My Life with Serena


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I ran downstairs to the kitchen. Sure enough, there on the table, right where her ass had been the day before was a note. I read it, "By the time you read this I'll be in heaven. You'll never find me, not this time; not even if you looked behind all the furniture stores in the county."

Of course that's exactly where I'd find her; behind the furniture store where she'd hid before. Now I had to wait for my mom. I couldn't take the chance. Serena hadn't thought about my need for transportation. I punched up 911. I got an operator and told her my wife had driven off with several bottles of pills to kill herself. I told them where she was and the make and model of my truck. The operator was incredulous, but I assured her I was telling the truth. The operator took it from there.

I reached the site behind the furniture store just after the police and the EMT unit. Serena was wide awake, but sick as a dog. She'd swallowed all the placeboes, but had left the Xanax for last. Oh what luck; but that blew my leverage regarding Tim. They still had to take her to hospital. I followed along in my mother's car. Reports were written up, paperwork was filed, and my wife's attempted suicide became a matter of record.

When the police were apprised of the fact we had three children they explained this had to be sent along to social services. I expected it. One of the doctors on staff stopped me and explained that, owing to her attempt at suicide coinciding with her erratic behavior just the day before they'd have to file a complete report with social service as well. I didn't say anything since I assumed that was being done anyway.

The hospital personnel found her a bed. They felt the need to observe her for the rest of the day just to make sure everything was out of her system. Of course they'd examined the contents of her stomach, and knew there was nothing there that was exactly dangerous. God was I scared. Just one phone call from any of a dozen people at the hospital and someone might want to place my sick wife immediately.

Since it was Sunday, and I'd been relieved of any responsibility at the ER the night before, and my mom or Corinne had the kids, I decided to stay with Serena. Someone had to protect her. She was delighted and wanted to make love right there in the hospital room. I told her that was nonsense. I gave her three reasons; first I reminded her she hadn't confessed to anything about Tim, second, since I'd seen them I couldn't touch her until she'd been examined for STDs, and third this was where I worked and I didn't want to get fired. The second things finally got her goat. She wanted to confess right then and there, but it was my turn to hold her off. About the STDs; she hadn't thought of it, luckily her blood work hadn't revealed anything. Still, I thought I'd let her sweat that one out.

About all future love making I insisted she wait till we got home so I could make arrangements for a suitable punishment. The thought of a punishment brightened her spirits. She spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon sleeping peacefully. I visited the hospital pharmacy, wrote up and got the prescriptions she'd need to restart her rehabilitation; then I returned to her room and curled up in a big chair for nice long nap.


We were allowed to leave at 4:00 that Sunday afternoon. No one had called social services so we were in the clear, at least for a while. She wanted to cuddle on the way home, but I held her off. We got home and found the kids, Corinne, Rebecca, and my mom and dad all there waiting for us. Tim was long gone. Corinne had laid down the law. She was getting a divorce, and hoped she never saw him again.

After a suitable length of time everyone left Serena, me and the girls to our own devices. We all sort of hung out till 9:30. Serena made popcorn, and we all watched the Disney channels. Monday was still a school day for Renee and Alaina; my mom would be back for Monday lunch. I planned on calling and having my secretary reschedule all my morning appointments for later in the day; that would give me time to set things up with Serena. I figured there was no hurry about getting her another car, but I did want to get her back on my auto insurance before someone at the agency got cute about rates.

Late Sunday night Serena and I got Danielle in bed. Serena did it. At first Danielle wanted to stay up, but Serena sprinkled some of her magic powder and our baby went right to bed all smiles and everything. How she does it is a marvel.

I took Serena by the arm and walked her into our bedroom. She showered first, and came out in a soft blue translucent baby doll. She looked like an innocent child. I took a quick shower and climbed in bed beside her.

She turned around and told me, "Tim talked me into it, but honest Travis I hardly remember anything."

I stroked her hair; it was spread out loosely on her pillow. She was still way short on the meds, but she looked so much like an angel I knew we'd be at it before too long. I reminded her, "I saw it, and I remember everything."

She started to waffle; I expected her to say the things women usually say, Oh it was only a silly mischance, it meant nothing, and so on. She didn't say any of that nonsense, she fooled me completely. She took her right hand and held my cheek, "Travis I know I'm sick. I've been sick all my life. We've had so many problems because of my craziness. I know you must love me more than any woman has a right to expect, but I want you to know this; no matter what about Tim, you've always been the only reason I even want to get up each morning. Oh I love our girls, but it's you; it's always been about you. I just couldn't live if I didn't get to see you and hold you and love you each and every day."

