Katja Pt. 23


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After a bit, the children came back up and joined them to watch a movie like normal. Erik made them their tea and coffee, then with Geoff's help, they made them their popcorn and juice. Once the movie was over, the kids went to their rooms and got changed to go to bed, then came back out for a little until it was time for them to go to bed. They all got some more hugs and kisses, then they wished them goodnight.

Once the children went to bed, Erik went into the kitchen and refilled his coffee mug and made Katja and Brigit some more tea. Once he came back, he sat their mugs on the coffee table, and his mates snuggled up to him on either side like normal.

Katja smiled as she put her mug back on the table after taking a sip, "So, what did you two need to tell me?"

Erik grinned as he took her hand and kissed it, "Well, when I went and picked the kids up, I was talking to Areil and she told me she had been over at the med-center and heard that Maya and Tom are expecting."

Katja grinned, "Oh, that's wonderful. But why the big secret?"

"Well, while I was waiting for the kids to come out, I was thinking about it and wondered who their kids mates would be, since these things keep getting arranged." He smiled at Brigit and kissed her as she grinned back at him.

"While I was thinking about it, my intuition kicked in once again and I thought to myself, "Aileen will be a doctor when she grows up, and we were told her mate hadn't been born yet. So... I wondered if maybe Maya and Tom's son would be her mate, since I figured he'd follow in their footsteps." He grinned again, "Then I got an answer when I heard Briast say, "You really do know to much Erik."

He grinned at Katja, "I told her it's not my fault, that it just happens, and I asked her if they knew about it." Briast said they did, but not tell anyone else yet, just you two, but she didn't mention anything about their daughter."

Katja looked at him slightly stunned, then she smiled and shook her head. "Why am I not surprised?"

Erik grinned at her as he took a drink of his coffee, "But wait, I'm not done yet, it gets better. While I was in getting changed when I got home, I was sort of thinking about it, running it over in my head. And with as many times as I thought about her while I did, I figured our daughter would have definitely heard me thinking about her if Brigit hadn't taught her how to control it a bit better."

He grinned again, "But then I heard Aileen giggle as I thought that and I asked her about it. Well, she said to me; "I know daddy, mommy showed me how, but you were thinking about me very... loud, and I heard it." So, I asked her, did she understand what I was thinking about?"

"I heard her giggle again; 'Yes daddy, Doctor Maya and Tom's son is going to be my friend like Gesa is with Geoff. Then she added, "But I knew that, Aunt Briast told me a while ago when I asked her since Geoff and Brigitte knew, and I wondered about me. Aunt Briast said his name will be Dylan."

Katja looked at both her mates, and once again shook her head smiling.

Brigit returned the smile, "As I told Erik, our daughter is getting even smarter and more aware, of things every day."

Erik kissed both of them, then continued, "So I told her to keep it to herself for now and she agreed telling me, "Aunt Briast told me the same thing."

Erik picked up his coffee mug and took another drink, then added nonchalantly. "So, I guess this means we need to include our future in-laws in the family gathering this weekend. If their not on duty at the med-center that is."

Katja and Brigit laughed at that and agreed it would be a good idea. Katja put her mug back on the table again, "They shouldn't be, Maya will probably be working from home, going over reports and things. I know most of the med-techs stay away if their pregnant for the most part, kind of like I had to stay out of the garage."

Erik nodded, "That makes sense, we don't seem to have anything serious going on, but better safe than sorry. Tom can take care of things for her, like I did for you, and Areil said either Doctor Suzse or Koto will be taking care of her."

Katja nodded, "I figured that's who'd be taking over. Oh, I meant to ask, what was she doing there, is Areil all right? She didn't mention anything about it when I talked to her this morning."

"She's fine kitten, she was making some appointments to get the kids their checkups."

Katja nodded, "Okay. That reminds me, I need to check to see when our three need to go. It should be soon. Did you want to stop and ask Maya and Tom to come over tomorrow? Or should I call her?"

Erik shrugged, "I can stop in on the way to lunch if you want, or you can call Maya if you just want to talk to her some about it."

Katja cocked her head slightly thinking, "I think I'll call her, this way I can invite them and see about the check-ups for the children." She grinned, "They need to meet both their son's future mothers. They know about it, but they haven't really met Brigit yet really."

