Katja Pt. 14


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Ariel grinned and said loudly, "Callie, what are you doing here?"

Callie grinned back and hugged Ariel, then Tony. "I got transferred here just last week. Cruz thought he needed someone here, since Azlan will be staying here and won't have time to keep him up to date. He figured it would just be easier in the long run."

Ariel grinned, "That's marvelous sweets, it's so good to see you. How have you been?"

Callie grinned back, "I'm doing fantastic. The work is simple and I reacquainted myself with Brian, the waiter from the restaurant." She looked around and came closer, "Actually, I think he's the one. Or at least it feels like it." She looked at Tony, "Maybe your mate here can help. It's not as clear cut with him."

Ariel smiled and nodded, "We can do that, we'll be here until Friday, we're working on the house, plus I'm dropping off some stuff for Uncle Geoff." Then it was her turn to step closer, then grinned as she said, "And my mate and I are doing the final mating Ritual tonight."

Callie laughed and hugged her, "I'm so happy for you two. But why here?"

Ariel smiled, "Well, we wanted to work on the house, and with the new children in the house, we didn't think it would be right to expose them to it. If you know what I mean?"

Callie smiled, "Yes, I see what you mean, it can get a bit noisy." Then she asked, "How is Katja and Erik doing?"

Ariel smiled again, "They're doing wonderful and so are the children. Little Brigitte is the image of her mother, and Geoff looks like Erik, except for the slightly pointed ears and his tail." She laughed, "He's so cute, Little Geoff is so proud of his tail, and he ask's everyone if they've seen it."

Callie looked at her, "He asks? I though it took about four weeks before they can start to talk."

Ariel grinned, "Normally, however, they can speak in your mind like some of us can to our Mates and how Katja was talking to them the last month."

"It was a little astonishing when we first heard it." She added. "They're really amazing and you can't help but to love them. They have a... I don't know what to call it. But, you hold them and talk to them, all you feel is love."

Callie shook her head, "That's amazing, I wonder if it's because of them being mixed?"

Ariel shrugged, "Could be, or it may just be because Erik has so much of our DNA in his make-up."

Callie looked at her, "What do you mean?"

Ariel looked at her confused, "You mean you didn't know? His DNA make-up is about a third ours."

Callie looked at her, "No we didn't hear anything about that. That's amazing."

Ariel looked at her, "Well, if you haven't heard about it, keep it to yourself for now. I thought all our people knew, he's mentioned it in the classes he gave us." Then she thought for a moment, "That's right, your crew and the European one didn't have his classes like we did."

Ariel smiled, "Its like this, when we first met after he and Katja got together, we couldn't understand why he knew and felt so much and all our people were drawn to him. To make a long story short, I had his blood tested, and the med tech laughed saying he was surprised he didn't have fur and a tail."

She smiled at the look on Callie's face and continue, "Apparently, it's common, Tony here and Erik's sister are about a tenth and so are the other ones I've heard about. But none is as high as Erik's."

Ariel knew why his was that high, but that was private. So, she continued, "It's not everyone, maybe that's why you're not sure about Brian, he may not have any or a very small amount. He may know how he feels about you, but don't know what it means. Tony was like that until I explained it to him, then everything was fine."

Callie looked thoughtful. "He's off today, I just needed to take care of a couple things and he's coming to pick me up. We'll have to talk. Thanks for the advice sweets."

Ariel smiled, "Well, good luck then and don't mention anything about the others. Also, if you tell him, make sure he knows not to talk about it."

Callie smiled, "Okay, will do. He's working tomorrow, so if you two want to do something, let me know. I need to finish up, he should be here soon and I want to change."

Ariel nodded, "We'll let you know hon, have fun."

Callie smirked, "You too."

Ariel grinned, "We plan on it."

Callie walked away, then Tony and her walked in to drop off the thing's uncle Geoff gave them.

After they finished, they headed out to the store to see about the carpet. They looked around and decided on the colors, then they talked to the salesman about getting it installed, luckily, they had the ones they wanted in stock. So, they talked about getting it installed and they lucked out there also. They agreed to install it on Tuesday and maybe half a day on Wednesday to finish up. Once they knew the house was empty, the rep that lined up the installers said since there was nothing to move around, just rip up the old and lay down the new, it should be quick. From the drawing Tony showed him, he could see it was a straight forward job and not too difficult.

