Katja Pt. 14


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As they held each other, they both felt a presence again. They looked in amazement as the faint outlines of Bast and Odin appeared to them. Then they heard Odin say, "Goddess, you did well with this one, she is a fit mate for my son. Grant them strong, fine and loving children when the time comes. I know you have plans for their offspring, call on me if you have need of me."

Ariel and Tony held each other in awe as the Goddess answered with a smile, "Thank you All-Father, I will. Your son and partially mine is a fine man, like the one who he calls brother. He is a fit mate for my daughter. We do have plans and if we need you, we will call, you can do the same with us." Then she smiled down on Ariel and Tony, "My children, you have our blessings, now and always. Your children will also be like my other daughters and son. They will help heal this world also. You both feel that my daughter Katja is sister to you both as Erik is brother. Know that thy son will be mated to their daughter when the time comes."

She smiled gently, then caressed them making them shiver in ecstasy. "Never forget we love you both."

Then Odin grinned at them, "Also never forget you are both my children also by dint of your mating. I grant you both strong, fine, brave and wonderful children. Teach, love, and care for them. Hail my son, know that I did right to accept you. You have my blessing as well."

Ariel and Tony looked on in amazement as they were surrounded by a golden glow, when it faded, they were alone. They held each other and kissed as they wept in joy.

The following morning when Erik and Katja woke it was like every morning since the children were born. Erik kissed her neck, pulling her tightly to him. "Good morning kitten."

Katja smiled and purred, "Good morning love." Then she stretched and as she did, she rubbed her bottom against her mate's cock making them both shiver. It had been a long time since they were able to make love, between not being able to the last month, then since the children were in the same room, it had been almost six weeks. They both wanted each other, but they knew they'd have to wait for a little while longer. In another couple of weeks, they could move the children into their own room and then they could make love once again. Granted, the last two weeks, they had pleasured each other a couple of times when they went to clean up, but it wasn't as good as making love like they normally did.

Erik got up and out of bed, then walked past the crib to look in to check on the kids. He smiled, they were holding each other and Brigitte's tail was between them, the tip near his son's ear. Geoff would no doubt complain to his sister again, and she would say she had no control over it. Though the one time the other day when she said it, he thought he saw a slight smile on her pretty face like Katja would get when she wrapped her tail around his cock, and said the same thing. He laughed to himself, females are females no matter the age. He pulled up the blanket on them a little and smiled as he walked into the bathroom to clean up and get dressed.

Katja had stretched again and smiled as she saw her mate stop by the crib and smile like he had every morning. He was out of the bathroom and came over to kiss her before going out and making coffee and her tea.

She grinned and kissed him back. "I'll be out in a bit love; the children will sleep a little later than normal before we had to feed them. By next week, they'll sleep through the night. Once they do that, we can start them on solid foods."

Erik nodded. "Ok love, call me if you need anything. I'll check on the newest family member also."

He kissed her again, then went out to the living room. He saw Caesar and Cleo still on the couch. As he came close, both of their ears popped up and he could see Caesar tense up, like he forgot where he was and safe. Erik heard Cleo purr and he saw him untense as he looked around.

He stopped by them and looked at his leg, it seemed better, but he'd let Katja check it. He said to Cleo, "Is everything alright love?"

Cleo looked up at him and she purred loudly and bobbed her head. Erik took this as a yes and he smiled as he gently stroked both of their heads. He was rewarded with a purr from both of them and he said, "I'll be right back and Katja should be out momentarily." He knew from Katja, that Cleo could sort of understand him, but he had no idea about Caesar.

He bent down and picked up the bowls so he could clean and refill them and then did the same to Cleo's. He carried them into the kitchen and started the coffee maker and water kettle. He prepped Katja's tea pot, then cleaned out the bowls and refilled them. He made a mental note to get bigger ones the next time he went out, the two of them could share instead of separate ones.

He brought them out and put Cleo's in their normal spot, the put the other two by the couch. He wasn't sure if Caesar should walk yet, so he figured it would be better to wait and see what Katja thought.

Katja checked on the children also, but smiled when she saw they were still asleep. She went in and got cleaned up and dressed, then headed out to the living room. She stopped and checked on Caesar and was happy to see that the gash was closed and healing due to the salve she had but on it. She smiled, "Good morning you two, did you sleep well?"

