Let Me Help You, Good Doctor Ch. 02


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His hands moved over to her waist up her body slowly. She bit down on her bottom lip aching to feel his hands on her breasts. For some reason, she wanted to feel that same fire she felt last night. She had fallen asleep thinking about his lips against hers.

"So, let's begin." He said moving away from her and her body missed his touch since he was just inches away from her.

She shook her head, "Yes, let's begin." She said clearing her throat and sat at the edge of her desk.

"So, just talk to me about you. Give me some information that a boyfriend would have."

"Well first off my full name is Dominique Kaiyo Grant and I am originally from here."

"Kaiyo? That's interesting, isn't that Chinese?"

"It's Japanese actually, in case you haven't noticed I am half Japanese."

"Well I knew it was some sort of half Asian. That explains the guy in the picture on your desk. Is that family?"

"Yea, that's one of my big brothers. I have two: Eiji and Taro."

"Well did your mom remarry or something?" he asked and Dominique bit down on her lower lip and looked down at her hand.

"I think we would have to date a little bit longer for you to learn a more in depth story about my family."

"Oh really? I don't know..."

"It's complicated. Can we just leave it at that?" she said staring back at him.

He could see her masking the hurt in her eyes and decided to drop it for now. A part of him still wanted to know what was going on inside her head. Why did he care so much? He shook his head regaining back focus.

"Ok, fair enough. So, what else? What are some of your favorite things?"

"Well, my favorite kind of food is French and my favorite color is green." She smiled.

"I can tell."

"How?" she said looking at him skeptically.

"Well, your apartment is done in greens and browns and every since I met you, you always wear those emerald earrings." He said and she gently tugged on her earrings.

"You noticed that?"

"I was a special operating solider and now a police officer, I have to be observant." He shrugged.

"So, I'm guessing you are full blooded Italian?"

"Yep, follow the normal family stereotype but not the mafia thing. I only have one brother involved in that type of stuff."

"So, you actually have a family member in the mafia?"

"I didn't say that, I just said that he dabbles in the work from time to time." He corrected which made Dominique cross her arms, "Tell you what, how about we got out for lunch and we can have the Q&A session there."

"I have clients to attend to."

"No, you don't have another client until three and he's a phone client." He smiled, "I saw your planner on your desk."

"So is that your way of saying that I can't get out of this?" she asked.

"Basically, yes." He nodded and she couldn't resist grunting, "Just to make it easier on you we will go to JK." He said.

She was getting a little hungry and the little chicken salad that she brought didn't look like it would satisfy her much, but she just didn't have time to go to the grocery store. Also, it would be kind of fun to spend his money on lunch and he wouldn't try anything around Jade or Katrina.

He took her to the restaurant and the waitress had just finished taking their orders leaving them alone. She saw a couple of girls shooting glances toward Nik, watching him lustfully. Most of them were probably wondering what a guy that looks like him doing with her. She sighed to herself as she looked down at her palm planner and suddenly it was taken from her hand

"We are trying to eat lunch, no work."

"I'm not working I am just checking my schedule, there's a difference."

"Either way, we have stuff we need to accomplish. I have to get to really know you to fool this guy. Which is something I want to ask about since he seems so important; I know you said he is a friend but who is he really?"

"I told you; Jason is a friend of mine that I grew up with. He's been there for me for awhile and pretty much the only person that I have been able to talk to."

"So, why haven't ya'll dated before?"

"I always liked Jason, but I never thought he saw me that same way. I was always the one that he would come to tell me about a bad breakup or the one where he would tease and poke most of the time."

"Why haven't you ever told him how you feel before?"

"Because I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had. I mean with friends, once relationships get involved everything become different and then there's the uncomfortable moments if you two happen to break up."

"So, what makes now different?"

"I don't know, it just feels right. Besides I have pinpointed everything to where I want to get married and have a baby. I'm ready to settle down with my house and my husband. I use to have this little box where I kept my wishes in."

"Really?" he said leaning forward.

"Yea, I use to have a picture of him with the cute two-story house with the white picket fence, my cute little Sheppard dog, and my perfect wedding dress."

"Wow, you have everything planned, don't you?"

"Of course. I always have to plan for the future in everything I do. I know me being married is the one thing that would make my mom happy and who is more perfect than Jason."

"So, is that the only reason you want to get married is because it would make your mom happy?"

"No, I mean I want to get married."

"Do you love the guy?"

"I mean I have love for him, we will be perfect for each other. He wants the same things I want and I think we would look cute together."

"Be that as it may, do you love the guy?" Nik asked again which made Dominique narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, I do."

"I don't believe you." He said quickly.

"Well, it doesn't really matter what you believe, does it? You hop into women's beds all the time, so you can't really tell me about love." She said with venom.

Nik sat back in his chair and shook his head, "You think just because I may indulge in women every now and again that I don't believe in love. I do, I have two great parents that show me that love can survive through bad times and be strong. I have a sister who is married and proved to me that there is someone with the balls to put up with her." Dominique started snickering a little. "I believe that there is the right girl for me. She will have to cook, learn to take me as I am and learn to make time for me."

