Mom Finally Becomes June Ch. 04


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"...And not just take me?"

I was holding her hips, rubbing and kneading her bottom, fucking her faster. "...Yeah, exactly..."

"...It's not a dream, Tommy...You're making it happen...forget the flowers and seduction...just take me whenever you want, and if you don't do it enough, I'll come after you." She was pushing back against my thrusts. "That's it, Tommy, give it to feel so good inside me... relax and let go... stop thinking so much."

I relaxed and started fucking her even faster, holding her hips, stroking in and out. Then I thought I noticed something on my left and looked up. I glanced over and there was Karen Wollinski, standing gape-jawed on her porch by the planter box, seeing her like a quick strobe-shot in her blouse with red and white vertical stripes and black shorts, staring, transfixed. The Wollinski's were supposed to be out of town, I thought to myself.

"June, I want to cum," I said

"I'm close too, baby. Let it go. I want to feel you shoot..." She had her head down, concentrating on my cock, squeezing it with her pussy.

I looked over and met Karen's eye. She was awe-struck, gazing at us, her arm half outstretched with its almost-full glass as if she had forgotten it. I looked back to mom's head, down and moving from side to side. I couldn't stop and could feel my orgasm building until it kicked in and I slammed my cock into her faster and faster until I peaked and shot and heard me and mom groan together as we both came. Her whole body was shuddering. " Oooooh!" she yelled and I kept stroking, still shooting inside her. "Jesus, baby!" she slumped down on the table. I was still stroking her in long even strokes. "You got me almost until I can't take any more... it's too much." She was laughing, happy, bent over the table with my cock still in her, "but not quite. I love it."

Karen was still nailed to her spot, watching us. Mom hadn't seen her and I wanted to make sure she didn't. I backed out of her, my cock dropping down, and pulled her up, turning her toward me, away from Karen.. She pushed herself into me, smiling, her face flushed, her arms around my neck, pressing herself into me. "You are making me so very happy, darling," she said.

"That's what I want to do, June," I said, holding her even tighter, my cock rubbing against her mound, all wet from our cum. For the moment I had forgotten all about Karen. "Thanks for being patient...this getting used to it stuff."

"That's OK. Just relax and let it sink in." We were walking slowly toward the kitchen, arms around our waists. "We have a good thing going, sweetie. We have plenty of time to think about the future but for now let's just celebrate ourselves and enjoy. I mean it, honey, it's real. And it's fun, isn't it. I love fucking you," she said. She was smiling at me, and there was still a hint of shyness in her smile. "I like to say that to you, 'I love fucking you,' and we can do it whenever we want." My cock was swinging out in front of me, already swelling with happiness at the availability of this beautiful woman. It's her gift to me, sexual freedom, and it's mine to exercise as I like.

"I'll do the dishes and clean up." I said.

"Thanks. I need to start getting ready for work," she said. "I need a shower. Be with you in a minute," she said, and went upstairs.. I went back to the breakfast table to get the rest of the dishes. Karen was still on the deck but sitting in a chair, reading, in profile to me. My movement at the table caught her eye and she looked over. I was picking up dishes, all full of myself, not bothering to pull the curtain. I wasn't more than thirty feet from her. She had a clear view and I felt good knowing she could see me. Feeling reckless I looked up, smiling at her. Then she did an amazing thing. She smiled back and waved! I moved from side to side, making my cock swing back and forth, and she smiled even wider. I freed one hand and waved back, then picked up the dishes again and turned toward the kitchen. The washing took a while but I didn't mind and decided not to use the machine. There was other cleaning up stuff to do, wiping down the stove and counters. I took my time, trying to make everything gleam.

A few minutes later mom came in, dressed in her uniform, ready for work with her hair done up in her tight nurse's bun. She looked beautiful and also very proper, very professional. "The kitchen looks wonderful, Tommy, thanks...She put her arms around me then dropped her hands to my bottom, pulling me to her. "I called Jane. She wants you to come over for lunch."

"Ok, I'll call her... And I'll have dinner for you tonight... Let me know when you'll be getting off."

"I will," she said. We started for the door. "I didn't tell her, or course. You're going to cook dinner... That sounds wonderful...I'll call you in plenty of time."

"I'll fix us something nice."

She kissed me. "I know you will, Tommy. Bye, lover," she said, and left.

I shut the door and started for the stairs. I probably didn't need one but I wanted another shower before I called Jane. I was almost to the stairs when the phone rang.

"Hi Tom, it's Karen Wollinski..."

"Karen...we thought you were away..."

"We were but Walter was complaining every step of the way. He isn't feeling very well and it got to be too much for both of us so we came back..."

Suddenly I was conscious of standing there, naked. "Listen, Karen, about what you saw..."

"Shhh, Tom, none of my business but we can talk about it a little if you want.... I don't disapprove if that's what you're wondering." She paused. "Anyway I have a project I hope you will help me with. I'm going into business. I'm about to get my license as a masseuse and I want to convert the basement but I will need some help. Walter isn't up to it ... are you game?"


"I'll hire a contractor for the basic stuff but I can save money if I do the finishing work. Maybe I could do it myself but it would be so much easier if you could help. I'll pay you, of course. Can you come over? I'll show you what I have in mind?"