Brigit laughed at that, "That's true, they sort of saw me when she was born, but not in the flesh, so to speak."

The three of them laughed at that, then they talked a little more and finished their coffee and tea. Then they headed to bed.

The next morning, Erik dropped the kids off at the learning center, then gave them both a hug and kiss. Then he told them to have fun and to say hello to miss Allie and their grandmother. He grinned as he watched them meet up some of the others and Areil grinned as she walked over to greet him.

"Hey sailor, have a good night?"

Erik laughed as she said that, "Yeah, it was good, pretty much like normal. We've got a system going now and everyone seems happy with it."

Areil grinned and shook her head, "You say that so casually."

Erik grinned back shrugging. "Well... it is kind of normal now, the kids are certainly happier that both their mothers are home. It actually went easier than the three of us thought it would." He grinned again, "Even meeting the rest of the family went easier than we thought it would."

Areil grinned again and Erik asked, "You guys coming this weekend? Or does my brother have to work again? I haven't seen him in a while."

Areil nodded, "Yes we are, and Tony should be there. It just got a little busy when he had to keep an eye on everything when Azlan went to the other base to help look it over."

Erik nodded, "Well, it just made sense him going. He told me once when we were talking about them that he'd been to the Avianne's planet a few times, so he sort of knew what they needed."

They talked a little more, then Erik needed to go to his office and Areil was going to stop at her moms place for a bit, then maybe stop over at Katja's to visit before she went home.

Erik walked back to his car and grabbed his backpack, then walked up to his office greeting some of the others on the way there. He opened his office and like every morning, he started his computer, made his coffee, then he checked his messages on the com-unit and there was nothing that couldn't wait a bit to answer. By then, the coffee was done and he poured himself a mug and checked his emails.

There wasn't anything there either that needed to be taken care of right now, so he picked up his coffee and headed over to uncle Geoff's office to see if he was in. Then after he talked to him, he also needed to check with Vicky about the show to see if she heard anything. He walked in and smiled as he went over to give Helen a kiss.

Helen smiled as Erik greeted her. "Hi little brother. Hows tricks?"

Erik grinned and shrugged, "About the same as normal. So, did you hear about Maya and Tom?"

She smiled and nodded, "Last night before I left to pick up the kids, uncle Geoff told me. How did you find out?"

"Ariel told me when I was talking to her when we were waiting on the kids. Katja is going to invite them over for Saturday's gathering, you and the family still coming?"

Helen nodded yes, "Yeah, since we missed the last one because Azlan was at Colorado. I'm glad that wasn't as long as the one in Texas."

Erik nodded, "I hear you. Is uncle Geoff in yet?"

She nodded yes, "He just got in about ten minutes ago."

"Alright then, I need to ask him something. I see you later sis."

He walked up and knocked on the door, then heard uncle Geoff say to come in. He opened the door and Geoff smiled as he saw who it was. "Morning Erik, how are you this morning?"

Erik grinned back, "Morning to you also. I'm doing alright I guess, but the days young."

Geoff laughed, "You've become a bit of a cynic."

Erik grinned and shrugged, "What can I tell you, things have been going to good lately. That's usually when mister Murphy rears his ugly head."

Geoff shook his head and grinned as Erik sat down. "So, is this a social or business call?"

Erik shrugged again and took a drink, "Little bit of both really. I wanted to see if they put out anything on the base in Colorado yet and ask if you and the family are coming this weekend."

Geoff smiled, "They're finishing up the report, and it should be done by Friday. There really wasn't much, and yes, we'll be over." Then he grinned, "Oh, did you hear about Maya and Tom?"

Erik smiled and nodded. "Ariel told me yesterday when we were waiting on the kids to get out, and Katja is inviting them to the family gathering."

Geoff nodded, "That's good, they should be able to. Maya won't be working as much until after the children are born."

Erik nodded as he took another drink, "Katja told me that was what she'd probably do, like she did staying away from the garage. Is Vicky at the media center this morning, or is she at home? I wanted to talk to her about the TV show."

