Making of a Sex Slave Ch. 01

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The Dawning of My Sexual Slavery.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 04/07/2010
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Oh! I'm so angry with Barbara right now I could, I could . . . Well I'm angry with her let's just leave it at that. She's supposed to be my best friend but she won't even talk to me. She doesn't even answer my e-mails to her. She believes that I've lost my mind. She's got some kind of moralistic idea that I've turned into a sexual pervert.

She thinks that just because I have decided to bring some bondage and discipline roll play into my and Benjamin's sex life then I must be a sexual deviant. Yet, she's the one who got me started into bondage and discipline in the first place.

She confided in me about seven months ago that she and Franklyn like to play doctor and nurse or employer and maid when they have sex. She said that she even has a sexy nurse's uniform and a little maid's outfit that she dresses up in to make their love making more realistic. She said that she doesn't let Franklyn spank her or tie her up or any of that other perverted stuff. Those are the words she used; I don't believe that tying up one's lover and spanking them is perverted sex.

She said that she dresses up in her nurse's costume. Then Franklyn will examine her and tell her she needs surgery or something and that he has to perform it in their bedroom. Other times she will dress up like a maid and Franklyn will pretend to scold her for not making the bed properly. Then they will have sex while she is remaking the bed. It's all so vanilla sex between the two of them.

Vanilla sex is a new term I learned since I've gotten into bondage and discipline sex. I'm so excited about it all. I'm learning all kinds of new terms and vocabulary and about sex toys and BDSM sex that I never knew before. Don't get me wrong, I knew about sex toys and that the world of bondage and discipline sex existed. I just didn't know anything about it until I started to read about it.

After Barbara informed me about what she and Franklyn do, I got curious and began to do some reading. Wow! Was I ever surprised? I learned that all kinds of people practice B and D sex. (Another term I learned.) Doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, sales clerks, plumbers, laborers -- men and women of all professions and occupations indulge in bondage and discipline sex.

I even went to a few Internet web sites and learned some things. You have to be careful when doing that because there are a lot of Internet sites that are only there to offer sexually explicit photographs or X-rated movies for a fee. Not that I believe that there is anything wrong with those things; if that's your cup of tea. Benjamin and I even watch them sometimes to get new ideas on different role play scenes and other sex related stuff.

But there are quite a number of other Internet sites that give free information. There are also numerous adult chat rooms to which a person can go to in order to get information from the other chatters.

I guess I should start at the beginning.

I was married to Sal. We had a pretty good relationship. I mean, it wasn't the greatest of marriages; there were the rocky times. But neither was it all peaches and cream. In a word, it was convenient. He had a good income as an office manager for an insurance company. It was enough so that I only had to have a part time job working for a temporary service company in order for us to pay the bills.

In fact, Sal didn't even want me to do that. He's sort of a male chauvinist in that respect. According to him, my place was in the home doing domestic chores. The only reason he let me work outside our home was because we needed a little extra money to meet expenses. I had to talk him into letting me help out financially. So, I was a part-time secretary.

The sex between the two of us was rather dull, at least for me. Sal's idea of foreplay was a passionate French kiss or two while massaging and sucking my tits a little bit. Then he would rub my mound and insert his middle finger into my pussy until I was wet enough for him to fuck me. After he shot his load, he would roll over and go to sleep, leaving me to wonder where all the fireworks were.

There were a few times when he got me off; I have to admit that. I really enjoyed the sex we had during those lovemaking incidences. But those occasions were few and far between. Mostly, it was get me hot, fuck me and then go to sleep. I would then masturbate myself to an orgasm while he snored away.

I always knew when Sal wanted to have sex. He would come home from work, give me a big hug and a kiss, lightly smack me on my ass and then either take off all my clothes or order me to take off all my clothes. I would then fix supper in the nude. After supper we would watch television, with me still in the nude and him eyeing my naked body. Around nine we would go to bed. Then Sal would crawl on top of me and slam bam thank you ma'am. Not much excitement or variety.

