Katja Pt. 18


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He felt a familiar warmth, "Dear one, this is slightly beyond what I can decide."

He sighed, "I know, I wasn't asking really what I should do. I was more wondering if it would help the others coming."

He heard her laugh, "Of course it would help, that's what you were put on this world to do, help others. Much like what our son will do, when he takes over. I suppose you could look at it like training to help him when it's his turn."

"Yes, I thought of that too my Lady." Erik sighed once more.

He felt Her caress, "You will make the right decision when you chose my mate." Then she was gone.

Erik opened his eyes and sat up looking at the three of them. "I need to talk to Katja first. I'll let you know in a few days. I'm sorry, that's the best I can do right now."

They smiled and Joseph nodded his understanding. "That's fine my friend, I understand this is a decision not to be made lightly. But both the president and I thank you for even considering it." They all stood and headed back out to the to the gathering.

Erik and Geoff joined the rest and Katja looked at her mate. She could sense something had happened, and she took his hand and squeezed it pulling him over to the side. "Are you alright love?"

Erik nodded, then leaned over and kissed her. "We'll talk about it later kitten, let's just enjoy ourselves."

She was still a bit worried, but she nodded okay and they just enjoyed themselves the rest of the afternoon. Later on, they collected the kids, who also had a wonderful time with all their friends and family, then headed for home.

Erik smiled as they walked in and were greeted like normal by the cats. The kittens had missed the children and meowed and purred as the children held them as they purred back.

Since they had filled up with all the food at the celebration, dinner was whatever they found in the fridge and cabinets, as none of them were very hungry.

After a bit Katja gave the children a hand cleaning up and getting changed, then they watched a movie the children had picked out. Erik smiled as the movie started, Geoff and Brigitte had asked to watch the dragon movie once again. He was surprised they hadn't worn out the DVD yet.

As the children giggled, laughed and purred at the movie, Erik and Katja sat together and held one another. However, Erik did join in the laughter at certain scenes and Katja smiled, "Sometimes I think you're a bigger child then our own."

Erik grinned and hugged her, "Your right, but that's because I refuse to grow up, everyone needs a little laughter in their lives."

Once the movie was over, the children went to bed followed by both kittens. Erik and Katja tucked them in and kissed them goodnight. Then they went back out to sit back on the couch.

Katja curled up and held his arm, then said, "Okay, now are you going to tell me what you and the others talked about?"

Erik leaned down and kissed her, then sighed, "Well, it seems that Bill Sharpe is retiring and the three of them, including the president, wants me to take over for him. To become the ambassador for the Lyonness, the Kannite's and the Avianne's and helping them assimilate into our culture just like I did with our people."

Katja sat up and for the first time since they met, she got a bit mad, "No. How can they ask that? It's time for you to take a break before you get worse, you've been working and worrying about things too much as it is."

Erik was a bit taken aback by her response, so he pulled her close and hugged her. "I told them that love, please calm down. I didn't tell them yes, I wanted to talk with you first."

She looked at him, "Are you considering it?"

Erik sighed, "Maybe, maybe not. They did make a few convincing points, and it wouldn't be for almost a year. Just before the others land."

He kissed her, "We can relax and enjoy ourselves for that long."

Katja calmed down a bit, "What did they say that made you think about it?"

He pulled her a little closer, "They said, all I'd be really doing is helping the others when they land, teaching them like I taught our people. Plus helping them if any problems came up, like Sharpe does. I wouldn't have to deal with anything else."

He sighed once more, "But I think the real reason was that the president himself asked me to, not just the three who normally ask. It's kind of hard to turn down someone like that, he is the leader of the whole country. Plus, he's helped us many times over the past years. More than most people realize actually."

Katja nodded her understanding, "Okay, I can understand that. But what else?"

Erik looked at her, "I also asked for some divine advice. She told me all I'd really be doing is helping pave the way for our son and the others. That was what made me really think about it. She said; "Of course it would help, that's what you were put on this world to do, help others. Much like what our son will do when he takes over. I suppose you could look at it like training to help him when it's his turn."

