Mothers and Secrets - Epilogue


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They grinned over the curry at one another.

"I'm so out of it, Mom. I don't know what to do. Every time you climb into bed with me, I can't help myself. Seeing... y'know... you!... dressed all sexy, crawling to me in the bed. The way your body flexes while you get on and under the sheets. I can't resist!"

"How about this: On some nights, you can crawl in after I'm already covered."

"But not in those granny panties you used to wear to bed with Dad."

A smile spread against her will. "No, baby. Of course not."

"Only the lingerie or the tiny panty-bra sets."

"That's right. Always. Only for you... if I wear anything at all."

Grant leaned towards her.

She put up a hand and said, "But we have to ease up hon."

"Yeah, I know. But, how?"

"The sex has to be less intense or less frequent."

"Once I'm inside you, I can't help the intensity."

"Then, once in a while, you'll have to wait until I'm already in bed. You can stay out of the bedroom until I'm well hidden under the blankets with my little panties and lingerie. And when you join me, it will need to be 'cuddles only.' Nothing comes off anyone. Nothing goes into anyone."

Grant rubbed at his puffy eyes. "Once in a while, I can do that. Tonight I could sleep under the bed."

Madeline ate a forkful of jasmine rice to hide her frown. She disliked the mental picture of Grant sleeping anywhere but in bed with her. He was making a joke, she told herself. He knows he belongs in bed with his mommy.

He did.

Madeline worked out on her own from then on; two to three times a week plus running five of every seven days. Grant used the gym where he worked.

Over the next two weeks, they struck a healthy balance.

Both noticed that it was getting easier for the fit mom to move between submissive and assertive. She never showed neutrality, and dominance held no appeal for her.

It was easy to get along. They had a natural connection and plenty of experience with one another's tastes. The sex (still frequent and intense, but not enough to be exhausting) smoothed the rare rough spots. It also made the good times better.

The long-term challenge for the pair was at work or chatting with friends. People learn to hide sadness or anger in the course of growing up. It took the Blooms far more focus and practice to hide their romantic excitement. It was a struggle to act like the world was the same as they'd always known. It was hard to pretend colors didn't look brighter and birds weren't singing louder and happier.


"Already done?" Patricia asked in a tone Grant recognized from his high school days. She was teasing. Flirty.

"Yeah, I already told Don. I need to head out early today."

"Awww!" His fitness colleague's platinum ponytail swayed as she tilted her head. She made a face that played at disappointment, but her ice-blue eyes never lost that eager sparkle.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "My mom's meeting Dad and the divorce lawyers. I promised to go with her. Moral support."

"Is that why your locker has been vibrating and dinging like crazy?" Again that teasing smile. There was a blossom of hope in the tone of her question.

Grant couldn't guess why Patricia had gone from disinterested dingbat to obvious flirt. After she'd blown off his advances (to be fair, they'd been awkward,) the muscled young man had backed off. She'd started smiling extra wide and making playful jokes a few weeks ago. He didn't know how to interpret the change. He stayed friendly, but his amorous interest focused on the warm comfort beneath his mother's skirt.

"Shit. Did I forget to turn off my phone?" Mom's blowing up my phone again.

Madeline knew he wouldn't look at his phone until the end of his shift. If there was a real emergency, his mother could call the front desk of the gym. Other sorts of messages, she shot to her boy's phone.

"Yeah," grinned the sleek blond beauty. "The way your phone keeps beeping, I figured you've got a dozen hotties pinging you for your attention."

Grant looked at his trainers and shrugged. "Ah, no. Nothing like that."

Most likely, every message was from his MadMommy.

On days she worked in her office, she sent sweet text messages. Miss you! Or, Hope everything is "working out" at the gym! Or, I've found a great new recipe for dinner tonight with a link or a picture of a handwritten recipe from a colleague.

On work-from-home days, Maddie's messages were more risque. You were amazing last night. Or, I had to take a break from my work to touch myself because I can't stop thinking about you. Or I can still feel you inside me, so good!

