Monthly Maintenance Sessions


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A funny thing happened after Naomi and I had been rocking each other's world for about six months -- Naomi called it her "monthly maintenance session." After Marci and I had a typical wonderful love-making session she said "I have something to ask you about Blake; I hope you won't mind how direct I'm going to be."

"After you just ravaged me, my dear, there is nothing that you could do that I would mind," I smilingly replied, with one of my hands on one of her nipples.

"Blake, you used to get in a funk for a day or two about once a month, apparently when you thought about your childhood -- or at least that's what you told me. However, that hasn't occurred for a long time. Did something happen so that you've moved past the angst of your early years?"

I was caught speechless by her observation and question. I really hadn't thought about it, nor did I realize it, until she pointed it out. My mind was working overtime while I obviously had either a surprised or a pained expression on my face, but I wasn't coming up with anything. Finally she said "Are you OK; I didn't want to bring up something unpleasant, but the kids and I are both so, so happy that you no longer have your blue periods."

Finally I responded; "I...I...well...I...really...I really didn't grasp that until you pointed it out. I've always hated myself for those 'blue periods' as you call them because I know that you and the kids didn't like me during them. I tried working on them, but I haven't done anything conscious that helped eliminate them." Then after another long pause I asked "How long do you think it's been since I haven't been in a funk?"

"I'd say about six months," Marcia smilingly replied.

Then it hit me. It couldn't be a coincidence that Naomi and I started our "monthly maintenance sessions" almost exactly six months ago, and I wasn't in a funk since then. Marcia obviously perceived the recognition on my face and asked "What?"

"I...well...I...uh...can't really...uh...think of anything," I stuttered. "Maybe I have somehow moved past all remembrance of my childhood."

"Well I really like the new you. How about I get you up again and then ride you like a rented mule to show my appreciation," she snickered.

She did; and I was able to blot out my realization that my monthly maintenance sessions with Naomi were probably responsible, at least until after I had unloaded a particularly large volume of jism into Marcia's pussy, and before we both drifted off into la-la land.


I didn't want to become overly analytical about my new realization, nor could I actually bring myself to believe that my monthly maintenance sessions with Naomi actually improved my relationship with my family. Only deluded wives in sex stories on the Internet ever believe that, and according to the stories they're never right.

I thought about Marcia's observation and the compartmentalization of my sexual activities with Naomi a lot over the next few weeks. I promised myself that I would discuss it with Naomi -- who had been a psychology major in college which she thought was good training for jobs in sales.

When Naomi came into my room the night of our next monthly meeting she was even more hot-to-trot than normal. I tried to slow her down and said "There's really something I need to talk with you about."

"Don't you dare ruin our monthly maintenance sessions you asshole," she snarled as she pushed one of her bare protruding nipples toward my mouth.

"I promise you that I'm not going to ruin our session; in fact our sessions may be better for me than I thought; just listen," I begged, trying really hard not to look at her distended nipples which seemed to be screaming "Suck me!"

Naomi cooled her jets for a while. I explained the situation to her and concluded it with "Do you think that our relationship, which I've compartmentalized, has driven the compartmentalization of my childhood completely out of my mind; so that I'm better off mentally and a better person to my family?"

She looked serious for a second. Then she said "Let me think about it until next week. Now start sucking my clit."

We then proceeded to have our most epic session ever -- so epic that both of us forgot to set the alarm, and our sexual gymnastics were so intense, that it was 7:30 a. m. before we knew it and Naomi was still naked in my bed.

"Oh shit," she grumbled when I woke her up. As she hurriedly got dressed -- no time for a communal shower or exercise, she needed to get to her room as soon as possible -- she mumbled "I'd be pissed at you except that I think that I had a continuous four hour orgasm. I won't be worth a shit today," and then she laughed manically, and then quickly exited my room after looking both ways before stepping into the hall.

I knew that Naomi would think about my situation, so that over the next month I didn't think much about it myself. I was now more conscious of my mood, however, and I did observe no "blue period" that month either.

Next time Naomi came into my room for a monthly maintenance session, the first thing that she did was set the alarm. "In case we get carried away again," she chuckled.

Then she laid on me what seemed to be mostly psychobabble; that is until she concluded it with, "I really do believe that your compartmentalization of our relationship really has helped you get past your bad childhood memories. And you know what? It has helped me too. While I didn't have your distinct 'blue periods' my husband said that he's noticed a positive change in me the last few months too, and actually said 'whatever you're doing, keep it up.' I don't think that he'd have said that if he knew that it was your tongue, fingers, and cock that were helping me out," she chuckled.

That settled, we had another stupendous fuck session and were saved from spending another entire night together only by Naomi's foresight to set the alarm for 3:30 a. m.


