Masculine and Beautiful


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She tip toed back to her bed and sat on the edge. What if tonight was a repeat of last Friday? What if he was crying again and she went to talk to him and then he grabbed her hand and put it on his cock? Would she yank her hand away, slap him, leave the room? She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled. She didn't trust herself. She also stopped kidding herself about what she had just been doing. She had been masturbating thinking about sucking Tommy's cock, not some Nameless cock. She had been getting excited, wet, thinking about having sex with him, about him licking her pussy, about having his cock not only inside her mouth, but...

Oh god... what is WRONG with me? She heard more noises. He was walking across the hall to the bathroom. She heard the door close, then the button lock pushed. Maybe he was stroking his cock to relieve his... The shower came on. He was going to shower. It was hot and muggy. Would a drunk Tommy bother with taking a shower? How am I supposed to know the answer to that?! She rolled her eyes.

She pressed her thighs together. She closed her eyes and shook her head when she felt a tiny tingle. She couldn't go out there to yell at him or even ask him if he was okay. The bottom line is that she was tipsy if not drunk too at the moment, and... Truth time, Mara! Tell yourself the truth! The truth was that in the state she was, both horny and tipsy, she didn't trust herself.

Did she really think she'd do anything sexual with her son? No, not really, she really didn't think she would, she wasn't some insane, perverted mom, but only five days ago if she had tried to imagine some scenario where she'd willingly, and yes, it had been willingly, have stroked her son's erection to orgasm, she never, NEVER would have been able to imagine any way or time or situation where she would have done that, yet, just last Friday she had done it.

She glanced at the door. She didn't have to go out there to catch him drunk, she'd just tell him tomorrow that she had heard him staggering up the stairs and that she was so angry she didn't get up... something like that. And that was actually all true. She exhaled. She really didn't want to ground him for all the reasons she had for not giving him more than a couple days regarding his drunkenness last Friday. She wanted him out of the house having fun, not getting depressed locked up in his bedroom, pining away for that damn Marcia. She exhaled again. Marcia was a nice girl, it just hadn't worked out. She blinked. What had he pushed her about?

She closed her eyes and shook her head for a moment. Why was it that Phil seemed to ALWAYS be out of town when there was some crisis going on at home? Was it really like that? Yes... well, it seemed like that at least. She glanced at the sweating tumbler on the night table, 3/4 full, the last of the margaritas Betty had made when they came in for the nightcap, the cubes had probably melted. Mara slid her bottom closer to the table, reached for the glass and took a gulp. It was still cold, the cubes had shrunk though. She set the glass down and looked at her pillows, frowned, then slid again on the sheet and lay on her back.

She watched the spinning ceiling fan. She noticed both fans didn't really make much noise. The ceiling fan was silent. Had she been bad ten minutes ago imagining a clone of Tommy? Had she been a bad girl? She started to smile remembering how Randy would ask her that every few days-- Has Mara been a bad girl today? Does Mara need a... The smile that had started, vanished and her brow pinched. Why AM I thinking about him so much since... Friday night?

Of course there was a connection to Tommy, but Randy didn't look, talk, nor act like Tommy at all. Her stomach tightened when she suddenly realized what it was. It had been hidden for the past few days. No... NO... it's just her imagination now! She had no idea what kind of lover Tommy would be. So, why did she feel if not think he'd be a little like Randy. Randy was an asshole, but... okay, he had been super hot in bed, but he was a jerk, an ass, and Tommy wouldn't be like him, he WASN'T like him at all. The similarity was... Oh my god. The similarity was in her reaction to him, not what he was doing, saying, or really anything he did. It was the way she had felt with him last Friday, that was it. It wasn't Tommy reminding her of Randy, it was the way she had felt Friday that reminded her of how she'd sometimes feel around Randy! Yes, that was it, but... wait...

Was there something similar to Randy in Tommy? Oh my god. His eyes. The past couple days... no... no, it was the past couple years, Tommy had looked at her the way Randy had sometimes. Ohmygod... is that it? She had basically ignored Tommy eyes when they took on that intensity, that almost lustful look. She had brushed it off to raging teenage hormones, but... hadn't it at least a tiny bit excited her, a tiny bit taken her breath away, a tiny bit made her feel self-conscious? Hadn't it given her at least a tiny bit of a thrill?