I was still nervous, regretting showing myself, but I said OK and we hung up. I put on shorts, a shirt and sandals and walked over to Karen's. I knocked on her door and she opened it, still in her same shirt and shorts. She was really a very pretty woman. With her short brown hair, lively hazel eyes, and clear skin, she looked to be in her mid-30's but mid-40's was probably more like it. Her legs looked young, too, and so did her full rack.

"I'm glad you could come so fast. Come in," she said, and we walked through the living room and down the hall to the door leading downstairs, me following right behind, again admiring her wide bra strap and the free and easy wiggle of her butt cheeks in her thin shorts.

"Walter's upstairs, asleep. I gave him something," she said as we went down the stairs to an unfinished half-basement with stuff all over and a couple of windows on either side of the door on the back, facing the back yard , and one on the side facing our house. Boxes and old furniture were scattered around. The floor was a concrete slab.

"I've been wanting to do something with this space for years," she said. We were standing in the middle. It was about 40 x 20, a sizeable room. She pointed to a corner where some black PVC and copper pipes poked through the concrete. "It's rough-plumbed for a bath but we never got around to finish it. I want a bath with a soaking tub, have a couple of nice chairs to relax in or read, make a bedroom, probably for myself as Walter keeps me awake with his snoring, and the main room here where I can do my massages. It's already wired. So maybe have a small fridge and microwave." She was moving her arms around, pointing things out as she talked. "I can replace the windows with new ones that open so there will be cross ventilation and put a slider in where the door is now." She looked down, her foot tapping the concrete floor. "I talked to a contractor and he said I could seal it, put in a grid of 2x2's or whatever spaced so hard insulation floor panels would just fit and then put plywood over that and then flooring. Whatever I want. I'm leaning toward a laminate.. He said I could put some insulation in the side walls, and then paneling or some drywall and paint or wall paper or whatever." She looked up. "The main floor joists are about 10 feet. I could drop it down a foot or so for the ceiling and put in some kind of sound-proof tile." She pointed to the door. "I'll put in a slider and pour a patio out back. I'm so excited by all this. My own space. For myself and for my business." She turned to face me. "What do you think, Tom?"

"I think it's great. Your own space, your own room. I can see why you're excited."

"I like the idea of having a slider with a key. I'm glad we have a walkway on the side. I can use it as a private entrance because I don't want to bring my customers through the house. I'll need a lock on the door to the stairs." She was trying to move a couple of old chairs out of the way and I helped her with those and some boxes. We did that for a few minutes until we had most of the furniture and boxes moved and stacked against the back wall. It was hot and I was starting to sweat again. We both stood in the space we had made in the middle of the room and looked around. "I was thinking I could have the contractor do the difficult stuff and we could do the finish work. I will have them finish the bath but we could put in the laminate and do the walls and maybe part of the dropped ceiling. Shouldn't take more than a week. What do you think?" She smiled at me, beaming, excited.

"Karen, it's a great idea. I'd be happy to help." I thought, this is just what she needs, something to ease the tedium of life with her boring husband. But I was bursting to say this. "Listen, I know what you said on the phone but I wanted to talk to you about what you saw..."

She waved her hand. "Tom, it's so hot in here. Let's go upstairs and sit out on the deck for a minute. I could use a beer. We can talk there."

"Sounds good," I said, and we walked up the stairs, me following, eyes glued to Karen's world class bottom. I hope I never get used to it, like Walter, never get bored.

I sat on the deck in the chair she had sat in earlier, looking over at our house, seeing again the perfect view Karen had of me and mom, especially since the curtains had been open. We may as well have been on stage. She came out on the deck with two bottles, handed me one and pulled up a chair beside mine. She reached out and clicked the neck of her bottle on mine. "To our project," she said, and we both took a couple of sips.

We were both thirsty after moving the stuff around in the downstairs heat. The beer tasted good. Then Karen said, "I'm so jealous of your mom. I so admire her."

"Really? You're not shocked?"

"Not at all, Tom. I think it's wonderful. That's what I want. My god, I'm not dead and Walter isn't interested anymore. But about you, please don't worry about anything. I loved what I saw. I suppose I shouldn't have kept watching but I couldn't turn away. It was just too damned hot not to look." We both took sips of our beer. "And you were doing a splendid job, Tom. I admire you, too, more than you could know, to go ahead and take what you want." She seemed delighted. "You looked so into it and carried away--well obviously you were--giving your mom such incredible pleasure. No way to hide that." She was smiling. "I could tell she loved it. I just think it's so cool, going against the rules like that. To hell with them. They ruin so many lives. I mean I suppose we have to have rules of some kind but there are exceptions...lots of them. You are a very handsome and desirable young man. She is so beautiful...You're both adults...So why not?" She looked at me and reached out to touch my arm. "I would never risk causing trouble for either of you so don't worry about me saying anything because I won't."

What a relief! "Thanks for saying that," I said. "I was worried...I shouldn't have been so cocky at the end. Waggling myself at you...that's not my style, usually. I'm embarrassed."

