New Neighbour


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She brought her head up. She looked slightly frazzled but she was glowing and still looked magnificent.

"That was quick, it's been too long since I had someone to play with. Mmm, thank you Tom. That was just lovely."

I smiled broadly and said

"You're very welcome Ma'am. That was... I dunno... amazing."

"How close were you?"

"So so close Ma'am but I'm trying to learn. I just kept thinking about you and giving you what you deserve and not about my own needs."

"You did very well. I'm surprised you managed. I must be a good teacher."

She winked and stood up properly.

"God, I haven't been that wet in quite a while. Solo fun is all well and good but things get so much more interesting when there is someone else involved."

"I will have to take your word for for it Ma'am."

"Right, I'm going to release you now and turn you round."

She unbuckled the straps and made me face the wall after a few seconds to shake my arms out. Quickly I was strapped down again with my arse facing her. She couldn't resist giving it a quick slap.

"Can you look down Tom? What can you see?"

I craned my neck a little and looked. On the floor was all the dust and debris from the holes I had drilled.

"Oh, sorry Ma'am. I must of missed that bit."

"You didn't miss it boy. The brush hasn't been used, you didn't even try to clean up. That's one thing, you were careless. But more seriously you just lied to me didn't you boy?"

She was right, almost unconsciously I had tried to bluff my way out with a lie and I had been caught.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself boy?"

I had messed up and I knew it.

"I'm so sorry Ma'am. That was stupid of me. I apologise Ma'am. Please forgive me."

There was silence for a second.

"You know how I feel about lying don't you? Yet you did it so casually. I am very disappointed, especially after you had done so well. I had thought about allowing you an orgasm but that is certainly not going to happen now. What do you think I should do with you now boy?"

I was pretty sure what the answer to that question was, especially given my current position.

"I should be taught a lesson Ma'am. I'm so sorry to have let you down."

"Correct, you need to be taught that bad behaviour will not be tolerated and that there will be consequences."

I heard her move away and then the sound of a box or 2 being opened. I was feeling very apprehensive now. Some pain was going to come my way but I knew I deserved it. My cock wasn't sure how to react though. It had gone down a little but was slowly springing back to life. What the hell? I guess it was all the memories of videos I had watched involving dungeons while jerking off. This was real though and my cock had decided it liked the idea.

She was behind me now,

"That's interesting boy, why is your cock still hard?"

I didn't really know what to say and stumbled a response about my memories.

"Don't worry. We will have plenty of opportunities to explore that in the future. I do have sadistic tendencies that need to be sated."

My cock stayed hard while my mind raced, flicking through all the nastier videos.

My thought process was interrupted by four nails slowly dragging their way down my back. The pain was sharp but very short lived.

"Such a pert white little bottom. It will look lovely with some red on it."

II felt something being drawn slowly across each cheek then a light tapping. Without warning 'thwack' against my arse. I grunted as a sharp pain radiated across both cheeks. This pain didn't fade as quickly. I exhaled and felt it slowly fade until 'thwack' another strike just above the first. This time I inhaled quickly through gritted teeth. That hurt, it really stung. She wasn't playing, or at least I hoped she wasn't as I'd hate to experience anything much worse than this.

'Thwack,' a 3rd stroke, this time just below the 1st one. Again a grunt escaped me, 3 more blows hit my arse each about 10 seconds apart and perfectly spaced about an inch or so apart. My shoulders and back were tensed up and my hands were in tight fists. My cock had gone down a little but was still quite hard. She pressed herself against me, and ran her hands down my sides.

"Are you alright?" She whispered in my ear.

Her hands went up to my shoulders and pushed gently down on them until I relaxed a bit.

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am" I said exhaling slowly. My arse was stinging, the pain seemed to radiate through it.

"It's good to know that you have decent pain threshold. I don't like screamers. Well done boy."

I felt stupidly proud again, despite the fact i was only being punished because I had lied and messed up.

She was kissing the back of my neck and massaging the tense muscles in my shoulders when she whispered,

"6 of the best, a traditional punishment. Those were because you didn't clean up. Now we come to the lies."

No amount of massage was going to relieve the sudden tension that hit me. The lying was the biggest sin, God, what would she do to me?

"You know you deserve to be punished don't you?"

I gulped

"Yes Ma'am."

"Beg me for your punishment."

"Please Ma'am, please punish me. I deserve it, I lied and that is unacceptable Ma'am. I need to learn, please Ma'am. Please hurt me..."

I was babbling.

"Shhh... quiet boy." I fell silent, shaking.

"I'm just messing with you, this time. You've never been in this situation before but understand that your innocence and naivety won't make any difference in the future. I'm just going to give you one more stroke, OK?"

"Yes Ma'am thank you Ma'am."