"Oh don't tell me you are one of those clingy men. I wouldn't picture that for you."

"I'm not clingy at all. It's just the woman that I love I want her to know it and never have to question it. I have always been told that there is nothing greater than a love of a good woman and I intend of getting that." Dominique was a little thrown back by his statement.

"Wow, sounds like you want the perfect woman."

"There is no such thing as the perfect woman. I want someone that when I think about her, I get that goofy smile on my face and just can't keep my hands of her. Just be proud that, that's my girl."

"For someone who wants a lot, you sure been avoiding the fall in love part."

"I mean, I really have never fallen in love. I just haven't met someone that I can see myself falling into full commitment with. My dad always told me to not give up, because she is out there."

"Just while you are waiting, you choose to sample a little bit of everything before you meet her."

"You don't have to say it so harshly sweetheart." He said feigning hurt.

"Hey, I call it like I see it. So, when was your last relationship?"

"Like actual one. I had dated this girl Monique for like two months, but we broke up shortly after that. She was just too much."

"Too what?"

"She just wanted too much for us to be together for two months. I was pressured into the relationship, so that's my excuse for it."

"How exactly can you be pressured into a relationship?" she asked.

"It was just everything was great in the beginning and she was so caring and loving, then all of a sudden she wanted a serious commitment and I was thinking how could you really want something serious with me when the whole relationship started with you sucking me off in the bathroom." Dominique snickered lightly and Nik just shook his head.

"So, what kind of girl would you go for?"

"I know her when I see her. I know one thing I do want is I never want a relationship where the spark goes away. I want to be with someone that even when I'm in my 70s, I'm chasing her around on my walker, telling her to give it to me baby." Dominique's sudden laughter rang in Nik's ears and hearing it made him smile. She had a pretty smile.

"Well, sometimes the spark does die out, sorry to say."

"It doesn't have to."

"But it does, take it from someone who deals in therapy work; a lot of my clients are people who have been married for years and don't see each other the same way."

"I know that's a possibility but there are ways to redefine it. I mean so many people try to do quick fixes and get upset because it's not fast enough so they end up getting divorce. Not only that, but a lot people get married to people they don't have a real connection with or love."

Dominique nodded, "Wow, I'm impressed. You seem to know a lot about falling in love to never have."

"A lot of it goes into looking at what my mom and dad have. They adore each other and have been married for 35 years. They have had their rough spots, especially with my dad being on the squad but they are still going strong."

"What does your mom do?"

"She was a school teacher, but now she is a principal. She's a spry little thing."

"Wow, you must be really family oriented."

"I believe I am most of the time. So, what about you? I know you are from around here."

"Yea, my aunt and I lived in some apartments not too far from here and she worked her butt off at the hospital to make sure I go to school and all that good stuff."

"Your aunt? That was a nice aunt; was something wrong with your mom and dad?"

Dominique bit the inside of her mouth and looked away. "That's the complicated part. Let's see what other information you may need."

After her informative lunch, she decided to go visit her mom. It's been awhile since she had seen her and had high hopes after hearing about Nik's family. She had to admit to herself that she did have him pegged as a playboy, but he was a little different. Oh well, doesn't matter much; she had other things to deal with and that was Jason. She texted him to let him know that she was visiting her mom and he said good luck back. Yea, she was going to need it today.

Dominique pulled into the huge house grabbing her purse out of the car. Her mom's husband is a very successful businessman and anything that she needed help with business wise, he was there to give advice. Dominique thought for a moment that it was him that made his mom act the way she did, but he would appear at certain school programs when her mom didn't. He left shortly after the programs, but he was still there.

She sighed to herself as she made her way to the front door, feeling extremely nervous with every step she took that lead her closer. She always got this nervous when she came over to the house. She couldn't explain why but she had the little bit of hope that things would be different with her mom. Then again, she always had that hope when she came to visit.

The maid led her in and told Dominique that her mom was in the greenhouse. That was always her favorite place to be during the day. She grew the most beautiful orchids and Dominique use to sneak in there when she was younger to take a look at them. For some reason, it made her feel closer to her mother.

She opened the door to the greenhouse and saw her pruning over her flowers. She had her long hair pulled back into a bun with a couple of strands escaping away. Her mom has always been so gorgeous too and looked as if she never aged. Dominique always wished she looked more like her mom, then maybe they would have had a better relationship. Dominique quickly shook her head clear of those thoughts and walked over closer to her.

Her mother knew that she was there, she always knew, but she didn't look up at Dominique. She just continued primping her garden as if Dominique wasn't there.

"Hi Mom, how are you doing?" She didn't reply, "I just wanted to come and visit you. I don't know if you talked to Eiji, but he said that the baby is coming soon. I know I'm so excited to see him or her." Dominique smiled but her mother's face remained as emotionless as ever.

Dominique closed her eyes tight, wishing she could hear something beside her own voice and the birds. She took a deep breath; she had to be strong.

