Letting Them Play Through

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Her golf skills weren’t the only secret to his success.
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If her Audi had not needed maintenance, Kurt's wife Shelly would have driven herself to her regular Saturday morning round of golf.

If their classmate's mother had not offered to take the kids to their swimming lessons, he would have had to drive them, and Shelly would have gotten a ride from someone else.

And if she had not forgotten her cell phone on the center console of his Porsche Cayenne, he would not have turned around and parked at the Glenwood Country Club and gone in to give it back to her.

But all those things happened, and so he found himself under the eaves of the main building, near the first tee, where the available pros waited to see if anyone needed them to complete a foursome. His wife and her companions were teeing up, and though golf was not his game, he knew enough not to disturb the players as they prepared to take their swing.

As usual, his wife looked great: her short, white skirt revealing her long, tanned, athletic legs; her orange and green polo shirt clinging suggestively to her sporty breasts; and her long, blond hair in a pony-tail, sticking out the back of her baseball cap.

He wasn't the only one appreciating the view.

"Shit!' exclaimed one of the young pros standing nearby. 'We're too late. She's already picked her fourth."

"Who? What are you talking about?" asked his companion. They both looked to be in their early twenties.

"The blonde in the white skirt."

"Oh yeah. I'd like to be in a foursome with her," the second fellow said with a tone that made clear he wasn't just talking about golf.

"Been there, done that," the first fellow boasted. "Six or seven times. And I gotta tell you, she could suck the chrome off a 5-iron."

"And how would you know that?" scoffed his companion.

Kurt, too, figured the first fellow was blowing smoke, making up a bullshit story as some guys like to do.

"Hey, man, I've sunk my putt into all three of her holes."

"Yeah, right."

Kurt was amazed at the audacity of the lie. Sure, Shelly liked sex and was an enthusiastic partner in bed – and no hole was off limits with her – but she wasn't some slut who slept with random guys like this golf pro. She was his loving wife, as faithful to him as he had always been to her. Her holes were reserved for his use alone.

He was about to have a word with the young man, to set him straight, when he heard an additional detail that made him pause.

"Seriously. She comes here like almost every Saturday, always with the old dude and some other dude."

The "old dude" in question was Ron Esterfield, the silver-haired CEO of the company where Kurt worked, who had just knocked his ball a few hundred yards down the fairway. He and Shelly golfed together regularly. Nearly every Saturday, in fact. Usually with one of the company's big customers.

"You mean that dude?" interrupted the second fellow, tilting his head toward the gentleman stepping up to the tee.

Kurt recognized him. It was Howard "Howie" Thornton, the strikingly obese CEO of Almatics, for whom Kurt's company had done some work and hoped to do much more.

"It's not the same guy every time. In fact, it's usually guys I don't recognize, so they're probably not even members. Anyways, she always picks out a fourth from among the pros. If I hadn't been showing you around, we would have had a chance—especially you, 'cause you're new. But she's already picked Calvin, that prick."

He was referring, presumably, to the tall, muscular, African-American man who was getting ready to take his turn at the tee. He looked to be about ten years younger than Kurt and Shelly.

"A chance at what?"

"It's the same routine every time. We play a short nine, then we slip off the course to this little house just through the trees by the ninth green. It's the guest house of a place I think the old dude owns and rents out to some other people. Anyways, everybody goes in and the old dude serves drinks while she strips off her clothes. Then the old dude eats her out. Man, he really knows how to do oral. You should hear her squeal."

Kurt had heard Shelly squeal many times. She had a tendency to do that when she got excited ... in bed.

"Then what?"

"The guest goes first, in whichever hole he wants. Then the old dude takes his turn, usually in another hole. Then the pro goes last, 'cause we're the hired help."

"No shit?"

Kurt felt faint, his world shifting and uncertain.

"When the guys have all gotten off, the old dude refreshes our drinks while she takes a quick shower, and then we all make our way back to the clubhouse -- by way of the eighteenth hole, so everybody else thinks we played a full game."


Kurt thought back to the many times he had waited at the clubhouse for Shelly, and met her and her companions as they returned from the links, smiling and laughing. She would always give him a loving, possessive hug, and the men would give him a friendly handshake. Their farewells to Shelly were always along the lines of "Looking forward to doing it with you again sometime."

"It gets better," continued the young golf pro. "She's married."

"To the old dude? Is he one of those perverts who gets off on watching his wife fuck other guys?"

"Nah. I think her husband works for the old dude. When he talks with the guest, he says things like, 'I think you'll be pleased to have her husband on your project. He's top-notch and very reliable.'"

"Top-notch and very reliable" sounded just like something Esterfield would say, thought Kurt.

"He must not be top-notch in the sack, though."

