Katja Pt. 18


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Erik nodded, "I understand that, tell me, will you be the Goddess for them also?"

Briast stroked him again, "Yes, eventually, just like I am for the mixed species here already. Along with many others that are already here that are like you and Anthony. But mainly the new people who will come from the Kannite's and the Avianne's intermating with the others here like you and the others did."

Then she giggled again, "With a few exceptions of course, like you and Celia, plus others like that. You and them will always belong to your original Gods and Goddesses, though you can call on Me like you have before and just now."

Erik nodded, "Well then, I guess I need to start learning more about them."

Briast agreed, "Yes, you do. If you need more information that what you have, you can call upon their deities for help if needed. They told Us they would aid you if you needed it."

Erik nodded, "Good, I know something about them from what I've studied, but not a lot except the basics."

Briast caressed him, "You'll figure it out, I have faith in you." Then the warmth was gone once again and Erik had an empty feeling. He sighed, then topped off his coffee and began to check messages while he was waiting on Tony to come back.

The next four weeks, he spent wrapping things up, all the final construction and upgrades were finally completed and inspected. He and Azlan were working on the final reports and other things so they could meet with the people from New Tygris to help them out with their plans. Once they were done with that, the extended family were all going on vacation. Everything was set up for that and they'd be going in about four weeks. They'd be there for a week and a half, then they'd come home to relax. Then after another few weeks, Erik and Katja would be going for a week's romantic getaway. They had decided to take a Caribbean cruise and the ship would stop in a few places during the cruise.

On the home front, Azlan had been convinced to take the public works department after Katja and Ariel had turned it down, and Helen would continue to work for Uncle Geoff.

Tony was asked to be Azlan's assistant and he agreed, while Ariel was going to stay at home with the kids like Katja had decided. Tony was also going to start learning about the shuttles like he wanted. The guys Erik and Tony knew and had brought on, had also mated some of the Lyonness females and were happy to take positions in the public works department.

Some of the Lyonness worked with them also doing various things from maintaining the buildings, the public areas, and the rest of the things that needed to be taken care of. Some of the others worked for Lyonn Ultrasonic, on the shuttles, or found work in and around the town at various human businesses or started their own.

All in all, everyone was happy and were enjoying themselves in whatever they decided to do.

They were still people that stayed at the original landing site and these for the most part where part of the original ship's crew. They still hadn't decided if the ship would move to New Lyonn or stay at the first site. They had decided to wait until the Avianne and Kannite's landed to see what was going on with all the others.

Four weeks later

Everything was finally done and they all were gathering for a final wrap-up meeting.

Besides the major players in New Lyonn, Nigel, Mr. Hayes, Captain Julius, Commander Kendra and Bob Henderson from New Tygris also attended, along with a few reps from the Australian and European sites.

Uncle Geoff, Azlan, and Erik made up quite a few handouts along with numerous slides. Actually, as they started the meeting, it had turned out to be quite informal since everything was done and they were more passing on info than having to make decisions. The others had questions on how to go about certain things, and what had worked better, but most of it was more just conversations between friends.

It was still harder for the Australian and European sites, as they didn't have the advantages the US sites did. They were building everything from scratch and how it fit the country they were in, but in the end, they would end up with what they needed, it would just take them longer.

Erik sat with Tony and Azlan talking with Bob Henderson and adding things as some of the others had questions about how they did things.

Bob had smiled, then said, "So Erik, the scuttlebutt is that your taking over for Bill Sharpe as ambassador when he retires."

Erik nodded, "Yeah, they finally talked me into it. It's kind of hard turning down a presidential request." Along with numerous other Gods and Goddesses, he said to himself.

Bob nodded his understanding, "Well, I guess it's not much different than what you were already doing, just the addition of the Avianne and Kannite's once they land. I don't see it being much more than the Lyonness needed."

Erik nodded, "Yeah, that's kind of what I thought also. Plus, they won't have the problems we had getting the Lyonness settled in, all the hard things have already been figured out. We're still waiting on hearing were they're going to settle at, but once we know that, I can get things started before they get here."

