Katja Pt. 23


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Besides Helen and the children, Brigit had also been introduced to Celia and Erin, as they were her priestesses, then to Areil, Tony, and their children, then finally to Axel and his family. Much like when Helen and the children met her, the adults were a little stunned at first and the children had been a little shy like Helen's, but they were all fine afterwards. This weekend they had planned on adding Uncle Geoff, Victoria, and their children to the group, then the following weekend, it would be Katja's and Areil's parents turn.

Erik finished adding the final updates to the courses, but he would still have to make up the slides for the updated presentations as soon as he gave everything the once over. Then, like he had done for their people at New Tygris, he'd go out to the base in Texas to give them the more important classes after the furor of them landing was over and before the work started. The only problem he saw, was that was going to be after he took over and he hoped he could get them all through the important classes before he got too involved with his liaison duties. After that, their own people would be able to give the common classes that had already been converted to video.

In between working on the courses and a few other things, he had also started making a list of the things he wanted to bring up with the government to see if they could get some things changed. He knew he couldn't change the age thing because it would have to be for everyone, and that just wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So, since he knew it was a lost cause at this time, he wasn't even going to waste his time trying.

One of the big things he wanted to get changed, was about their people being mated, and whatever the others coming would be called, to see why it wasn't recognized. So they didn't get married here, it didn't seem to be a problem with someone coming from another country, so why should they be different for them. So what he wanted was to have both state and federal governments recognize when they were mated, and he was going to see if the laws could be changed so they would.

He had figured that as long as they were legally mated by their laws and customs, all they should have to do is file some type of legal document to that effect with the state they were in. He figured something like an alternate... marriage license, since the Lyonness don't have any paperwork like that when they were mated to give to anyone to prove it.

This way they wouldn't need to go through a whole marriage ceremony just to get a signed piece of paper, unless they wanted to like Katja and he did. From talking to Jack and his other lawyer friend that he'd talked to before, they thought that sounded reasonable and figured that could be changed with little problem. As Jack had said when he talked to him, the only thing they wouldn't be doing is the ceremony. He was also looking over some other things to see if they could be handled the same way.

Then since he knew they couldn't change the legal age just for them, he wondered if they could change some things about it. Like when Lucy and Jonny mentioned about them having to get their parents to sign for them to start college, he wondered if they could at least get that changed so they didn't have to go through that. Very soon, a lot of the Lyonness children would be able to attend college at sixteen, if they needed or wanted to, or maybe even earlier for some of them like the mixed species children. He figured that as long as they already had an official diploma and other paperwork from their learning center, and had past any entry exams, they should be able to go without jumping through hoops.

The other thing he also wanted to see about, was to getting the age limit for a drivers license changed to sixteen. When he researched it, twenty-two states already had that, so it he figured it should be the same no matter where they were. But he thought that might be a little harder to do since that was totally at the state level.

That was something he had never understood anyhow, even before all this, personally he had always thought that a drivers license should have always been at the federal level. If you could drive in one state at sixteen, you should be able to get a license all over at that age and the laws should be the same no matter where you were. To him, and a lot of other people he knew, it was just common sense.

Erik sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, then stretched to loosen up his back. Grinning, as he remembered Bast remarking about him sitting up straight once again. He really needed to remember that, but the real problem was he wasn't doing any physical work anymore, all he had was a desk job now. He smiled to himself, he did sort of miss it, and he'd go to the garage every so often to see Tony and stick his nose in whatever they were doing.

He looked up at the clock to check the time, and saw it was just about time to go and get the kids, so he started finishing up for the day. As he did that, he thought about the TV show once again, and wondered when they would be doing that and with who. He wrote down a note to remind himself to talk to Vicky tomorrow about it so he could get things organized on his end.

He finally got everything shutdown and packed up his computer in his bag, then he headed out to go get the kids. After dropping his stuff off in his car, he walked over to the learning center, and like everyday, he met the other parents waiting outside and he joked with Areil like normal as he greeted all the others asking how they were.