Then he smiled a bit, "Also, it will give me something to do when I get bored not doing something. You know we don't need to work; we could live very comfortably on what we have. That was why I was working before I met you."

Katja held him a little tighter, she knew he would do it; she didn't think he could turn it down, it's not in his makeup. All she would have to do is say she agreed. But she was so worried about him right now. Then she heard, "Don't worry dear one, I will also look after our mate." The she heard Briast add, "As will I, and the others."

Katja sighed, feeling slightly better. She hugged her mates arm tightly, "I guess that makes sense then, as long as it's after we relax for a while."

Erik kissed the top of her head, "Are you sure love? This involves both of us. I'll try to keep you and the children out of it, but there will be occasions where you will be, because you'll be an ambassadors' mate."

She nodded, "As long as I'm with you, I will help you." She turned her head and scooted up to kiss him grinning, "Even if I have to go primitive on someone."

Erik smiled, "Well there is that I suppose."

Then she asked, "Will we have to move love? Or can we stay here?"

Erik nodded, "As far as I know, I'll have to ask and get more details. But I see no reason why we can't. It's not like I'd be ambassador to another country, they normally have security people and things like that."

He looked at her, "So, what do you think? Do I tell them yes?"

Katja sighed, "I guess so love, if you think it's best."

Erik held her, "Okay then, I'll tell them yes as long as it's like they said. I love you my mate."

She looked at him, "I love you also."

They kissed and they felt a familiar lurch once more. Erik shook his head, "I guess we made the right choice love."

Katja smiled at him, "Well, at least it's nice to know when we do." She kissed him again, then Erik heard her say in his mind, "Just as long as all of you that are pushing him into this, help him." They felt themselves caressed by numerous loving entities, three that were very familiar and two others that were not. Then they knew that the two who were not familiar were the God's of the Kannite's and the Avianne's, Anubis and Horus.

On Monday, Erik drove Katja and the kids to the town and while Katja took the children over to the learning center, Erik went to his office. He made some coffee and checked for any messages. The town was more or less completed and open, but there were still some minor things still to do to finish everything up. Then he heard, "So, how was the rest of your weekend?"

Erik looked up and smiled at Tony, "Not too bad, come on in, coffee's almost done."

Tony nodded and sat down in the chair in front of the desk. "What was the meeting about the other day?"

Erik looked at him, "They offered me another job."

Tony looked at him frowning, "I thought you were taking some time off?"

Erik nodded, "I still am in a in a month or so, once the rest is done. The job won't start until about nine months or so from now."

Tony nodded back, "Well, at least your gonna relax a bit. What do that want you to do now?"

Erik reached into his backpack and pulled out the letter, then handed it to him. He went and filled a couple of mugs up with coffee. Tony pulled the letter out and his eyes went wide as he saw the letterhead, then he read it.

Erik sat the coffee's down and leaned back in his chair sipping on his while Tony read.

Once finished, he sat the letter on the desk, "Let me guess, your taking it."

Erik nodded, "It looks like it, for two reasons really. One, how can you turn down a personal request from the president. And two, I was informed that it will help Geoff and the others when he gets older."

Tony nodded, "I can imagine who told you that."

Erik nodded back, "Not only Her, but the other four also."

Tony's eyes went wide once again, "The other four??"

Erik grinned, "Yes, Bast, Briast, Anubis and Horus."

Tony looked a bit stunned, "Let me guess, the last two are the Gods of Kannite's and the Avianne's. Or at least that's who I think Ariel told me one time who their Gods were."

Erik nodded, "Yeah, that's it. So now I need to tell them I'm taking the job, after they tell me a little more."

Tony looked at him and nodded his understanding. Then Erik asked, "Have they offered you and Ariel anything I didn't hear about?"

"Not really," Tony replied taking a sip of coffee. "I'm sure something will be forth coming. I don't know about Ariel either, I understand they were going to offer her the public works job after Kat said no, but she turned them down before it could be officially offered just like Kat did."

Erik took another drink nodding, "Katja turned them down flat, she wants to stay home with the kids and be a full-time mom for now. It's not like we need the money or anything, and she can help teach the kids at home somewhat."