"Take my advice, pal. Don't ever make a crack like that around her. She'll take your head off. She says her husband totally rocks in bed and she won't put up with anyone talking trash about him."

"Totally rocks in bed" sounded just like something Shelly would say, thought Kurt.

"So why does she do it?"

"I think it has something to do with business. When you play the nine, she talks to you about her stroke and the technical aspects of the game. The old dude and his guest talk shop. Then, when they leave the ninth, the old dude sometimes says something like 'So, do we have a deal?' and they shake hands. Fucking her just sort of seals it."

"But why does she fuck you?"

"I dunno. Maybe to bribe us to keep quiet about it."

Kurt had another theory: Shelly always tried to inject a little fun into any unpleasant chore. Like making a game out of getting the kids to clean their rooms. Or buying them milkshakes after a visit to the dentist. He had always found it endearing when she did something like that. It was one of the many things he loved about her.

"Wow. How long have they been doing this?"

"I dunno. My brother says they were doing it four years ago, when he worked as a pro. Back then, though, she insisted that everyone use condoms. Now she lets you cum wherever you want."

Shelly, Kurt knew, had had her tubes tied three years ago, after their daughter Kim was born. Like everything else important in their lives, it had been a joint decision.

Kurt pondered the second fellow's last question. He had a sinking feeling that he knew the answer already.

He and Shelly had first come to North Carolina during the summer before they graduated from college, her with a degree in sociology, him with a degree in engineering. They were already engaged to be married, and he had managed to snag an internship for the summer. But as the summer began, the economy took a dive, and word spread that only one of the ten interns would get a permanent job offer in the fall. With his mediocre grades, Kurt had little hope.

But at the company's Fourth of July picnic, Esterfield, then VP-Operations, struck up a conversation with Kurt and Shelly, and learned that she was captain of the college golf team. An avid golfer himself, he invited them both to play with him at his country club.

Kurt and Shelly had agonized over the invitation, knowing that it could be crucial for his career, yet recognizing that, if he tried to play, he would look pathetic and totally screw things up. Finally, they had jointly agreed that she would play and he would wait back at the clubhouse.

In his ignorance of the game, Kurt didn't really know how long it took to play eighteen holes, but it seemed to take a really long time. When they returned, Esterfield was smiling broadly, and Shelly looked a bit disheveled.

"Who won?" Kurt had asked politely.

"I think I did," Esterfield replied. "But she might disagree."

Kurt had not asked for an explanation, figuring they were making some sort of inside joke about the fuzzy way golfers keep score.

At the end of the summer, Kurt was stunned to learn that the job was his, though Shelly seemed not surprised at all.

That was another reason he loved her as much as he did: her unbounded confidence in him, in his ability to land the job he wanted, to get each successive promotion, to succeed at whatever he attempted.

They got married right after graduation and moved to North Carolina permanently. Esterfield sponsored them for admission as members of his country club, with the company paying the membership dues. Kurt threw himself into his new job, and Shelly handled everything at home—and worked on her golf game.

When she told him Esterfield wanted her to play regularly with him and the company's big customers, Kurt had encouraged her to do it. It could only mean good things for his career.

And indeed, his career took off. It seemed he always had plenty of work to do, on high-profile projects, even when the economy was otherwise slow and others in his department lost their jobs. Each year, he got a substantial raise and a large bonus. When he went back to college for his 10-year reunion, he found that he had outpaced nearly all of his peers.

He and Shelly had three beautiful children, a big house in an upscale neighborhood, and a substantial amount already saved in the kids' college fund. They took vacations in Europe and the Caribbean. Life was good.

And now Kurt knew why.

The foursome had finished teeing off and begun to walk down the fairway. He ran after them.

"Shelly!" he called, surprising himself with how plaintive his voice sounded.

She turned, and he thought he saw a moment of alarm in her face, but then she quickly regained her composure. "What . . . what are you doing here?" she managed to ask with only mild surprise.

Thirty yards away, he saw Esterfield, the man who could make or break his career with a snap of his fingers, and Howie Thornton, to whom he and his team had recently submitted a proposal for a major new contract worth $8.3 million. Both smiled and waved a greeting.

Kurt didn't look at the golf pro, Calvin, though from the corner of his eye he thought he saw him smirking.

"Um, you forget your cell phone in the car," Kurt stammered. That, at least, explained his presence, if not his agitated state.

"Oh, thanks, sweetie!" Shelly replied, and took it from his hand.

He stood and stared silently at his beautiful wife, his love, his source of happiness, his partner in everything in life. He would do anything for her, and she for him. He understood that now in a way that he never had before.

She could tell he wanted to say something more, something important, but was struggling with the words, and a shadow of fear returned to her face.

At last, he simply kissed her on the cheek. "Well, have fun," he said. Then he turned and trudged back up the hill.

