My Feather Girl Ch. 01a


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I stiffened at the thought of some jerk taking a swing at Betty. I took her hand and kissed the back of it, "You'll find the right one, just be careful of the wild ones, okay?" She was looking at me a bit wide eyed, and what the fuck, there weren't any cameras out here. I dropped her hand and cupped her jaw and kissed her cheek. "I have to get back to work, you staying or coming?"

"I...I'll stay a bit."

Hank kissed my hand... HE KISSED MY HAND! He didn't push it to his crotch to make me jack him, he kissed it! And the look in his eyes when her kissed me, he looked at me, he touched my face, and all he did was kiss my cheek... almost my lips. He didn't try to make me do anything, and he said I was... beautiful... AND HE'S NOT DRUNK!

I just nodded and went back inside and back to the gaming floor. I saw Betty off and on the rest of the night, not avoiding me, but not seeking me out either. Guess our little talk helped.

Things went on like that for a while. I would see her in the lunch room or on the floor from time to time. Sometimes we sat near each other, sometimes not. We had a few laughs at the little party thrown together for a birthday up in the break room. I still enjoyed her in her skirts and tops, a few peeks of lace or stocking kept my imagination fueled from the peek Betty gave me that night.

A few months later the word was put out. A few people from each department were being asked to go help open up a new casino. There would be people from five different properties so it was going to be an all-star crew.

Of course since I did most of the training in my department here, it was almost an assumption I would be asked, instead of them waiting for me to volunteer. Sure enough, four nights later Thomas came up to me just before I got off and just stood there with his arms crossed staring at me. Thomas didn't like showing up early to catch third shift before they went home, he was senior enough to be on days and made sure you knew it.

"Fine, fine, fine, consider my name on the list. But you remember this when you do my next review."

Thomas just laughed and turned away, never having said a word.

Now, I had done this before. The first one I did only because I was single and a couple of the regulars had family commitments. Turned out I was pretty good at it, and I went on a few more. This would be my sixth in four years.

The list of who was going was posted in the lunch room, and other than a quick scan of who, if any, were from my tech department I didn't give it any more thought. It was going to be a solo run for me this time.

I'M GOING TO FUCKING DO THIS! FUCK ZACK! He whines and moans that I'll be gone when he gets back but doesn't give a damn that he'll be gone for four weeks again.

And I'm packing my shorts and skimpy bras! My little bikinis and some skimpy dresses! Maybe even the naughty bag of stuff from Stella's party! I'm only going to be around a few people I know, and none of them know Zack so he'll never find out I wasn't covering up. Hell I might even go braless, it's not like I need anything for support. Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'm going to go braless at least once while I'm down there. Let those boys see me standing out! These boobs don't need no stinkin' bra!!

Two weeks later I was boarding a plane, bag packed for a week of fun, dirty, sweaty work. There is something about taking an assorted mess of machines and wires and having a working gaming floor when you were done. The nice part of this one was it was a refit. The barge, they had to be on water down there, was being floated in with all the machines on the floor from a few different casinos that had shut down. As soon as we had power we could start in. Sounds good right? WRONG!

'As soon as we had power' meant work lights and extension cords... no air-conditioning. 'But we have some big fans.' FUCK, move the humidity around some more will you.

Man I'm glad I packed light pants. So we started in, each department taking their people off to their tasks. For me it was getting stands in place and setting machines. We were promised full power in two or three days, but in the mean time we had lots of cordless tools and batteries. Of course the office weenies were huddled in their air-conditioned office trailers and still complaining about the heat! If they would only stop talking there'd be a lot less hot air...

So there we were sweating our asses off, always on the other side of the bank from the fans. Setting and bolting and connecting, setting and bolting and connecting. Almost wishing someone would set off the sprinklers to cool us down... if they were even connected.

I was bent over with my head in the base making some connections.

"Hey Hank." A feminine voice called out, a very familiar feminine voice, one that I actually recognized in fact. I tried to sit up, momentarily forgetting my head was in a wooden box, "OUCH," I put my hand on the back of my head. "God damn fucking son of a bitch," I muttered backing out of the stand.