Geoff nodded, "She'll be there for a few hours, she dropped Sasha and Aron off at the daycare center until lunch." He smiled, "They wanted to play with all the others."

Erik nodded once again, "Okay, I'll give her a call, or I may just go over to see her instead of doing it over the com-unit. This way I can get out of the office for a bit."

He looked at his watch, "Well, speaking of com-units, I need to go and answer a couple messages." He and uncle Geoff stood, then he walked him out. Helen told him bye and Erik made his way back to his office.

He refilled his coffee, then started on the messages he needed to answer. It was mostly simple things, some about the courses and a couple from New Tygris about other things from when he was overseeing the contractors and how to handle a few things. Blah, blah, blah.

He sighed thinking as he looked at the screen, 'Actually, this is all pretty damn boring.' He shook his head as he took a drink of his coffee, 'It's not like I have all that much to do anymore until I take over for Bill.'

He had just finished up when there was a knock on the door and he told whoever it was to come in. The door opened and he grinned, "Well, it's about time you came around."

Tony grinned and came over to give Erik a bear hug. "Well, what can I tell you, I actually have to work for living, not play on the computer and talk on the phone."

Erik grinned, "Trade ya... Please."

Tony laughed at that and Erik told him to sit and asked if he wanted some coffee. Tony grinned as he sat down, "No, that's all right, I can't stay long. I was just in talking to Azlan about about a couple things and I thought I stop by. But I've to got to get back to the garage soon."

He smiled, "So, how have you been? Things good to go at home?"

Erik nodded, "Couldn't be better. We've got a sort of schedule going that seems to work. Brigit goes back to her place in the Ether to take care of things and... recharge herself for lack of a better term, once I leave and take the kids to school. Then she comes back in the afternoon or earlier if Katja has something to take care of, then she stays until the morning."

Erik grinned, "We're just one big happy family now."

Tony smiled, "See, what did I tell you? Keep it simple and don't overthink it. How did it go with the others meeting her?"

"About the same for all of them. The adults were stunned, for the most part, and the kids were shy and didn't know how to react at first." Then he laughed, "But your niece would drag them over to meet her other mother and once Brigit turned on the charm, everything was fine."

Tony nodded once more, "Yeah, that would do it, she is fairly lovable and was really nice when I met her." Then he grinned as he felt a smooth hand caress his face and he heard, "Thank you Anthony, I think you are too. Maybe you should think about following me instead of Odin." She kissed his cheek.

Erik laughed as he heard her also and at the look on his brothers face. Tony grinned once more, "Not right now sister, I think He'd be a little upset at that."

"Oh well, if that's the way you feel. But the offers there if you want, but Goddesses are more fun."

Tony grinned at that, then shook his head grinning wider as he heard Odin say to her, "Don't try and poach my followers sister, I think you have enough of the good ones already. Leave some for the rest of us."

Brigit sighed, "Oh well, I tried." Then Erik felt her arms go around him and she kissed him. Well. Erik got a little light-headed as he heard, "I love you my mate." Erik shook his head to clear his mind and told her he loved her also and that he'd see her at home.

Erik and Tony were alone again, then Tony laughed, "I still can't get used to all this. I keep thinking that one day I'll wake up, and find this was all a damn dream and we're still on a ship somewhere."

Erik grinned, "It does take a little getting used to."

He grinned to himself thinking, 'At least she didn't jump me right here.' Then he grinned, as he heard, "Maybe later dear one, I'm still answering requests right now, but I missed you." He felt her kiss his ear.

Erik smiled to himself as he told her the same, 'Well, I'll try to make up to you and Katja tonight.' He smiled as he felt her pat his face. "Good boy." Then she was gone.

Tony stood, "Well, I guess I better get back to the garage."

Erik looked at the clock, then stood also. "I need to go see Vicky at the media-center, so I'll walk a way with you."

He shut the lid on his computer, then the two of them walked out and started down the street to the garage. It wasn't a bad walk, maybe about fifteen minutes or so and the media center was about two-thirds of the way there. When they set things up, they had tried to keep all the main offices within walking distance. The gave each other a hug, then Erik walked into the center and Tony continued on to the garage.

Erik walked up the stairs and into the center and smiled as he saw the receptionist working at her desk. "Hi Mila, how are you?"

