Let It Rain Ch. 03


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Nikki finished her beer and reached for another.

"I guess you can figure out the rest..."

Christ, it one of the steamiest stories I ever heard.

"It was the beginning of the end for Daniel and me. My affair with Amber convinced me that I also needed a woman for sexual gratification. I spent long hours in the gym during my free time and honed my body. For the first time in my life I had muscles and I loved the look. Funny, but Daniel was enamored with my new appearance and our sex life became energetic for a brief time.

But, we grew apart and I had a fling with a neighbor. Rachel was hot for me and it stoked my ego. She spent the better part of a summer between my legs, servicing me. When Daniel discovered the truth via Rachel's husband, he was livid and moved out. The harsh reality that my marriage was ending sunk in and I quickly came back to earth; overall a very humbling experience."

Nikki's eyes filled with tears and instinctively I took her in my arms.

"What hurts the most? A part of me still loves him. We tried counseling but the truth about my sexuality came out and he wouldn't accept or even try to understand."

Nikki rested her head on my shoulder and quietly wept. I tenderly patted her back hoping to soothe her but when she gazed at me with a soulful expression, I leaned in for a kiss and the rest as they say, is history.

We were all over each other, kissing, hugging and panting breathlessly. I gazed intently into her vivacious brown eyes and saw the need there, the desire. That night we became lovers. The sight of her flawless naked body enflamed my lust and I licked every square inch. A sixty-nine banquet of epic proportions ensued and ended with a dildo reaming my steaming hole.

A true love affair blossomed and I experienced the kind of feelings that I once shared with Jennifer. While she was never far from my conscious mind, my desire for Nikki reached the same towering heights. And, she had the same prodigious appetite for pussy as Jennifer.

But, the emotional bond that we established was beyond mere sexual attraction and love developed rather quickly; a mutual love and respect for one another. Like Jennifer she exceeded me on the level of maturity and since my break-up with the Greek hottie, I'd grown sadder but wiser. Now, I took nothing for granted.

* At the end of the school year, I took Nikki for an extended stay to my folk's beach house. She had the same awe inspired reaction as Jennifer when she first laid eyes on that splendid home. Under the bright sunshine, we'd lay out with tanning oil glistening on our bods to the appreciative stares of passersby both male and female.

The girl had an athletic streak and we took long jogs on the beach in the morning hours followed by muscle busting sessions with weights in the home gym. The shared shower afterwards usually ended in an unforgettable sex romp.

That year my folks were in Europe on an extended holiday and we stayed until the end of July. When I locked the door on our final day, I gazed wistfully at the ocean. So much of my early life with Jennifer revolved around that setting and it saddened me to think that it was over.

My life had changed dramatically; my relationship with Jennifer was over but a new one had blossomed. Everyday I gave thanks that I had found someone and maybe, just maybe she was the one.

Another bright spot: my sister Lynn was madly in love with a new beau. Her emails and IM's kept me abreast and when she said that the "M" word came up in conversation, I innately knew that it was only a matter of time.

After college graduation, Lynn decided to put her roots down in Southern California. Her significant other was attending law school at UCLA, and in a bold move, she applied for a job with Universal Studios in the marketing department and was hired. When Lynn announced her engagement, we discussed who'd be in her wedding party. Invariably Jennifer's name came up as one of the bridesmaids and it was a foregone conclusion, she was in.

Lynn and Jeff decided to tie the knot in our hometown. A June wedding was planned and with less than a year to "D" day, my mom and me did a lot of the leg work for Lynn.

My parent's large home was the logical place to gather and with so many of Jeff's relatives in town for the wedding, the only place for Jennifer was at my apartment. Nikki resisted my attempts to include her in any of the activities, insisting that it was Lynn's time to shine in the spotlight.

"Our day will come...anyway, I don't want to get in the way..." she stated with wisdom.

Nikki was well acquainted with my Jennifer history and appeared to be totally unaffected when I told her that Jennifer would be staying at my apartment.

"I trust you babe. Anyways, you're an adult...I know you love me," she said with supreme maturity. Spoken like a true soul mate. And, she was correct; I did love her, a lot.

