Mike's Navy: A Wedding, Christmas and New Year


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Marlene says, "How soon will you have that firm date?"

Nancy asks, "We can remain flexible until the last two weeks so that should work, don't you think?"

"As soon as I can, love. I should be back in Halifax next Thursday and consult on time Friday so perhaps call you by next weekend." He continues, "That way I should be on my way back out here for the next weekend. That'll put me here around the twenty-fifth."

"Okay, so let's go over to see the priest tonight then. I have the license, do we need anything else?" She looks at her mother.

"No, you know how may people to expect for the service and the reception is being put on by us. Who are you having stand with you? Your bride's maid and best man?"

"Oh, I never thought of that. I suppose I should ask Jen. Do you have anyone for best man. Mike?"

"No, I suppose one of your brothers. They can flip a coin." he sees Tom watching him and grins, "How about it, Tom? Would you like to give it a go?"

"You betcha!"

"I got my best man. Just your best woman, love."

"I'll call Jen and we'll go over after supper."

So she calls Jen and they talk until supper's on the table. Mike asks her mother, "What do they have to talk about so much?" Nancy smiles mysteriously.

After supper they go around to the service and meet with the priest. Arrangements are made for a tentative date subject to confirmation. They set it for a Sunday afternoon at the end of November which should turn out to be his first day of annual leave. If he is taking two weeks it should allow them lots of time to leisurely make their way back to Halifax.

They drive home after the meeting feeling things are progressing well. They discuss plans with her folks this evening and retire early.

She has been feeling amorous and wanting to get him alone for the whole evening so she teases him as they get ready for bed. Playfully she fondles him as she kisses him while he is sitting by the bed reading the paper. He chuckles and pulls her down in his lap. "Oh!" she says, "Is that for me?" He smiles and kisses her again as he fondles a breast. "Careful, they're a wee bit sensitive and sore."

He uncovers the breast in question and studies the puffy area around her nipple. He tentatively licks it to see her reaction. It seems to be favorable so he proceeds to suck on it then kiss it and look back into her eyes. She's smiling so he judges he's not being too rough on her. On seeing her smile he feels a surge of passion straighten out his organ and force it up against her bum. She feels it, too.

"Are you coming to bed before long?" She wiggles her bottom on his erection. "Or will I be forced to rape you right here?" She raises her ass a bit and pulls up her nightgown hem.

"Hush now, if your mother heard such language she'd rush in here to rescue me." He grins as he licks and nibbles at her nipples. His hand caresses the inside of her thigh as he speaks.

"Over my dead body! No one will rescue you from me!" She reaches under her bottom to pull his erection out so she can see it through his trousers fly. "Now I've got you!"

His hand rubbing on her lower lips encounters her hand on his cock so the two hands guide the organs together then hold each other as she sighs, "Oh, that's better." They move slowly and probe each others senses. She is so sensitive and needy tonight he merely has to move slowly into her and rub her clit with his cock to feel her rush and quiver in quiet orgasm. It is so subtle a tremor that washes through her but it's what she really needs at this moment.

For a time they relax and feel the peace then she straightens up and declares, "Now get your ass in that bed. I need you inside me and I do mean now!" That's what they do next and she's a very happy girl.

Mike is becoming used to her morning pose draped over his body when he wakes with her moist opening pressed against his piss hard on. She has always slept with him like this as though afraid she might miss a chance. He even kids her about it but she persists. It seems like a security blanket of a sort to her. He finds he likes it though. He also finds he misses it very much when she isn't there. It leaves him lonely from the start of the day.

This morning she is here and he feels his erection brushing her pubic hair. He feels her even breaths on his neck and her hand lightly on his chest. Instinctively he circles her waist with his free arm and holds her sleeping form close He rejoices his phenomenal luck in finding this dream come true. He thinks no other woman could be half her equal as his mate. She may even now be carrying his son. Could life get any better? His mind whirls with all these thoughts.

He listens but no sounds intrude his thoughts. He moves his ass slightly and feels his erection slide along her lips. He feels her tense and winches. Damn! She stirs and groans suddenly throwing herself off him and rushing for the bathroom. He groans as an echo of hers and crawls out of bed. He dons a robe and follows along waiting for her retching to cease. At least he heads the lineup this morning.