They signed everything and then they headed out. Tony looked at his watch and smiled, "Well, that went quicker than I thought. Why don't we go get some lunch at the roadside place we stopped at the first time we were here? Then we can go over to the home store and look to see about the other stuff we'll need. "

Ariel smiled at her mate, "Sure love, that sounds good. If they finish up early on Wednesday, we can put some stuff up." She opened the glove compartment and pulled out the pad and opened it to the list of stuff they still needed to get.

She scanned it, then said, "We should look for some of the bigger stuff we can get home without needing to deliver it. Let's say the kitchen table and chairs, the TV stand, and the tables for the living room."

Tony nodded, 'That sounds like a good start. We can look for some of the smaller stuff also, the place is close, so we can make a few trips if needed and stow everything in the garage."

Ariel agreed and put some checkmarks by the items they talked about. They were almost to the place they were stopping, when the saw someone walking along the side of the road a little way ahead of them. When they were closer, Tony saw the person slip and fall partially into the shallow drainage ditch that ran along each side of the road. He quickly stopped the car near him and got out to head over to see if he needed help.

Tony stepped down and asked, "Are you alright sir?"

He saw it was an older man and he answered, "Yes, thank you young man, my knee gave out on me. Don't get old son."

Tony chuckled, "Yes sir, I hear that. Let me give you a hand." He took the old man's arm and the old man gripped his arm in a surprisingly strong grip. Tony helped him back up on the road, and Ariel got out as the came over to the car.

"Is he alright love?" She asked.

Tony smiled and nodded, "I think so kitten."

The old man looked up when he heard the woman's voice. He acted startled and said, "My, my, your one of the Lyonness aren't you young lady?"

Ariel smiled at him, "Yes sir, I am. Are you alright?"

The old man smiled, "Yes my dear, I'm fine, mostly. My bad knee gave out, it happens if I'm not careful. But, it'll be alright in a bit. Thanks for asking, and thank you again young man. It was appreciated."

Tony nodded and then took a closer look at the man. You couldn't tell how old he was, just that he was old, he wore a floppy hat, and a blueish grey cloak and carried a walking stick. He also had a patch over one eye. Tony thought to himself, that's probably how he tripped, he didn't see the lower spot and lost his balance.

The old man stood and took a step, but his knee buckled. Tony caught him quickly, then shook his head. "You really need to rest that knee sir, you'll never make it to wherever your going. "

Then Tony smiled, "Look, we were just going to stop up the road to get lunch. Why don't you join us, then we can give you a ride home so you can stay off that knee for a bit. Okay?"

The old man smiled, "That's very nice of you young man, but I can't put you out, like that."

Tony shook his head, "It's no problem sir, really. As I said, we're going that way anyhow."

Th old man looked him up and down, "Well, if you sure, I would appreciate it."

Tony and Ariel smiled and helped him into the car. Then they got back in and the headed up the road. They stopped, and helped him to one of the many picnic tables and asked him what he'd like for lunch.

Ariel stayed with him while Tony got the food and drinks.

The old man smiled at her, "We don't see many of your kind here miss, you visiting or something else?'

Ariel smiled, "Actually, we brought a house near here, I'll be working at the new town. So is my mate."

The old man looked at her, "Mate?"

Ariel smiled again, "Or fiancé if you will. But, he will be my husband after tonight." For some reason, she felt comfortable telling him this, but she didn't know why.

He smiled, "Well then, congratulations to the both of you. You are very nice people."

Ariel blushed, "Thank you."

Tony walked back and smiled as he set the tray down. He passed out the food and sat down besides Ariel.

The old man smiled again, "Your fiancé was just telling me your getting married tonight. Congratulations young man."

Tony looked over an Ariel and then smiled back, "Thank you, we're looking forward to it."

They ate for a bit, then the old man asked, "I'm sorry, I never caught your names."

Tony smiled once more, "I'm Tony Wargan, and this is Ariel."

The old man smiled, "You seem to have a little Norse in your background."