- end -

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Company whore is right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Our Wives’ Golden Cunts!

My wife found your story and shared it with me; we enjoyed it. It was a snappy piece of flash fiction. The husband’s blinders came off, as he overheard the young golf pros talking about his wife’s slutty behavior. Then, his handing her the phone she had forgotten, was emotionally charged as he said, “Well have fun." I’m sure many of us husbands have done similar things, I know I have. He was sending her off to ride other men’s cocks and he knew it. Quite possible, she also knew that he knew.

It’s interesting for us husbands reading your story, to imagine how we would react in a similar situation. For example, my wife is a tennis player. So, I visualized her dressed in her very short, white, tennis skirt with matching white, spandex, thin top that stretches over her nice breasts. She knows her nipples are generally hard and visible when playing! She often plays doubles, and the other three are generally good-looking men.

My wife is beautiful, sexy, and poised. She also knows how to play men. She soon learned that her flirting at the club, with successful businessmen, sent more business my way. Then, she learned that her kissing them and letting them grope her ass and tits brought more business my way. Next, she learned a good blow job session brought a lot more business my way. She shared everything so, we were both enjoying this.

Finally, one night in bed, she whispered in my ear that a couple of very attractive guys wanted to fuck her. And they had guaranteed they would give my firm some huge contracts. She has a high sex drive and continued, “I’d love to spread her legs for them." I went to work on her g-spot, nibbled on her neck and whispered, “Up until know you have just been doing ‘some little favors’ for some of our friends and they reciprocate by giving ‘some favors’ to my company.” She groaned, “Yes, and I’m loving it.”

I rubbed her faster, saying, “But now you want to formalize it and officially be the company whore. You want to be a prostitute, right?” As she came, she groaned, “Yes, its not just that these guys are super sexy. I do want to be full-on prostitute and I want us all to know that! Prosti! Prosti! Prosti!”

I stuck my cock in her and snarled, “Yes, my little prostitute, you might as well give up your cunt, to help my business. Because if you don’t, you will just start giving it away for free. Why be a slut, when you can be a prosti?” She agreed, cuming again on my cock, “Yes, prosti, prosti, prosti! Thank you!”

It’s nice to have a wife with a golden cunt, who knows how to use it for her husband’s career success. Mine always insists that they have a blood test first; that way she can take them bareback. Many successful businessmen just love to dump their load inside ANOTHER MAN’S gorgeous, young wife. And my wife cums much harder on their cocks when she is barebacking them!

In addition to financial gain, I get the benefit of sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths, etc. She also cums violently on my mouth, as she is face sitting me, and feeding me their potent semen! As she cums, she shouts out, “I’m feeding you 100 million sperms, 200 million sperms, 300 million sperms, etc” depending on how many clients just dumped in her married cunt!

We would love a sequel to your story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What a spineless wimp!

oxynam25oxynam25over 6 years ago
lol at the authors commenting

I can't tell if they're trolling or not. I guess it could make sense since at least 3 of them write mostly about cuckolding. This story was not good though and I really don't think it was meant to be taken seriously. Think it's meant for people who have cuckold or humiliation fetishes (Wife is the company whore). I mean the story isn't particularly good, it's not original (again company whore been done before and better), it's just a quick short story to read and jack off too if you like that kind of stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Wow this was hot garbage

Story not finished. Husband is an ultimate cuck, well don't know for sure because he could be planning something and just doesn't want her to know, but won't know because again the story isn't finished. I can't believe this story even has comments praising it especially by some well known authors on this site.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 7 years ago
No Next Chapter Needed

The ending is clear. Hubby realizes how he got the job. He keeps the job because he has gotten good at it. They get new jobs, or continue getting renewals because Sweetie is willing to satisfy two old farts and a then a young stud for dessert after 'eating her brussel sprouts!'. Does she love fucking the old farts? Almost certainly not. Does she think it helps keep the company afloat? Surely! Does she come back on other days to fuck the club pros? Almost certainly not ... it is just a way to end up with some good sex after fucking & sucking old farts.

So, at the end of this story, Hubby gets to face up to reality, and decides to not rock the gravy boat ... and probably not tell Sweetie that he knows!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

There is no room for making your own ending. The ending was made quite clear when he handed her the phone and said "Well have fun." No self-respecting man would willing encourage his wife to engage in these kind of activities.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Yeah sure....

the wife is making a great sacrifice for the furtherance of his career.

Fuck that, Cuckold, Wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I am FOREVER amazed at the high-minded PURITANS who read this stuff! Good-GOD, people, these are fantasies...and TALES from an author's imagination. I think if we critique the stories from the perspective of grammar or construction, it should suffice. After all...if you are reading these stories, you've shown already where your interests lie! Give the author the benefit of "producing" his own work. If you like it, fine. If you don't, do it yourself, BITCH!

