty bowl, but left the bowl still half full of water in case they wanted some later. Katja followed him into the kitchen and after he rinsed the bowl out, she hugged him from behind and kissed his neck.

Erik turned around in her arms and kissed her, "I love you."

Katja grinned, "I love you too, I have a message for you, Caesar asked me to tell you thanks for the meal. He thought it was very good."

Erik smiled, "I'm glad he enjoyed it. It was the same thing I gave Cleo the first night, she enjoyed it also. I figured he never had anything like that before, so he deserved a treat."

He kissed her again, "I need to go and see Brigitte, my outburst woke her up. I told her I'd come and get her once we were done." He smiled, "She wanted to know if she could see Caesar."

Katja grinned, "You know my love, you dote on her almost as much as you dote on me."

Erik grinned, "That's because I love her and Geoff and she's as beautiful as her mother. How could I not?"

Katja laughed as she followed him out.

Caesar was half asleep, and woke slightly as the human's walked past him. He was still a bit leery, due to what he had been through. He saw and heard the humans laugh, then saw them hold one another. Cleo had been right, this seemed like a perfect place to live. He didn't know how he found them, but he wasn't concerned, he was just glad he did. He was warm, dry, and not hungry or thirsty for once. He felt Cleo laying curled up with him and he liked it, she was a very nice female. He took a deep breath and finally purred contentedly, realizing his was safe.

Erik went over to the playpen and smiled, Geoff was also up and giggled as he played with his sister trying to catch her tail. Every time he missed, Brigitte would purr and giggle.

Erik came closer, then said, "Okay, I'm back now, mommy has finished fixing the new member of the family. Would you like to sit with us for a while?"

Both replied that they would, and like normal, he picked up his daughter, and Katja picked up Geoff.

They sat on the couch together and both children looked at the newest member of their family. Then Erik heard Brigitte ask a little worried, "Is he all right now daddy? Did mommy make him all better?"

Erik smiled and stroke his daughter's hair back, "Yes kitten, mommy but something on his cut leg to make it all better. It will take a couple of days though."

Brigitte purred, "That's good, what's his name?"

"His name is Caesar kitten, that was the name of someone who lived long ago that knew a queen called Cleopatra. Cleo is named after her."

Brigitte purred again, "That's a nice name. Can you teach me about those people?"

Erik smiled, "Of course kitten, once you get a little older. Mommy and I will teach about many things. And when we move to our new house, you and your brother will go to school there to learn about lots of things. You'll be going to school with a whole bunch of people."

Brigette and Geoff both purred and smiled. Then Geoff added, "That sounds like fun daddy."

Katja grinned, "Oh, it will be love, you'll be going to school with a lot of the children of mommy and daddy's friends." "Including Gesa." She added smiling.

Geoff purred louder, "Good, I like her. She was fun and she smells nice."

Erik shook his head, still not believing his son was already attracted to someone. Granted, neither of them knew this, all they knew was they liked each other and they both smelled nice.

They talked some more, then Caesar and Cleo woke up, then stretched. Katja saw Caesar wince and mewed a bit as the cut pulled before she could tell him to be careful. So she asked, "Are you alright? You'll need to be careful for a day or two."

Caesar looked up, at her and purred. "Thank you Katja, I forgot for a moment because it didn't hurt. But I will remember next time."

Katja smiled, "I understand, the medicine I put on you makes the pain go away besides healing your hurt. As long as you do not stretch it too much."

Then he looked up at her again and asked, "May I have some more water?"

Katja grinned, "Of course, let me put you down on the floor first." She laid Geoff in Erik's lap and he put a hand on him so he wouldn't fall off. She picked Caesar up gently and set him by the water bowl. He lapped at the water for a little bit, then said he'd had enough.

Katja picked him up and was going to set him back on the couch with Cleo, then stopped. "Do you need to relieve yourself?"

Caesar looked up at her, "Yes, I think so."

Katja smiled and carried him over to where the litter box was and set him in it. "Here you go little one."

Caesar relieved himself, then was going to cover his waste, but then stopped as he remembered his leg. "Katja, I'm finished."

Katja smile and picked him up. Then she held him to her as she carried him back to the couch. Before she could set him down, he reached up and rubbed his head against her face and licked her. Then he was surprised when she licked his face back. She set him down and stroked his head gently. "You rest now and if you need anything let us know."