One good thing that fills the air is the scent of fresh coffee and Mike is anxious to take advantage of it. As quickly as Marlene is out Mike is in and using the washroom to quickly finish and follow his nose to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mike." It's Nancy and she seems to be happy to see him. Marlene is making toast for everyone and offers him a pair of slices with his coffee. It's thick sliced raisin bread toasted a golden brown and saturated with creamery butter.

"Good morning, ladies." he greets them and takes a big bite out of one of the slices. "Golly, you spoil me with this service. Will it continue always, love?" He looks out the window and sees the rain. "Another rainy day, I see."

Mother and daughter exclaim, "At least you don't have to shovel it."

"I heard that." It's her Dad joining them. "Good morning, ladies and Mike. Have you heard the weather for tomorrow yet. It's snowing today in the Coke." (Coquiholla pass is often called the Coke.)

"I was afraid of that." says Mike, "I plan to go back the USA route. It's faster and better highway. I haven't had to chain up yet and I'm not looking forward to it."

"I saw you had the chains on your saddle tanks already. I guess you have to be ready for anything this time of year."

"Yep, and it can happen at any time in the Coke. I hear snow flurries have occurred up there in July." They chat on about the weather for a bit then Gerrard leaves.

Marlene sits with him to have breakfast. "Will you leave before I'm up, Mike?"

"I do have to be on my way early. I should pick that trailer up around seven so I have to leave around six thirty and that means I should be up before six. The earlier I hit the road the better time I make and the sooner I'm back."

Mike hears the doorbell ring and Marlene rushes out to the front door. She soon reappears with Jen in tow. This is the Jen from White Rock that Mike first met with Marlene. They are talking wedding plans when they come back to the kitchen. "I told you I'd marry that guy. Isn't that something!"

"Hi Mike, hi folks." She chatters back to Marlene, "I was so surprised when you called last night. Of course, I'd be happy to be your bride's maid. Thank you for asking."

They go off chatting away and everyone else is forgotten. He hears her, "We'll live in Halifax, I guess. He's going to find us a place when he goes back." He can't hear Jen's reply but next he hears, "He has to go tomorrow morning..." he tunes them out and pays attention to the others in the kitchen. Jen and Marlene have gone into the front room.

Tom tries to convince him to go fishing with him. He's really angling for a ride to a fishing spot as Mike determines when he asks him where he's going. When he says Vedder River or even maybe Cultus Lake it's obvious he's not going to walk. Mike declines and heads upstairs to pack some clothes he's washed.

As he nears the bedroom he hears, "I don't know, it looks the same to me. Are you sure you are?"

Mike steps to the door and sees Jen down on her knees in front of Marlene sitting on the bed with her gown pulled away up in the air. Jen is running her hand over Marlene's pussy. They both jump when Mike appears. He just grins.

Marlene shrieks, "You could make some noise when you're coming around." She drops her gown.

"Sorry, I thought you were in the living room." He steps on in the room, "I was just going to pack a few things." He speaks to Jen, "I think you'll see more differences if you see her sick in the morning or watch what she eats."

Marlene pipes up, "Well, I know there are differences to my breasts, it's rougher around the brown area around my nipples and they're puffier and much more sensitive. Mike knows that, don't you dear?" She grins suggestively. Mike nods.

"So you can have sex now and don't have to worry about getting pregnant. That part's great anyway, isn't it? I still have to be careful all the time."

"Jen, do you still have your phony id card? I burned mine after my birthday."

Mike speaks up, "It doesn't matter dear, remember the legal age of consent?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Do you know the legal age of consent, Jen?"

She shrugs, "Eighteen, I guess. Same as the drinking age, right?"

"That's what we thought until we checked it out. The legal age of consent is different in every Province but basically it's anything over twelve if the guy your involved with is less than five years older or sixteen if the guy's an adult. Why doesn't anyone know that?"

"I guess nobody tells us." She looks puzzled, "So I been hiding my sex life and I didn't have to. Wow! Who told you that?"

"It was a nurse counselor at the hospital emergency department we talked with."

"My mother would have a bird if I told her that." She laughs. "If she knew how many times I've fucked that boy friend of mine she'd shit!"

"I know, it's a wonder you're not pregnant."

She grins, "I usually have him cum in my mouth. He likes that better anyway if I swallow and you don't get pregnant that way. He's only cum in me twice, I think."