She was on a roll. I'd heard a lot of it before, but some was new, "Travis I get so scared sometimes. If I didn't have you I know they'd put me away someplace. I'd be in some room someplace, all alone. There'd be a metal grate on the window and a big metal door with a tiny window. I'd have a narrow single bed with clean but rough sheets, and there'd nothing but cold linoleum floors. If I wanted a coke or a pepsi or something they'd give it to me in one of those little four ounce cans with a straw. I'd never see my children again. They'd forget me."

She just described a scene from an old Angelina Jolie movie. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I mean it; she remembered everything like that.

She pulled my head close to her bosom, "You're my heart and soul. You're my life. I know I'm nothing but trouble. I know sometimes you wished you'd never met me. Travis I'm sorry; I'm just so sorry."

I listened, and my first thought was how she was thinking with such clarity. I pulled her head down to my chest and whispered in her ear, "Yes, you're a handful darling, but I couldn't imagine myself ever being with anyone else. I want you to understand; I love you, I tell you I love you. No one will ever take you from me. You're mine. As long as I'm alive you'll be safe. No one will hurt you. No one will take you away. This is your home, and I promise I'll never, I mean will never ever leave you, but you know that, you've always known that."

Then I sat up, "And now about your punishment."

She sat up too, "Yes?"

"Remember when you were disobedient and stopped taking your birth control pills, and we had Danielle?"


Remember what your punishment was?"

"No makeup for a month."

"Right, well this is your second big offense so this punishment is worse."

She was all smiles, "How am I to be punished?"

"It's summer time, and I know how you like to wear slacks and jeans. Well no pants except shorts or culottes. All summer you're only allowed to wear skirts and blouses or dresses. Tomorrow afternoon while I'm at work you're to go through all your closets and drawers, pack up all your long pants and put them in the cellar. Then after that the five of us will first go to Nordstrom's, and then Macy's. We're buying all new summer outfits, all dresses, skirts, blouses, and culottes for you and the girls for the summer. We'll buy you some new aprons for when you fix dinner."

I tweaked her nose, "You understand no jeans or slacks."

She nodded her head. Her eyes were getting watery. She was getting a whole new wardrobe as a punishment.

I went on, "Starting tomorrow morning I'll be giving you all your meds. I'm not allowing anymore slip ups. No accidents, and each and every day when I come home I'll expect to see you dressed in a pretty outfit. Once a week we're all going someplace nice, a nice restaurant, for dinner, and every Sunday all summer we're all going someplace special. I haven't been to the Smithsonian in years. We can take a bus trip to New York and see some of the sights. And all summer I'll expect you to be extra nice to me and the girls."

She nodded, "Oh I will I will."

She was like a little kid. Of course the punishments were right up her alley; what dressing prettily, being a good mom and wife, all the things she loved the most.

She asked, "What about makeup."

I answered, "It's summer for goodness sake! You'll need to protect your skin from the sun. You'll need makeup."

"Will we go to the beach?"

"Of course we'll go to the beach, but you'll have to wear only one piece swim suits, and you and the girls will need lots of sun screen."

She smiled at me coyly, "OK, I'll take my punishment."

We wrapped our arms around each and fell sideways on the bed. We kissed, and cuddled, and hugged, and nibbled, and made love. While we lay there, with me pushed way up inside her she whispered, "You know sweetie the only time I really feel like you're mine is when you're way up inside me."

I kissed her again and again. After another long time of love we lay side by side, spooning; her ass against my manhood. She whispered again, "You really won't ever leave me?"

"I'll never leave you darling."

"You won't ever let anyone take me away?"

"I promise, never."

She snuggled up even closer.

I snuggled back even tighter. She probably felt the tears as they fell from my eyes. I imagined she'd think they were tears of happiness. She was so helpless without me. I loved her so much. What was the line; in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, forsaking all others, till death...

I hadn't told anyone, but the other day I'd had a checkup. I'd been having some odd pains around my lower back, as far as cancer goes that's pancreas country. Good news! They checked my urine and then some blood, looks like I'm clear! Still, it's scary; had it been the pancreas that would have meant what Thanksgiving, Christmas, maybe as long as New Year's if I was lucky. Jesus I prayed, 'don't let anything like that happen to me, not now, not with Serena.'

Serena rolled over, "Trav what would you say if I dyed my hair another color?"

I give her a peck on her forehead, "I like the color of your hair the way it is. Maybe you could get it styled, you know feathered the way you had it last winter?"

"What about a boob job? I'm getting saggy."

I reached down and pinched a nipple. God they're nice, "You don't need a boob job. We'll get you some new bras."