"Remember my friend Jason that I told you about Mom? He came back into town to see me and wants me to plan his wedding. He is getting married to this woman that I suppose is okay and he did ask about you." Nothing, not even a flinch. "Your flowers look really good today. I can't wait to see them when they bloom. It should be really pretty." Her mother grabbed her sheers and gloves. "I can tell I'm making you a little uncomfortable. I'll just go ahead and leave now. I just thought I would give you an update." Dominique headed to the door, scared to push her any further.

She didn't understand where this fear came from but she felt it every time she talked to her mom. She didn't understand if it was a fear that her mother was going to do something to her. It always made Dominique so emotional to be around her and she felt like she was on the edge herself. She just needed to get out of here.

"I'll come by again Mom." Dominique said as they both left the green house. Her mother headed to the house, not looking back at her, "I love you." Dominique called and her mother stopped.

Dominique's body grew still. Was this going the silent streak finally going to end today? This was the first time she actually somewhat acknowledged something Dominique said. Her heart started beating so hard and fast that it pulsated in her ears. Her mother shook her head and resumed walking back to the house. Dominique felt like she was falling off a cliff when she saw her go back to the house. Dominique took a deep breath trying to quiet her mind and coach herself to be strong.

"Go home Dominique." She told herself and headed back to the car.

As soon as she got in her car, she sat there for a minute taking deep breaths. She was a therapist, so why couldn't she find the strength to handle this? She berated herself for wanting to cry like she did thousands of times before. The best thing to do was to get away from the house and that's exactly what she did. She had other things she needed to focus on right now, like this wedding she had to plan and this arrangement with Nik. Well, she was hoping that if everything went her way, there wouldn't be any wedding. She just had to deal with Nik and his ways.

He was an attractive man, smart and charming. He was also arrogant, a little manipulative and pushy: all the things that she hated in a guy. No matter what he told her at lunch, she still believed he had a problem with commitment and she wanted to expand on that to help him deal with it.


Thanks for everyone to be patient with me and special thanks to LoveMyPitbulls.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

WHY do you always use EVERY when it should be EVER. Every single chapter of every story I have EVER read by you is the same. That is just one error that is getting on my nerves with your writing.

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

"Physician heal thy self"... hate the adage because the meaning behind it hits to close to home (working towards getting my license to practice as a therapist)... I love Nik!

kelleigh0127kelleigh0127almost 13 years ago
Crying for Dom

Because Dom won't cry I'll cry for her. I so understand wanting a parents love and getting nothing in turn but hurt. Her Mom should deal with her own problems instead of taking them out on Dom.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

this is freakin' awesome! i spent all day reading Kat's story then Jade's (which i'm still bitter about that crazy ending! *really hopes you're righting Pat and Gail's story) now this awesome story too! DAMN if Dom and Nik weren't MADE for each other! WHEW, can't wait til that L bomb slaps Nik across the face.

I'm not sure why Dom is trying to convince herself that Jason is the right guy for her.... if you're not in love with him he aint for you boo.

I'm so sleeeepy but I want to keep reading.... oh decisions decisions... awesome CHICA!!!

luv_romanceluv_romancealmost 14 years ago
dominique and her mom

oh, how i want to discover the estrangement of dominique and her mom. reveal more of this please...

the story keeps on getting interesting...nice writing as always.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great start

I'm looking forward to this story it has started off awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Please update SOON

please update this story soon is is so good!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
don't know how

i missed this story! i love ur other stories. she's so denying her attraction to nik, and she's so misguided about jason. i can't wait for more of this story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
loved it!

Cant wait for the next one, dont make us wait too long please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
So Happy

Was happy to see this update my goodness Jason is something else questing Dominique about her choice in men and her mother she is so unbelievable shoot she was making my head hurt how she just ignores her daughter I hope something one day wake that woman up because Dominique don't deserve to be treated that way. And Nik is such a trip those two will be really good together as a real couple if they can just allow themselves to. I'm looking forward to your next update so please update again real soon.


willing2explorewilling2exploreover 14 years ago

You know what I have come to like about your stories? The fact that I feel a connection.....even though its love hate lol. Thank you foe the update...please put this next one out soon please before i start jonesing... So quick question.....does Nick plan to keep up this infurriating game of teasing Dom?

trinisamplertrinisamplerover 14 years ago

i have been waiting oh so patiently, and as always u delivered wonderfully!...keep them coming!!

kiwiplumkiwiplumover 14 years ago
good, but

Would make it more enjoyable if the little typos/wrong tenses/incorrect english were removed first. Like the premise of the story though, and looking forward to next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Finally!/ Thank-you

Thank-you for posting this the suspense was too much!

Please please please don't leave us hanging for more than two weeks.

I am rooting for your writing and D&N's relationship.


P.S. Three pages would be nice for the next chapter :) keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Run Nik Run

just joking. she's got a big ass issue, though.

missingmissmissingmissover 14 years ago
aaah dominique

she's got mad as issues.

grunabonagrunabonaover 14 years ago

Very, very nice. I'm really liking this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Love it!!

I love it its a little short but unfolding nicely. Keep up the good work.

Allsoccer23Allsoccer23over 14 years ago
I love it!

I love it so far! Keep going! Watch the spelling though, there are some misspelled words.

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