Lycanthrope Ch. 01


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"Stop by the clinic tomorrow afternoon," Catalina suggested, "We'll square everything away then."

"Thanks Dr. Hughes, I'll be there," Travis smiled, though this time he could barely bring himself to meet her eyes. He thought his heart might explode, provided his cock didn't beat it to the punch.

"It's Catalina or Cat," she said with another smile and walked away. Then a little shiver ran through her as she felt his eyes on her backside. She thought of what Eve had told her to do. Her heart and mind were conflicted on the issue. He was only a boy, barely a man at that. Even as she debated, she began to sway her hips slightly as her sex became heated and slick. She considered stepping outside as her nipples erected inside her bra and threatened to embarrass her.

"I gotta get out of here," she whispered to herself and grabbed another glass of wine, "What the hell am I thinking?"


Travis couldn't help but watch her walk away. He was sad to see her go, but he had no idea how he could have kept her attention for much longer. She was a sophisticated woman, way out of his league and probably considered too old for his age. Beyond all that, she was a professional doctor and not someone given to flirting with men younger than her. Still, that didn't stop him from resting his eyes on her shapely ass as she crossed the room and grabbed another glass of wine.

"I gotta get a grip," he loosened his tie and wiped his forehead, "Wow."

He soon realized that he was tailing her around the house as she mingled, watching her as casually as he knew how. He couldn't explain why he was so enamored of her all of a sudden, but he knew that his fascination wasn't simply summed up by a crush. The slowly swelling erection he had nurtured over the course of the evening was a sign of that, as were his constant fantasies about her. He was lusting after her, as wrong as that might have been.

Every so often, she would turn around and catch him off guard. Their eyes would meet and there would be a shared look of shyness and appreciation. Travis would wave a small salute to her and then disappear into a doorway if he could. Catalina, for her part, simply smiled back at him, her eyes conveying so much more than she could ever say. Travis wondered if he was just reading into it or if she was actually interested in him.

Around ten o'clock, as the party hit its stride Travis felt the need to urinate badly. He slipped away, having lost Catalina in the growing crowd of people. He figured she might have gone home, or was outside smoking with his parents. A mix of rain and snow pounded mutedly on the roof of the second story as he walked down the hall. He reached for the brass doorknob of the bathroom door and then stopped.

Through the sliver of open doorway, he could see Catalina in the bathroom. Travis tried to pry himself away, feeling both aroused and guilty for watching her. And then he saw Dr. Hughes slip one of her dark shoes off and lift her leg up, placing a foot on the toilet lid. Travis's eyes grew wide as he watched her slide her dress up to the top of her thigh high nylon. He felt his groin tingle as he saw her smooth white skin above the dark silky nylon leg band. Then he watched her stretch the leg band and pull the shiny material higher up her thigh. When she was satisfied she put that leg down and lifted the other foot.

This time Travis got a view directly up her dress to her red silk panties. Travis's cock sprang to full erection as he watched her adjust the other nylon. Suddenly she lifted her head and looked directly at him. He jumped back as if he had been blasted with a twelve-gauge shotgun and rushed toward the stairs. His face was red with the embarrassment as he shook his head, berating himself for his voyeurism.

"Nice," he said dismally, "Very smooth..."


Catalina stood in the sitting room, the number of guests fewer than before but still a sizable crowd. She looked for Travis, her heart pounding in her chest like some pagan drum. She was embarrassed that he had seen her in the bathroom, but not for the reasons he thought. She had actually enjoyed the revelation of his spying, but she felt bad he had run off. But then, maybe it was better that he had. With as much as she had been drinking, a lot might have happened right then and there.

She nodded and smiled her way through the party until finally she gave up. With one last fleeting look, she stepped outside onto the vast patio deck of the Goldsmith house. The large eave protected her from the rain and snow falling from the sky, and the cool December air feeling good against her skin. She had been burning up in there, partly due to the alcohol and her nervousness, but mostly because of Travis. She couldn't deny that she wanted him, not anymore.

She only wished she could set his mind at ease.