Last Saturday, when Grant worked and his mom was free, she sent pictures and much more lurid texts. A photo of a wooded park with the caption, Ran all the way around the lake to keep Mommy's body nice and tight for you, baby. But now I've got a problem... Next was a picture down the front of her running top. The cleavage was generous, blushing from exertion and gleaming with sweat. The caption, Now I'm all sweaty for you. Thirty minutes later, came a provocative image. It was the smoking hot mother wrapped in a towel in front of the bathroom mirror. Steam from the shower billowed around her like clouds of smoke. The caption, I'd better get hot and soapy to make sure every inch is clean and ready. I'll be thinking of you in there. kissing and heart emojis followed, of course.

Sometimes she sent photos of her sexy body in different bra-and-panties sets. These were his choices for that night's bedtime outfit.

She knew he'd see them all at the end of his shift. So she sent as many as she liked as if it were one big message. Most days, Grant would leave the gym before turning on his phone. It usually went off like the 4th of July. He loved it. He loved every message, even the ones asking him to pick up milk and bread.

But today was different, of course. Today the three Blooms would meet with two lawyers.

Patricia still seemed to await further explanation, if only as an excuse to keep flirting. "I... uh... I guess she's pretty nervous about the meeting." He side-stepped to get around the hot blond and her clear interest. "I'd better get changed and check those messages. Could be important."


There were no flirty texts. The messages were a streaming update of her preparation for the meeting. She peppered it with occasional questions. Some included the phrase, I know you can't answer this now, but it may be important when you get this message. She was trying to confirm that her son was ready.

Grant usually walked to and from the gym. Today, Madeline was waiting for him in the parking lot. Her Coach G read through his mother's messages as he approached her car. The last one read, I'll pick you up from work. It will only save a few minutes, but I want to see you and talk with you. I want you close.

The younger man climbed into the passenger seat. Muscles in his thick upper arms twitched as he pulled the seat belt across his toned chest. Before any greeting or kiss, he offered, "You saw that I've already laid out my suit and tie on my bed, right?"

She took a tight grip on his thigh. "Yes." Nervousness started to drain from her lovely features.

"Good." He leaned in for a chaste peck on the lips. "Hi."

Her softening blue-grays opened after the smooch. "Hi," she smiled.

"My dress shoes are under the foot of my bed. Matching socks are in the shoes."

Maddie's shoulders dipped in relief. Grant had prepared. From the anxious messages he'd understood what his mother needed. Her son put her at ease with confidence and comfort. Again and again, he proved himself to be an attentive and able partner.

"I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too, Mom. Let's get home so I can have a quick shower. You'll feel better once we're both dressed and ready to go."

She released Grant's thigh to start the car, and he took hold of hers. He held the hard body mother's bare leg under her blood-red skirt. Both wanted to maintain their physical connection. Her moisturized inner thigh stuck tight to the young trainer's palm and fingers. Much calmer, Madeline drove her lover home.

He was all business when they got back to the house. Shower, shave, and suit up.

She yearned to be naked in his manly arms. But his seriousness about the forthcoming meeting was better for her nerves... at least for now.

He descended the stairs in his suit. His brown hair was still damp but brushed in order. He dropped his phone into the jacket pocket as he smiled at her. "You look gorgeous in that skirt. I love it when you wear red. And that black blouse matches it well."

She wanted to praise her son's appearance in his suit and tell him how grateful she felt for his support. She planned to say it meant so much that he was taking time off work to be there for her. But she tugged at her long brown hair, and what fell out of her mouth was, "I'm so wet for you."

Grant laughed; an automatic reaction. "Wow! I mean, awesome. You took me by surprise."

Madeline blushed, embarrassed. "Sorry. I must sound so stupid to you. Desperate."

"Not at all."

"I've kept my feelings for you locked up for years. Now it spills out at weird times." The red-faced mommy shook her head. "Stupid," she repeated at herself.

"Hey. There's nothing stupid about it. It's amazing. I'm in awe of you that you can see me that way and feel that way when we're about to go to such an uncomfortable thing." His mom hung her head deeper. "I mean it. I was so lost in being - you know - grown up enough for you, that my mind couldn't go further than how beautiful you look."

The tight-bodied mother looked back up at her son with a glimmer of hope. "You are being mature and supportive, darling. It's wonderful. That's a part of why I... reacted that way... physically." The pair smiled at one another. "But you..."

