My Loving Brother-In-Law

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Young Wife In Love with her Brother-in-Law.
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I am a 42 year old married woman with 4 children. We belong to a small community among the Gujarathi's but have settled in a major city outside of Gujarat for more than two decades now. It is not common for me to write such a story but I feel that it is a moment when I should let my story known; perhaps it may help others learn from it.

I married my husband about 20 years ago; it was an arranged marriage. Those days, we lived near Delhi. My husband was into the garment business and had just started his own business after learning from his cousins the ins and outs of business. My in-laws didn't live with us those days and hence we enjoyed our freedom in those days. In the 3rd month of our marriage, he had arranged for a hiking trip for us along with his cousin brother and his wife.

They were a middle-aged couple but very close to him, so we had been meeting them on a daily basis. Their two children had grown up and were in colleges studying and living by themselves. I used to call his cousin brother Jhetji; he was in his mid forties and carried a lot of weight on his belly. He was a large man at 6' 2" but a little overweight then. His wife was almost his age, but significantly overweight and had lost all her charm by then. He on the other hand was quite charming even at that age. His smile always impressed me.

My Jhetji was very fond of me and took good care of me in the beginning few months and even later in life. I liked his company very much and was getting accustomed to his constant presence in our life. So, this 2-weeks hiking trip seemed like a fun occasion but I had never lived away in the woods, so I was nervous.

Things seemed normal during the first week as I got used to the challenges of leading a life without any of the modernities. The initial portion was spent with a few other couples who were doing the same hike but eventually we started to explore on our own and separated from the other group. Our plan was to separate from them for only a day or so but ended up separated from them for four days and three nights. During that brief period my life radically transformed and essentially sealed my fate. While I wasn't happy about how things turned out at the trip but in retrospect I don't have any regrets.

My husband and I had been feeling frisky having abstained from sex for more than a week. He constantly courted me inside the tent but I turned him down steadfastly as the flimsy tents provided no security. During the whole week though I had noticed that Jhetji and I had spent a lot of time together; it seemed to be intentional in hindsight but I didn't mind it.

It was clear that my Jhetji was attracted to me and it surprised me that neither his wife nor my husband were bothered by it. It was common to have a subtle chemistry with your Jhetji during those early days of your marriage. Not having our elders around offered us the freedom to fully understand and explore it. He had touched me several times and even held me lovingly a few times as he helped me climb up a steep ladder on occasions. While I didn't realize it then, I too was attracted to him.

I was a typical Gujarathi beauty but with a very tall and slender body. I was extremely fair and had a very good figure and even though my body was on the bony side, my breasts were well developed and looked substantial even for my tall body and wide shoulders. I was 5' 8" while my Jhetji was 6' 2" or so. He was built heavily and sported a thick moustache that I liked. My husband was almost as tall as me and had a frail physique and bony structure just like mine. My husband was just like me in most respects but Jhetji seemed different; his complexion was a tad darker, his built very heavy and his demeanor commanding. His wife was not a Gujarathi and was much shorter, perhaps 5' 3" or so and by the time I met her, I couldn't fathom why my Jhetji married her.

That night as we were talking generally and all the three, apart from myself, were tipsy, I decided to call it a day but before that I wanted to pee and requested for my husband to accompany me but my Jhetji got up and decided to accompany me leaving his wife and my husband behind. As we stepped out of the conclave, he confidently laid his arm around my waist and lead me into the woods. As I feebly whispered to him, "Jhetji, my husband and your wife are not very far and may see us."

"Don't worry about them," he said confidently, stopping and turning around to face me. And then he boldly pulled my chin up and said, "if you haven't realized it yet, this is what your husband wants."

I was shivering as I realized what he implied; he confidently bent forward to kiss me and only at the last moment I managed to turn my face away but I was late and his lips landed right on the corner of my lips. His hot breath, smelling of strong alcohol intoxicated me and for a moment I was hypnotized by this charmer who had been charming me for over a week. But sanity restored quickly and I tried to push him away but he took me into his strong arms and firmly placed his lips on mine. I continued to object it but very feebly to avoid creating a scene; we were only a couple of hundred feet away from where his wife and my husband were. He didn't push his luck and separating from me, quietly led me back to our camping spot and there I saw my husband kissing Jhetji's wife passionately.

"Didn't I tell you?" he whispered into my ear from behind and took me into his arms from behind. I pushed him away and stepped away from that spot and took shelter behind a tree and tried to gain composure. I didn't know how to react to it. He stood for a moment and calmly stepped closer to me and softly whispered, "Don't worry; this is what your husband wants. If only he knew how turned on you would be, he would have even arranged it on the first night of your marriage itself."

I was shocked to hear my Jhetji talk lewdly but I couldn't refute what I had seen. He encouraged me to pee right there while he simply turned around; it felt wicked and scared at the same time but I did what he requested.

Heading back, I had noticed them entering Jhetji's tent. There was no confusion, only apprehension of what may transpire and whether my husband indeed approved of it. Inside the tent, he took me in his arms and welcomed me to sit down in his lap, saying that let's wait for the proceedings to finish next door.