Mike chuckles, "It only takes once."

Marlene is gagging, "How can you swallow it?" She shivers.

Jen shrugs, "I like it. I think it tastes like a buttery custard that's sometimes a bit salty. I really like it, it tastes like him. If it's been a few days there's more of it, too. Yummy!"

"Well, maybe I'll try tasting it some time but I doubt I can swallow it. The thought grosses me out. I think I'd gag on it."

"I guess you would then. I just swallowed the first time and didn't think about if I wanted to or not. I wanted to suck him good and he came so I swallowed it. I sort of liked it then and since then I like it more and more all the time. I like how it makes him so happy when I swallow."

"When do you have sex then? Don't you guys fuck at all?"

"Sure we do. We fuck a lot but when he thinks he's cumming he tells me and I suck him to finish him. He likes it better than cumming in me, he says. He says my sucking is a better finish than just cumming inside me." She laughs, "And he says it's less messy, too."

Mike laughs, "It sounds like you guys have it made, all the fun but none of the mess and worry." he chuckles. "I hope he returns the favor."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I hope he gives you pleasure with his tongue as well."

"Oh sure, when we're kissing we play tongue tag. It's lots of fun."

Mike grins, "I mean I hope he kisses, licks and sucks on your clit and or your pussy."

"He's a bit squeamish about that. He says it's not something he's used to so he'd rather not. Do you do that?"

"Ask Marlene, I'm sure she'd like to tell you."

"Oh Lord, he loves to use his mouth all over me." she continues, "and inside me, too. If you haven't had your clit licked you haven't lived yet! And when he uses his fingers on my G spot, what a turn on! I cum like out of this world!"

Jen complains, "Well, he does use his fingers on me down there but he's not into giving any oral sex to me. I wish I could get him to do that. It sounds like fun. All in all, I think I'm pretty lucky." Everyone nods agreement.

The girls get back into discussing the wedding and Mike finishes his packing. It isn't long until Nancy calls them for lunch and they all gather in the dining room. Because he's leaving in the morning it feels like Sunday to Mike.

Friday afternoon is quiet for Mike and Marlene. They catch up on their plans coordinating what they are going to do and when. In the evening after supper they retire early. Mike marvels at what the pregnancy is doing to her figure.

"You're softer and filling out. It's not much yet but already I discern a glow about you. Where you were young and dashing you are becoming softer and more classic. I can see you will be a more strikingly beautiful woman than we either ever realized. I'm so taken with you, the whole package. I think we were meant to be together from the start."

"I still feel the same though. I don't feel pregnant. I feel elated when I see you or when you're around. I feel more complete when I'm with you but I don't feel the life growing inside me. Is it a girl or a boy? I don't know. Is it even there? I don't know. Do I want it to be there? I think I do because it's a part of you. Do you want it to be there, Michael?"

He smiles, "It's ours therefore it's wanted, my love." They kiss and hold each other on the bed. He lifts her gown and caresses her stomach then lays his head on it. He looks like he's listening to her belly button. "He's very quiet."

"How do you know it's a he?"

"Hmm, because it's quiet, I suppose." He ducks and peeks up at her. She laughs at him and he looks delighted. "Do that again. Laugh like you did a moment ago." He presses his ear to her belly as she laughs. "I wonder what your laughter feels like to him. I bet he likes it."

"He's only as big as my thumbnail, Mike. I doubt he's even aware of it."

"Aha, now you're calling it a him." He kisses her belly. "Do you want me to come in there and keep you company, little fellow?" He puts his ear to her belly. "He says he wants you to laugh some more."

"Oh Michael, you're so silly." She kneads his shoulders.

He speaks at her belly, "I'll have to ask your mommy if I can come in and play." He looks up at her expectantly with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Oh Michael, we really are making another human inside me, aren't we?"

Mike looks indignant, "I hope it's human!" She kicks him and then nurses her bare toes as she curses him out. He laughs and grabs her leg pulling himself up between her legs. He rests his head on her pelvis. "Yes, you're carrying our baby and I don't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as it's healthy. I do love you, Marlene McRae."

He turns his head and licks her slowly up her slit. He imagines he feels it fill out and grow as he moves his tongue so that by the time he reaches her clit fluid is welling up in it. She catches her breath and reaches to grip his head. "Oh Michael!"