A faint aroma of cigarette smoke passed her nose and she looked off into the shadows to her left. In the darkness, against the ambience from the powerful klieg light lamp over the driveway creating black silhouettes out of the bushes and small trees that lined the house, she saw a small orange light flare up and then die down. Catalina squinted and hugged her arms across her breasts.

"Hello?" she asked timidly.

"I needed to get out of the house," Travis said from the darkness.

"Aren't you cold?" she walked over to the far end of the porch, being careful not to trip her high-heeled shoes on the patio furniture. The heels made a loud, rhythmic *thock* sound with each step she took towards him, as though she were marking off time.

"Nah," he said. She could now make out a little more of his face in the dim light as rain pattered the bushes just behind him.

"Travis," she began.

"It was my fault, really," he said suddenly, "I shouldn't have been peeking."

"No, it's alright," she insisted, "I should have closed the door."

They both were acting apologetic, as though they had done something wrong. Travis supposed that they had, but he suspected that neither of them was truly sorry for the minor event in the bathroom. Catalina knew this to be true, because as they changed the subject to the weather and the painfully fake party they were attending, she wanted nothing more than to hike her skirt up again and let Travis adjust her nylons for her. Up or down made no difference. She just wanted his hands on her.

Inside, music began playing. Catalina recognized the smooth sound of Sinatra and smiled. She peered back over her shoulder and saw people dancing through the large bay window.

"And now the party will hit the home stretch," Travis stood beside her and took a deep drag on his smoke.

"You mind?" she pointed at the cigarette.

"This bothers you?" he asked, "I can put it out."

"No," she smiled, "I was asking if I could share it with you."

"Oh," he grinned and handed it to her, "Be my guest."

She placed the cigarette between her maroon painted lips and inhaled, taking the smoke into her lungs. It roiled inside her and she relished the sensation. Walter had never allowed her to smoke while they were married. He had laid down only a few rules, but the rules he did lay out were ironclad. A harsh ban against cigarettes was one of the major ones. She took another deep drag in a quiet defiance of him and his new woman, Sheryl Chirique.

"What a better way to close out a party than a dance?" Catalina asked and passed the cigarette back to Travis.

"Sinatra is good," Travis shrugged, "But Dean Martin was better."

"That's debatable," Catalina eyed him.

"Dr. Hughes," Travis turned and looked at her, "Would you like to dance?"

Catalina stood back, surprised by his boldness. She said, "No."

Travis was silent, uncertain of what to say. Maybe he had totally read more into her flirting than was really there. After a long moment of torture, she added, "But I'll change my mind on two conditions."


"One... you start calling me Catalina or Cat," she told him, "And two, what happened in the bathroom stays between us. Agreed?"

"Agreed," he smiled.

"You don't mind dancing with an old woman?" Catalina asked, suddenly wanting more than anything in the world to feel his arms around her and to rest her face on his chest. The attention this younger man was heaping on her was inappropriate. She knew that. But she couldn't help herself. Despite all the warnings to the contrary, despite the voice in the back of her mind that screamed "SCANDAL!" she gave in.

"You're not old," he said knowingly.

"Thank you," she smiled shyly.

"Don't thank me yet. I'll try not to break any toes," Travis smiled uneasily, "I'm no Carmine Raguso."

Catalina laughed.

"I'd be more worried about your toes. I couldn't dance a step at my own wedding," Catalina replied as Travis pitched the remains of his cigarette into the wet lawn. Catalina opened her arms to him in the darkness as the chill of the winter night tried to shroud them.

Travis stepped close to Catalina and was immediately surrounded by the sweet smell of her lavender perfume. He inhaled her deeply as her hands and then her arms touched his body. He didn't quite know how to hold her, considering the unique nature of their dancing. He knew his erection was going to be there whether he liked it or not, so he decided to keep her at a modest distance.

"I don't bite, Travis," she whispered and pulled him close to her in a very intimate embrace. He could feel her soft breasts against his chest as her arms held him tight to her. When she laid her head on his shoulder he knew that he was lost. He was mortified when he started to become even more excited. But when he tried to move his hips back he felt Catalina's thigh press between his legs.