Moments later, I heard his wife moan loudly.

"Your husband loves to pleasure her with his tongue," he whispered. She continuously moaned for about a minute or two and then my husband seemed to have mounted her as I heard the occasional smacking sound of their pelvises. After a couple more minutes, he climaxed. Not sure what took me over but I turned towards him and offered my lips. As his thick moustache tickled on my lips and his rough tongue explored my mouth, I knew that we definitely had great chemistry and would enjoy each other's company for a long time to come. He mounted me soon after that and stroked me furiously for perhaps 5 minutes before furiously ejaculating inside me. I was lubricating and perhaps had wet my sleeping bag completely. It felt as if a real man was making love to me; his penis was huge and had stretched me beyond belief and his weight was unbearable but strangely I longed to be crushed by him. After that first fuck, something flipped in my mind and I thought it was my fate to be bred by this stallion. After that first episode, he promptly told me to suck on his penis and prepare him for the second round. I had never done it with my husband, so was hesitant but I obediently did what he requested. After feasting on his penis for 15 minutes or so, he roared again and this time he fucked me as if there was no tomorrow. He fucked me nonstop for what seemed like another 45 minutes in every position imaginable. I don't recollect how many times I climaxed but I clearly remember it as an out of the world experience.

Early in the morning Jhetji's wife woke me up and took me out to freshen up and talked to me. We went to the nearby lake to take a quick bath before the sun rose. We didn't speak much about the previous night initially but eventually she started by saying, "A lot of thoughts may be going through your mind about the previous night."

"I don't want to be judgmental or even debate about it. What is done is done."

"Your Jhetji is very fond of you and after experiencing him last night, you could appreciate that at my age I can't keep up with him. He needs someone young and pretty like you."

"Now," she took a deep breath and said, "if you think this all was a mistake then take your husband and leave this hiking trip right away."

"If, however, you think this is just the right thing for you then stay and spend the rest of the time exclusively with him as his wife; as if you are on a honeymoon with him."

Before I could say anything, she interjected, "Don't worry about your husband. He would love you to be Jhetji's slut. There is no threat to your marriage; only that a real man will take care of his bedroom duties."

Once again as I was about to speak, she interjected and said, "this is not about me; it's only about you; not even about your husband. So, you decide on your own. The choice is yours. Both your husband and I will be happy if you accept Jhetji in your life and will support you wholeheartedly."

We didn't talk about it; I cleaned myself up thoroughly and contemplated on what she said. My husband was definitely no where near Jhetji when it came to sex and even looking at his behavior around Jhetji, I felt that he always made sure I got to spend lot of time alone with my Jhetji. I couldn't fathom what he found interesting in Jhetji's wife, so the only reason that rang true was that he desired to see me with Jhetji.

My husband was peeing behind a tree when I reached our tents. We looked at each other and without giving further thought, I entered our tent. Jhetji was awake and looking at me, said, "You are looking so gorgeous."

I sat next to him and looked lovingly at my new husband.

"Are you happy to be with me?" he asked. I blushed and nodded, looking at him yearningly. He pulled me towards him and I covered his face with my wet hair. He played with my hair a little bit and said, "Will you tell your husband that you sexually belong to me now?"

I looked deeply into his eyes and leaning forward kissed him on his lips. Even though he had morning breath I just wanted to kiss him and be with him. We had a repeat of another session again but this time there was very little privacy as both my husband and his wife were outside the tent but neither of us bothered about them.

That day, I ignored my husband completely and spent time with Jhetji. It was surprising to see how submissively he behaved around both of us. At evening time, I felt like cleaning myself again in preparation for another night with Jhetji. No sooner did we reach the lake, did my husband pounce on me and started kissing me. Despite my objections, he started licking me; effectively tasting Jhetji's dry semen along with my own juices. After pleasuring me, he tried to mount me but I pushed him away saying, "You can't do that anymore now; only Jhetji is allowed."

It was enough for his penis to shrivel into a lump appendage. I didn't even mean it but it worked.

The rest of the days went in the same manner with my husband courting me during the days to taste my pussy and I indulged him at the right moments.

Our life back home didn't reach any form of normalcy as my husband didn't make any attempt to mount me but only performed oral sex on me. Something had changed; it didn't take very long for my virile Jhetji to impregnate me; perhaps the very next opportunity he managed to sow his seeds. Only after his seed took a firm root in my womb and I started showing clearly did my intercourse with my husband start again.

In the first decade of my married life, Jhetji gave me four children. There was no doubt in anyone's mind who the father should be. My overzealous sex life with him resulted in two more pregnancies when I was in my thirties. I miscarried the first one and the second one didn't survive due to complications.