As they were waiting, Ariel said to him, "I heard some wonderful news today. I was over at the med-center to see when I could bring the children in for their checkup and I heard that Doc Maya and Tom are expecting. Maya went into heat over the weekend."

Erik grinned, "That's great news." Then still grinning, he joked, "I wonder who's gonna be their doctor?"

Areil laughed and shrugged, "Probably either Doctor Suzse or more than likely, doctor Koto. I know Doctor Tom and him are friends, he's been teaching him about humans since he wanted to learn and he's also friends with Maya."

Erik nodded, then grinned again, "I wonder who their kids mates will be? Briast seems to tell all the expectant parents after it happens."

Areil laughed and shrugged, "We didn't get that far into it. But I think Maya and Tom are expecting one or both of their children to.... what do you humans call it? Ah... follow in there footprints?"

Erik grinned, "Follow in their parents footsteps is the correct term." He nodded, "Yeah, that's fairly normal from what I've seen with humans."

Then Erik's intuition kicked in once again, 'Aileen will be a doctor when she grows up, and we were told her mate hadn't been born yet. I wonder if that's who her mate will be? Maya and Tom's son.'

He smiled as he felt a caress and heard Briast say, "You really do know to much Erik."

He grinned thinking, 'It's not my fault, it just happens. Do they know?' He smiled as he could sense Briast shake her head. "Yes, they know, but don't tell anyone else yet, just your mates dear one."

Erik smiled to himself, he really loved her. Then he grinned thinking, 'I know love, I know, three will kill me.' Then he heard Brigit laugh, along with Briast and Bast.

Allie and Cassie finally led the children out like normal and Erik smiled as he was greeted by all the kids and his like he was every day. He greeted and joked with them all like he always did and got his daily hug from Gesa, then he joked with Allie and gave Cassie a hug and kiss on the cheek. They all talked a little and then he said goodbye to them all and they headed to the car so they could go home. The ride home was like it was everyday, he and the children talked about how their day went and what they did until they got home.

Once he parked the car, the three of them got out and they all got their backpacks and headed into the house. They all smiled as the normal after school and work routine commenced as they greeted their mothers, sister and cats. Then it was Erik's turn, and he smiled as he got a hug and kiss from Katja and Brigit. As he hugged Brigit, he whispered, "I missed your daily visit love. Did you tell Katja about Maya and Tom love?"

Brigit smiled as she hugged him back, "Umm, I missed you to love, sorry I couldn't stop by today. But no, I didn't. I figure we could later after the kids go to bed."

Erik smiled back and hugged her again, "Okay, sounds good to me. Well, I guess I'll go in and get cleaned up and changed, I'll be back in a couple minutes."

Brigit and Katja grinned, then each of them kissed one side of his face making him grin as he walked to their bedroom. Since both his mates were helping the kids with something, he had to get changed by himself today. As he stripped, he shook his head, 'It was amazing how much you missed something simple like that.' He smiled to himself as he grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt to change into, along some fresh shorts and socks.

He got cleaned up and once finished, he got dressed, and thought about what he found out about Maya and Tom's son going to be Aileen's mate. He knew better than to ask anymore if they had to arrange everything. But he supposed it was because the ones that were... arranged... for lack of a better term, had important things that would be done. He had just pulled on his socks and slipped on his moccasins as he wondered if Aileen would know like the others?

He smiled to himself, he was glad that Brigit had took their daughter in hand since she moved in and taught her and the others, but mainly Aileen, how to better control the mind speech. He smiled again as he thought to himself, 'With as many times as I just mentioned her name, she would have definitely heard me thinking about it.'

Then he shook his head as he heard a giggle in his head, then he thought, 'I thought mommy taught you about that love?'

He smiled as he heard Aileen respond, "I know daddy, mommy showed me, but you were thinking about me very... loud, and I heard it."

Erik shook his head once more, then asked her, 'Okay love, it's alright. Did you understand what I was thinking about?'

He heard her giggle again, 'Yes daddy, Doctor Maya and Tom's son is going to be my friend like Gesa is with Geoff. But I knew that, Aunt Briast told me a while ago when I asked her since Geoff and Brigitte knew, and I wondered about me. His name will be Dylan.'