She laughed. "I loved it. And you have a right to be proud. You have a wonderful body."

We both sipped our beer in silence.

"The contractors will start next week. Should take them a couple of weeks, maybe three. And then we'll be ready for the finish work and I'll call you."

I was still embarrassed but I couldn't think of anything more to say and then it occurred to me that I didn't need to say anything more. "I'll be ready, Karen." I tipped the bottle up and finished it in two swallows. "Look, I have to go. I'm going to Jane's for lunch."

"How did the shelves go?"

"No problem. They're up and look good," I said as we got up and started back through the house.

"So I will call you when we're ready, Tom." She turned to me at the front door. "When we are done I will give you a massage and you can tell me how I'm doing. The classes were fun."

"Sounds great, Karen...I don't think I've ever had a massage."

"A new experience for you, then."

"I'm looking forward to it." I started out the door. "Bye Karen, talk to you soon."

I went home and called Jane.

"Hey," she said. "Can you come over for lunch?"

"I'll be there," I said. I felt a swirl of desire at the sound of her voice. "I've got some news for you. See you in a half hour."

"News! I hope it's about June," she said, and added before I could say anything, "I can hardly wait. The beer's ice cold. Tommy...get over here."

I laughed. "I'm on my way," and we hung up.

I went upstairs and stepped in the shower. I wasn't sure I wanted the complication of fucking a married neighbor, which was looking like that would happen if I wanted it to... Karen, sexy Karen... I had my eyes closed, the hot water streaming over me, thinking of her tits straining the fabric of her blouse as she was watering the plant on her porch the other day, and her pert butt cheeks doing their nice shimmy. Seems like I always wanted her in front of me and I bet she could feel my eyes on her. And now this. Seeing me and mom together and telling me she was jealous of her. Wow...Strong word. Like she wouldn't mind being in her place. Almost came out and said it. I should turn this down, but it looks like Walter is out of the picture. Old in his head, fat and bored, preferring to watch his golf on TV when he is not out playing it. That's the world he cares about.. Maybe it would be doing him a favor, relieving him of a duty he no longer wants or feels like doing. He seems OK with his wife being a masseuse. She sure is good looking...I turned around, feeling the water on the back of my neck, running down my back and legs... I could go too far with this. I mean there are limits, like the canvas for a painter the guy on TV was talking about on his program that shows people how to paint. Inside your limits, he was saying, like on the canvas, you are free to do what you want. Anything you can think of. Recognizing limits makes you free. Otherwise you are deluded. The world is full of deluded people. So do I want to risk everything and maybe create a big mess in her marriage just to fuck Karen? Why risk hurting June and Jane if they found out? Would they be upset? Why take that chance? On the other hand if she wants to give it to me, why not take it. She's not going to say anything...puts the ball in her court, though..I guess I'll see. Maybe yes, maybe no. Still, at crunch time, I wondered how I would react, lying on my stomach with Karen's soft, probing hands on my back and legs and cheeks. "Feeling OK, Tom?" And then, her pretty voice saying, "I'm done with your back and legs, Tom. Now it's time for your front. Would you like to turn over?"...and there my rock hard cock would be, making a pyramid out of the towel...Goddamn!

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, got dressed and left for Jane's. Walking to her place I was thinking I used to think I knew what was right and what was wrong. Now I was beginning to wonder. I feel one way sometimes and another at other times about the same things. Maybe it's the situation that counts. Makes it more difficult to know what to do if you are not locked into some fixed way of thinking. But it's freer too. Being free, though, you have to use your head for that. I guess that's what it's for.

So it's up to me... an uncertain guy if there ever was one but that's better than being frozen in place... Sure of yourself, as if you knew...

So OK. Not settled, but OK for now.

Done with the old uncertain guy and hello to the new guy, still uncertain but in more interesting ways.

I rounded the corner and Jane's condo came into view. I quickened my pace...

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Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 10 years ago

Maybe our hero is going to have all 3 women? I loved the scene with him fucking his mom in the kitchen while the neighbor looked on. Wish the chapters were longer, though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Really good story, most enjoyable. Lucky guy, he gets to fuck his hot slutty mom and it looks like his horny bitch of a neighbour's going to get fucked too. Looking forward to the next chapter.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 13 years ago
Very nicely done

Well written and edited, which made for a very good read.

I hope to see more soon.

Thanks for the good read

kplusmckplusmcalmost 13 years ago
at long last

enjoy the series hope next chapter isn't as long in comming

donny759donny759almost 13 years ago
Keep Writing

I like your story. Keep writing I would like to see where this will lead. Maybe Jane and June could trim their pubic area, maybe a nice brazilian waxing. Also were you planing on taking the girls anally. If so maybe without warning and get them all hot and just shove it in without any warning. After all June said that he could do whatever he wanted to do to her. Do you think that they would move in together. These are just suggestions, take them for what free advise is worth. The important thing is to keep writing the story. Tell it your way, don't let anyone tell you what to write. But if you like any of the suggestions and you would want to use them then go right ahead and do it.

LeezyLeezyalmost 13 years ago
Very well written.

Good story. Who would think that a Son and Mom would make such a good hot fuck story!

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