Millie Ch. 02


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Her eyes locked into mine instantly and I saw a look of love and devotion in her expression as she simply said,"Yes."

I enjoyed the moment and then thinking like a true biker, something occurred to me,"Were you like that when we got home?"

She nodded smiling,"Soaked through and sopping wet!"

I jumped up and headed for the garage door. It was so sudden it scared her. "Come with me bitch!" Her face startled she got right to her feet and followed me out into the garage. I hit the switch and as light invaded the damp space I went straight to my bike and looked at it just as she had made me do to her. I turned and saw her face, pale and knowing in the shade of the one light of the garage. I pointed to the hump of the rear seat on the wide fender top. "Did you do that?" I accused.

She didn't hesitate,"Yes!".

"Get your ass over here and clean that off my seat!" I growled.

She stepped up but just looked at me in a puzzled expression and said,"Honey I need to go get something to wipe with and some cleaner."

"Mommy's spit is the best cleaner and your hot little tongue will do just fine for cleaning your cum stain off my leather seat!"

She looked at me again as though I were Satan asking her to spread for him on the alter at church! The smartest thing she did was to keep quiet.

"Get started licking that off bitch and I'll go get a napkin to dry off the leather after you finish."

I took two steps back to let her get in close. She bent and looked at the stain on the front of the rear hump of the stepped seat. The seat was shaped like an upside heart for the rider and at the bottom it extended up and out in a narrow pad about 6 inches back along the ridge of the rear fender. Not much of a seat for a passenger and it was thick and firm. More for show than for go. Where the rear pad rose from the front seat there was a white "cloud" stain that overlapped and went down the front portion in a strawberry shape ans then opened into a an oval shape as it went back along the rear pad. She had really cum hard from all appearances.

"Start licking bitch and do a good job because I don't want your snail trails on my seat!" Her head jerked around and she glared at me again but she didn't raise up from her bent over position and instead just thrust out her tongue and rotated her head down until her wet tongue made contact with the seat right over the obvious stain. I watched her swirl it around and then retract it to get some more spit and go right back to swabbing the stain. I wondered if she was tasting herself or the leather or both! Man she was going at it though and I found myself wishing I were that damned seat, both before and now! I almost laughed out loud but caught myself and hurried into the kitchen to get a dishtowel or a napkin to wipe the seat with when she finished. I gave it another thought and ran to my room and dug around in my closet until I found the can, grabbed it and ran back out to the garage. It was like I had hoped as she had not finished licking the stain yet and I got to watch her.

"Do a good job bitch!" I said.

"Better than you do with my underwear!" She only hesitated long enough to get the barb out and was back at the stain with her tongue.

"I'm guessing that seat doesn't taste anywhere near as good as your panties do though." I said it calmly as I could.

"I wouldn't know because I've never sucked or licked my own panties before." was her quick retort.

"So you've licked another girl's panties before though?" I genuinely was interested now.

"Long time ago." She was licking more animatedly now. I couldn't see the stain any more so her actions were more as a show for me that anything else.

"Here." I held the dishtowel out to her. Her head raised off the seat. Her lips were a dark red and looked to be getting chapped. She took the dishtowel and immediately dried the area with it and then just swiveled around to face me. "Is that my punishment for cumming on your seat?" she was giving me that little girl being naughty voice again. When she had first used that voice I got pissed because I thought she was mocking me with it, but now I liked it because I knew that she knew there was going to be a punishment and she wanted to know what it was. I began to think there was a little submissive streak to my Mother.

I reached over and got the two helmets and as I did I mused that I often referred to them as helMUTs, muts, because I thought that they made people look like dogs when the wore them. Mother just looked at me with that puzzled expression as I handed the small one to her.

"Do you know WHY you licked that stain off the leather seat bitch?" I was asking her as I moved to the bike and put my helmet on.

"You didn't want my stain on your new bike." she said it like it was a law.

"No." I just stared at her.

Again the puzzled look. "Then why?"

"Because it wasn't YOUR stain but a stain caused by the dye, soap and other various chemicals of the slacks you were wearing that caused that horrible looking stain on my new seat." I was looking back at her now and I thought she might be catching on.

She stood there holding the helmet and thinking that through.

"Strip." I hadn't yelled and didn't say it like a command but more as a request. A simple request.

"What?" The puzzled look was back as her eyebrows narrowed on her forehead.

"I said strip. You know, get naked. Take off your clothes. Be nude."

She really was shocked now! It took a couple of more seconds of her looking at me and me looking right back into her eyes before she understood that we were going to be out here until she complied.

She started unbuttoning the blouse and I waited until it was undone and off on the floor. Her fingers were fumbling with the thin belt of her slacks as I again spoke,"You wanted to know what your punishment for cumming on my seat was?" Her eyes locked on mine. "Well this is the first part."