No, Tommy wasn't demanding like that ass Randy, but... Friday night, hadn't he been demanding, but in a soft manner? He barely held her hand when he moved it and yet she had given in so easily, as if he had it chained to his own hand. How she had felt compelled to do, and wanted to do whatever he told her to do. Oh my god... oh my god. Her breathing quickened. Luckily she heard the shower go silent, then another thump on the wall, not a loud one, probably another inebriated sway. It broke her train of thought.

She closed her eyes and took a slow deep breath. She knew her thinking was laced with alcohol, imagining things, connections where there probably weren't any. She was tipsy, she shouldn't be thinking about anything important right now. Hopefully she'd forget it all by tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow, and now she should just go to sleep. Go to sleep, Mara!

She heard the hall bath door open, a few steps, then Tommy's bedroom door close. Good. He was going to bed.

She knew two things for sure. She'd have to talk to Tommy tomorrow about his drinking again. And, she herself shouldn't have drunk so much tonight. She glanced at the tumbler. She propped herself up on her elbow, reached for it, took a sip, then lay back again.

She tried to rid her mind of all thoughts, but a minute later, the Friday night images started creeping back into her mind. She fought them, tried to make them disappear. She wasn't going to touch her pussy. The minutes passed, maybe five, and then she heard Tommy's bedroom door open, more steps, the bathroom door closing, the shower turning on again.

Her brow pinched. Two showers? What is he doing? She started seeing him in her mind, his naked body, his stiff, oh so thick cock, water running down his chest, his manhood slightly bobbing with each beat of his heart. What would it be like to be in there with him? Soaping his muscles, gazing at his beautiful, rock hard sex, holding the head maybe, while her other hand soaped his testicles, then...

She realized her finger was on her clit again. She didn't move it, just took a slow deep breath. She was tired of fighting it. She felt her slit. She was gooey wet. This would be the last time she'd think of him, the very last time, but she had to tonight, then never again. Her fingertip returned to her clit. She realized she didn't hear the shower anymore. The bathroom door opened. A tiny bit more light seemed to come into the room. She glanced at the bottom of her door. Tommy had turned on the hallway light. Her finger kept working her clit. Why is the light on? She heard him go into his room. Her finger rubbed her pink button faster. Oh god... his cock is so beautiful... so hard... so wonderfully thick. How would it feel inside me? Mara almost smiled. It would feel oh so good.

Tom put on his fresh baggy sweat shorts. He patted the side pocket, then took a breath. He could still taste whiskey in his mouth. He knew he should stop himself, but he couldn't. He just couldn't. He stepped into the hall again, and weaved down towards Mom's room, his shoulder hit the wall then dragged along it for a moment. He wondered if her door was locked. He'd knock then... maybe he should knock anyway? He tried the handle. It wasn't locked. Without more debate, he opened the door just enough for him to stick his head in, a soft stream of hallway light sliced into the room. Was that her hand pulling down her nightshirt? He half whispered, half spoke at a normal volume, "Mom? Mom, you 'wake?"

Mara was frozen. Had he seen her playing with herself? Should she answer him? Oh god, what should I do?! She had her eyes closed but now raised her lids ever so slightly. She saw him in the doorway, relieved he had shorts on. What should I do? What should I do?! The door opened wider, more light spilled into the room. She held her breath and felt her heart start racing as she watched Tommy step into the room. He was weaving a little. He was coming to the bed. Ohmygod! OHMYGOD!

Tom crouched close to the bed near the night table. He again half whispered, "Mom? Mom, you 'wake?"

She knew she was a little drunk herself, but she was positive she smelled whiskey on his breath. She still wasn't sure what to do! Her body stiffened when she felt his hand on her upper arm, lightly grip and give her a little shake.

"Mom? You a-wake? I... I did somethin' sshtupid."

All her previous thoughts were instantly forgotten. Oh my god! What did he do?! She pushed herself up onto her elbows. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm sorry. I-I was jus' so fuckin' schtupid." He bowed his head.

Mara got scared. She moved to the edge of the mattress and then threw her legs over the side and sat up. She put her hands on either side of Tommy's head and raised it. "What happened? Did you... Did... Tell me what happened?" Her stomach knotted. What could he have done?! Her first thought was that he got drunk then went over to Marcia's house and did something dumb. "Tell me what happened, Tommy."