Bob nodded his understanding, "Yeah, it should be easier. I've been asked to help them with security once they land, so I guess you and I will be seeing a lot of each other."

Erik nodded, "I guess so, I'm not starting my training with Bill Sharpe until we all come back from vacation. I'm looking forward to it almost as much as the kids and our mates are." He turned to Tony, "Have you and Ariel decided if you're going to join me and Katja on the cruise?"

Tony nodded, then smiled, "I think we're going to; Ariel thinks it's a good idea and for the same reason you and Kat are doing it."

Much like Erik and Katja, they were also in the same position, they didn't have a lot of time for themselves since the kids came.

Erik nodded, "Good, we should have a great time." He laughed, "And it'll be nice to go on a ship and not worry about having to work once we get to where we're going."

Tony nodded back smiling himself, "I hear you. Did you ask Azlan and Hellen?"

Erik nodded, "Yeah we did. But they're both going to be too busy once we get back from the family vacation.

Tony nodded once again, "Yeah, thankfully I won't be starting until we get back or I'd be in the same boat."

Erik smiled, "You know when you're going to start training on the shuttles?"

Tony nodded, "More than likely about six months from now, once we get everything set up. That should be easy, Azlan said the heads of a few departments from the other towns are going to give us a hand setting things up."

Erik nodded in agreement, "I figured they would, they all like Azlan, a lot. He was helping them out with some things also from the Lyonness side. They liked the ideas and they could bring down their operating budgets by adopting them, which makes everybody happy."

Tony smiled, "Ain't that the truth. The big thing is the upkeep of the roads and things since we get snow here. Granted not a lot, but more than they've ever seen on home-world, actually the Arizona site is more like they're used to, hot and arid."

Erik laughed, "I know, they were like little kids the first time it snowed."

The meeting went on for a while longer with everyone adding something or asking questions that Erik, Geoff, and Azlan answered along with additions from the others.

The finally broke for lunch as the meeting was basically over. After that, Erik, Geoff and Azlan would meet to go over a few things with New Tygris people.

Once the day was over, Erik went and picked up the kids from school and headed for home. He asked them what they learned today like he normally did every day on the way home. He smiled as they excitedly told him all the new things they had learned. Erik smiled to himself, he was running out of things to teach his son. He was glad they were going on vacation; the kids also needed a break and some excitement also.

He parked the car and they all headed into the house where they were greeted by both Katja, and the cats. Erik smiled as he kissed his mate and asked how her day had been.

Katja smiled as she hugged him and returned the kiss. "It's been nice, I got a bunch of little things done that have been piling up."

Erik smiled as he hugged her once again, "Not to bored I hope."

Katja laughed, "Well, maybe a little. It does take a little getting used to not having as much to do."

He grinned, "Now you know why I worked when I didn't have to."

They walked into the bedroom so he could get changed and cleaned up and the kids did the same with the cats following them. Afterwards, Brigette and Geoff would feed the cats and do the rest of their chores while Erik and Katja made dinner.

Once the bedroom door was closed, Erik and Katja were in each other's arms now that they were alone. Both of them purring as they held each other, then Katja smiled as she sat down to watch her mate get undressed so he could get cleaned up like she did every day.

Erik grinned at her as he pulled off his clothes, then he was standing there naked smiling at her. Katja grinned back and stood, then made her way over to him, she put her arms around his neck and rubbed against him making him moan as her soft fur covered body rubbed on him.

Katja licked her lips and grinned as she reached down to take hold of him, "Umm, this fills nice, I think you missed me." She squeezed his hard cock and stroked him. "I can't wait till later once the kids go to bed."

Erik smiled and kissed her, "Me too, and I really can't wait until we go on our cruise and I have you all to myself."

It was near the end of June, and the learning centers closed for the summer recess. They had modeled the schedule on the same as the rest of the schools in the area. The kids were glad of the break, school was alright, but like the human children around the area, they were happy to be on vacation.