Sal liked to go to bed early because he had to get up at five in order to get to work for seven. It's a forty minute drive to his insurance company and he always took a thirty minute shower before going to work. So in order to accommodate him, I went to bed with him, got up with him, fixed him breakfast and ate with him. But after he would leave for work I sometimes went back to sleep for another hour or so. That is, if I didn't have to go to work myself.

Sal and I were married at the end of my third year at college. I wanted to wait until we were both finished or at least until I was finished. He still had 11 courses to take before he could graduate with a degree in business management. I had only 6 courses left to take before I could graduate with a degree in interior design; I hoped to start my own interior decorating business someday.

But he was insistent and didn't want to wait another year. He said that we had been dating long enough -- we had been dating for a little over a year. He said that I could get a fulltime job and with his part time job as a bartender we would have enough money to pay the bills until he graduated. Then he would get a job as an office manager somewhere and I could return to college fulltime to finish my degree.

It didn't work out quite like that.

I dropped out of college and got a job as a secretary in a small home health care company. Then it took him another two years to get his degree. That's because he kept taking other courses that were not part of his curriculum. He claimed that he would need them later on after he graduated in order to get a jump ahead of everyone else who was graduating with a degree in business management.

Although he explained it to me, I still don't see how courses such as sports psychology, sports coaching and athletic training techniques can help someone in the world of business.

I guess I was a little naïve. I was just hoping and dreaming that he would change from someone who is only interested in sports to someone who would mature into a compassionate, supportive husband. No, I take that back, I was more than naïve; I was down right stupid.

By the time I got my chance to return to college it wasn't as a fulltime student; it was only part time. Sal said we couldn't afford for me to go back fulltime. Not that I cared. It just took me longer to get my degree. Not only that, he complained about the finances every time I registered for another course.

I think his real reason was that he just wanted me home doing housework and fixing his meals. My place is in the home he would sometimes say. He's not really a male chauvinist. He isn't against women working outside the home and he doesn't harbor any of those other male chauvinistic ideas. At least I don't think he does. He's never voiced them in my presence. He just didn't want me working outside the home. He even made me quit my job at the home health care company soon after he graduated.

Nor was he jealous or afraid that I'd meet someone else. He just wanted to provide for me. He has never admitted it but I believed it made him feel more needed in our relationship if I didn't have a job.

But after seven years of marriage, a house mortgage, two car notes and insurance, well the bills were mounting up. It took me three months to finally convince him that he wasn't bringing home enough to meet all the expenses. He reluctantly agreed for me to get a part time job.

It was right after I started working again that the spark in our marriage died. But I guess I should have expected that. I mean with his attitude toward my working, it made him feel less like a man. Although I don't know why, it was only a part time job. Other than his selfishness we had a pretty good marriage. But like I said, soon after I started working the marriage broke down.

We didn't hate each other. But neither was there any of the romance we had for each other while we were at college together. At that point we were just two friends who shared a house, bills and an occasional fuck.

For a while I tried to rekindle the flame. I bought a sexy negligé. I bought a couple of triple X-rated movies for him. I wrote him numerous seductive notes and tacked them on the door so that he could see them before coming inside from work. A couple of times I even greeted him naked as he walked through the front door. None of it ever worked.

I finally quit trying to revive the marriage after I suggested one evening that we shower together. He turned me down. He said the shower was too small. But it's a custom built shower, measuring a little larger than the normal shower, with a whirlpool tub.

That's were our marriage stood. We had a fairly nice house. We weren't struggling financially. We each had our own hobbies. Sal watched ballgames on TV and went hunting and fishing with his friend Sam. While he did his thing, I read mystery novels, searched the Internet or worked on my interior decorating portfolio, sketching out different designs. I still have plans to become an interior decorator someday.

We didn't have any children but that's because I was raped by a neighbor when I was a small child; I only vaguely remember it. The attack left me infertile. Sal didn't want to adopt. I believe that he just wanted the sex without having to bother with having children interrupting his watching ballgames on television.

Like I said, our marriage was convenient; at least until Benjamin rented the house next to ours.

