Katja Pt. 23


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Once they were home and Erik parked the car, he grinned as he watched Brigitte and Geoff almost run into the house as he followed them. He grinned as he saw them hugging Brigit and she had a grin from ear to ear herself. Erik gave Katja a hug and kiss, then he did the same to Aileen. By then, Brigit had finished greeting Brigitte and Geoff and it was his turn. She got the same hug and kiss as Katja, then he and the children went in to clean up and dress before they had a late lunch.

The rest of the day went by normally, the kids spent some more time with Brigit, which made them all happy, then went down to the rec-room to play like normal. Erik and Katja had grinned as they watched them all together, Brigit was telling them a story about something that had happened when Geoff had mentioned what they had learned today in school. Brigit hadn't been able to get the smile off her face since the children got home, she had been just excited as they were.

Erik smiled at Katja, "You know, with Brigit telling them what really happened, I think Allie is going to be in for a surprise."

Katja grinned back as she hugged his arm, then they walked into the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. Once they got what they wanted and finished their lunch, they looked at the website for the furniture store to see what bedroom furniture they wanted to look at after Helen left. The rest of the day and night was normal, they had dinner and watched some TV afterwards until the kids went to bed, then the three of them relaxed and just talked about various things. Then once they were sure the kids were asleep, they went to bed to enjoy themselves.

The next morning Erik woke up first like normal, and he grinned as he had Katja spooned up to him on one side, and Brigit on the other. He thought to himself grinning, 'Yeah, we really do need a bigger bed.' His mates had decided to use him again like the other time, but this time, Katja rode him and Brigit straddled his face while holding onto the headboard. He really loved when they did that, but he never was able to last that all that long.

Katja and Brigit woke as he moved a little and then he was being hugged and kissed by both of them and he returned it as best he could. Then he got up to get dressed as the normal knocking on the bedroom door ensued and Katja grinned at Brigit, then said, "It's open children."

Brigit laughed as the three of them came running in and jumped into bed with them giving both their mothers morning hugs and kisses. Katja and Brigit smiled at each other as they returned the hugs and kisses, then the kids snuggled up to both them.

Erik grinned as he finished getting dressed, he could hear them all laughing and giggling. Once he finished up, he came back out and he was given his morning hugs and kisses by the children. Once the morning greetings were over, he put a giggling Geoff over his shoulder and they went to make the morning tea and coffee.

Erik turned on the coffee maker and the kettle while Geoff prepared the tea pot. Then while they were waiting, Geoff opened the pantry and got out the box of cat treats, then grinned as he walked out and shook the box of the treats. Marcus, Neffi, and Niall came running into the living room and greeted Geoff as he shook out their morning treats for them. Finished with that, he stroked Marcus and Niall, then picked up Neffi to give her, her morning hug. Neffi purred as she licked his cheek, then rubbed her face on his making Geoff giggle as her whiskers tickled him.

He put her back down on the floor, then he put out the treats for Cleo and Caesar, calling to them to let them know. They both thanked him as they came out of their house and he went back into the kitchen just as his father was pouring his mothers tea's. He grinned as climbed back up on the step-stool, then he added the sugar and stirred the two cups as his father got the orange juice out of the fridge and poured their glasses full. Erik gave him a hug, then he put the two cups of tea on the table as Geoff put his and his sister's juice glasses at their spots.

Like usual, they stood for a couple minutes, then Katja and Brigit walked into the kitchen. Katja was holding Brigitte's hand and Brigit had Aileen's. Geoff grinned as he and his father got their morning smiles and hugs. Then the three children giggled once more as their mothers gave their father a kiss along with his smile.

They all sat down and had breakfast talking about what they needed to do today. Helen would be over right after lunch, and Brigit needed to go to her house in the Ether for a while, then Bast and herself would be back to meet with them all. Once they finished breakfast, Brigit gave the children and hug and kiss. Then she smiled, "I'll be back after lunch dear ones." Then they watched as she walked through the kitchen doorway, and she phased out.