Cleo yawned and stretched, then purred, "Yes, I did. It was nice to have someone to curl up to. Put he does need to be cleaned up."

Katja nodded, "We've thought about that and I think we have way. Caesar, did you sleep alright? Does you leg still hurt you?"

He purred, and stretched a little. "Yes, I did. I don't think it hurts like last dark. Can I move it now?"

Katja thought and said, "Why don't we give it a little longer, I'll clean it and put more of the salve on it. Then we can see, would you like to eat and drink first or do you need to relieve yourself again?"

"Can I relieve myself first then eat? He asked.

Katja smiled, "Of course little one." She picked him up gently and carried him over to the litter box. When he was finished, she brought him over to the where Erik had put the bowls. He sniffed at the food and ate some. Finding that he like it, not as much as the food last night, but good none the less. He started eating quickly, and Cleo said to him, "Do not eat so fast, you'll make yourself sick. If you want more, all you have to do is ask."

Caesar looked up to her, "Yes, your right, I need to remember that our humans will feed us, unlike the ones I ran away from. When they fed me, If I didn't eat it quickly, I didn't know if there would be more."

Cleo purred, "Well you don't have to worry about that here." She jumped down and went to her bowls and ate and drank some, then used the litter box. She came back and saw Katja looking at his leg once more. She jumped up on the couch and padded over. Katja had cleaned the wound, making sure all the old salve was off, then retreated it.

She smiled and asked, "Does that feel alright?"

Caesar move his leg gently and when it didn't hurt, he moved it some more. He purred, "No, the hurt is gone."

Katja smiled, "Good, why don't you stay here for a while, then we can put you down and see how it is to walk on it. But you shouldn't move fast and no jumping for now, it will be healed by tomorrow."

She stroked his head and he once again pushed against her hand. "I thank you Katja."

She smiled, "Your welcome little one. Now its my turn to get something to eat and drink."

She walked into the kitchen and Erik smiled as she sat down. "Your tea will be ready in a minute love, I didn't want it to get cold, so I thought I'd wait."

While he was stirring in the sugar, he asked, "How's Caesar this morning?"

Katja grinned, "Almost healed up, he should be fine by tomorrow and I'll let him walkaround a little this afternoon. We do need to see about cleaning him up, even Cleo remarked on it."

Erik shook his head, "I can't understand how someone could abuse a helpless animal like that. I hope whoever did it, gets some of what he got."

Katja nodded and stroked his hand as it laid on the table. "You're a good man my mate, I'm sure the Goddess will take care of it."

Once they finished breakfast, they cleaned up and went to check on the children. They heard laughter as they came in and smiled. The children were up and playing with each other, this time Brigitte was trying to catch her brother's tail.

Katja grinned, "Good morning you two, did you sleep well?"

Geoff smiled, "Yes mommy. Then Brigitte said the same. Katja picked up Geoff and Erik got his smiling daughter. As normal, she snuggled up to him, but this morning she patted his cheek. "Love you daddy."

Erik laughed and said, "And I love you also kitten."

She purred and laid her head against her fathers' chest. She loved when he held her, he was cooler than mommy and it felt good. Plus, she could sense the love he had for her.

They cleaned them up, and got them dressed, then Katja sat down to nurse them. Erik and her talked while the kids were having breakfast, they thought they'd try and get Caesar cleaned up after lunch.

They burped the children after they finished and brought them out to the living room. The sat them in the playpen. Then Erik made her some more tea and topped off his mug with coffee.

While they were talking, Katja's phone rang. She picked it up and smiled, "It's Ariel."

She answered it with a "Good Morning Ariel, are congratulations in order?"

Ariel laughed, "Good morning Kat, and yes they are, in more ways than one. Is Erik there?"

Katja grinned, "Yes, he's sitting next to me, we just fed the children and we're having our second cup. I'll put the phone on speaker, hold on." She pressed the button and said, "Okay, you're on speaker now."

Ariel laughed, "Well, we're Mated at last, and some else wonderful happened."

Erik grinned, "That's great guys, we're happy for you. What else happened?"

To which Ariel said, "I let Tony tell you." Then Tony spoke up, "Morning guys, how's everything there?"