Tony grinned and nodded, "As I understand it, my great-grandfather, on my father's side, was from Norway and settled here. Plus, a little Italian from my mothers' side. People normally ask since Tony really doesn't seem to fit with my background and how I look."

Tony laughed, "I normally get asked by our friends' children where my axe is. It wasn't too bad when I was in the Navy, my hair was short and I didn't have the beard. But now?"

They talked some more and Tony found that, like Ariel, he was telling this old man more than he ever would normally.

They finished and Ariel help him into the car, then Tony asked, "Where can I take you sir?"

The old man smiled, "Just head up this road about a mile or so, I'll tell you where to turn. I live a little off the street."

Tony nodded, then headed off. About a mile or so, the old man said, "Just turn into the next entrance you come too."

Tony nodded again, the road was tree lined, but he saw an break in the tree line and turned into it. It wasn't a paved road, but more like packed stone, he saw a cabin a little father in, and supposed it was the old man's place. He parked, then Ariel and him got out and he helped the old man out of the car. He held on to his arm and walked him to the cabin. Near the front door was a tall stone marker, with faded... what looked like runes he had seen in one of the books Erik lent him. He remarked on it, and the old man grinned, "Yes son, they are, I have some Norse in my background also."

The stopped by the path to the door way and the old man looked up. He smiled, "Ah, some friends come to greet me." As they watched, two ravens settled on the marker.

Tony looked at them, then the old man. He smiled at Tony, then stood straighter, "I thank you young man for your help, It was much appreciated." He walked towards the door way and turned, he grinned at Tony, "My son, I accept you, Midgard needs more people like you."

Then Ariel and Tony watched stunned as a golden glow surrounded the old man. Then he changed before their eyes, he grew taller, his beard and hair turned a dark blond, and he looked slightly younger and more fit. Then his walking stick lengthen and changed into a spear, and one of the ravens flew to his shoulder while the other flew up and circled.

He grinned at the two of them, "Call to me tonight when you do your Mating ritual my son."

Tony looked at him and said in amazement, "Odin, All-Father?"

Odin smiled at him. "Yes my son, you now belong to me. I was impressed with you when you sought me, but I wanted to meet you in person first before I accepted you."

He smiled at them both again, "Enjoy your Mating ritual tonight, and Ariel, give Bast my greeting. I know your mate is partially hers also."

The golden glow grew steadily brighter as Tony took a knee, then said with reverence, "Thank you All-Father."

Then the glow was gone, and so was Odin, along with the ravens. The cabin changed back to look like it really was, an old unused cabin. The Rune Stone stayed the same.

Ariel helped Tony up and hugged him. He looked at her with wonder in his eyes, then kissed her. Ariel grinned, and kissed him back, "Are you alright my mate?"

Tony nodded. "I... I just... can't believe it." He stammered. "That was the God Odin, we talked with him, he rode with us." He looked at her in amazement, "He ate lunch with us. This is so unbelievable, but it was real."

He shook his head, "I should have realized, I read some story's in the books that Erik let me borrow. They said He would often change into an old man wearing a blue cloak and a floppy hat, and wander around looking for knowledge and other things. Okay, I can understand not realizing it at first, the world is full of old men. But once we got here, and I saw the rune stone, I should have guessed. He even had the ravens Huginn and Muninn here with him."

He shook his head as Ariel led him back to the car, then she asked, "Are you alright my love? Do you still want to go to the other places? Or just head home?"

Tony sat behind the wheel and gripped it. "I'm alright now love, I just feel different somehow. Let's go and look at what's available."

Ariel nodded, then kept her hand on his leg as he turned the car around, and headed back to the road. Tony reached up and pushed the go button on the GPS and it gave him directions to the home store. He pulled back out on the road, and headed to the store.

Ariel, suddenly felt warm, then she heard, "My daughter, please relayed to thy mate, that I am happy for him. It is good that he took his rightful place at last." Then She added, "However, it would be wise to keep an eye on him, males are affected a little different than females. Females accept it a little easier, males always seem to say the same thing, unbelievable."

Ariel laughed, and Tony looked at her. "What's so funny kitten?"

Ariel grinned, "I have a message for you from Bast, She is happy for you. She said It was good that you took your rightful place at last."