The belt was open and she unfastened the slide in catch and just pulled sideways forcing the zipper to open to the crotch. Then she just tugged them down over her slender hips and allowed them to drop to the floor of the garage. She stood there second or two looking defiantly at me until she realized that she still had one more thing to remove. Her thumbs quickly hooked the outer panels of the panties and down they went to join the slacks. Now the defiant look was back.

I didn't say a word. I swung my leg over the seat of the bike and told her,"Raise the garage door."

She had to raise it by hand and that meant standing in the center of the garage door while she lifted the counter weighted door. As the door rose she would be exposed to the neighborhood totally naked. She looked at me and said,"But I don't have anything on!"

"Then put your helmet on." I said smiling at her.

If looks could kill I'd of been a crispy critter right there on the spot! But she smiled too only her smile was one of mischievous defiance as she put the helmet on and tightened the strap. "Okay, but I don't think it'll do me much good." Her body bent over to grab the door handle and I got a really good look at her little star winking at me as she tugged the door and pushed out to make it go up. It was dark now outside and very quiet. The echo of the garage door opening bounced around the neighborhood a second or two. Oddly Mother just stood there like a mannequin. I cleared my throat and she looked over at me.

"Get on."

She moved to the bike and did exactly that. When she had snuggled up to me I tilted my head back and told her,"I don't ever want TAINTED pussy juices on my seat. If you are going to coat that seat with cum bitch you will not wear clothes when you do it!"

My thumb pressed the right hand starter button and the engine fired awaking the neighborhood with the deep rumble of the mighty engine. One quick rev, kick it in gear and Jackie Gleason did his thing. It was a much better ride than the one we had coming home. For one thing the temperature was steady now at about 75 and if I didn't get her over 50 or so it wasn't too cold. I hadn't put on a Jacket but Mom was naked. Still I was in front and was knocking the cold direct air off her. She had a grip on my sides though and I knew she was cold. Her knees were locked in against my hips and squeezing tight. I could also feel Mom's beautiful tits with their hard nipples pressed flat against my back as she hugged close for shelter. I racked the bike through 2nd and then up through 3rd out on the highway. I purposefully hadn't stayed around the neighborhood because I didn't want to get the attention of the neighbors just then. I backed off and let the big motor drag down the speed under compression. There were several bursts of flame out the pipes. It sounded great and even better the vibrations were even harder than acceleration. I knew it was having it's effect. I only took us out about 5 miles or so then flipped a u-turn and racked it out coming back. I had watched for the omnipresent patrol car sitting in all the hiding places and hadn't seen one so I felt safe in letting the speed climb. There was a little squeal from behind me as I hit 4th and continued the power and speed for a short burst. It was exhilarating to me and I wasn't naked!

The other thing I was thinking of on the ride out was why Mom was creaming her jeans. Why? I started thinking about her. The way she was sitting on the back of the bike and the position of her feet on the pegs. Yes I knew then what had brought on the excitement she had, and was now feeling in her pussy and ass. Because the way the seat was made she had to lean into me, hold herself against my body to stay on. The foot pegs were situated back on the lower shock mounts but had been placed back using mounting plates that I hadn't appreciated when Bob was installing them, but I certainly did now! What those plates did besides looking good was to make the passenger place his/her feet back at about a 45 degree angle behind their hips and forcing the hips to tilt back. What this did was to make Mom tilt forward and actually ride on her vulva. She was on the biggest vibrator she had ever had between her legs AND she was being forced to ride it directly against the entire length of her pussy all the time we were moving!

I suddenly realized I owed Bob another case of cold beer! Add the direct contact of the seat with my Mothers pussy and the feel of speed and rush of wind and there wasn't any way in the world for that beautiful woman NOT to be in a constant state of sexual excitement while riding this bike.

As we neared the housing tract where our house was I stayed up in a higher gear than necessary and was really lugging the bike, but it was a lot quieter and we were able to more or less slide into our garage in a coast without causing much noise. I killed the motor 4 houses away and we just rolled up the driveway and right into the garage. When the bike stopped I told her to stay put. I staggered off pulling my leg across the seat and hopping back so as not to hit her with my boot. I quickly closed the garage door. She was sitting on the parked bike like a real biker babe with her shoulders back and breasts thrust out proudly. Her back was arched showing quite a bit of her ass cleavage. Her feet were dangling off the pegs but not touching the floor. She had to be careful because the exhaust pipes were hot enough to melt skin still. Nice hard nipples too. Damn.

But that wasn't what I wanted to see and she knew that too as she was following my eyes with hers. Her hands had been locked at her crotch as I looked. Not in her crotch but formed in a cupping fashion shielding her bare pussy from my sight. I raised my eyes to lock on to hers. "Move your hands!"

She did as I asked but kept her eyes locked onto mine even as I looked again at her now bare crotch. She was looking at me to see if I approved.

There was some wetness along the rear of the main seat again just as they had been before except much more of it now. This was not just thin wet area as if it had been wet with a water soaked finger, no this was a thicker creamier wetness that formed small strings of contact to her open lips. There was a lop of it under her pussy too. Her hands came back onto her hips and she stared at me in defiance.