He catches the expanding inner lips in his lips to feel them grow and touch them with his tongue. He moves his head so he can follow a lip to it's end then trace the other one back up. They are getting wetter and wetter as he sucks on them lightly feeling the shape of them change. He feels her hands gripping and loosening then grabbing again on his head.

"Why do you love me, beautiful woman?" He seems to speak into her snatch.

"Is that rhetorical?"

"Sometimes I wonder what you see in me. I feel so lucky you even noticed me. If anything went wrong and I ever lost you I don't know if I'd survive. Please, if I ever disappoint you, tell me." Quickly he adds, "I guess it's rhetorical." he grins wryly. He rolls away from between her legs to lay up beside her and kiss her briefly.

She reaches to fondle his erection. "You'll never lose me, Mike. I'll always be yours." She strokes him smoothly. He plays with her breasts' sensitive nipples feeling them stiffen in their puffy areolas. She moans softly and urges him to do something. She feels like her nipples are connected by sinews to her clit and it makes her yearn for his attention. He bends forward to lick them and she tries to pull him over onto her.

"Oh Mike! Come on, I need you in me. Come on baby," she pleads so he does as she asks. Soon they're connected and striving to pleasure each other.

Friday morning he wakes early and quickly kisses her before she gets sick. He's up and ready to go when she comes back from the washroom. "Kiss me again, I rinsed." she grins.

Mike does and they go downstairs. She makes him toast, poached eggs and coffee. She fills his thermos while he demolishes the eggs and toast and just so quickly he's gone.

He pulls in to CFB Chilliwack and the trailer's ready to go. It's raining but not heavy, just a misty rain. Mike hooks up to the trailer and signs for it at the gate. He checks his paperwork is suitable to get across the border because this time he's going east that way. Everything checks out so he pulls out for Abbotsford and then Sumas.

He clears the border and is pulling out to the south at 8:00 AM local time. By nine he is swinging east from Seattle into the Snoqualmie pass. It's about 15 miles to the first climb and the rain has eased so the going is easy. He passes North Bend and Tanner on I90. He passes the Olallie State Park where it's raining harder and there's old snow in the ditches. It's about twelve miles to the summit and the grade is steeper now.

He feels the temperature is dropping as he rises and he dreads the lee side of the pass where it's likely snowing now.

By ten he makes the summit with snow blowing across his windshield. He stops to do a brake check and gab for a moment with other truckers going the same way. So far no report of road closures or even adverse conditions. He eases out on the tail of other trucks going east.

He gives the truck ahead lots of room since they have electric shifters and other advantages that can slow them much faster than he can. The downgrade is steep in some extended areas but all in all manageable. He passes Keechelus Lake and Easton before it levels out. It's still snowing lightly but plows are out and the freeway's good.

Following the Yakima River now the going is easy but some snow is collecting on the edges of his windshield so he knows it's still getting colder. When farms start to dot the landscape he knows they are nearing Ellensburg. Passing through the town he notes it's eleven. He crosses the Columbia River and turns north for Moses Lake.

It's snow squalls along the way but no accumulation on the highway as they swing east again. It's noon when he pulls into Moses Lake so he drives into Ernie's Truck Stop and goes for a bite. It's quit snowing so he eats quickly and gets fresh coffee. He's not sure he can make Butte tonight but he's going to get out of Washington state.

It's just after three when he pulls into Spokane. He wonders if he's crazy when he drives into Idaho and Coeur d'Alene but he pushes on. It's rocky forested area but other trucks are on the highway in the dusk so he doesn't feel too threatened.

When he passes into Montana it's dark and snowing again. He starts looking for a place to pull off for the night. He passes through Superior remembering if he follows the Clark Fork River he'll make Missoula, He remembers following the snow plow when he came through last time heading west.

It's about twenty five miles to Missoula and he's glad to see it come into sight. Just passed the town is a Pilot Town Pump so he pulls in there. He fuels up and parks in the lineup of trucks out back of the restaurant. He goes inside for a bite and to get out of the snow.

He comes inside kicking the snow off his boots and blowing on his fingers. A young blonde greets him from behind the counter saying, "Park it anywhere you want. Coffee?" He nods and goes to a table for four. She pours his coffee, "You look tired. Pretty hectic out there tonight?"