He pushed his head against her hand, "Thank you so much, both you and your mate. It's nice to feel loved again."

Katja grinned, "I will tell him, and you always will be here. Now you rest."

He laid back down purring and Cleo curled up against him once more. "See, I told you." She licked him.

Katja sat back down after taking back her son. Then she said to Erik, "We need to see about getting him cleaned up after his leg heals some. He's pretty dirty."

Erik nodded, "I wonder if we can use the cleansing unit? Maybe set him on the shower floor and put it on low for a minute or so. He should be far enough away from the emitters so it won't as strong."

Katja nodded, "Yes, that may work, but we should wait until he gets a little more comfortable here."

Erik nodded, "Yeah, he might get a little scared. But if you explain it to him beforehand, it should be alright."

Katja nodded her understanding, "Why don't you give me Brigitte and let me feed them. It's almost their bedtime."

Erik smiled and handed her their daughter, then opened her shirt for her. Then he asked, "Would you like something else to drink love?"

Katja smiled at him, "Yes, just refill my glass please." Then she held the children as they started to nurse.

Erik got up and brought both their glasses into the kitchen. He refilled them and brought them back out. He set his on the table then held hers asking, "You want a little now kitten?"

Katja smiled and nodded. Erik held the straw and she sucked down a few swallows. "Thanks' love, that's enough." Erik smiled and set her glass on the table also, then leaned in to kiss her. "I love you."

Katja grinned, "I love you too." He sat back down and waited until it was time to help burp his daughter.

Tony and Ariel had headed out after breakfast. They had packed up the car the night before with all they'd needed, plus some a few things they wanted to bring out. They said goodbye to the all of them and headed out. They should get in about two or three in the afternoon and were going to their house first. Then in the morning, they'd go out for breakfast and then over to the town to drop off the things for uncle Geoff. Then that night, they would perform the final mating ritual.

Since the "baby shower" Tony had read a couple of the books Erik had given him and he had taught him the meditation that Celia had recommended. Nothing had really happened, thought Tony had to admit he felt much better after he did it. He remembered when he'd watched Erik do it when they were in the Navy, and never really paid much attention to it. Erik had told him then he should try it, that it helped calm and center you.

They stopped for lunch on the way and ended up getting to their house a little before three. They went inside and turned on the lights, Tony had gotten the utilities turned on the last trip here so they could live and work here when they wanted to. The handy man they hired kept an eye on the place and like at Erik and Katja's, kept the lawn mowed and fixed up the landscaping.

They had also had him do some painting for them, and he'd sent pictures after he did. Tony did this because thought it would be easier than waiting until they moved in. This way, they could work on some other things instead of painting. He didn't tell Ariel, but he really hated painting, he didn't mind fixing things and putting things up, but painting bored the hell out of him.

They walked around the house to check it out, and he was very happy with the work the handy man had done. Now that it was painted, they'd stop on Monday and look for some carpeting they want to change. If they were lucky, maybe they'd even get some done while they were here. He wanted to get all the painting, the new carpets, and a couple other things done before they moved in a few months from now.

They had taken in the inflatable air mattress and Tony had also picked up a couple of fold up camp chairs and a table so they could sit and put things on. If worse came to worse, they could also stay at the town like Erik and Katja had, they had a set of quarters there also. If they found the carpeting they wanted, and could get some put in this week, they'd probably stay at their quarters instead. But, this weekend, they would stay here.

They went out to eat and found a movie to go to afterwards. Ariel had brought her computer, so they could also get something on that.

They got up the next morning and Tony went to a convenience store a couple blocks from them and got them some tea and coffee. Once they woke up, they'd go to breakfast at a small diner, about a ten-minute drive from the house, they found last time they where here. Then they'd head over to the town, drop the stuff off and then head to the carpet place.

They finished up their coffee and tea, then with Ariel taking notes, Tony measured the rooms. Erik had helped him and he had a rough layout drawing of the rooms, Ariel marked down the sizes and the possibly colors they wanted. The store they were going to had a website that had the different colors they offered on it, so they picked a couple for each room. Once they saw the actual carpet, they'd pick the one they wanted.

After they finished, they went out to breakfast, and once finished, headed over to the town. They parked and headed for the main building that was being used as the main office and dining hall. This would be last building renovated and upgraded, and would end up being the town's main office building.

As they walked up to the door, it opened. They were slightly stunned to see their friend Callie walk out holding some folders.