Louise Ch. 07


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She was perfect. She was type of woman that he loved to break just to prove to them that they were just another bitch with a beautiful face. Something gave him pause. He wondered if she had a mate and if so, where was he? No mate would allow his woman to come here. Every male vampire within two-hundred miles knew about his place and took great pains to warn any humans that he cared about away from it.

Thorne stared at the beautiful voluptuous black woman with his ice-cold green eyes and then made a phone call before heading down the stairs.


"Excuse me Miss." a tall handsome man said to Barb.

Barb tried to blow him off. She could tell just by looking at him that while he was gorgeous, he had no real money.

"Excuse me." he said again not in the least bit put off by Barb's chilly response. "Mr. Blackwell asked that I escort you into the club."

That got Barb's interest.

"Who is Mr. Blackwell?" she asked.

"He's the owner of the club and asked that you honor him with your presence."

"And you are?" Barb asked.

"I'm sorry, excuse my manners. I'm not used to seeing such a beautiful woman." he replied stroking her ego as Thorne had advised him to do. "My name is Allen; I'm Mr. Blackwell's personal assistant."

Thorne watched from the window liking what he saw. She didn't immediately follow Allen into the club and questioned him at great length. His cock ached and throbbed as he thought of what he planned to do to her, she was going to be such fun to break.


Barb followed Allen to the front of the line ignoring the comments as she passed by. This was what she wanted, to be the center of attention. Allen said something to the two security guards in a language that Barb didn't realize. The urge to leave had come back even stronger than before but she ignored it as she followed Allen into the club.

The inside of the club looked just as it did on the internet with the impeccably dressed wait staff and well dressed patrons. Barb looked around noticing that there wasn't a pair of blue jeans in sight and sighed contentedly as she followed Allen to a table that was located in a corner away from the other tables giving the illusion of seclusion.

"Mr. Blackwell will he here shortly, may I offer you a drink?" Allen asked smiling at her.

Something in his demeanor gave Barb pause but she ignored it and asked for a rum and coke.

"Light on the rum please." she said coolly and turned away before she saw the cold glitter in Allen's brown eyes.

Thorne met Allen at the bar.

"What do you think?" he asked looking over at Barb.

"She's a bitch." Allen replied, "And she's going to be fun. A suggestion if I may?"

"Go on."

"Don't give her the drug. I think that she'll be much more fun without it." Allen replied.

"Agreed." Thorne replied. He had been thinking along the same lines. "I'll be there in a moment." he said dismissing Allen.


By the time Hans made it to the club, the line was all the way around the corner and down the block. He had no privileges at the club and had no choice but to go to the end of the line and wait. The thing that concerned him was that he would have no way of knowing if she was in trouble and he hoped that Thorne Blackwell wasn't at the club that night. He would be drawn toward a woman like Barb. He would use and abuse her and then, if she was lucky, he would throw her out on her ass still alive, if not... his heart sunk when he didn't see Barb anywhere in the long line which meant one of two things, she either changed her mind or she was already inside. He hoped that it was the former but somehow, he didn't think so. She was already in the club.

"Stupid woman!" Hans muttered under his breath turning slowly when he felt someone rubbing up against him.

"Need a date?" The human woman asked in a voice that was filled with hope and promise.

"No Thank you... my ... I'm meeting my mate." he replied politely.

"Too bad." The woman replied and started to walk away.

"Just a moment." Hans said stopping the woman. The least that he could do was to warn her.

"Change your mind?" she asked looking up into Hans' slate gray eyes.

"No but I feel that I should warn you." he replied. "This place isn't a good place for you to be. 'Club Fantasy' is a much better and safer place."

The woman continued to look up at him, smiled, walked away and approached another man who appeared to be alone. This time she was lucky... the man/vampire accepted her offer without hesitation. Hans turned away saddened but he had tried to warn her and she had made her choice.

The line seemed to be moving at a snails pace and he knew why. Each patron would be carefully scrutinized for several criteria. Age would be at the top of the list, identification and weapons would be next. The only law enforcement allowed into the club was the ones that Thorne had on his payroll. Even as careful as he was, accidents still happened that he needed some assistance from the local law enforcement.

Hans' cell phone chirped and vibrated in his pocket.

"Mr. Sinclaire... yes, I'm here now. I don't have privileges here. Yes, yes... I'll wait."


Louise met Nathan in the kitchen blushing when he kissed her temple in front of Kevyn and Patrick. Her embarrassment was quickly forgotten when she felt the worry that emanated from them.

"What's wrong she asked."

Louise listened as Kevyn explained the current situation with Barb.

"We have to go get her!" Louise exclaimed.

"Hans is already there." Nathan replied putting an arm around her and shielding her. In her anxiety her shields had dropped.

"But what if he doesn't get there in time?" she asked

No one replied because it was a very real possibility.

"Patrick is calling over there to see if he can expedite things so that Hans can get into the club." Kevyn replied.

Louise pulled away from Nathan and looked at Kevyn.

"What aren't you telling me?" she asked softly.