Erik, Katja and the children, along with the rest of the extended families were preparing for their trip. They had picked one of the theme parks closest to New Lyonn, just a couple of states away really, it was only a six-hour drive. So, instead of everyone driving, they had arranged for a bus to transport them there and back.

On the way there, it was similar to the trip out to New Lyonn, with all the kids and a few parents excitedly pointed out different things they saw through the windows. Tony grinned as he explained things to Kendra and Bryan along the way, as Erik did the same explaining things to Gesa when Geoff couldn't and Helen did the same for Terresa and Liam.

The park had all different types of rides and attractions, in addition to a large waterpark. There were plenty of things for the adults to do, along with a large amount of kid friendly rides and things to do. They had booked rooms at one of the hotels at the park so they didn't need to drive as they had trams and shuttles to take them where they wanted to go.

They had a wonderful time there, Erik had grinned as he talked with Tony, "I don't know who's more excited, the kids or the adults."

Tony grinned back, "I know what you mean, Ariel keeps wanting me to take her on the rides, she loves the roller coaster."

Erik nodded, "Katja too, she said they didn't have anything like this on home world."

They were all in a picnic area and having lunch. The both grinned as they saw the death grip Gesa had on Geoff's hand as well as the one Brigette had on Bryan. Gesa and Brigette were not very happy with the attention being paid to Geoff and Bryan by some of the human female kids. At New Lyonn and at the original landing spot, humans were used to seeing them, but here, Geoff and Bryan attracted attention due to their tails and ears.

Gesa had finally grew angry when one to many females told Geoff how cute they thought his tail and ears were. After the last one said it, Geoff was surprised when Gesa apparently had enough, and growled at her, she pulled Geoff closer and kissed his cheek saying, "He's mine."

Geoff was stunned, but he also felt good when Gesa said this and kissed him. Remembering the conversation with his father, he always held her hand a little tighter and whispered to her afterwards how pretty she was and how much he liked her. He didn't say anything to her, but he was also sort of put out slightly when some human boys tried to talk to her, but she just came closer to him and talked back a little so it wasn't as bad.

Bryan had been a little taken aback when Brigette did the same that Gesa did, so Geoff had given him the advice his dad did and that and made Brigette happy.

Jonny and Lucy were pretty much enjoying themselves, meeting with the rest of them for meals and at certain times during the day. Otherwise, they were on their own and Lucy took Jonny on all the rides. She kept herself calm when some teenaged girls had stopped them to talk, and much like the younger ones, they also were excited to meet Jonny as they had never met one of the Lyonness before. But her patience was growing slightly thin as they paid too much attention to her mate. They might not be mated yet for real, but they were close enough to it. After being polite, she would quickly drag Jonny off to some other ride or amusement.

Luckily, Erik had talked to Jonny before they left, he explained some things to him and Jonny made sure Lucy knew how he felt after each of these meetings, which made her feel better.

Actually, it was close to being the same for the adults. Helen and Victoria had taken the others shopping before they left for swim suits, and all the males agreed that their mates looked wonderful. They drew as much attention as the children did, but they and their mates were used to it by now, so everything was calmer than it had been before.

Erik had taken Katja swimming for her first time, and while she was nervous about it, she had enjoyed it finally. The kids were fine, and took to it readily when the saw how much fun the human kids were having. They especially loved the waterslides.

The Lyonness were also happy when they found that the swim park had big blowers that dried the swimmers off so they were able to dry off after they finished.

Erik and Katja had just come back from going down a big waterslide and after they used the blower, she whispered to him, "I glad they have these, but I wish you could "check me" like you used to."

Erik grinned and pulled her close, "So do I, but the I promise I'll do it all the checking you want on our cruise." He kissed her and she purred as she melted against him.

Geoff, Gesa, Brigette, Bryan, and Kendra giggled as they watched them from where they were sitting with Ariel and Tony after they had used one of the smaller slides. Erik smiled as they walked back over to them and asked, "And what's so funny?"

The kids all giggled once more and said together, "Nothing."

Ariel and Tony laughed, then Ariel said, "We can watch the kids if you want to go to your room."