He moved over a little so he was in front of her knees. "I went over to Schteve's, and I had some whiskey. I... I'm drunk again. I'm schorry, Mom. I know I jus' promised you, but... I was thinkin' 'bout Marcia... and... I know, I promised I wouldn't drink, I'm schorry. You... you should ground me about it. I shcrewed up again. It was shtupid. But... but I had Julie drive my car, and like she was slike toe-lee sober, she di'n't have anything to drink."

He held his breath as he lay his profile on Mom's naked, warm thighs. "I'm shorry... I'm really shorry, Mom." His arm moved to the bed, and curved around her on the sheet. "I know you're mad, you should be, but I'm sorry. I really am." He turned his head to the other profile, smearing his face across the smooth skin of her thighs. His cock lurched in his shorts. He shifted to his knees and lowered his ass to his heels.

Mara's heart was racing, her lips were parted, her eyes wide. She still had her hands on Tommy's head. Her pussy was clenching over and over again. "Tommy, you..." Her mind was reeling. She suddenly had no cogent thoughts. She had been scared, then when he said he had just been drinking and hadn't done anything like run over someone with the car, she had relaxed, then suddenly his head was on her thighs. "Tommy, you... should..."

He interrupted, "Mom, I know you're mad. I'm shorry, really." He twisted his head again, once more stroking his face across her warm skin.

SAY SOMETHING! "We'll... You..." She shut her eyes and swallowed. "We'll talk about... about it, in... um... the-the morning, Tommy. You-you should go to bed now." She looked down. She saw her hand was stroking through his hair. Her breathing got more ragged.

"I tried, Mom. I tried."

"Tried? Tried what?"

"I tried to get to shleep. I can't... I can't. It's like... slike every night."

Visions of his beautiful cock with her hand around it flashed in her mind once again. Her breathing quickened. "Tommy... you-you... have to go to bed."

"Mom... I can't shleep." He quietly pulled his arm from the mattress down to the side of the bed. "Mom... last Friday... Could you give me a massage."

"Tommy... Tommy, no. I-I-I can't do that." More visions of his cock coursed through her mind.

Tom's other arm came down from the mattress, then as his head again turned to the other side and he shifted his ass. He made sure his lips were wet when they ran over her smooth, warm thighs. "Please, Mom. Jus'... jus' a li'l. Jus'... for a few seconds."

Her breathing was getting more erratic. It had after each time he turned his head. She realized his mouth was inches away from her wet pussy. She couldn't stop thinking about that. She felt his left arm slide onto the mattress again and move around her bottom, his forearm pressed against her ass, his palm flattened against her hip. She involuntarily squirmed. "Tommy... no..." She panted a few breaths. Her mind was in so much turmoil she wasn't even sure what she was saying no to anymore. His arm on the bed?

"Mom, please... just a li'l. I can't do it myself, and it aches, it really does. Jus' a little... please, Mom. I have some lotion, jus'... jus' put some lotion all over it for me. Please, Mom... please."

She felt his arm move again, retreating the way it had come but then his hand gently but firmly took hold of her right hand. He started to stand. "Tommy... umm... um..." Her eyes popped wide, then her mouth opened in shock. She was staring at his naked cock! He had pulled his sports shorts down! The thick spear was pointed at an angle directly at her face. In the odd light from the hallway she could see a puddle of clear semen on the tip. "Tommy..." She watched his right hand open and she saw a plastic bottle of gel lubricant. He squeezed a large dollop on the bulbous helmet and along the top of the staff, then set the bottle on the night table near her drink.

"Mom? Please... please just rub that in for me, rub the gel all over it. Like sun block. Please, Mom."

As had happened Friday night, the sight of his incredibly thick cock mesmerized her. As if she was having an out of body experience, or maybe watching a movie, she saw her hand which seemed not connected to her, guided by Tommy's hand, move to his wondrous manhood. She felt the coolness of the gel on her palm, then saw her fingers and thumb try to encircle the thick rod. Her thumb couldn't touch any of her fingertips. Tommy's hand gently nudged hers. She started stroking him.

"Oh god... Mom... yeah."