Tony grinned, "Ariel was thinking the same, all the kids are so advanced, Allie can't keep up with them. They might want to think about starting a new class for the mixed species children, since I suppose they'll all be like that."

Erik grinned back, "Your right there, it would be easier probably. You have any idea what you want to do?"

Tony shrugged, "More than likely me and the others will work for the public works garage. Or I was thinking about asking to learn about the shuttles. That would be interesting."

He took a drink of coffee and smiled, "Since our original idea of our own shop is pretty much moot right now."

Erik rocked his hand back and forth, "Maybe, maybe not. I might not be able to work at it, but I can be a silent partner if you guys still want to do it."

Tony shrugged, "I'm not worrying about that it that much, we'll see what happens."

They talked a little more, then Tony said, "Well, I'm going to check on a few things. I'll let you know how they're going. You gonna be here?"

Erik shrugged also, "Don't know for sure, but probably, so check here first or just text me. I'm not sure how long I'll be in talking to uncle Geoff, or what Kat is doing."

Tony nodded and headed out, then Erik answered a couple messages and finished his coffee. Once done, he walked next door to uncle Geoff's office and walked in. He smiled; Helen was at her desk working on the computer. He grinned, "Hey Sis."

Helen looked up and smiled, then got up to give her brother a hug and kiss. "Hi Erik, how you doing?"

Erik kissed her back, "Alright I guess, is uncle Geoff busy?"

She shook her head as she sat back down, "Not really, I suppose you've made a decision on what they asked."

Erik nodded, then sighed, "Yeah, we talked it over last night."

Helen looked at her brother, then said, "If it helps any, I think you'll make a good ambassador." Then she grinned, "However, you'll need to learn a little tact."

"That's what's worrying me, I don't know if I can for the level it'll have to be at." He shook his head and snorted a laugh, "Well, one good thing, I won't be dealing with other countries, so we probably won't go to war because of something I said or did."

Helen laughed, "Maybe you ought to go in and tell him yes before you talk yourself out of it."

Erik gave his sister a look she was very familiar with and she laughed as he knocked on the door. He heard, "Come in." He took a breath and opened the door.

Uncle Geoff smiled as he saw who it was. He stood and came over to take Erik's hand. "Good morning Erik. How are you this morning?"

Erik took the hand of the person he looked at as a father. Even if he was another species, he loved him like a father. "Morning sir, you have a few minutes to go over a few things?"

Geoff smiled at this human, he was the son he never had. Victoria and him were still hoping to have children, but this human would always be like his first born. "Sure Erik, come let's sit and we'll talk."

The sat down then Erik gave him the status of a few things still being worked on. "Tony's out checking on a few things and as soon as I get an update from him, I'll let you know."

Geoff smiled, "Wonderful son. So, is there anything else?"

Erik looked at him, "Yes, Katja and I talked about it last night. I suppose I'll be taking the position you all offered." He smiled at him ruefully, "Sort of like you figured."

Geoff laughed, "Yes, I did know you'd take it. Erik, as I told you when this all first started, I know your type and I've seen them over my entire career. Even after all these years, your still insatiably curious, adventuresome, intelligent and still wouldn't ever turn down something that you though new and exciting." Then he smiled gently adding, "And knew, without a doubt, that you'd be helping someone by doing it."

Erik nodded at him; uncle Geoff knew him to well. He knew exactly what to say to get someone to do something.

"Your right, I was told this by others also, both human, Lyonness and divine."

Geoff looked at him as he said divine, then nodded his understanding. "Okay then, I'll let the others know. They'll be very happy; I know they really wanted you to take the position."

Erik nodded back, "But, I will be taking a long vacation in the next couple of months once we finish up totally here. I promised Katja I would, and they wouldn't like to see my mate angry if they interfered with that."

Geoff laughed, "Yes, I'll make sure I tell them that also. Not mention the others that think it's a good idea. Victoria is looking forward to it as are all the others, it'll be fun, I think. She showed me the place they all were thinking of."

Erik nodded smiling, "Yeah, I don't know who's more excited, the children or our mates"

Then he got serious, "Has there been any definite decision on where the Kannite's and the Avianne's will be landing?"