He looked at her stunned, then looked up quickly as a horn blew and he quickly got back in his own lane. He shook his head and said, "This is unbelievable."

Ariel laughed again, "She said you'd act like that and I was to keep an eye on you. Apparently, males don't accept what happen as fast as us females."

Tony looked at her and started to laugh as he shook his head. After about twenty minutes, the pulled into the parking lot of the store and got out of the car. Tony pulled Ariel into a hug and kissed her. She melted into his arms and kissed him back. Then they laughed as they heard a horn honk and someone laugh saying "Get a room."

He absently waved back to whoever it was and said loudly, "Thanks, have one." Then they headed into the store laughing.

They picked up a bunch of things and packed the car up, then they headed home and Tony backed the car into the driveway up to the garage door. They got out, and he keyed in the access code and the garage door opened. They unloaded the stuff they brought from the car, and into the garage, with the exception of few things they were bringing inside.

They put the kitchen table and the boxes with the chairs into the kitchen. They would put that together tomorrow, along with a few other things they got. They tried not to get a lot of stuff for the other rooms since they would be in on Tuesday to put the carpet in the living room, den and the three bedrooms.

Tuesday night or Wednesday, they would go and get the tables for the living room and bedroom, plus some more bookcases. They had the TV stand and a couple of shelving units out in the garage they picked up today.

They went into the bedroom to put some things in there for the time being. Ariel looked at the small table she brought with them to use as an altar. She looked at it puzzled, then went over to it, she leaned down, and saw a bronze necklace around the neck of the Bast statue. She smiled as she saw what it was. She took it off and said, "Someone left you a gift my mate."

Tony looked up from where he was putting some stuff in the closet, and said, "What do you mean kitten?"

She walked up and handed him the medallion. He took it and smiled, it was a round bronze medallion with the image of Odin in the middle, with images of a raven to either side of it. The images were a little faded, and that's when he realized that this was an actual medallion, not a new copy of an old one. He wondered how old it really was.

He smiled and held it in a closed fist. Before he could say thank you to whoever had left it, his hand got warm, and he heard, "A gift for you my son, to pay you back for the meal and ride."

Tony grinned, "Thank you All-Father, I'll cherish it always." He put it around his neck, and it felt warm against his chest.

Ariel looked at him as his eyes had sort of glassed over, and he smiled, "Odin left it for me, he said thank you for lunch and the ride."

Ariel smiled and hugged him. "You see, Erik is right, it always pays in the end to do the right thing. You never know who or what you'll meet."

Tony laughed and picked her up so her feet were dangling off the floor. He kissed her as his hands knead her bottom. He looked at her and said smiling, "I can't wait till later my love. We're finally going to be mated."

Ariel smiled as she kissed him back, "I'm looking forward to it myself love. Then when the times right, the Goddess will bless us with our children."

She kissed him, "Now put me back on the ground you big Viking ape."

Tony laughed his ass off as he put her down and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him once more.

She was a little surprised at the change that had come over him. He seemed a little different, more... Something. She couldn't say what it was, but she thought it shouldn't surprise me that much, he had something to believe in now. She liked it.

They changed so they didn't have to when they went out to dinner later, then got something to drink out of the fridge. Tony had turned it on when the got in, and would turn it off before they left on Friday. He pulled the instructions out of the kitchen table boxes so he could see what was involved. It wasn't a big table, but it would seat four people.

They went out to the living room and he read over them while Ariel went on her computer to see what else was in the area. They were going to a small steak and seafood place, it was sort of like the roadhouse they went to, but not as fancy.

He smiled after he finished reading, "It seems easy enough, it should go together fast. We won't be able to use it the first day though, the glue that holds the chairs together need to dry overnight."

Ariel grinned, "Well, I guess it's good that were not really eating her that much then."

Tony nodded, "Oh, I meant to ask you, have you heard when we'll be leaving to go to the other ship?"

Ariel nodded, "The day yes, the time no. I've been told it's like a five-hour flight there though. From what I've heard, they have to keep the speed and flightpath the same as your airplanes here so we don't infer with them." She grinned, "I guess it makes sense, but I'm not a shuttle pilot, I'm a mechanic. It has something to do with the sensors here picking us up." She shrugged.