My beloved Jhetji passed away recently at the age of 64 with a heart attack. Although I loved my husband very much, I truly felt connected with my Jhetji. Despite his age, he did complete justice to my beauty and if it weren't my own precautions, I perhaps would have bore at least one other child in the first decade of married life. Sex with him was a bliss and I am glad that I only conceived from him. All my four sons are just like him and will be gifted in the sex department just like him. My Jhetji was sexually very active even a few days before his death. Fortunately, for me, his wife passed away from a massive heart attack only 3-4 years after our affair started. She was practically obese and I was surprised that she even came along with us on the camping trip but it was part of a plan. She, perhaps, knew of her ailing health and wanted to find a younger, more appropriate life partner for her husband. Even though she, at times, despised my presence in her life, she helped me manage my delicate relationship with my husband and Jhetji. Her guidance helped me accept my husband's love, perverse as it sounds and become one with my Jhetji. I constantly felt guilty during the early stages and needed her support but eventually I had learnt that it was my life and the choice was entirely mine. Deep down I wanted to be Jhetji's mistress and nothing would have changed my mind and if that were not enough my husband wanted me to belong to him.

The three of us never spoke about my relationship with the other man and lived together under one roof for the majority of my life. I slept with both of them practically every single night; first with my Jhetji and then with my husband.

It is a strange story and in some way you may even doubt the veracity of the story but I felt obliged to narrate my own experience. It may help others.


Followup from the wife after getting a lot of readers comments/questions.

Dear readers,

The story seems unrealistic because we as Indians growing up in a traditional, ultra-conservative society can't imagine such a debauched lifestyle. Yet, hundreds of women are raped and thousands are molested on a routine basis in the very same conservative society. A pretty woman can't step out of the house alone fearing something bad may happen; inside the house she feels protected and secure. It perhaps guarantees her some safety but molesters are present everywhere and if the circumstances are not right, she may not even escape from rape by a member of family. Such things are brushed off as consensual sex by the society and the woman never revolts out of fear of being ostracized.

My relationship with Jhetji started in a consensual manner, although I made an attempt to dissuade him from continuing but my husband left me no choice but to comply that night. Jhetji had an imposing personality and there was no way I could have revolted against him; besides it just seemed natural. He was possessive about me and didn't want my husband anywhere around me. After returning from the trip, my husband behaved as if he needed Jhetji's permission to sleep with me, have sex with me. Jhetji started spending several nights a week at our place and all that while he made sure that I slept with him. He was so besotted with me and screwed me so many times that I hardly felt any sort of sexual attraction towards my husband during the 6 months of our relationship. My husband & I started truly understanding each other when he lovingly held our son for the first time in his hands. Even though he knew the boy was not his but Jhetji's seed, I saw the love of a father in his eyes.

After giving birth to my first child, I eventually started bridging the gap between me and my husband. Jhetji's wife had helped me during that phase to understand what was needed of me in this relationship. My husband & I never spoke of the new relationship explicitly but we both understood what we wanted from it. I comforted him by breastfeeding him once we settled into the rhythm and he pleasured me with his tongue. He ensured that my periods didn't commence soon after delivering a child and as a consequence ensured that I got time to recover from childbirth. He always used protection during intercourse, which itself was quite infrequent. He was jealous of the special treatment his cousin brother got but never complained and was happy to find his loving wife back with him in the bedroom most of the time. Jhetji was very fond of impregnating me but didn't spend as much time raising them; that responsibility was relegated to my husband. He was good at taking care of them even during the nights when I was busy with Jhetji.

My Jhetji was the step-son of my father-in-law's elder brother. Due to his real father's genes, he was very different from the rest of the family - tall, manly, and an imposing personality. He bullied most people in our families and had taken the virginity of my husband's two elder sisters. Apparently, he had impregnated them even after their marriages. A lot in the immediate family knew what was going on but no one raised a voice against him. I had learned that by becoming his slut, I can help ease the life of my husband's family.

Sex with Jhetji was different; he was rough, demanding, and insatiable. He needed sex even when I was menstruating. There were hardly any nights that went without sex during the first decade of my life with him. Sex tapered off in the second decade but still I made sure that he mounted me on a regular basis. My husband was simply a shadow living around me while my Jhetji took center stage in my life.

I don't have any regrets and it seemed that I was destined for such a life as my husband seemed to enjoy leading such a life. Having a man like Jhetji in my life naturally led me down that path.

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PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19819 months ago

The husband needs some balls basically he needs to learn to be a man and stand up for himself then he will be able to take pleasure in watching his pathetic brother who everyone thinks is a man run like a little bitch cause most people who think there alpha males and cuck other people will run like a bitch when someone challenges them a real man doesn't have to act all big and tough they carry aura around them that everyone can read

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

मस्त कहानी

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please complete the Malti story and daughter-in-law one we are waiting sir

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Complete the pending ones

We're waiting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
love these themes

nothing turns me on more than when the wife takes an older lover who completely different than the husband. he may not have the looks but he has the dominance to take over. excellent. hope you continue writing these themes and i love these indian aspects, especially inter faith ones with the alpha being muslims since that's taboo

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Love the stories


I like these short stories you are writing.

Please finish other stories as well. The manisha kishanchanji story needs completion. Kamini as well

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