"It's okay," she said, her heart now thundering as her pulse raced. The cold had no effect on her as she smoldered next to Travis. Catalina was very much aware of what she was doing to him and what she was initiating. The slowly hardening cock in his trousers gave her all the sign she needed to indicate how he felt towards her. His breathing was fast and yet controlled, and much like her own filled with a wanton lust they couldn't deny. While she knew that she shouldn't be doing this, the reasonable and soothing voice of Eve Lawrence called to her, assuring her that this was okay.

She placed her hands behind his neck and swayed her body close to his, making her intentions more and more apparent. Travis held her close, not knowing exactly how to handle this. The whole scenario seemed to be surreal, almost like a dream. In fact, he would not have been at all surprised to wake up in his bed at any moment now and find his sheets slick and sticky with semen. He wondered if she even knew what she was doing to him.

Travis took a deep breath.

Of course she knew what she was doing. If he was wondering about her intentions, as bold as her hints seemed to be, then she must be thinking about his too. But then, perhaps she had drunk too much and was tipsy from the wine. His father had brought out the '75 Merlot, after all. It had a decent kick to it, and it was entirely possible Catalina had tanked herself after three or four glasses. He could feel her hipbone rubbing against his now totally engorged penis. His hard seven and a half inch long cock was throbbing in his boxer shorts, begging to be released and used on the gorgeous doctor.

Catalina couldn't suppress a little moan of pleasure when Travis's hands wandered down her back to the curve of her ass. It felt so good to have a strong body pressed to hers, the muscles hard and obvious against her burning flesh. She felt pressure from Travis's hands as he pulled her hips into his more than obvious hardness. Her body melted into him, their feet no longer moving, dancing with hips and upper body only.

Travis could feel chills run up and down his spine as Catalina's hand came up and slid through the hair on the back of his head. Delicate fingers caressed him; her finger nails gently scratching his skin. Her softness and sweet smell was exciting him beyond his wildest dreams. His hands slid all the way down to the soft cheeks of her ass. He took one in each hand and massaged them, pulling her into his body.

"Travis," she whispered and gazed up at him.

He looked at her in the dark, his eyes totally adjusted to the shadows. He could see the green in her eyes even now. He put one hand to her face and removed her glasses, gently taking them off and holding them for her. He ran his other hand through her thick, bronzed hair. Catalina parted her lips slightly, lost in his gaze.

"I think I'm going to kiss you, Cat," he said.

"This is wrong," she said weakly, "I'm old enough to-"

"To be my mother?" he asked and then shook his head, "But you're not my mother, Cat."

"No," she agreed and pressed herself into his erection a little more, "I'm not."

"Then tell me when to stop," he said and leaned in, his eyes closing as their lips met together. Catalina knew she had been swooning for Travis since earlier that afternoon, but now she was completely lost in him. Their lips sealed together in a cautious first kiss that was both wildly insane and tenderly sweet. Catalina could feel her blood pumping through every vein as he opened his mouth and snaked his tongue out.

A small moan escaped her throat as she slid her tongue along his, the kiss breaking only long enough to allow a barely audible suckling sound to escape. His hands slid down to her ass and resumed their massage and kneading maneuvers as she rose up against him, her hands resting on his jaw and cheeks. The kiss was slow and filled with the promise of sensual delights if only they would continue on.

"Travis?" a voice called out from the open patio door.

They froze, both of them terrified of being caught and exposed. They stood there, motionless and breath held back as Paul Goldsmith walked out on the back porch, looking for his son. The older man peered into the shadows of the lawn and the outlying gardens as sleet continued fall. He looked right over into the shadows where Catalina and Travis hid, held tight in each other's arms. Travis thought for a moment they had been caught when his father frowned and squinted, somehow looking directly at him.

'Oh fuck,' Travis rolled his eyes in a silent lament as Catalina's fingers dug into his shirt.

After an excruciatingly long moment, Paul turned and went back into the house. They stood quietly for a few more minutes and then finally breathed. Catalina placed a hand on his chest and laughed to herself as Travis wiped his forehead off. He sighed, "Jesus, that was close."

"Too close," Catalina agreed.


He paused suddenly, a new scent very strong in the air.