When Kevyn hesitated, she spoke again.

"I want you to stop treating me as if I still need to be protected. I don't so tell me what's happening."

"The club is owned by a vampire who isn't a friend to us." Nathan said. "If he figures out who Barb is there's no telling what he'll do to her."

"Why are we just standing here?" Louise asked, "We need to go to that club and get her out of there!"

"We're not even sure that she's there." Kevyn said. "Hans didn't see her in line; she could have changed her mind and gone somewhere else."

"Kev, this is Barb we're talking about. Have you ever known her to change her mind about anything?" Louise asked.

Patrick came from his office with a grim expression on his face.

"I talked to my contact at the club, he says that Thorne is there and that there is no way that he can get Hans in without Thorne knowing about it nor can he get Barb out if she's there. He's checking to see if she's there."

The minutes ticked by slowly with Louise and Kevyn becoming more anxious with each passing second. They jumped when Patrick's phone rang. They all listened silently as Patrick spoke to his contact. After a few moments, he hung up.

"She's there and unfortunately Thorne has her in his sights." He said.

"Who is this man?" Louise asked.

"It's a long story but suffice it to say that his family and ours aren't on friendly terms." Patrick said. "Right now, the issue is getting Barb out of there before he hurts her."

"Why can't we just go in?" Kevyn asked.

"It isn't that simple." Patrick replied. "I could no sooner just walk into his club than he could just walk into our home. He has to invite me in. The same applies to Hans simply because he's associated with us."

"So what do we do?" Louise asked.


Hans waited impatiently for the phone to ring jumping when it did.

"Yes." he said by way of greeting. "She is inside and Thorne is with her?" he asked.

"Yes and I can't get you in. how long is the line?" Patrick asked.

"I can see the front of the line but the wait could still be as long as an hour... I need to get in there!"


"You don't understand." Hans interrupted, "As much as I don't want her to be, she's my mate."

"What?" Patrick asked shocked.

"She's my mate and I have to get her out of there before he does something to her!"

"Fuck!" Patrick swore. "Alright, don't do anything rash. Just stay in line and wait your turn. I'll give Ethan a call; he might have more clout with Blackwell than I do."

"I'll try to wait." Hans replied and hung up looking at the entrance of the club that was so close but so far away.


"What is it?" Kevyn asked gripping Patrick's arm.

"Give me a minute." Patrick replied as he dialed Ethan's number. He gave a quick synopsis on what was happening and waited for Ethan's response.

"I'll call over there and see if I can get him to let her go but I'm making no promises. In the mean time, get ready to meet me in front of the club. We can use the fact that she has a mate to our advantage. I'll call you back." Ethan said.

Patrick hung up and hugged Kevyn close to him.

"Kev, Hans is Barb's mate."

Louise and Kevyn looked at each other and then at Patrick.

"You're joking." Kevyn whispered. "Why hasn't he claimed her?"

"He doesn't want to but that doesn't change his responsibility for her." Patrick replied.

"If he had claimed her..." Kevyn started to say.

"It wouldn't have changed anything." Louise said. "She would have rejected him because she considers him beneath her. She isn't open to having a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding... he isn't rich enough for her."

Patrick's phone rang before anyone could respond.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"Meet me at the club in thirty minutes... is Nathan there?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, he's here." Patrick replied.

"Good, I need to talk to him."

Patrick handed the phone to Nathan. It wasn't long before they all knew that he wasn't happy with whatever Ethan was telling him. That unhappiness changed into barely concealed anger when he responded.

"Absolutely not! No!" Nathan exclaimed.

Louise knew that the discussion was about her and wanted to know what the discussion was about.


"I'm not taking her there... I understand that but ...No, the answer is no." Nathan said his normally soft baritone intense.

'I'm standing right here!" Louise exclaimed and pulled the phone away from Nathan's ear. "What are you talking about?"

Nathan told her the gist of the conversation.

"I'm going and you can't stop me now lets go." she said.


"Nathan, this is my sister we're talking about. She may be self -absorbed, greedy, a pain in the butt and I know that you don't like her but she is still my sister and she might need me if she's hurt."

"I'm going too." Kevyn chimed in, "I might be able to help."

Patrick started to object but didn't when he saw the determined look on her face.

Louise looked up at Nathan and waited. After a few seconds, he nodded.

"But you go nowhere without me, is that clear?" he asked as he remembered her pulling away from him during Veronica's rescue. "If you can't give me your word..."

"I promise now let's go!" Louise said. A sense of urgency had begun to gnaw at her.


Barb took sips of her drink as she danced in her chair. The music seemed to be coming from everywhere including from inside of her making her nipples tingle and her clit throb. She almost stood up so that she could really dance but a deep voice from beside her stopped her.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting; I had some business matters to attend to."

Barb looked up into the dark, handsome, chiseled features of Thorne Blackwell taking in the emerald green of his eyes, sharp aquiline nose and generous mouth that held just a hint of cruelty around them. The urge to leave hit her again but she ignored it. This man was the real thing; he reeked of money and sex, her two favorite things. Hans briefly crossed her mind and she pushed him away and began to take control of the situation.