Erik smiled as he tossed his clothes in the hamper, 'Well, that sounds like a nice name, I think it's from a country called Wales. Sort of like your name is Celtic, the countries are all in the same area.' He grinned and added, 'Well, I'm glad you know sweetheart, but keep it to yourself for now.'

'Okay daddy, I will. Aunt Briast told me the same thing.' Then Erik noticed she got very quiet, then she asked, 'Uh... daddy... why does everything seem to need to be a secret?'

Erik grinned to himself, he wondered when one of the kids would ask that. 'Well, it's sort of because... it's just not the right time yet, and because of who our family is made up of. Mommy is a Goddess, and that's not the way it normally is... for most people. If we told everyone, they may not understand at this time and place. Uh... do you understand what I mean kitten?'

Aileen grinned to herself as her daddy called her kitten, she loved when he did that. 'Yes daddy, I guess so. Will we every be able to?'

Erik smiled, 'I really don't know kitten, but I do hope so because it is something wonderful. Now why don't you finish playing so I can go talk to your mothers love.'

'Okay daddy, I will. Oh, and Niall asked me to tell you hi. He was taking a nap when when you got home, we were playing out in the yard all afternoon and he was tired.'

'Alright kitten, you tell him I said hi also.'

Erik smiled and shook his head, this was never the kind of conversation's he ever thought he'd be having when he had kids. Granted, most of the things he had been doing since that day at the cafe when he met Katja is different than he thought he'd been doing. But he wouldn't give any of it up for all the gold in the world. His life had been filled with nothing but love, happiness and wonder since that day.

He walked back to the living room and grinned as he saw his mates talking together. "I was going to get something to drink, would either of you like something?"

The both shook their heads no and went back to talking, and he grinned as he walked to the kitchen and got himself a glass of iced-tea. He walked back out and sat his glass on the end table and gave each of his mates a kiss before sitting down. They went back to talking and he went through the small pile of mail that came in. Most of it was junk and once finished, he picked up a new magazine that came in and started to leaf through it. He smiled to himself as did; just another day winding down like normal.

Katja finally got up, stopped and gave Erik a kiss, then went to the kitchen to make dinner. Brigit slid next to him and hugged his arm. "I love you Erik."

He smiled and kissed her back, "I love you too Brigit. Uh... did you mention anything to Katja while you two were talking?"

She hugged his arm and shook her head no. "Not really, I just mentioned we needed to talk later after the children went to bed. Why do you ask?"

He smiled and put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. "Because I just had a conversation with our daughter while I was getting dressed. Apparently, even though you taught her how to control the mind speech, she still hears it if you're... in her words... thinking loud."

Brigit grinned, "Thinking loud?"

He nodded yes with a grin. "I was thinking about it all, then I thought to myself, with as many times as I mentioned her name when I did, she would have definitely heard me thinking about her if you hadn't taught her how to control it a bit better."

He smiled, "Then I heard her giggle, and I asked her about it, and that's when she told me; "I know daddy, mommy showed me, but you were thinking about me very... loud, and I heard it."

Brigit grinned at that as did Erik. "So, I asked her, if she understood what I was thinking about.'

"She giggle again, and she told me she did, then she told me, "Doctor Maya and Tom's son is going to be my friend like Gesa is with Geoff. But I knew that, Aunt Briast told me a while ago when I asked her since Geoff and Brigitte knew, and I wondered about me, his name will be Dylan."

Brigit sat up a little, "Our daughter gets smarter and more... aware, of things every day."

Erik nodded his understanding, "Well... I told her that sounds like a nice name, then I told her the name is from a country called Wales. Sort of like her name is Celtic, and that the countries are all in the same area." He grinned once more, "Then I told her to keep it to herself for now and she agreed telling me her Aunt Briast told me the same thing."

He leaned down and kissed Brigit making her smile like she did every time he did. "Well, after that, she got real quiet, then she asked me, 'Uh... daddy, why does everything seem to need to be a secret?'