The day of the rehearsal, Jennifer arrived around mid-afternoon and we chatted superficially until it was time to leave for the church. Afterwards, a lively dinner party rounded out the evening. I was bushed and so was Jennifer, she'd driven across the state and requested some alcoholic refreshment before we headed to bed. We sat on the sofa in my living room talking and sipping our drinks.

Jennifer was attending medical school but with her exotic beauty, she looked more like a model and not a future doctor. The girl was more radiant and lovely than before, altogether captivating.

Because our past relationship withered and ceased to exist without one of us ending it, many of my old feelings and emotions remained bottled-up inside me.

After my third apple martini, my lips loosened up and I regarded Jennifer with the fondest expression. More than three years had passed and I still had love in my heart for her.

"Sometimes I really miss you..." the words escaped my mouth.

Jennifer looked stunned as my comment came out of nowhere.

"Ya know Tara...I miss you too..." her words were truthful, and I could see it in her lovely face.

"What happened to us Jennifer?" I was truly at a loss to explain the demise of our relationship.

Jennifer pondered my question for a moment before her response,

"I guess it's like your mother said...our feelings changed," she whispered in a sorrowful voice.

"Yeah...but it was fun while it lasted," I returned

Jennifer flashed me one of her winning smiles as I took her in my arms and held her close.

"That feels wonderful Tara," she sighed contentedly.

"When I think about you...I'm so happy that you chose me to love," I said quietly in her ear.

Jennifer turned her body and gazed at me with moistening eyes.

"You where my first love and I'll never forget you..." she stated tearfully.

We hugged each other with unrelenting fondness but our torrid love affair was now part of the past and we both knew it.

"I've met someone and in a way she's a lot like you," she said.

"Oh, you poor kid!" my tone was sarcastic.

"Don't tease me Tara...'cause I'm in love..."

I was happy for Jennifer because she deserved to have someone special in her life. A beautiful young woman with a bright future; she was just as warm, bubbly and vivacious as the night we connected at Lynn's graduation party.

"What about you?" she asked with a concerned expression.

While I'd run the gamut of female conquests, my current love interest was close to the incandescent glow that I shared with Jennifer.

"Yeah, Nikki's special...let's just say that I'm infatuated. I guess time will tell..."

Why didn't I tell Jennifer the truth? I loved Nikki very much and she'd become a significant part of my life.

"I'm happy for you, Tara..." Jennifer slumped against my body and I embraced her very tenderly.

But, there was something burning inside me that needed to be said, a sentiment deep in my soul. I pulled back from Jennifer and took her hands in mine as the tears came to my eyes.

"...because of you, I...discovered that..." I was having difficulty finding the right words.

Jennifer looked perplexed but sympathetic.

"What I'm trying to say...is...you brought out my desire, my need to be with a woman...with you I found out just how wonderful it could be...I'll always be grateful to you..." I blubbered.

Jennifer's teary gaze held me in its magnetic grasp.

"Promise me something Tara...that we'll always be friends," she exclaimed, with her heart on her sleeve.

We hugged with unrelenting joy and friendship. We spent the night in each others arms and woke to the sound of my cell phone alarm.

Lynn's wedding was a beautiful affair and she looked positively radiant in her dress. The handsome groom couldn't take his eyes off of her and neither could most of the assembled guests.

Afterwards, as the caterer cleared the tables of debris and the few remaining guests assembled at the bar, I sat alone at the head table lost in thought. I finally had closure with Jennifer and before she left, we embraced like sisters.

"You'll always be here, Tara..." she said quietly, and pointed to heart.

"The same for me, my dear friend..."

Our eyes were wet but broad smiles graced our faces. Jennifer was headed to her life at the opposite end of the state and I instinctively realized that our paths would seldom cross.

As I drove to Nikki's home in a somber funk, I reflected on my life. What I shared with Jennifer was the best of times and a part of me was reluctant to let it go. In my very private moments, I'd recollect those extraordinary days with the Greek goddess and pine for her. Why did it have to end? Why did our feelings change? I had no explanations, no answers.