Erik and Katja blushed, but smiled as they shook their heads no and sat down while the kids jumped back into the small kid's pool to play a little more before heading back to the hotel.

Geoff and Gesa jumped in together holding hands, then swam/ waded around laughing and splashing each other. They made their way to the other side of the pool and Geoff said to her, "Uh, Gesa?"

She smiled at him, "What?"

He blushed slightly, "I'm glad you're here, I'm having a really great time."

Gesa smiled at him, "So am I, though I would like it better if all those girls didn't pay so much attention to you."

Geoff blushed again, "I know. Uh, I really liked it when you kissed me and said I was yours."

Gesa blushed, "So did I."

He smiled and came closer to her and looked around, then he bent in and kissed her cheek. He blushed, "I didn't like it much when those boys talked to you too. I really like you a lot."

Gesa smiled then after looking around like he did, she kissed his cheek once more. "I know you didn't, but I'm yours like your mine, so don't worry."

They both smiled at each other, this was the first time they said that to each other, they knew it, but had never said it. Still smiling, they went back to the other side of the pool by the others.

As they came back over, Axel and Allie had come up and joined the rest. Allie smiled as she saw Geoff and Gesa swimming over, "So? How's are two love birds?"

Katja grinned, "I think they've come to an understanding, or at least I think they did."

Allie grinned, "I kind of figured that after I saw Gesa growl at that little human girl earlier and heard her say "He's mine."

Ariel grinned, "Did you expect anything different?

Allie grinned and shook her head no. "It's just so unbelievable really, expected, but still unbelievable at their age."

She grinned again, "How's Brigette and Bryan coping?"

Ariel grinned back, "Not as bad, I think my son intimidates the others, after all, he's twice the size of the others his age."

Katja grinned, "Yes, I think your right, it's just that Geoff and Gesa have been together longer."

Erik grinned at them, "I wouldn't worry, Geoff gave Bryan the advice I gave him. And thanks to Aunt Ariel, she can take care of Bryan." He laughed, "Though I thought I heard a low growl come from her also."

Tony shook his head, "You know, I can't believe we're having this conversation, they're all so young. Even as advanced as they all are."

Axel nodded, "Your right, but I think they have a certain Goddess looking after them."

A warmth went through them all, and they knew he was right.

A week later, they were all packing up and getting ready for the bus ride home. They all had a wonderful time, both the adults and kids. The enjoyed everything from the rides, to the swim park, to the rest of the entertainment the resort had to offer. Once the bus was loaded with all their luggage, and the things they picked up, the headed out. Erik smiled to himself as he listened to the adults talk about everything they had seen and experienced. They were still as excited about it all, even more so than the kids. He and Katja were relaxed and she snuggled up to him as they rode home. Erik smiled as he watched Gesa leaning against Geoff as they talked about everything they did, and Brigette and Bryan were doing the same.

It would be good to get home, and they would recuperate from this trip for a few weeks before they went on their cruse. There were three couples going, them, Tony and Ariel, and surprisingly at the last minute, Uncle Geoff and Victoria had decided to join them. Erik thought that made sense, Uncle Geoff had been as busy as they were, if not more.

They were leaving from Miami Florida, and the cruise was for 9 days total. They would stop for sightseeing at Key West, Belize, Cozumel Mexico and a couple of other small Caribbean islands. Tony and Erik were familiar with some of them as they stopped at them when they were in the Navy. Erik was looking forward to it as were the others.

They finally pulled in to New Lyonn and everyone got off and those that live away from the town were packing their cars to head home. They were met by Katja's and Ariel's parents and they talked for a while as they asked questions on how the trip was. All the kids talked at a mile a minute telling them all the things they did and saw. Finally, they picked up the cats, who were quite vocal about how much they missed them also and headed for home after saying they would see everyone on Monday when they came into work.

They finally got home and carried all the luggage and things they brought into the house. Erik smiled, it felt good to be home. For some reason, this house felt more like home then their old one, he supposed it was because this one was more permanent and they had picked it out together.