Mila looked up from what she was typing and grinned, "Hi Erik, I'm doing good. How have you been? I haven't seen you and the family for a while."

Erik smiled at her, "We're all fine, but we've been a little busy since we got back from Texas. Is Vicky still in?"

She nodded, "Yes, she's in her office, just knock on the door."

Erik smiled again and waved to her as he walked down the hallway a little until he got to the office. He knocked on the door, then after a moment, he heard Vicky say come in. He opened the door and smiled as he greeted her.

Vicky grinned as she saw who it was. "Morning Erik, come and sit down. How are you?"

Erik smiled as he sat down in the chair in front of her desk. "Doing well, are you real busy? I just want to touch base with you on a couple of things for the show."

Vicky smiled as shook her head and took a drink of her coffee. "Not real busy, I can give you a few minutes. What did you need?"

He opened up his tablet and paged to his list. "Well, to start, have they decided on when and where yet?"

She rocked her hand back and forth, "Just about. Like the first time, they have the week settled but not the day yet. We probably won't know until a week or so before like first time."

"I figured it would be something like that." He checked that one off. "Have they said anything yet on what they want to cover here? And who'd they want to have on the show?"

She nodded, and opened her tablet also. She looked it up then smiled, "Most of what they want to do here, is show the learning centers so people can see the kids, and talk about what they're all learning. I figure that would be Allie, as she could explain it better and maybe have Cassie talk a little too. I figured it might help to have her explain some of the differences between here and home-world."

Erik nodded, "That sounds good. Are they going to interview some of the younger kids, along with the older ones? I know Georgi had talked about maybe doing that the last time we talked."

Vicky nodded, "I think so, or at least that was the plan. I was figuring Geoff, Gesa, and a few others from both the regular and advance classes. But I figured we'd ask Allie on that and like I said, they do want to interview her live so she can explain whats being taught to all of them and how, and of course the difference between them all and humans."

"Then I'm not sure about the older one's yet besides Jonny and Lucy, that is if their available. I was thinking them and maybe some of the others that are kind of in between age wise. Then a mix of both the ones from home-world and the ones that have started here." She grinned adding, "Kind of give them a well rounded mix of it all."

Erik smiled at that, "Well, that doesn't sound to bad. The kids should like it being on TV." He chuckled, "But Aileen may get a little jealous that she won't be talking with Georgi."

"Well, that's up to you and your mates. I know we said we didn't want her age to come up yet."

Then she laughed, "I'll probably have the same problem, Aron likes him also. He likes his hair." She shook her head, "I swear he's getting smarter every day, we've been teaching both of them a little, like Katja's doing with Aileen, since they're to young and can't start at the learning center yet."

She shook her head, "I still can't believe they can read already, granted it's children's books right now, but it's still amazing." Then she grinned, "However, I think Sasha is going to follow in my footsteps. She's always asking questions about what I do and how."

He laughed at that, "Well, that does seem to be the norm for all of them. When Geoff and Brigitte were born, Katja said the why and how questions would start as soon as they could talk. She was right.

Erik also wasn't surprised that Aron was like that considering his lineage. Bast hadn't told them yet, but Brigit had told him it would be soon. From what Vicky just said, it might be the right time to broach the subject.

She grinned as she took another drink of coffee, then added, "Georgi also mentioned they might use some of the video and pictures they took that first time at the gathering for the studio section of the show."

Erik nodded as he made a note on his tablet. "Well, that should be fine, we talked about that a little already. If something does slip out, at least it won't be on live TV."

Vicky nodded grinning. "That's true, but they might be a little stunned if they learn Aileen's real age."

They talked a little more, then Vicky said she had to finish a couple things before she had to pick up Sasha and Aron. Erik stood, "That's fine, it answers most of my questions. The other ones were more about the others coming, but that's pretty straight forward."

Vicky nodded, as she stood also. "Yeah, I already have the package for that ready to send to them and I'll add anything else that comes up in the next couple of weeks. Since two-thirds of the show will be live, there's not much to send them that they don't already have from when the visited."

Erik closed the cover on his tablet, "Sounds good to me, thanks for the info Vicky. Let me know about any changes or if they'll need more info."