Although my mood was heavy, when I opened the door and saw Nikki sleeping peacefully on the sofa, my heart leapt with joy. I should have told Jennifer how closely Nikki resembled her, rich olive tone skin, lithe athletic body, very pretty Italian ethnic looks and bubbly personality. When I sat next to her, she roused herself and gazed at me with sleepy eyes.

"Hey, your home...I missed you," she said very tenderly.

I choked-up with tears sliding silently down my face.

"Did you talk to her?" she asked, referring to Jennifer.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Still love her?" she asked kindly.

"As a friend, sure," I whispered.

I stared into space recalling the first joyous pangs of love that I experienced with Jennifer; the feel of her soft lips on mine, the look of passion in her lovely green eyes. I will cherish those memories forever, I silently expressed.

"Ya know, ya never get over yer first love," she stated honestly.

"No...I guess not..."

Smiling, I looked down at Nikki with a heartfelt expression. She was everything I wanted in a woman and more.

"I'm pooped lets go to bed," she yawned.

"I'm not tired at all...we could take a shower and..." I stated with a wicked grin.

Nikki put her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

"I hope you realize that I'm hopelessly in love with you Tara," she breathed in a sexy voice.

"Love you too," I declared, and kissed her full on the mouth.

"Umm...where did you learn to kiss like that?"

"Practice...lots of practice," I said knowingly.

Nikki pulled my lips to hers for more mouth crushing smooches until I was nearly breathless.

"I thought you were too tired," I stated accusingly.

"Nah...now I'm wide awake," she said with a twinkle in her pretty brown eyes.

I pulled my Italian-American Princess to her feet and arm in arm we strolled to the shower.


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okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

A meandering story, but ultimately not a love story at all. Just a meandering character who seems ... lost.

Not very fulfilling to me.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 3 years ago

The exit for lovers with happy ends made it much more comfortable to come to this stories end ...... Its all about real life what makes us happy or sad ...... Nice tale

foxyfowlerfoxyfowlerover 3 years ago

smj54ap this is a brilliant story will you write next chapter as to what happens between Tara and Nikki will they marry and have children because they sound so in love and happiness fantastic story thank you loved reading the stories. xxx

sexuallyconfusedgirlsexuallyconfusedgirlalmost 13 years ago

really wish you hadn't separated them :(. Might as well have done that after she first cheated on Jennifer. I feel it was pointless their making up and being more in love than before only to have them just drift apart. Once I read that they slept with Lynn I had a feeling it'd all go downhill from there. I wish I hadn't read this chapter. Chapters 1 & 2 were so brilliant, but 3 ruined a perfectly beautiful 'young love' story. I'm glad they both met other people at the end. I guess you were going in a different direction...

carys909carys909about 14 years ago

how could you you broke my heart reading this last one and i felt bad my husband knew something was up so i though if i wrote a new ending i could pretend that was the end of the story so i did this and i read all of it then this end from the part where they break up:

Let it rain chapter 3 re-done ending

Our relasionship was dwindling and i thought with all my heart we would soon split up. Then that one summers morn me jennifer tried hard to rekindle our flame and it worked! I was so happy.

Then that afternoon we got a call from lynn saying she was getting married to a man calld jeff when i told jenn her face looked shocked and she explained she knew jeff from a while ago!

‘you look amazing’ i said to her

‘and you’ she exclaimed back

Once we arrived at the chruch we saw lynn as georgiuos as she is smart an thats saying something! How i longed to get married some day (little did i know that day was near). The weading was rather long and i am not verry good at weddings especially when im bridesmade because i have to stand up the whole time.

When we got back to my place jennifer proposed! We decided we should have a quiet weding with just a few people.

It was the day of our wedding and we only invited 20 people because we wanted it to just be family! Lynn was bridesmaid of course on my side and Jenns old college freind as hers.

We got married at the age of 24 and i am now 44 having the time of my life with my darling wife, with my teaching job and her new restaurant opening, who could have a better life.

I went down to her restaurants grand opening but while going through town i went into a music store And then i heard the radio playing the lyrics let it rain let it rain let your love rain down on me. And it brought back so many memories and it would whenever i heard it.

The end!!

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