Naomi and I continued our monthly maintenance sessions over the next nine months while at the same time -- without even any conscious action on our parts -- being better spouses, and in my case a better father too. Then Naomi wanted to get pregnant so she went off birth control and we used a condom when I fucked her pussy the tenth month after our talk. Since she wasn't pregnant yet the eleventh month after our talk I used a condom again then -- however, that was an unusual month in other ways.

Normally when Naomi and I had our monthly maintenance sessions we were stone cold sober. I don't think that I had more than one beer before it, or that she had more than one glass of wine. That month, however, it was just before Christmas and the senior sales reps had an impromptu holiday party. Both of us had enough to drink so that we weren't 100% in control of our faculties, but especially since we had avoided all body contact during the party, and Naomi looked so fucking good because she actually made an effort to showcase her beauty rather than hide it, there was no way that we were going to miss our monthly maintenance session.

Naomi was probably a little more looped than I was, and we got started late, so we got right down to business. After I ate her to a rip roaring orgasm, I avoided the normal second oral orgasm, remembered to put the condom on, and fucked her doggy. After that we both passed out more than fell asleep. I had the wildest dream about fucking Naomi senseless while she begged me to fill her pussy with man cream -- something she never did, her vocal chords normally only used for groaning and chanting "yes, yes, yes," when we fucked. When the alarm rang at 3:47 (she apparently was too looped to set it for 3:30 as intended) it was all that she could do to get out of bed, and she might not have it I didn't keep her away from my cock which she seemed desperate to suck.

By February of the next year Naomi was pregnant, so we didn't have to use the condom any more. Once she got pregnant ass fucking and titty fucking were out because both were too sensitive (I understood the titty tenderness because her cup size went up more than a full size, but not the ass), however her libido increased even more for pussy fucking. As her stomach continued to get larger (the rest of her didn't seem to change much, except for the aforesaid tit size increase) we had to modify some of the positions we fucked in, but she got as many pussy fucks out of me as she could our one night a month together, one time a record (for me) five.

Naomi's last day at work was the day after a monthly meeting, where despite the fact that she was right at eight months pregnant she still insisted on her monthly maintenance session, only in her hotel room instead of mine. After a session more lively than I could possibly have predicted given her condition, we promised to keep in touch once a week while she was on maternity leave.

Fortunately, despite the fact that our monthly maintenance sessions were on sabbatical I never reverted to my once-a-month funks (or "blue periods" as Marcia called them). While I hadn't noticed it while I was getting my balls drained once a month by Naomi, apparently my libido had picked up enough to be noticed by Marcia. She had absolutely no complaint about that. However, with Naomi on maternity leave I apparently picked up the pace even more with Marcia, to the point that after one particularly ravenous session where we both fucked and made love she joked that she might have to put me out to stud to allow her to get some peace.

I did have phone conversations with Naomi every week or two while she was on maternity leave. Her delivery of an eight pound two ounce baby boy went off without a hitch. Whenever I talked to her she seemed happy, even if tired. Then when her son was about five months old and she was planning to return to work (our company had a great maternity leave policy) she called me with sadness, and maybe even desperation, in her voice. "Blake; I really need to meet with you. Can you take an afternoon off next week and meet me at Veterans Park near your office -- I'll be driving up there in the morning."

This was highly unusual. "Uh...sure, Naomi. What day is convenient?" I replied.

"Would Tuesday, say one o'clock, be OK?"

"Sure; exactly where in the park, it's large."

"I was only there once, but I remember parking in an underground lot. How about the fountain nearest that garage?" she asked.

"Sounds great -- see you then," I responded.


For the five days until my meeting with Naomi I was a little on edge. I couldn't figure out what she wanted to talk with me about, or why there seemed to be unease, bordering on desperation, in her voice. Marcia even asked me what I was preoccupied about; I gave her a bullshit answer she seemed to accept.

When I got to Veterans Park on Tuesday at 12:50, Naomi was already there -- she had little Aiden with her. We exchanged hugs. Even though she looked really good, there was obvious concern on her face.

After a few minutes of chit chat, she got somber. Holding Aiden -- who had just awakened from his nap in the car on the way up -- on her lap she asked "Do you think that he's cute?"

Of course I would have said that he was cute even if he looked like a baboon, but he was, in fact, very cute. "He really is darling," I chuckled. "I especially like his intense blue eyes -- they even look aquamarine in color," I continued with a big smile.

"Uh...that's what I wanted to talk with you about," she lugubriously replied. Then after a pause asked "Do you know of anyone else with that distinctive eye color?"