Grant stepped up and put his arms around the woman who was his home. "You don't need to worry if I'm hard for you or not, Mom." A tiny shiver ran through her firm form. "I always want to fuck you." She shivered harder a second time. "Every hour I'm hungry to have your bare skin under my fingertips; to smell your naked sweaty body." She shivered a third time and kissed the side of his neck.

"I've spent years never daring to dream I could get to this place with you," she murmured into her man's shoulder. "I can kiss you as I want. I can tell you all the things I've kept bottled up. The idea that I could share your bed - feel you inside me - was a ridiculous fantasy. I'm free in a way I... I told myself to never even hope for this. Being able to tell you how wet my pussy is for you, Grant... it's like being able to fly."

The depth of her feelings surprised him more than her use of the word "pussy."

"I know, Mom." He tightened his hug for two beats before releasing her. "Now, give me your panties."


"You said you're wet for me."

She stared up at him with a dazed stillness. "I am, baby."

"Then give me your damp panties. Let me see how wet you are. I'll hold onto them during the meeting."

Maddie's mouth was open with hunger - nearly panting - as she pulled a pair of hunter green lace panties from beneath her skirt. Their eyes stayed locked as she put them into Grant's hand.

He put them in his trouser pocket, and said, "You'll get these back later, after I make sure you're ready to wear them again.

Madeline licked her lips without knowing she was doing it. "I love you so much."

Grant smiled. "I love you too. And I'm going to prove it in our bed when we're done with the lawyers. Let's go."


"Now, you know that your father has texted me a few times."


"And he called some days ago."

"I know. You told me about it when he called." He rested what he hoped was a reassuring hand on her leg.

"His messages were cautious and apologetic. I've made it clear - double clear on the call - that my heart is no longer with him. The marriage is ending, and there won't be a reconciliation." Grant squeezed her thigh at that. She welcomed his possessive hold. "He says he understands, but I get the feeling that he still wants something."

"What sort of something?"

"I don't know. I asked my lawyer... you know, Rodney... if he's heard anything from your Dad's lawyer. He says it's been 'radio silence' since the papers were exchanged and the meeting date was set. 'Radio silence.' Who talks like that?"

"Mom? You said you had a good feeling about him when you hired him. That woman from your office, Sheila, said he was tough but fair when he represented her for her divorce."

"Yeah. No. No, you're right. I don't care if he says 'Radio Silence" or "Ten-four, good buddy." Grant chuckled at that. "I only brought it up because I wanted you prepared, in case anything weird comes up."

Her supportive son squeezed Madeline's thigh again. "I'm not worried. We both know which bed you're gonna lie in tonight. And you have some idea of what I'm going to do with your naked body once I've got you there."

Maddie smiled, and said, "Baybeeeee. You're gonna make me leak all over the seat here."

"Sorry, Mom."

"First you take my panties away, and then you get me all juicy for you."

"Sorry. We'll take care of your juiciness later. For now, we're almost at the lawyer's office."


They met on the second floor of the office of Rick Boyles, Gabe's attorney. He was a thick-set white guy with short strawberry blonde hair. The meeting room had a cheap feel to it. Grant had expected a big clean wooden table good for a dozen people. Instead, the table was circular with a plain tablecloth. At least there were big windows and lots of natural light.

As a result of the table shape, the lawyers sat next to each other. Gabe sat to his lawyer's left, and Madeline was to the right of hers, Rodney Townes. He was a lean man with dark skin and close-cropped black hair. Grant was on his mother's right. If it had been a meeting of friends, he would have also been on Gabe's left. But the mother and son bunched together on their side, leaving a wide arc between Grant and his father.

The lawyers started with the basics. Both parties agreed to divorce. "Irreconcilable differences" was the term they used. The meeting was to iron out the separation of the family's shared assets. Everyone agreed it would be best if the courts didn't get too involved.

Grant was staring at his phone. Maddie's phone vibrated on her bare leg. Her son had told her to keep it there, with the messaging app they shared opened. Under the table, the stunner tapped the screen and looked into her lap.

Things seem smooth so far, her son had written. The only problem is that your panties have soaked through my pocket. It's making my leg wet. There was a wide-eyed emoji following the text.

She smiled and spared a glance at her boy. A slight nod when their eyes met, then she returned her attention to the legal minds at the table.