"It's rude to invite someone in and then to keep them waiting." she said her tone icy.

"Agreed and once again, you have my apologies. Unfortunately, as I am the sole proprietor, I often have to mix business with pleasure. I hope that you understand and will give me the opportunity to make it up to you." Thorne said smiling at her as he sat down next to her.

Barb felt hot as Thorne looked at her. She gave him a small smile and a slight incline of her head as she had seen the actors on television do when they wanted to look refined. However, Thorne wasn't fooled. He knew exactly who and what Barb was- a greedy wannabe that he had plans of enjoying until he tired of her.

"I'm being rude again." he said taking her hand into his, "My name is Thorne Blackwell and as I said, I own this fine establishment."

"Barb Simpson." she replied almost purring as Thorne's thumb caressed the back of her hand.

"A pleasure to meet you... are you new to the area? I haven't seen you here before." Thorne said keeping his tone light.

"I just moved here two weeks ago." Barb replied. "My sister has been here for a few years and my youngest sister just moved here too."

Thorne's curiosity was piqued, "your sisters, are they like you?" he asked.

"What do you mean like me?" Barb asked feeling irked. This was about her and not them.

"I mean are they as beautiful and strong?" he asked still stroking her knuckles with his thumb.

"No they aren't and besides, they're taken." she replied.

"Ahh." Thorne replied sounding disappointed when he really wasn't. His interest had waned the moment that she said no to his question.

"My oldest sister Kevyn is going to marry Patrick Sinclaire and Louise has a thing with Nathan Sinclaire, do you know them?" Barb asked.

Thorne stared at her. The Sinclaires? This bitch was associated with the Sinclaires? Suddenly, his evening looked much better. They couldn't have known that she was here, they wouldn't have allowed it and she couldn't have known what they were... this was perfect.

"Shall we dance?" Thorne asked as he stood still holding on to her hand and pulling her to her feet.

Even with her three-inch heels, Barb barely reached his shoulder. She allowed herself to be led out tot the dance floor and had the sudden feeling that she was a lamb about to be led to slaughter.


Thank you to all of you for reading my stories and for your patience with the slower postings. I would also like to thank my beta readers Donalde and Anjel54 for their help... Thanks guys!!!

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DoctimeDoctimeover 10 years ago

Rape is starting to look like a luxury!

AMHJ89AMHJ89almost 11 years ago

Stupid stupid Barb... trust your instincts you silly twat

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Barb is just... stupid. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to ignore their instinct so completely when in a strange place. She has had non-stop warnings since she arrived at this club and has continuously ignored them. I'm pretty sure I would have left while in the line waiting to get into the club. As much as I really can't stand her, I hope her family can get to her in time to save her from her own stupidity... but not before she has a chance to realize what kind of danger she put herself in by not listening to them.

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyalmost 12 years ago

you evil wicked woman you!!!, You left it right there of all places.

I can't wait to see what happens next I agree with the others here I can't stand Barb but i love Han's so please don't let the wench get hurt too badly.

MadameblaqueMadameblaquealmost 12 years ago

As much as I've disliked Barb, she doesn't deserve what might happen to her. Hopefully everyone will get to her in time-- her stupidity and greed got her into this though. Great Update!!!

Jujubee58Jujubee58almost 12 years ago

Barb's got to learn the hard way and hopefully it won't kill her!


must always be careful what we ask and wish for. More and soon please

MN_Girl19MN_Girl19almost 12 years ago
Wowzers lol

First, let me start by saying i LOVE all of your stories. Now, i'm glad that Lousie and Nathan are on the path to being mated. I would wish this on anyone, but i feel that in order for Barb to see the error of her ways and to start making (nessecary and positive) changes something extremely bad as to happen to her. Whatever Thorne's techniqe he uses to "break" women like Barb, i hope it doesn't harm her or traumaize to the point of no return. I mean i want her to learn her lesson, but if it's too extreme i think that Louise and Kevyn might have a difficult time handling it and would start distancing themselves from Patrick and Nathan. Also, that'll leave Hans without a mate.

Secondly, I know good stories can't be rushed but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to submit Ch. 8 sometime soon and WAY longer. I'm too impatient (obviously) to wait. I can't wait to read more about Nathan and Lousie, Patrick and Kevyn, and Barb and Hans? Also i have strange feeling that Julie (other sister) will have a story in the future......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Oh Barb

Kala you have really made us watch the space for this chapter and oh boy, it was worthwhile. I am so glad for Nathan and Louise accepting each other. Can't wait for them to make love and mate properly. I hope it is beyond romantic. Somehow I have this strange feeling that it will work out for Hans and Barb in the end, but oh dear Barb is such a selfish, self centred biatch. We are kept on the edge to see what will emanate from The Emerald. Phew! Awesome reading!! Please don't make us wait too long. Anne 133

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 12 years ago

I am trying to work up some sympathy for Barb but I really wish that something bad would happen to her. Is it wrong to wish death on that hussy?

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