Then realization hit me like a two-by-four swung by a 300 pound construction worker. My eyes glassed over for a second, my stomach felt queasy, and I got temporarily short of breath. When I regained my composure I sputtered "Does your husband know?"

"Since no one in his family ever had blue eyes, let alone aquamarine, when the color didn't go away after Aiden was three months old my husband had a DNA test done. Since he's not the biological father, since Aiden's eyes are essentially identical to yours, and since I haven't had sex with anyone except for you and my husband for the last nine years, I don't need a DNA test to know who the biological father is."

At that point I came as close to fainting as any time in my life; Naomi actually had to spray some water in my face to keep me alert. Once I had regained my senses I asked "How did it happen? We used a condom when you were off birth control until you got pregnant."

"I wondered about that too. Then I thought back to the night after the impromptu holiday party at the hotel. I thought that I had dreamed that you fucked me bareback in the middle of the night, but apparently it wasn't a dream. You must have really powerful little swimmers to fuck me once when I was fertile and get me pregnant."

When she said that I remembered my identical "dream" that night too; Holy Shit!

The first thing that came into my mind was "There is no way I can compartmentalize this, and Marcia has every right to divorce my ass."



For those of you who like to exercise your imaginations, you can leave off finishing the story now. There are, of course, an infinite number of outcomes, and you may wish to fill in the one that you want, or that makes the most sense to you. Those of you "fidelity without exception" readers will probably have us both divorced with our spouses getting 90% of our assets and both Naomi and I in poverty and having to give Aiden up for adoption. For those RAACers among you, you probably have us both come clean to our spouses, beg forgiveness, Naomi and I never have contact again, and our marriages survive after a few rough years. There are many other options, too, of course, limited only by your imaginations.

For those of you who want to know how it came out -- at least so far -- please continue after this break:



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I promised Naomi all of the financial support that she needed, and what emotional support I could provide. Her husband was not in a forgiving mood, and had already filed for divorce. She had not identified me as the real biological father to anyone. Just to be sure -- trust but verify -- I got a DNA sample from Aiden and had it tested. Yes, he was my son.

Naomi switched positions in the company and moved to the office in my city of work and residence. As a strange coincidence I got a promotion a month after she moved here, and I ended up being her direct supervisor. We both had a vested interest in keeping our relationship secret. We also were not interested in giving up our monthly maintenance sessions.

Since we no longer attended monthly meetings out of town together, we arranged for one afternoon -- usually four to six hours -- a month at a local hotel. We switched the hotel and the exact day and week of the month, and we never, ever showed any affection toward each other at work. I paid the attorney fees for Naomi's divorce (we were able to have all of the documents filed under seal), and also saw Aiden for a few hours each weekend when it didn't interfere with my plans with Marcia or my two kids with her.

Naomi started dating, and after about a year fell in love with a guy about ten years older than she was who had never had kids because he was sterile, but always wanted a family. While I counseled her not to, Naomi gave him the story that Aiden was conceived by artificial insemination and her divorce had nothing to do with his birth -- her story was that her husband changed his mind and just didn't want to have kids. After she had been married about a year Naomi's husband was asking for another child. She told him that she went to the same clinic and got the same sperm donor (which she did if I could be considered a "clinic"). Therefore it was no surprise when her daughter Chelsea had the same aquamarine colored eyes that Aiden and I do.

After Chelsea was born since she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and since her husband was wealthy Naomi quit work. We continued to have our monthly maintenance sessions until Chelsea was two years old, when her husband was transferred to a city two thousand miles away.

It's now four years since the last time that I saw Naomi. I have never reverted to my "blue periods" and don't think that I ever will. I'm extremely happy with Marcia and the family I have with her and have continued to successfully compartmentalize my relationship with Naomi. I'm in a much better place mentally, now, that I've replaced the unhappy compartmentalized situation with my childhood with the happy compartmentalized monthly maintenance sessions with Naomi.

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Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Banabout 1 month ago

Yeah.... I have to be consistent when it comes to topics of this nature. Cheaters Suck! Whether they be male or female - they suck! It's why I have to score this story 4/5, despite the writing alone deserving a higher score. BRB

Chimo1961Chimo19617 months ago

Bad kharma, he better watch out for any sequels. This feels like a setup. 5 for this storyline

goodshoes2goodshoes210 months ago

Strange story. 4 stars, but I really don't know how to digest the story.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

At least the cheating slut got caught. Too bad asshole got away!!!

ZharKhanZharKhanabout 3 years ago

Not sure that you really understand us “fidelity without exception” guys. Some may be okay with a punitive divorce, but many, if not most want at least a pound of flesh. I believe, as do others, that the standard for all of history is the correct one: the penalty for adultery is death.

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