Geoff rocked his hand back and forth, "Maybe, it's still being discussed if they going to both land in one spot at first, then one of them will move to another empty base. Joseph and Bill Sharpe said they were thinking of a couple of places in the middle of the country."

Erik thought about it, "I not sure if that's a good idea, the landing together and then moving I mean. It seems a little silly if they're going to move the ship."

Geoff nodded, "Yes, we brought that up. What they're thinking of doing is more like we did, land at the one and move everyone but the real crew to the new spot. We haven't heard if they are going to send their ships back or not."

Erik nodded, "Okay, that makes better sense. I suppose it'll be a while yet till we can communicate with them."

"Yes," Geoff said nodding, "We have to wait until they get into the system here and come out of hyperspace. Which will be about a few months or so earth time."

Erik nodded, "Do we have any in-depth info on them? I really only know who they are and a little bit about them that Katja told me."

Geoff nodded, "Yes, we have some files about them and their cultures. You can access it from your computer here, it's all on the main-frame."

Erik nodded, "Good, that way I'll be a little up on what and how we need to teach them. Since I suppose that's going to be my job also."

Geoff nodded, "Yes, but it shouldn't be too bad, most of the things you taught here should cross to them."

Erik cocked his head, "They are similar to the Lyonness, right? I mean on how they look, are they more or less humanoid?"

Geoff nodded, "Yes, the Kannite's are like us, humanoid with canine features. The Avianne's look almost human, except they have small feathers in place of hair, and the wings of course. They're also about our size."

Geoff took a sip of tea, "I think we've talked about this before, most of the others, even the ones who aren't settling here, with a few exceptions, are mostly humanoid."

Erik nodded, "I hope once the Avianne's land and start moving out into the population, that they're not mistaken for "Angels." I have to assume that's how humans came up with the idea of them later on, along with Harpies. They may have more of a problem fitting in."

He shrugged, "Or, maybe not, as people are used to seeing different beings now and the majority understand how much of this happened."

Erik finished his coffee, "I guess we'll deal with it when the time comes. No sense getting all worked up yet. Besides, I'm sure that Briast and the others will assist." He smiled as he felt a familiar warmth run through him.

Erik set his cup on the desk, "The other question we had was can we just stay where we're at. I don't see why we can't since I'd still be the contact for us here. It would certainly make my life a lot easier with the children staying here for school."

Uncle Geoff nodded, "I agree, I can't see why not also. We can set up an office for you if you want to be separate or just keep the one you have. I agree the children should stay here for the schooling and whatever other training comes along. No matter what your called, your still one of our family and people."

Geoff smiled, "And, you're still a commander in our "Navy" so I think we have the first call on you."

Erik smiled, "So I guess you mean my duration isn't over yet."

Geoff smiled, "Exactly"

Then he got serious, "I wouldn't worry too much about it Erik, I really see no reason why you can't do it the way you want. You're doing them a favor by taking the position, plus you know what's going on and what will need to be done. The Kannite's and the Avianne's are friends of our people so we'll be able to help them also. Afterall, that was the reason we landed first, to see how things would go and smooth the way for the others."

Erik thought for a minute and nodded his agreement. "All right uncle, you've never steered me wrong yet, so I doubt you would now. I guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out and I'll study up on them. As you said, it shouldn't be any different for them, then it was for our people. More than likely, it'll be easier, we already took care of the hard things."

He stood and picked up his mug, "I guess I'll go and take care of a few things until Tony reports back. I'll let you know if there's any problems."

Erik went out and said goodbye to his sister and headed to his office. Once there, he refilled his coffee and sat down at his desk. He sighed, "How do I let myself get talked into these things?"

He felt warmth and knew it was Briast this time instead of Brigit. He smiled, "Some advice my Lady?"

Briast giggled and he grinned, she was so cute when she did that. "Oh, you think I'm cute, do you? Better not let your "mates" know that."

Erik grinned, Briast was like a sister, "They already know how much I like and love you also. So, do you have any advice?"

Briast stroked him, "Just that you're doing the right thing, Geoff and the others will need your help and training besides mine. As Brigit told you, that's what you were put here to do."