Still holding my head I turned and sat on my ass to see Betty grinning at me. Damn she looked good, almost made me forget my head for a bit. Betty was grinning at me in a nice lacy bra. I knew it was a nice lacy bra because like the rest of us she was sweating and her tank top was now semi sheer, and her shorts were clinging to her pretty nicely as well.

"Hey Betty."

"Could you look at one of the shufflers? It's acting up."

"Sure." I put my tools down, grabbed my little pouch, and followed Betty to one of the far tables watching her ass swing with every step. Now, Betty in her long skirts was nice, but the way those shorts clung to her cheeks, coming right up the crack of her ass... how many laps around the tables could we take please?

All too quickly we were at the table, with several of the locals standing around. "Here's our mister fix it, he always has the right tool for the job." She turned back to me, it was all I could do not to glance down at her lacy chest, "I have to get back to my herd, see you later."

I turned momentarily to watch that ass walk away and got caught as she grinned over her shoulder at me. I just shrugged and turned back to the shuffler.

Hank looked at me! Some of the guys had been watching me, and I was pretty sure it was these old shorts. I should have tried them on before I packed them. They're a little small and are giving me quite the wedgie, but when I looked back, Hank was looking at me! God, what am I doing! Zack will kill me if he finds out I was dressing like this. But the tingle in my puss says I'm going to do it again. I miss the way men look at me, even if I don't have boobs. If it wasn't so damn hot and I was sweating like I was in a wet t-shirt contest I'd go braless. Wonder what Hank would think of that!

I ran it through its paces a bit then pulled the cover, sure enough, a bit of plastic wrap from a new deck slid over a photo sensor. Sometimes it would pass enough light to do the trick, sometimes it wouldn't. Pulled it out and put things back together, three good runs later I left them to it.

I went back to work, but the image of looking up at Betty in that soaked tank top kept popping into my head making me grin, imagining what she'd look like in a wet t-shirt.

I didn't see her when I grabbed some lunch, but back at the hotel for an early supper she waved and I joined her. "You seemed a bit surprised to see me today?" she grinned and rubbed the back of my head. There was still a bit of a lump.

I just shrugged, "didn't know you were on this trip," and took another bite of my burger.

"I was on the list," she responded between bites.

"I never looked at it."

"So how did you know you were coming down here?"

I grinned, "I was blackmailed again."

"How many of these have you been on?"

"This will be number six."

"So you're an old hand at this. How's it going so far?"

"Without power it's pot luck. When we can start them up and see what happens, that's when the real work comes."

"I'd settle for air-conditioning."

I grinned at her while glancing down at her still semi-transparent top starting to dry covering her thin lace bra, "I don't know, hot and sweaty isn't so bad some times."

Her eyes went wide and her eyebrows came up. She finished chewing but pointed her fork at me. I smiled back without breaking eye contact.

We finished eating, just filling the empty spots with idle chit chat before heading up and calling it a day. I stole glances at her small chest when I could. I was wrong about her size though. I originally put her at a nice B cup, now I would guess at a large A, maaayyyybe a B but not by much.

I went back to my room, my roommate blissfully absent. A nice long cooling shower and I crashed, the heat taking a bigger toll on me than I'd realized.

I was soaping the last of the days sweat from my aching body. But some of those aches were good.

Hank looked at my boobs and grinned! He didn't make fun of them, didn't crack a joke about my flat chest and needing a boob job. He acted like he really wanted to see them! Hell, he kept looking at them all through dinner! God they ache to be touched by someone other than me!

My finger ran down between my curls to my clit thinking about Hank, seeing the desire in his eyes. He has two hot babes back at home, and he was looking at... at ME! Well he was going to get it! I was going to put my old thin cotton bra on and with all the sweat it would get almost as transparent as my t-shirt. My nips aren't dark so unless you looked it wouldn't be too obvious, but if he really wanted to look, I was going to show him.

What would he do? What would he be thinking? Would he get hard looking at me? Would he want to bend me over and have his way with meeeeee...

I was sputtering water as I slid down the wall cupping my trembling puss. I haven't cum like that in a long time. Would Hank think badly of me for diddling off thinking about him? Wanting him to touch me?