Katja grinned and said, "Everything's fine, now would you tell us the other news brother?"

Tony laughed, "Well, I guess I joined the Pagan ranks yesterday."

Erik look wide eyed at the phone, "Ah, what do you mean."

Tony laughed, "Well, I've been accepted by Odin, personally, so, I guess that makes me an Asatru. Or least that's the word I read, I figure I'll talk to Celia once we get back, since she was the one that recommended it.

Erik smiled, "I'm happy for you brother and yes, that's the correct term. I don't know all about it, but I do know some. Celia can fill you in more. But what do you mean "Personally?"

Tony laughed, "Well it's like this." He proceeded to tell them about what happened yesterday.

Erik shook his head, "That's simply marvelous brother. It doesn't get much better than that. I've read stories about things like that when I was deciding myself. I'm very happy for you.

Tony smiled and replied to him, "Thanks man, we should talk when we get back. I got questions."

Erik laughed to, "Sure, not a problem. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, like they say. How's it been going at the house?"

"Not bad, we picked up the kitchen table and I'm putting that together today. We brought some tables and book cases, things like that. Oh, and all the painting went good, so if you want to use the handy man we've got looking over our places, he's good and reasonable. And last but not least, they're coming to replace the carpets this week. All and all, it's been a productive couple of days. Oh, that reminds me, Callie is still working here, she asked for a transfer and got it."

Katja grinned, "I thought she like Australia?"

Ariel laughed, "She did, but she ended up liking that waiter Brian even more."

Katja started to laugh, 'No, I can't believe it, we are talking about the same Callie?"

Ariel laughed again, "Yes I am, right down to that cute birthmark she has you know where."

Katja shook her head, "That's unbelievable, I never thought she'd settle for one."

Ariel grinned and replied, "I know, she walked out the door as we were walking in to drop of that stuff for uncle Geoff and I almost laughed in her face when she told us."

Then Erik asked, "You guys got anything else? It sounds like you've had a busy couple of days."

Ariel got serious, "We have one more thing, but we'll wait till we get back to talk about it, I don't want to talk about it over the phone."

"Okay, if that's what you want." He replied. "Ah, no problems are there?"

"No, no problems brother mine, just the opposite really."

Erik nodded, "Okay then, whatever you say."

Then Katja said, "Oh, we also have another new member to our family here. You'll meet him when you get back."

Ariel laughed, "Another? And who's this?"

Katja laughed again, "Well, he's actually a playmate for Cleo." She told them the story about how he came to be there.

Katja heard Ariel growl a little, then she said something in their language, "Sorry about that Kat. That poor thing, I'm glad you guys could rescue him."

Katja giggled, "Don't worry sweets, you should have heard Erik. He begged the Goddess to punish them."

Then she added, "But, he seems to be healing up and getting better. Bast sent him here because She knew we take care of him." She giggled, "And since She keeps arranging these things, I think She thought Cleo needed someone too."

Ariel laughed, "Well, everyone needs someone. Look, we have to go and do a few things, we'll see you on Friday."

They hung up and Tony and Ariel went to breakfast then came back to start putting some things together.

Katja sat her phone on the table and looked at Erik, "I'm glad for them love, that was a very interesting story Tony told us.

Erik smiled, "Well, like I told him, that kind of thing has happened many times before from what I understand. The stories I read were all very similar, Odin would visit here, earth is called Midgard, in human form as an old man, dressed in a floppy hat, and a blue-grey cloak. He'd travel around looking for knowledge and other things, and if met him and you treated him well, you were rewarded. Tony had asked me, on Celia's advice, on how I did the meditation she taught me when I was looking for who to follow. I showed Tony, and he was doing it, but nothing came of it. I guess, from what Tony said, that Odin wanted to see what kind of man he was before he accepted him."

Katja grinned, "How do you know so much about it?"

Erik grinned back, "I was looking into it, a lot of Pagans are interested in it, especially military types, it fits their image of themselves. It was also something we were taught in school, when I was younger, about mythology. They touched on the all the major ones, Norse, Roman, and Greek."

He smiled, "If you like, you can read the books I loaned to Tony. It covers most of the ones here."