Erik and Katja cleaned up the breakfast dishes, then Erik made Katja another cup of tea and a coffee for himself as the children went to go get dressed and come back to watch their normal Saturday morning TV shows they liked. Erik and Katja sat back down to drink their tea and coffee, then talked about what they were going say and explain to Helen. Once they finished, both of them started on some of the normal Saturday morning tasks they did every week. Then once the kids finished watching the show they had on, they also started on their normal chores.

Brigitte gave her mother a hand, while Geoff, with Aileen's help, fed the cats. Once that was done, Aileen helped her mother and sister and Geoff followed his father out back to check on the pond and garden. None of what they did, took all that long and as soon as they were done, Geoff went to his room with Neffi following him and Brigitte and Aileen went down to the rec-room with Marcus and Niall following them. Katja and Erik grinned at one another, then they sat down on the couch to talk and relax until lunch.

In the Ether, Brigitte walked into her house and smiled as she poured herself a mug of nectar and got some ambrosia, then she sat at the table and finished her meal. Once done, she sat down in her favorite chair and got comfortable, then she smiled to herself as she closed her eyes, then began to listen to the requests from her followers.

She grinned to herself as she did, her followers would never know just why they were so happy lately and that all their requests, well within reason, were granted. She sat in a happy trance until she was finished, then she got up and refilled her mug of nectar and her plate of ambrosia so she could recharge what she had expended answering all the requests. She smiled once again as she sat back down to eat and drink while she waited on her sister Bast to show up before they went to her other home.

A little after lunch, Katja and Erik were sitting and talking while the children were in the rec-room playing. The security monitor toned and Erik smiled as he reached over to activate it, "It's open sis, come on in." He turned back to Katja and smiled, "She has the kids with her, they can keep ours company while we're talking."

Katja grinned and gave him a kiss as they heard the front door open and they both smiled as Helen and the kids came into the house. Teresa and Liam ran over calling out, "Uncle Erik, aunt Katja," and climbed up on the couch to give their aunt and uncle a hug. Once theirs was out of the way, they stood and hugged Helen. Then their three came up from the rec-room and they greeted their aunt and cousins. They talked for a little, then Erik told all the kids to go play in the rec-room till they called them up because they need to talk to their aunt.

The five children, and the cats, went back downstairs laughing and giggling. Helen smiled also, "I know you wanted me to come alone, but Azlan had to go into the office about something, so I had to bring them with me."

Erik smiled, "No big deal, do you want something to drink sis?"

Helen shook her head no, "No thanks, are the others here yet?" Just as Erik was going to say no, he smiled as Brigit and a surprisingly visible Bast, walked into the room and they both smiled and hugged Erik.

Brigit grinned, "Good afternoon my mates." Then she smiled at Helen, "Helen, it's wonderful to see you, thank you for your help."

Helen was a bit overwhelmed, she had heard and felt her Goddess, but had never seen her. "Goddess, it's... it's wonderful to see you."

Brigit smiled as she walked over and hugged her. "No need to be so formal my dear. After all, we are sister now."

Helen looked at her stunned, then realized she was right, she was mated to Erik. Brigit grinned and patted her face. "You'll get used to it." Then she smiled again, "As none of you, well, besides Erik, have ever seen my sister Bast, I guess introductions are in order."

Bast grinned and shook her head turning to Katja, "Now do you see my daughter, why I told you once she likes to explain things overmuch?"

Katja was a bit surprised as this was the first time she had ever seen Bast in the flesh, but she grinned, "I'm sorry my Goddess, but you don't really expect me to answer that? Do you?"

They all laughed, then the five of them sat down to talk. Brigit and Bast explained to Helen what had happen and what Bast was thinking about, then they asked her what she thought about it all.

Helen sat back looking between the two of them, still a little awed that she could actually see them and because of the conversation they just had. "I'm... just not sure... what to say about it. Like Erik said, Katja or another Lyonness, might understand about sharing as it's part of their culture." She cocked her head a bit, "But... I just don't know how Victoria will take it. Granted, both of us have changed quite a bit, and we understand playing, but for real?"

Helen shook her head slightly, "I just don't know; human women can be very possessive, as I'm sure you both know."