I woke wanting to kill my alarm clock and then had to make haste to the bathroom to take a piss. No sign of the other bed being used so I guess he found another bed for the night. Oh well, he's from a different casino so it's not my business.

I pulled my slacks and t-shirt on and drug my ass down to the restaurant for breakfast. The ironic part is I eat better on one of these trips than I do at home.

"Hey studly!" Betty exclaimed plopping down beside me. She glanced down at my loaded plate, "How can you eat so much for breakfast?"

"Because I'm not going to want to eat anything for lunch in the heat." Glancing over at her chest while she was ordering, not noticing any lace texture, but maybe a hint of nipple... one could only hope.

"Good point," Betty added scrambled eggs and bacon to her toast and coffee order.

After breakfast we each went off with our respective groups for the shuttle over to the casino. Things had cooled off some from yesterday, but not much.

And so began day two of the steam bath torture. Now, in all fairness I did have a nice young Latino woman as part of my crew, but she was hiding those DD's behind a heavy bra so it was just some nice distracting movement when she was around. Kind of comical really, the only part of her shirt that wasn't wet was her bra covered chest. She, on the other hand, didn't think it was funny...

Morning break was just lay back in the shade outside, and don't get too close to whoever was next to you, to cool off before heading back in. They did at least keep some big coolers with ice cold water bottles in them.

I managed to make it to lunch, and thankfully they brought in cold sandwiches. I kicked back outside taking a few bites but not very enthusiastically. I peeled off my shirt, draping it over my knee to dry out.

"I wonder if I put a ball cap on if I could get away with that?"

I looked over at Betty dropping down next to me, her t-shirt was plastered to her thin bra, her nipples definitely standing out making two nice points of interest. She pulled the neck open and fluffed it back and forth to cool herself but when she let it go it clung right back to them, my kind of shirt!

"With what?"

"Going topless, you think I could convince them I'm just one of the guys?"

I looked blatantly down at her chest wishing I could see a dark nipple and not just a nice lump, "don't stop on my account," still staring at her chest. I got a quick light backhanded slap. "What? I didn't say it would work hiding those curves, but I'm all for you trying it," finally looking up at her face grinning.

Betty just rolled her eyes. One of her crew sat down on the other side of her and her attention was diverted so I got a few more nice looks at her chest, decent lump of nipple profile even! I took my last bites and went back to the hot house.

We plugged away a bit more and then I called break. Don't care if it was allowed or not, it was too hot for the guys to keep working. They took off while I finished the last few connections I was working on.

Hank said I have CURVES! Me, miss flat chested needs a boob job and only wears a B cup on my period... has curves! I kept glancing over at Hank bare chested beside me, his chest hair drying, the light coat of hair on his arms. And even when I was talking to Natalie he was still glancing over at me... them... me... WHATEVER!

Well, that's why I wore this bra, so here goes...

I just flopped back on the floor catching a bit of air from the fan, closing my eyes and just relaxing. I felt a drip of water, then another. I looked up to see Betty standing over me holding a sweating bottle of water over me. I looked up that bare leg, getting a glimpse of light blue panty up her shorts leg, then a nice bottom up view of her little tits and nipples standing out a bit, her tank top and bra now nicely semi-transparent.

Betty squatted to hand me the bottle, her shorts coming up nice against her pussy before she sat back against the stand across the aisle. "How's it coming?"

"Not too bad, a little behind with the heat, but we should be okay. You?"

"We're at a standstill until we have power." We sat there a bit, enjoying a bit of semi quiet. "You want some help over here?"

I had to think about that. It would be a much nicer view seeing Betty bent over a machine, but then we would be doing more training than working, but then that was part of what we were supposed to be doing. "How many bodies?"

"They're giving the locals the option to go home, no pay. I'll ask and see." Betty kicked her head back and ran the sweating bottle across her forehead, then dropped it to wipe across her chest. The moisture making her left side almost completely see through. I could see a nice pink areola and nipple stand up for a moment with the cooling, and even then after it settled down, her nipple still making a nice little lump in her wet top.