Mandy01Mandy01over 13 years ago
Taps glass, excuse me fellas.

Can I say something here? Britease is right, as is Chagrined and DQSteel and a lot of the other authors comments. Those who read may or not understand they’re are coming from, this isn’t a complete piece, it begs for a conclusion. What the write has done is leave it in limbo for the reader to make his or her own ending, and reading it carefully you’ll see that there are a multitude of ending to choose from, depending on what your moral or fetish addled mind feels appropriate. What makes anyone think that Kurt has to put up with this revelation, it all depends in which direction the writer wants to take it, as those who have read any of mine will agree. JPB is probably the master of leaving a story frustratingly unfinished, and I have been able to turn his around, this one is child’s play considering the holes in it you can drive a Mach truck through without so much as smudging the paint job.

For a build up to a conclusion, this one ranks well on my satisfaction meter, suxs if it’s to be left to flap in the breeze.............. Ummm, Hey Mr Tease, how’s that red pencil goin? I fink I got another one, Mr Tease ya there..I fink he's hiding...lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Whores and their little wimps.

Thats never been done.

terrydavidterrydavidover 13 years ago
Short, full of plot issues and a formulaic ending is predictable.

No doubt the "reconciliation at any cost" idiots should be pleased with the predictable ending of the husband accepting this wimpy situation. Maybe the title should be; "Letting them play on" which would clarify where a high percentage of the RAAC stories end up [unfortunately]. So this must be one of those "fantastic examples a loving wife"? Yea, right - who needs enemies with a slut wife as such!

fregenfregenover 13 years ago
Thank you, Anon

When I finished this story I was left up in the air. Reading the comments helped me define why. Chagrined succinctly points out the holes in the story that left me feeling that way. What was her motivation? Was she sacrificing herself? Or just having a good time? What will he do? Confront her? End his life has he knows it? Or pretend that he doesn’t know and not mention the Elephant in the Room? Will he stay with her for the sake of the kids but wind up hating her? Maybe he will thank her for her unselfish “sacrifice” of 10 years plus. Generally you like to have a story have a definitive ending. In this case you don’t know.<P>

Or do you? As the last Anon comment pointed out look at the title: “Letting Them Play Through.” I think this may be a case of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Wonder how long that will work.<P>

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Humiliation in fantasy does something for me. In reality I've never had to deal with it.

Is that ok with you, fuckwit? Not a bad effort at writing creatively as the story seemed to be built around the punchline(the title). Those seconds of dawning realisation for the husband, wow. What's that like, fuckwit?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
come on

Come on you guys , it's not like we haven't seen this scenario before. We all know there won't be another chapter and we all know it's about the fetish of humiliation. (hubby ignoring the bad and focusing on the good) .

Well written but nothing new and certenly not worthy of all this analysis.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago

I guess that makes me an unglaubig! (My anon problem lessens with anons that make cogent or funny remarks, -carrying on arguments and attacks over time and multiple entries in re same is problematic, as is the issue of freedom through transparency.) Or I'm being a hypocrite. Or MAYBE, I'm trying to "pay forward to anons what HDK does to readers in general, understand their role in the whole passion play. Or again, just a lousy fuckin' hypocrite!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
a wimp by any other name is a self cuck into self disrespect - like the writer.

In writing 1/2 is the talent and 50% is the subject.<P>

Those who write about self inflicted male humiliation without consequence are sick excuses for what used to be a human of substance.<P>

That's you writer - words but no substance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Like this authors namesake-"Zweifelhaft"

it's doubtful, uncertain, undecided, questionable and suspicious what this author had in mind as an encore or Zugabe. PPP defending the anonymous? Unglaublich.

ChagrinedChagrinedover 13 years ago
Earth Mother Syndrome??

An Interesting story. I have no idea what the writer was trying to convey though. Was this an example of a woman who loves her husband so much she will debase herself and, by extension him, in order for him to be successful? Or perhaps she is a woman so materialistic that she ensures her husbands success by cuckolding him, sure in the belief he will never find out? Or something else?

From a strictly writing standpoint, something I do know about, this story leaves too many holes. It is too much of a snippet of life for the reader to come away really satisfied. Scorpio44 mentioned that the commentators felt they knew more than the author did about the woman's motives. Well, Scorp44, in a good tale they are supposed to or else the writer failed in his/her task! And where that is lacking, the reader is free to attribute any motivation they want and take it from there.

With respect, every story needs a beginning, a middle, a climax, anti-climax, and an end. It also MUST HAVE a reason for the characters to act as they do. This story misses out on motivation and ending. I suggest the3 writer go back to the word processor and try again.



PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Scorpio, think!!!!!....

....half the writers on this site started out as anonymous.Jeeeshhh!

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