Bast nodded her understanding, "Well, technically, I wouldn't actually be sharing like Brigit, Katja and Erik do. It would be more like they were in the beginning, mainly joining with her. Would something like that bother you my daughter if we did it?"

Helen shrugged, "I'm sorry Mother Bast, as I've never been joined like that, I'm not sure how to answer."

Bast smiled and looked at her and Helen's eyes were drawn to Bast's gorgeous violet eyes. Then Helen felt Her presence and heard in her mind, "It would only be like this dear one. If we were to join, you would still be in control and I would just... experience what you do, nothing more."

Helen's mind soared as she felt Bast's presence, then She was gone. Helen shook her head as Bast broke contact, then smiled from the experience. "Yes, I understand better now. But what it still comes down to, is that I just don't know how Victoria would respond. Something like that wouldn't bother me if you or Brigit did it, I belong to both of you. But Victoria doesn't, or at least I don't think she does... actually, I've never heard her say anything one way or the other about it."

Helen thought for a moment, "I think... maybe... tell them about Aron first, and see how they react to it, then talk to Uncle Geoff alone and ask him. Then you might have a better idea once you see how he responds to the idea."

Helen shook her head again, "I'm sorry, but I'm just not completely sure because I don't have enough information about Victoria."

Brigit and Bast nodded their understanding, then Brigit smiled, "Thank you sister for your advice."

Bast smiled too, "I thank you also. I think you're right and I'll do that, it does make better sense daughter."

Once that was over, they talked a bit more, then Brigit suddenly smiled. She looked at Bast, "Your niece wants to know if they could come and say hello now. She said they didn't want to bother us until we had finished talking."

Erik grinned and shook his head, he should have know Aileen would have heard them. Bast grinned, "I don't mind, they are all partially mine also."

Brigit smiled cocking her head, then they heard numerous footsteps on the stairs and the children came into the living room. Geoff, Aileen and Brigitte laughed as they hugged their mother while Terresa and Liam stood open mouthed in amazement, not sure what to do.

Brigit smiled as she finished greeting hers, then smiled at the others, "Terresa, Liam... I know we haven't met yet, but I'm your Aunt Brigit."

They smiled shyly nodding as they moved closer to Helen, still not really sure what to do.

Aileen grinned and came over to Bast, "Hi Aunt Bast, I missed you so much." She hugged a smiling Bast as She answered, "It's good to see you also my niece, I see you've grown quite a bit since I saw you last, and I missed you also."

Aileen grinned from ear to ear at that, then Bast smiled at Geoff and Brigitte. "And hello to you also Geoff, Brigitte." Then she smiled as she held her arms open. Geoff and Brigitte grinned and came over and hugged her like Aileen did calling her Aunt Bast.

Then Aileen went over and took Terresa and Liam's hands, then pulled them over. "Aunt Bast, this is our cousins Terresa and Liam." Bast smiled and greeted them, giving them a hug also as Brigit and the others smiled as they watched the children with Bast.

Erik grinned to himself as he saw how... happy... Bast was from the attention the children gave her. He grinned once more as he watched Aileen climb onto her lap and Bast put her arms around her smiling as she held her niece with her head on Aileen's. Erik looked at his mates, and they smiled at him, with Brigit nodding knowingly.

They talked for a few more minutes, then a smiling Briast materialized, "Doesn't the other aunt get a hug also?"

The children grinned and came over, all of them hugging her also as they greeted their Aunt Briast, and Her smile got wider and wider as the children hugged her. Geoff, Brigitte, and Aileen were used to this because of Brigit, but Liam and Terresa weren't and were still a little shy. But once Briast hugged them back, they were smiling as much as the others.

Helen watched as the Bast and Briast hugged her children, she was also not very used to this, but she also smiled as she watched. Then she grinned as she heard Brigit say to her again, "You'll get used to it sister."

They talked a little more, then Bast thanked them all for their advice, "I really do appreciate it, but I do need to go now."