My crew came back and Betty went off to poll hers. We wound up with Betty and five of her people willing to endure more of the sauna. Four guys, Betty, and a short HUGE chested local girl. I can't remember ever seeing such a huge chest on such a small girl. I'd swear they were a pair of basketballs.

Several of my guys wanted to be paired with her, but when they found out she knew what she was doing, it wasn't so much fun. Three of the guys were also familiar with what we were doing, so it was just Betty and one of the guys who were not.

I split everybody up to different areas to keep from having any problems. Betty and I continued with what I was doing, with her kneeling over beside me. The next two hours were wonderful in spite of the heat. Betty kneeling next to me, giving me a nice glance down her shirt, her bra totally transparent now, her pink nipples beckoning to my lips.

Putting my hand in the small of her back as I showed her the connections. Standing up behind her as she is bent over, those sweaty shorts revealing that it wasn't light blue panties I saw up her shorts leg, it was a thong. That little blue strip coming up out of the crack of her ass and splitting to go over her hips was hardly hidden in her sweaty semi-transparent shorts.

Betty was now on her back with her head in the stand, leaving her body for me to enjoy. Her knees kicked up and slightly spread. Her little blue thong showing through her damp shorts, outlining her pussy slightly. A bit of bare skin below her soaked top, her thin bra only highlighting her nice little mouthfuls, those pink nubs really calling my name. Even when she got the hang of it, she was in the stand beside me, letting me lean back and take in the profile of her hanging tits moving and jiggling as she tightened the bolts.

HE DID! Hank looked at my boobs! And he looked at my legs and up my shorts! He wanted to look at me! I watched him through my eyelashes a bit, seeing him hardening in his slacks even in this heat. Damn with a monster like that he should be in porn!

I got a few volunteers to help him out, and I grabbed one of the water bottles and misted myself down right before we went over. I'm such a slut for doing this in public, but the way I tingle when he looks... and when he touches me, his hand on my arm, my back, my thigh. Arching my chest to let my top gap to let my nips show in my bra. The look on his face when I lay down, letting my legs spread to let him look at my puss. I wish it was just us and he would rip my shorts down and stuff me with that monster, I don't care if it splits me in two.

We managed to get a few more done before we called it a day. We were headed back to the parking lot, when she called, "See you at dinner?"

"I think I'm going to grab a shower and head into town."

"Want some company?" she asked grinning.

"I would be delighted. Say in about an hour?"

"Okay, I'll meet you at the front desk." We went to our respective shuttles and headed back to the hotel. One of the guys wanted the car for the evening, but I pulled rank, or more aptly responsibility. Even though the casino was paying for the rental, I signed for this one so I had first dibs. And Betty was definitely first dibs.

I peeled off my sweaty stuff, barely noticing that my roommate had made an appearance and disappearance somewhere along the way. MAN THIS SHOWER FEELS GOOOOOOOD! I wonder if I could cancel dinner and just invite Betty to join me in here?

Oh now I shouldn't have thought about that. I reached down and began stroking my hardening cock. Thinking about if I had ran my hands up her shorts... if her thong wasn't there. How would she taste on my fingers... HOW WOULD SHE TASTE ON MY TONGUE?

Palming her little tits, would those nipples harden at my touch, or just lie there accepting my handling? How would they feel hardening between my lips? Reaching down and spreading her pussy, watching her face as I slid deep into herrrrrrr...FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK. I shot my cum all over the wall, thinking about pumping that load into her willing pussy. A guy can fantasize can't he?

I managed to slip a shirt and slacks on, barely making the lobby at the one hour mark.

He wants to take me out! HANK WANTS TO FUCKING TAKE ME OUT! I'm stripping as I walk through the room and head for the shower, totally ignoring my roomie. I strip and start the shower, grabbing my boobs while I wait, squeezing and tugging and mashing them thinking about Hank looking at me today. The man taking care of TWO cocktail waitresses is looking at ME!

I get in the water and start soaping down, and I can't help myself. Running my hands over my boobs and puss, wishing it was Hank's hands playing with me. Tweaking my nipples and pinching my clit. Shampooing my hair and wishing it was his cum running down my chest. I can't help it, one hand goes to my puss and the other pulling on my nipple as I remember him looking down between my legs and not looking away.