"I came at least 4 times and the seat is soaked completely. I can feel a big wet spot under me where my pussy is open and my lips are stuck to the seat by the juice." She was looking me in the eyes and speaking but not apologizing. "Is that what you wanted Son?"

"Yes it is as a matter of fact Mother. It is exactly what I have always wanted. I have always wanted a bitch, pardon me, a good looking bitch to christen the passenger seat with her hot juicy pussy." I altered my eyes from her crotch back up to her eyes. "You will need to stay right where you are until the juice drys enough so that it doesn't drip off the seat bitch." Her eyes widened in surprise but she didn't interrupt me as I went on,"I think now is a good time to continue our little conversation from before, don't you Millie?"

She just smiled and wiggled her ass a little settling back in for the long haul. I could smell her now and the smell was heavenly. It was the same as her wet panties were each time I had brought them up to my nose and ultimately my lips. I knew the fragrance of her and it was like perfume to me. My cock twitched just from the smell.

"I have a few things I want you to do Millie. Things I could never as my Mother to do but a good looking bitch like you shouldn't have any problem doing them."

She was waiting on my every word. Her back was arched to keep that soaked pussy right against the seat on the wet spot. Her eyes again were sparkling in anticipation of my next request.

"I have decided we need to get a new house. A place we can call our own."

I was being serious now and she realized it. "We need to figure out our finances, income and have a savings."

"I have needs and desires. I think you know some of them but I would like to make sure you know them all and I never want to be ashamed to change them or discover something new with you." Her eyebrows raised but she kept quiet.

"You will confess to me your innermost desires and fantasies as I will for you. I do not care how you choose to do this but you will do it as will I." The eyebrows stayed up but a smile took over her face and the eyes wee sparkling so brightly I could almost have read a book by them!

"We, you and I Millie, will never be ashamed of or by one another. You and I will always be totally honest with our desires, needs, turn-ons, wishes and dislikes. Honesty is the best policy." I reached out and took her little hand in mine as I said,"I love you Millie and want you heart and soul to be mine without reservation or hesitation."

She nodded in agreement and then said,"Billy I love you and will devote myself to you complete happiness both physically and mentally."

I leaned forward and kissed her then. It was singularly the best kiss I have ever had from anyone at any time. I lasted a long time and we were both touched by the significance of it.

I helped her rise from her position on the bike's seat. Her inner labial lips were semi stuck to the leather by the thick cream her pussy had produced and she had allowed to dry. I don't think it was painful as much as it was tender and she jerked as the lips let go from the leather.

As we looked at the seat there was a jagged oval along the upper ridge of the rear seat that left a discernible stain trail. It was plainly visible and to anyone that saw it it was also quite obvious that a female body part had made it. I could also smell the sweet fragrance quite easily too.

"And now Millie, I think I need to take my newest possession into the house and clean it!" I was looking at her eyes when I said it and she jerked her head around to see that I was and that I was serious as she answered,"Yes, Billy, I think that's the least you could do for her."

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

I need character development, both in depth and breadth and if it takes two chapters to develop this, so be it. I read mother/son incest stories for the chemistry, unconditional love, intimacy and honesty being nurtured between the couple. The emotional and positional growth of the characters is mentally pleasing. The growth of self-awareness and self-confidence between the two is beautiful. Who else would love someone as unconditionally and limitlessly that a mother and son. Finally, the sexual and emotional epiphany that is experienced between the lover. Another 5 star story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Stupid! Just stupid!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

story entirly to long.. to much deciption. and callling his mother a bitch it total out of hand. if she read the story i hope she back hands you

rightbankrightbankabout 11 years ago
not the story you started

an insecure, shy, immature boy who can't even ask the object of his affection for a date suddenly becomes a demanding, cruel, dom? go back and reread part one yourself and try again.

ghateroghateroabout 11 years ago
Definition of Incest

I love your story. In Chapter 1, you wrote:

".... Everything I read always mentioned sexual intercourse as being incest. So was everything else NOT incest?...After doing a lot of research through every old Playboy magazine I could lay my hands on I decided that anything sexual except intercourse was fine, as a matter of fact it was only mostly considered foreplay. In fact the general consensus was that everything other than actual intercourse was foreplay! .."

Maybe, you find the solution to the dilemma. How about if they only perform foreplay ? (handjobs, blowjobs, titfucks, anal sex.... etc) It would be very, very exciting....

mcbtwsmcbtwsabout 11 years ago
It was a good story but !!!!!!!!!!

You totally fucked it up with the "bitch" shit.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 11 years ago
A very good story

I really want to see him fuck his mother.

shagalotshagalotabout 11 years ago
Getting there ,

As i said for chapter one , very drawn out and long winded but i enjoyed it so will look forward to next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I enjoyed this second chapter even more than the first.

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