Erik pulled Brigit a little closer, "Considering their backgrounds, I always wondered when one of the kids would ask that. So I told her because it's not the right time yet for people to know and because of who our family is made up of. That if we told everyone now, they may not understand at this time and place and I asked her if she understand what I meant. She told me she guessed so and asked if we every would be able to. I told her I really didn't know, but that I hoped so."

Brigit smiled at him after he finished, "Well, I've said she would be different love."

Erik nodded once again, "I know, it's not all that much different than the others I guess." He grinned, "Besides, I know better than to ask anymore if you all need to arrange everything. I figured it's because the ones that are... arranged... for lack of a better term, have important things that will need be done."

Brigit grinned back, "I keep telling you, you know to much love. It's basically true, it goes a little farther than that, but it's close enough for now."

She kissed him once more, "I'm going to help Katja love, we'll call you once diner is done."

Erik smiled and kissed her back, then watched as she walked into the kitchen. Once she was gone, he thought about what she had told him about the change that her and Bast would be going through, becoming slightly more human. But it seemed more than slightly from what he'd seen with her and Bast.

He still wondered about who was going to be the one to join Briast to help with all the newer... species... of people. Then like what normally happens, he thought to himself, 'I guess like Brigit and Bast combined to create the aspect of Briast, I wonder if Anubis and Horus will do the same? And whoever was created from that joining, would be Briast's... mate, for lack of a better term, since the new one would be a sort of a... male aspect.'

He felt warmth go through him, and heard the One sigh, "I don't know why I try to keep things from you my son. Yes, that is what will happen... eventually."

Erik grinned, "Well, like your granddaughter is so fond of saying, "It just happens." I guess it's when certain things trigger it, the answer just pops in my head."

Erik shivered as the One caressed him. "I know my son, it was just an observation, not criticism. Just keep it to yourself for now, none of them know it it yet." Then Erik grinned as he heard the One say, "That goes for you too granddaughter."

Erik smiled as he heard a giggle, "Yes Grandfather, I will. I love you." Erik smiled once more as he heard the One chuckle, "I love you too Aileen." Then the One's presence was gone.

Erik sat back and took a drink as he thought about it all. Then grinned as his daughter, followed by Niall as usual, came over and climbed into his lap and hugged him. He hugged her back and stroked her hair, "I guess we were thinking... loud, again?"

Aileen grinned, "No, not really. When Grandfather talks to you or mommy, I normally always hear it. I'm not sure why it happens daddy, but it does."

Erik nodded as he laid his head against hers. "I guess that makes sense, so I guess you and me have a secret that just the two of us know."

Aileen grinned and hugged her father because it felt nice that it was just something between him and her.

Niall snuggled up on Aileen's lap as she sat on her daddies lap and purred from the love he felt from both of them. Erik grinned and stroked his head as he purred, he still hadn't learn to purr quietly.

They talked a little about what happened, then Geoff and Brigitte came in followed by Neffi and Marcus. They grinned as they saw their father and sister, then they joined them on the couch to wait for dinner to be ready. Erik smiled as they all sat together and the purring got louder as Neffi and Marcus joined Niall in purring their happiness also. Erik couldn't remember ever being this happy in his entire life.

They all talked a little as they waited, and once Katja came out to say dinner was ready, she smiled at the scene and at the grin on her mates face. "Dinners ready." Then she bent down to kiss Erik.

Erik smiled and returned the kiss, then they all got up to walk into the dining room. Erik gave Brigit a kiss as she put down one of the bowls. She smiled and kissed him back, then they all started in on dinner.

Once they finished, the children went down to the rec-room for a while to play, while Erik and his mates finished their drinks and talked a little. After they finished, they brought all the leftovers and dishes back into the kitchen from the dining room, and Erik said he'd clean up. He smiled as he was kissed and hugged by both his mates, then they walked out and as he loaded up the dishwasher and put away the leftovers. He wiped everything down and once done with all that, he prepped the coffee maker and water kettle for later, then went out to join his mates.