If I remember correctly it was a Tuesday evening. Benjamin had just moved into the house next door the previous Saturday. Sal introduced himself to Benjamin while he was moving into the house. He even helped Benjamin carry in his queen size mattress.

Anyway, Tuesday Sal had come home from work and took off all my clothes, in preparation for sex later on. We were watching television. Well, Sal was watching television and my naked ass. I was lying on the shag carpet in the nude in front of the TV working a crossword puzzle.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Sal answered the door. It was Benjamin wanting to borrow a screwdriver or some other kind of tool.

"Hey Ben you want to see something beautiful?" Sal asked him as the two of them stood in the front door. For some strange reason Sal called him Ben instead of Benjamin. Later on Benjamin told me that he didn't like it; it wasn't his nickname.

"Sure," Benjamin answered.

Sal invited him in, "Then come take a look at this."

There I was lying on the floor in front of the TV naked as a new born baby and my husband invites a total stranger into the house to show me off.

Sal ushered him into our living room. Then pointing to my naked butt he said, "Now isn't that the most beautiful ass you have ever seen?"

It was a side of Sal that I never knew existed. I never realized he liked to show me off as though I were his prize heifer. I blushed and turned several shades of red.

"I have to admit that that is one fine ass Sal. But what I really need right now is a flat head screwdriver. I don't have any tools and I was wondering if I might borrow a screwdriver from you."

"Sure Ben, let's see what I have in the utility room."

The two of them then headed for the utility room, leaving me to wonder what kind of man I was married to. It made me contemplate if Sal were the kind of guy who liked to show his wife off the way a kid showed off his new toy.

I knew they would have to come back through the living room. That got me to thinking whether or not I should continue to lie naked on the floor where I was or get up and discreetly go to another room. I decided that since Sal wasn't bothered by another man seeing my naked ass then neither should I be worried about it and returned to my crossword puzzle. As it turned out that decision was the most eventful decision I have ever made.

As they came back into the living room Sal said to Benjamin, "Yeah Ben, I got me one beautiful wife." Then to me, "Come over here Deidra and introduce yourself to our new next door neighbor."

I leaned up on my left elbow and looked over my right shoulder at the two of them. They both could plainly see my right breast and nipple. I looked from Sal to Benjamin and back to Sal again. Sal was smiling broadly; Benjamin was just staring at me or maybe it was my naked ass that had him spellbound. But either way he didn't take his eyes off my body.

I again contemplated what kind of man I was married to, what kind of man showed off his wife as though she were a sports trophy.

I said to myself, 'if he don't care then neither do I.' I got up off the floor, walked over to where they were standing, stuck my hand out towards Benjamin and said, "Nice to meet you Mr. Ben." At that time I didn't know either his first or last name, only what Sal had called him.

Gently shaking my hand and looking up and down my whole body -- with a brief pause at my pussy I might add -- he answered with a rather sexy smile on his lips, "My name is Benjamin. I assure you the pleasure is all mine Deidra. Sal is right. You are a very beautiful woman."

I want to point out that I don't have a lot of pubic hair. It's rather thin, barely covering my mound and labia. Sal wants me to shave my pussy but I like my vagina the way it is. I think a little hair on a woman's pubic mound is sexy. In my opinion, a shaved pussy looks like a child's vagina which to me is not sexy looking at all. The down side is that Sal won't eat me if my pussy isn't shaved. But like I said, I masturbate.

I returned his sexy smile with a very demure smile of my own. "Mr. Benjamin, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything Deidra. Your smile and your body . . . language say all that needs to be said."

There was an almost imperceptible pause between the word body and the word language. I don't know if Sal noticed it but I did and I'm sure Benjamin added the word language just to be polite. I was humbled.

With that Benjamin turned and left. But not before looking over my naked body once again and giving me a look that clearly said, 'I want to see more of you.'

About an hour or so later the doorbell rang again. Sal told me to get it because he was watching replays of the previous Sunday's football games. While walking toward the door I contemplated whether or not I should stand behind the door, hiding my body from Benjamin or in front of it, thereby allowing Benjamin to see a full frontal nude of me again.