Madeline's lawyer said that an assessor would check out the house on the coming Tuesday. A real estate broker who was helping Madeline and Grant find a new place could sell the current house. He handed over the assessor's and broker's information. They hoped all would be acceptable to Mr. Bloom.

The hot mom looked back down into her lap and used both thumbs to return the message. More than that'll B wet tonight. She looked back to the discussion.

Grant looked his mother up and down. Those hard legs crossed towards him, causing the muscles in her thighs to flex. The red skirt wasn't tight, but there was no way to ignore her curves. Soon enough he'd be holding those hips as she sat flush on his lap, taking him into her body. Her waist looked extra small in her black top, but that succulent torso broadened as her son's greedy gaze went up. It completed the hourglass shape to support perfect breasts. The attentive young man knew they were perfect. He remembered them from last night. My mouth will be on them again before the sun goes down, he reminded himself. Mom's hair was a shiny dark brown, flowing to her shoulders like a twilight waterfall.

Grant typed.

Madeline's phone twitched under her hand. She looked.

I'm so hard for you right now.

As the corners of the hot mommy's mouth twitched, there was movement on the other side of the table.

"I'm sorry," Gabe rumbled. "What's going on? Are you two texting each other, Madeline?"

All eyes turned to the brunette bombshell. "Uhm, I did check my messages, but it's not..."

"This is our marriage we're disassembling, Maddie. Our family splitting apart." Gabe's bloodshot eyes shifted to Grant before returning to his soon-to-be-ex-wife. "You should take it seriously."

Madeline leaned forward, and Grant hardly recognized her voice. "Think what you will, Gabe. I'll take it as I damn well please. You can take it how ever it suits you. You don't get to dictate how I take or do anything. Ever. Again."

Holy shit! Zero to sixty in nothing flat, Thought Grant.

"Fuck's sake, Dad," the youngest Bloom chimed in. "Don't you see how you're responsible for this family splitting apart?"

Madeline shot her son an icy look, and the younger man shut his mouth. "It's both our faults, Grant," she warned.

Then Rodney Townes cut in, "This is a no-fault state, lady and gentlemen."

Rick chimed in, "This is no fun for anyone. Let's all try to get these details settled."

"You're right," Grant said to the room. "I was out of line. Sorry."

He'd mollified the lawyers, but the Bloom patriarch needed to say his piece. "I accept responsibility for my part in things." His voice was trembling. "There's a lot of things I wish I'd done differently. There are things I would take back if I could."

Grant looked over at his mother. She was staring across the table at her husband with a bland expression. One thing was clear from her lovely face: Madeline Bloom was not impressed. "Yes, Gabe. I know. You've said so. You've said that kind of stuff dozens of times. It won't put us back together now."

Misters Townes and Boyles sat back. They had learned to sense when it was time to wait, and when it was time to push. They would get paid in either case.

"No," Gabe agreed. "I know. I'm not trying..."

"And, for the record," Madeline broke in, holding up her phone. "I get messages. I check to see if they're important or if they can wait. If I want to communicate with Grant, I can lean over and speak to him." She bent towards her son to illustrate and murmured into his ear. "You're here for support, and I'm glad. But let me handle this." She drew back to look Grant in the eye. He held his mouth tight and nodded.

"Look," Gabe held his hands out in a placating gesture. "I'll pipe down and let everyone get on with this." The lawyers sat up, ready to get back to business. "But before I sign anything I need to know one thing." Everyone seemed to hold their breath. Gabe turned to look his son in the eye. "The last time I saw you. You remember, I collected the twenty dollars?"

Poleaxed, Grant could only nod in response.

"Tell me, Grant. Who was that woman?"


The other four spoke at once.

Grant said, "What?"

Madeline said, "What!?"

Madeline's lawyer said, "I'm sorry, but, what..."

Gabe's lawyer said, "Gabe, is this what..."

"Tell me, Grant," the father pushed through the noise. "Tell me, and I'll sign whatever is fair and agreeable."

All eyes were on the young buck now. It struck him as unfair to the point of mass insanity. But everyone else seemed stunned into silence by Gabe's direct move. Even Madeline stared with her mouth open. Her mind was running a mile a minute, but couldn't reach the part of speaking up.