The children were sad she had to go, but they gave her another a hug and told her they loved her. Bast smiled from ear to ear again as she returned the hugs. Then she hugged Helen and Katja first, and then smiled as She caressed Erik's face. "Thank you dear one for all your help."

Erik smiled back, "Your more than welcome, I hope everything goes the way you want it." Then he grinned over at Brigit, "I know love, three will kill me."

Brigit and Katja laughed as Bast smiled and shook her head. "I love you all." Then as she phased from view, Briast gave all the children hugs, then the others and she also phased out.

The children were going back down to the rec-room to finish watching the movie they put on, but Erik told them wait for a minute and come talk to him first. All five of them came over and smiled waiting as Erik smiled back, "Before you go back down, I have something I need to tell you first. I know this was a very special, exciting, occasion; Geoff, Brigitte, and Aileen know, but Liam, Terresa you don't know about everything yet. So, you shouldn't talk about this right now to any of the others, it's just between all us here, and your father."

He smiled at them, "I know this may be hard to understand, and you're both probably excited from what happened and who you met. But it is important that you keep just between us for now. Okay kids?"

Liam and Terresa nodded, then they both said, "Yes, we understand uncle Erik, we won't."

Erik smiled and hugged them, "Good, thank you, and we'll let you know when you can. Now go ahead and finish the movie while we finish talking." He watched as all of them, and the three cats who had stared in wonder at the other two females that had been there, headed back to the rec-room.

They talked for a while longer, then once the children's movie was over and they came back up, and Helen said she needed to go home to start dinner. They all said their goodbye's and Erik walked her and the kids out to her car. As they got to her car, Helen smiled at her brother. "Tell me something Erik, just how do you... deal... with all this?" She was still a little awed about meeting the three Goddesses, in the flesh.

Erik grinned, "Badly, at first. But we've gotten used to it."

Helen shook her head and hugged him. "Well, I hope you're right little brother."

Erik grinned as Liam and Terresa giggled as their mother called their uncle Erik little brother. He returned the hug, then stooped down to hug his niece and nephew once more.

He watched as they all got into her car, and he waved to them as they drove down the driveway to head home. He smiled and shook his head, then walked back inside and stopped, grinning as he saw his three kids with their mothers. Then he grinned some more as he heard the One say to him, "You'll get more used to it also my son."

It was now the middle of June, and Erik was sitting in his office going over some of the class materials for when the others got here to see what he'd keep the same, outright change, or just update. They finally had a solid landing date as they were both now in their solar system after coming out of hyperspace. The plan for now, was for both ships to land in Texas at the base they inspected, then the Kannite's and Avianne's would stay there for a while, until he could give them some training. Then once that and a couple other things were done, the Avianne's would more than likely go to the base in Colorado to settle, while the Kannite's would stay in Texas. They were also told, once they could actually talk to them, that there was going to be another two ships coming like this time, and once they got into the system, the two ships already here would head back to their homeworlds and return with the last group of settlers.

Once they knew for sure, they had sent a small group of people to look over the base in Colorado, and they found it was in much better shape than the one in Texas. It was more like New Lyonn and Tygris was originally, and should be easier to convert to a town. What would be done to the base in Texas was still up in the air until after they landed and decided how they wanted to do it. However, a small group of Lyonness would upgrade the control tower with the new sensors, and the main buildings somewhat at the base so it could handle the larger security force, the marines that would be helping, and have a place the Kannite's and Avianne's could work out of while what was going to happen was decided, along with a place to do the classes.

The alien and UFO show people had finally decided what they'd be doing and had contacted Victoria about it. The show would be done as a mostly live special show at New Lyonn, and a short backstory one in the studio preceding it. This would be done sometime in late July so it could be aired before the others landed in September. It would cover mostly what they had discussed at the original meeting, the new people coming, and of course about the Lyonness themselves. They had planned to do a teleconference sometime in the next few weeks to nail down who would be involved.

Things were also going well at home as they continued what they had first started doing. Brigit would go to her house in the Ether in the morning after the children left for school, then come back later on in the day about the same time as the Erik and the children got home, if possible. So far, it had worked out very well for all of them.