I didn't want Benjamin to think that I'm some kind of slut so I stood behind the door when I opened it. Besides I also didn't want any of our neighbors across the street to see me standing in the doorway naked as a jaybird.

Benjamin handed me the screwdriver and said, "Tell Sal I said thank you for me will you Deidra?"

"Sure thing Mr. Benjamin."

"Please, just call me Benjamin." He paused. Then, "I want to thank you too for, shall I say, being kind and unashamed."

I knew he was referring to my earlier allowing him to see me naked. I was again humbled.

"Again, it was a pleasure meeting you Deidra and I hope we can become friends."

"I'm sure we will Benjamin," I answered him.

With that Benjamin turned and headed back towards his house. I closed the door and leaned against it thinking that I had allowed this tall dark good looking stranger to see me totally naked and wasn't ashamed of my act of indecency. I then wondered what had become of my strict Catholic upbringing. I put the screwdriver on the dining room table and went to take a shower.

That night after Sal fucked me and went to sleep I masturbated while fantasizing over what Benjamin would do to my body if we ever had sex. It was one of the most rewarding orgasms I had had in a long time.

The following Friday Sal came home from work with a pack of pork chops in his hand. He said that he wanted to have pork chops, mashed potatoes and peas for dinner. That was nothing new. Sal would often come home with pork chops, a couple of steaks or something and ask me to fix it for our supper that evening.

The surprise came when he added that he had invited Benjamin over to have dinner with us and that all three of us were going to eat in the nude. After supper, he and Benjamin would take turns screwing me.

You could have knocked me over with a feather I was so shocked. I didn't know whether to object or go with the idea. I'm sure that an earlier me would have objected to being used as someone's fuck toy. But my sex life with Sal was not very rewarding and I was intrigued -- fascinated might be a better word -- by the thought of sex with Benjamin. I had been fantasizing over sex with him ever since we met. So I decided to put my strict moral upbringing on a shelf and indulge my sexual desires.

While Sal was removing my clothes, he revealed to me that he saw Benjamin in his driveway Thursday evening and they discussed the possibility of the two of them fucking me at the same time. He said that Benjamin was receptive to the idea. He then happened to see Benjamin again Friday morning as he was leaving for work so he invited him over for a threesome.

I want to note that when Sal takes off my clothes it's always the same thing. First he removes my blouse and bra. Then he massages and kisses each nipple once. Next he has me sit down so he can take off my shoes and socks, and finally he slides my pants and panties down my legs.

I must admit that he tries to be romantic. But his stripping me is so automatic that his actions take all the passion out of it.

I've even suggested that he change it up a little bit. Usher me into the bedroom or onto the living room sofa or something. Then make out a little while removing my clothes. But my advice always fell on deaf ears. If he wanted to make love, then as soon as he would enter the kitchen, he would give me a big hug and a kiss, lightly smack me on my ass once and then either take off all my clothes or order me to take off all my clothes.

All during supper Benjamin couldn't take his eyes off my breasts -- I wear a 38 C brassier. Also, although my areolas are about average in size, the nipples themselves are large. They stick out like two chocolate covered raisins in the center of two chocolate cookies, resting on two golden orbs. Added to that was the fact that I was very aroused at the thought of what was going to happen to me after we all finished eating. Those thoughts and a slight chill in the air caused my nipples to gorge with blood and stick out even farther.

As soon as we all finished eating supper Sal gruffly ordered me to clean up the kitchen. He had never order me to do anything like that before in that tone of voice. Usually when he had me eat in the nude, he would just go into the living room to watch television while I cleaned up the kitchen. He didn't say anything to me; it was just understood. He watched television while I cleaned up the kitchen in the nude. After I finished, I would join him in the living room to watch television or something.

But Benjamin's presence changed that for some reason. As soon as we all finished eating Sal said, "OK my little sex slave, Ben and I are going to watch you while you clean up the kitchen in the nude."