From behind a large cedar tree he stood still, waiting and trying to understand the smell drifting through the air. It was feminine and powerful, filled with promise and need. He looked with piercing green eyes through the woods, seeking out the source. He was still hungry. The man hadn't fulfilled his need, his craving. Nor had the boy. He needed more.

He could hear voices, very far away and yet near enough to be recognizable. He could hear a man and a woman talking. The closer he drew to them, the more he could sense their attraction to each other. They wanted each other, and they were ready to act. As his paws dug into the snow and propelled him forward into the night, he wondered if he might get there quick enough to taste them both?

He passed the place were he had left the remains of the man. Only a few hunks of gristly meat remained on the torso, exposed and pink to the world. The grass and snow around the feeding were stained red with blood. In his frenzy to feed, to satiate his hunger, he had gone mad and lost track of himself. He remembered tearing and swallowing, the gushing of blood against the back of his throat and the splintering of bone under his teeth.

As he ran, he dimly sorted out these memories. It was all coming back to him slowly. Since it had happened, since the birthing of his former self into this new creature, he had been running on pure instinct. But now he realized he had more to work with. The fleshy lips of his muzzle drew back in a sadistic grin, the kind of expression that made children scream and women cower. The kind of grin that made men shiver and cry.

Faster and faster he ran, now on all fours and gaining speed. He dug into trees as easily as he did the ground for leverage to bolt forward. His maw opened, a line of drool flying back and splattering in the shadows. Powerful muscles worked furiously under his hide as the scent grew stronger. There was something special about this scent too, something unique and familiar.

He ran faster.


The party ended around three in the morning.

Travis sat alone in the kitchen, looking out the large, foggy windows of the dining nook as wet sleet finally became frozen snow. The lights were off, only the dim radiance from the living room casting any illumination. His heart was still pounding from his encounter with Catalina. After the near discovery of their dance and kiss, the doctor had gone back inside and seemed to disappear. Travis had looked all over the house but found no sign of her anywhere.

He sighed and walked to the back of the kitchen, his mind spinning with possibilities. By the pantry was the door leading out to the garage. He unlocked it and stepped inside the spacious area, being careful not to trip on the three awkward stairs leading to the concrete floor. He enjoyed the darkness of the room, the silence and peace of it all. He was tired of hearing his parents and their friends whooping it up and having fun.

"Jesus you're all over forty," he muttered as the guests made their way to their respective vehicles outside, their voices reverberating through the flimsy aluminum rolling door, "Act your age."

"Looks like it's gonna snow again," he heard Marty Guttman call out amongst the white noise of the departing party goers, his words more than a little slurred.

"No shit Marty," Travis rolled his eyes and fished a pack of cigarettes out of his pants pocket. He lit up and inhaled deeply. After a few moments of enjoying the slight nicotine rush, he slowly walked his way across the room, dodging his father's four-wheeler and his mother's Dodge Stratus, and opened the side entrance. Parked in the outside driveway was his truck, the rust-red body coated with a slight layer of wet snow and slush. The cold air felt good against his skin as he stepped out into the night and shut the door behind him.

He stood under the eave that ran the length of the structure, his eyes wandering across the darkened foliage just beyond the clear-cut lawn of his parent's house. The light from the driveway caught the snow and made it glow in the dark, streaking down to earth in white blurs.

"She's a doctor," he told himself, "A doctor and she's older than you and-" He paused for a moment and sighed as smoke jetted from his nostrils. He finished, "-and you just need to let this shit go."

He watched all the cars leave until there was only one left. A sleek, black BMW sat off the curb just beyond the mouth of the driveway. Travis squinted at the license plate. It read: PETDOC7.

"Must be the good doctor," he said out loud.

The engine started up, trying to catch but never quite getting there. For five minutes the starter tried to get the engine going but failed. Travis walked down the sidewalk to the driveway and then out to the car, leaving a set of lonely tracks in the fresh snow. He braced himself as he walked up to the car, trying to find the right words to say. He could see someone inside, moving around in obvious frustration. He tapped on the window with his finger.

"Need some help?"

The window rolled down and he saw Catalina looking up at him. She sighed, looking both embarrassed and angry, "Damn thing won't start."