Katja grinned, "That might be interesting, I think I will. Come to think of it, you never told me, do you follow a God also?"

Erik nodded, "Yes, more of less. Not like I do Lady Brigit, I'm hers. But, I do also follow some of the Sea Gods, mainly Lord Lir, He's a Celtic god like Brigit. But sometimes I looked to Lord Poseidon and Neptune. Their the Greek and Roman sea gods.

Katja looked a little confused, "Why so many?"

Erik smiled, "Well, each one controls a different part of the sea. I spent a lot of time in the areas they control, so, it only seemed proper."

Katja nodded, "Okay, I think I see what you mean. Do you want to see about getting Caesar cleaned up?"

Erik nodded, "That might be a good idea love, he does stink a bit. Why don't you explain to him what we're going to do? I don't think the ultrasonics will bother him, but tell him to let us know if it does."

Katja nodded, "I don't think it will, it doesn't bother us and we can hear higher frequencies that humans. But I will tell him so he doesn't get scared if he hears something strange."

They went over and Katja sat down next to the two of them. "Are you feeling better little one?"

Caesar purred, then responded, "I do feel better, my leg does not hurt as long as I don't move it to much."

Katja smiled, "That's good, since you feel better, we need to get you cleaned up. You are fairly dirty and smell."

Cleo purred, "She's right, you would be a lot nicer if you didn't smell so much."

He looked at Cleo, then up at Katja, "How would you do this?"

Katja smiled, "We have a cleaning unit that should work, we use it all the time. You don't have to get wet or do anything but stand still. Would this be okay?"

He looked at her and said, "Well, if you use it, I guess we can try it. I don't have to get wet?"

Katja smiled and shook her head, "No, no water, it uses sound to clean you. It should work on you and not hurt you. But, once we start it, you should let us know if it does hurt. We have never used it on someone as small as you. Oh, and do not be scared if hear a strange noise, or feel something that's like when we purr, that will just be the machine working."

He looked between them again, he was a little scared, but he did want to get clean, he could not stand even licking himself at the moment, his fur tasted horrible. "Yes, I will try this thing, thank you."

Katja smiled and picked him up to carry him into the bath room. She set him down in the middle of the shower and said to him, "Now, all you have to do is stand there. I will be right here in case you get scared or if something is wrong."

Caesar looked at her, he was slightly nervous, but he said, "I understand."

She knelt down by the doorway and told Erik to start the unit.

Erik had set it on the lowest setting that he used, and turned the timer to three minutes. "Okay, I'm turning it on." He pushed the button and he heard the normal hum of the unit.

Caesar twitch a little as he first felt it. Katja was right, it did feel like when he purred and it shook his body a little. It also sounded strange, but it wasn't that bad. If he didn't know about it, it might have scared him a little due to the strangeness of it.

Katja watched him and Erik had his thumb on the off button just in case. Katja asked, "Are you alright little one?"

He looked over to her, "Yes, I am fine. It is strange but it does not hurt."

Katja grinned, "Very good, now I'm just going to ruffle your fur a bit to help it clean you. It's almost done." She reached in and gently ruffled his fur back and forth, as she did, she could see dirt and grime coming off him and falling to the floor.

Since he wasn't in any difficulty, they decided to leave it on for the full three minutes, he was quite dirty. The timer dinged, and the unit shut off. Katja reached in and picked him up so he wouldn't get the dirt and grime back on his paws.

She held him and knew he was clean since he didn't stink anymore. "She smiled and stroked him smoothing out his fur. "Are you okay little one?"

He looked at her and brought his paw up to sniff at it, then gave it a tentative lick. He purred happily, "I do not smell or taste bad anymore. Thank you." He rubbed his head against her, then licked her cheek.

Katja smiled as she gave a sniff, it had worked, all the smelled was cat. She returned the lick and then smiled at Erik, "It work almost perfectly, he'll still have to clean himself a little, but it worked."

Erik smiled and looked into the shower stall, the floor where he was standing was filthy. He grinned back, "I'm glad it worked, it was no wonder he smelled so bad. This is going to make a lot of dogs and cats happy, they'll never need to get bathed again if their houses have one of the units." Then he smiled again. "It also means very small children can use it also. We thought they'd be able to, but, it's nice to prove it."