Serena's eyes brightened up, "I know! We could have another baby!"

I stuffed my head between her breasts. I smelled her natural wonderful scent, "Crap Serena you're thirty-seven. Besides I've got more kids now than I can handle," I was afraid of this. She wants to do something to give her more control.

I said, "How about dog?"

She replied, "Ok, Danielle's almost four, she's ready for the responsibility. Renee and Alaina would like that; maybe a lab, a big yellow lab.

I grinned, "Sounds good."

She kissed me on my forehead, "You still need a son. You know, little league, scouting, camping?"

"Serena I'm getting a vasectomy!"

Serena reached down and started to use her fingertips to toy with my penis, "Mm, come here big boy. I need another taste."

I let her pull the sheet down. I was already halfway hard. I could see it coming. I was whipped. I whispered, "We're gonna need a bigger house, and I guess the vasectomy will have to wait."

She giggled, "I love you Travis. I knew it was you the first time I laid eyes on you. Love me Travis, just love me, and I'll take care of you. She sighed softy and wrapped her lips around her husband's penis."


Epilogue? There can be no epilogue. They'll live each day as lovingly and as happily as they can. Serena's condition might get better, it might get worse. Travis might get sick, he could have an accident. Some 'do gooder' might start snooping around. Who knows? Like the rest of us they'll have to take things as they come.

For the readers who made it through to the end, please leave a comment. Good words, bad words, they're all helpful, even the anons have a place at the table. By the way, if you get aggravated about some grammatical error, or errors, do me the courtesy of citing the specific place.

Thanks for reading. I'll be back in the fall.


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oksideshow859419oksideshow8594197 days ago

It is a well written story and then it ended

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

This reminds me of ‘The Long Goodbye’ by DFWBeast where a wife’s sickness creates enormous issues. I prefer this story as it has a less heartbreaking ending.

E. Alexander

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Resonates my experiences. Depressing. After 3 attempts my wife finally succeeded suicide. I am shunned. The do gooders have schadenfreude.

brn2vdobrn2vdo3 months ago

It was an interesting read. Would have enjoyed old Tim getting what he deserved ;]

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I think I might want to try Old Bay meatloaf. I have lived in Maryland and Virginia for most of my adult life, and that’s a new one!!

You called Serena “Rebecca” at some point early on.

Why wouldn’t he follow up on what Beau said, or ever try to talk to Serena’s ‘companion’ or her parents?

When Serena was cited for indecent exposure, you mentioned “other charges” and that it would take two months for that hearing. But there was no follow-up. Nothing about the hearing or what those other charges were. Then later, when he was arrested, the policeman hinted something that had happened to her in the past. Did I miss it? Or did you leave it out on purpose? Very frustrating.

Anyway, in my opinion, his handling of her psychoses (that’s ‘es’, plural) was abysmal. And he’s a doctor for god’s sake. She needed to be in a care facility, if only for her own safety.

And Tim needed some SERIOUS payback.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A lovely tale that really exemplifies "in sickness and in health." Tim was a monster. I mean to fuck around with the medication of a woman with severe mental issues, just to try to get in her pants. That is really fucked up. He got off too lightly and will probably go on to harm others. Hopefully Serena gets better, or at least not get worse, and they have a lovely long and happy life together.

LeRoyEdwardsLeRoyEdwards7 months ago

What an interesting and unusual plot line. An entertaining read!!

Anonymous1956Anonymous195611 months ago

She is mentally unstable. She knows it and he knows it. Despite this and any future problems they are likely to have, love is tie that binds them together.,..4 stars for me..

Ocker53Ocker5311 months ago

A really lovely story of love and devotion ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Rambling mess.


2 **

AlanDavidAlanDavidover 1 year ago

Sad & scary when reality becomes so gloomy.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 1 year ago
What an absolute mess

Did you intentionally write this the exact opposite of how he should have handled things at every turn???

Once again a story with no likable characters.

The Doctor endangers his children every day by not having her committed to the nut house.

Just an awful story and overly repetitive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

We all have our "for better or for worse" moments, but it's nice to be reminded that someone might have it worse than I.

UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeftover 1 year ago

A tough story to read. You have well described how it feels to have a loved one who swings between wild, unpredictable behavior (e.g. running naked out of the house) and back to their normal behavior, becoming for a heart-breakingly short time the loving spouse they once were. In many ways, you are describing my aunt, and the anguish her husband and children went through for decades. Thanks for tackling such a difficult problem. I identify with the MC a bit to much to have enjoyed reading the story, but give 5 stars for a well-told story that was worth telling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

TL;DR: Don't stick your dick in crazy.

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