For a moment she wondered where all the screaming voices telling her to stop had gone. All she could think about was his cock, how beautiful and alluring it was. What she now wondered about was how it would feel in her mouth, what it might feel like in the rest of her too. She licked her lips. She only vaguely felt his hand lift her left one. His legs parted more, and guided her left hand to his balls. Her fingers caressed the two large nuggets. They felt hot and firm. She fondled them, but her eyes weren't long away from what her other hand was doing. She squeezed harder on the upstroke and forced more clear, slippery semen out the large urethra. Again she licked her lips. She felt his hand move her other from his balls and place it on the side of his muscular thigh.

Tom slid his hand up his mother's slender, toned arm to her shoulder, then into her hair, running his splayed fingers through it, making it look a little wild, then his palm caressed the back of her neck. Fingertips stroking up into her hair there, then down her spine as far as they could reach from her shoulder, then up again into her hair. His fingertips pressed ever so slightly at the back of her head.

Mara felt the gentle pressure. She knew what he wanted, and she knew it was what she wanted too. That gentle touch might as well have been shove, it had nearly the same effect. She leaned forward. Her lips parted, her mouth opened slightly. The first thing she did she had to do. Her tongue appeared and like a kitten lapping milk, she flickered her tongue on the tip, lapping up the growing puddle of clear semen, then began licking the entire big head, sometimes her lips brushing against the alluring form. There was a subtle taste of mint that baffled her for a moment, then she realized it was the gel. She became aware of Tommy's ragged breathing and her own. Her tongue retracted slightly, as her mouth opened more, so just the inner portions of her lips gently touched the deep read head of his wondrous cock while her tongue tickled, licked, and swirled around the tip.

Tom groaned, "Urrrrrrrhhhh... gohhhhd... Mommmm."

She felt Tommy's hand move, cupping the back of her neck, caressing it. She knew what he meant, and what he wanted. Again, she did too. Her mouth opened wider, and her face moved forward slightly as she engulfed the big head of his manhood. She started sucking automatically, her tongue still working around the smooth form.

Tom growled, "Urrrhhh... yeahhhhhh."

Mara's mouth was open larger than she ever had to do before to receive a cock, but she realized something. Tommy's cock was very thick, but not as thick as she had first thought. She must have been comparing it to Phil's erections over the past seven years or so. They weren't as large or hard as they had been when they were dating and in their early marriage. But, yes, Tommy's was really thick, the thickest ever, it might even be the longest ever too, but only by a tiny fraction. She was concerned about scraping him with her teeth.

Oh god, it was so beautiful, so incredibly manly. She loved the feel of it in her mouth. She wished it was because of her that it was so hard. Was it? Was it because of her? Her lips started moving down from the crown, sliding, hugging close. Her hand started moving up from his base to meet her lips. She took as much as she could into her mouth without gagging.

"Urrrrhh... god... Mom... that... feels so damn good." Tom started running his hands into her soft, medium brown hair. He didn't want to push or pull her head at all, he hoped he'd keep to that rule he had made for himself.

Mara slid her mouth back towards the head. She felt her lips slide over the ridge of the helmet and up to the tip, she pulled her lips off, and swallowed a few times. She whispered, "God... you're so big, so... hard."

She engulfed the head again, swirled her tongue around the smooth helmet, then slid her "O" down again, faster than before, same with her hand stroking up again from the base. She bobbed a half dozen times, then pulled off the tip again, gasping a few deep breaths while her hand on his thigh moved to the staff, both her hands twisting around his girth in opposite directions while she took a few more breaths. She removed one hand which fondled his balls again. Her mouth opened wide, engulfed his manhood, her bobbing increased tempo, and when her "O" made shorter slides just over the ridge of the helmet, her other hand returned to Tommy's thickness, both her hands twisting again. Her tongue swirled around the smooth, bulbous head.

"Urrrrrhhhh." Tom was in seventh heaven. Marcia had never done it like this. He was hoping to last a long time but he knew that was going to be impossible. "Mom... mom... I'm... gettin' close."

His words seemed to invigorate Mara, increase her need to please him and gratify her own cravings. Her left hand returned to his thigh. Her lips tightened more around him, and slid down his thick manhood slowly taking more and more into her mouth. When the head reached her throat, she pulled back and started bobbing once more, finding that the faster she did it, the less the tip bothered her at the beginning of her throat, her gag reflex diminished. Her hand kept pace with her mouth, meeting her lips in perfect mirrored rhythm. Her other hand moved to his firm ass. She felt his hips start to rock slightly. Her hand encouraged him.