There was the cane again sliding across my cheeks and suddenly 'thwack' as the last blow landed squarely on top of the first. The pain flew through me and a long high pitch groan escaped. Every muscle was jumping as my body shook. I had never felt anything like that before. I was dazed and slightly shocked.

"It's over now baby, just relax and breathe."

She undid my arm straps first and held my arms as I lowered them down then came the legs and finally the waist strap.

She turned me round and gave me another big hug. The last blow had seen off my erection. My body had been unable to process anything other than that pain.

"Come with me." She said and gently led me out of the dungeon and up to her bedroom.

She had a quick look at my arse.

"You'll live." She joked and told me to lie on the bed. I gingerly climbed on and lay down. The stinging returned but it was manageable and was slowly fading.

She had gone into the en suite and returned wearing a long silk dressing gown.

She got on the bed and folded herself around me, her head on my shoulder, an arm over my chest and one leg between mine.

"Don't say anything Tom, just calm your mind and body down."

We lay there breathing slowly, her hand moving occasionally against my chest.

After a few minutes she asked me how I was feeling. I didn't know how to explain, it felt like I was coming down from some sort of high. I was calm but sort of alert. I could feel my body... it didn't make sense. She said that it was fine. Not only had I just experienced what for me had been a long term fantasy made real but that I had experienced pain in a way I never had before. My brain would process it and she would be there for me. After care was a very important between 2 people in this situation she explained.

I could feel some sense of reality or normality returning as Ma'am snuggled against me. I also started to feel a bit of interest down below.

She noticed and moved her hand down just beside it but not touching it.

"What about this beauty then? You've got quite a specimen there Tom."

Unsurprisingly this talk caused it to harden.

"Your penis is going to give me so much pleasure Tom. It has been a while since I had sex and a long time since I found one like this.

I do quite a lot of pelvic floor exercises so I'm very tight. Luckily you make me very wet."

It was like a steel girder again, her hand was so close. I tried to shift and turn a little but a little pressure on my thigh told me to stay still.

"Good boy."

I lay there not quite believing how I could feel this happy while feeling this horny. I had the distinct impression that sexual frustration was going to be a constant companion and I remembered what she had said about men and their orgasms.

Frustration, did it matter? It did but it meant nothing when compared to my other feelings.

Is this love I wondered? Infatuation? It was a moot point. All I wanted to do was grab her and hold her, kiss her and thank her. I was hers. I was as happy as I had ever been.

"What are you thinking?" She asked and i told her I was thinking about what she had told me about men's and women's orgasms.

Then I said, "can I do anything for you Ma'am? Can I give you another orgasm?"

I wouldn't of thought of saying those words to a woman a few weeks ago for sure.

"Thanks baby" she purred, "you can. Scoot down the bed a little."

I shifted down and was rudely reminded of the welts on my arse.

"Ow." I said smiling. She laughed,

"Aww my poor baby. Put your arms by your sides."

With that she deftly straddled me and I looked down to see her dressing gown fall open. Perfect, just perfect.

"Nice view? She asked.

"Beautiful." I replied.

She did a little hopping motion and suddenly my cock was stuck between out stomachs. She thrust her groin towards me and I felt her slick pussy slide up my cock again. She slid slowly up and down as we both became more aroused. Then she moved a little further up me and I felt my knob press against her clit. I was in heaven as she made tiny little movements, her most sensitive spot rubbing against mine.

I tried to breathe and relax, she saw that and smiled as her own arousal grew.

"Are you ready baby? God I'm looking forward to this."

"Yes Ma'am please Ma'am."

I couldn't last too much longer, whatever I did.

"It's time." I felt her shift a little, oh yes, "It's time for you to start learning how to properly please a woman" and with that she knelt up out of reach.

"This is your first lesson in how to lick pussy Tom."

My face must have been a picture as she couldn't suppress a giggle.

"Something wrong baby?"

No! So close again.

Recovering I quickly said

"No Ma'am, please teach me how to lick your pussy."

She giggled again and said,

"I'll let that lie go this time. Good recovery!"

She moved up until her pussy was resting on my upper chest and my arms were pinned by my sides.

"Listen carefully" and she explained about a woman's body, in particular a woman's pussy. I had seen and ready plenty about it but she explained that most of that was from the male perspective. She told me very occasionally she would want, well basically a quickly, but this wasn't one of those times. This was going to be slow and gentle. I was to take my time and listen. Not only to her instructions but to her body. It would tell me what to do once I learned how to interpret it. All women are different but the key was a desire to give her what she needed.

She moved up and placed her pussy over my mouth. She didn't sit heavily but let me have space to move and explore. I didn't know how she would smell or taste. I'd heard some of the more crude descriptions and they were all wrong. She was perfect, I don't know how to describe it but it was pure, the essence of a female. The embodiment of sexuality.

I was tentative at first, exploring and trying to learn. Ma'am gave me little tips as a went. I avoided her clit for a while. She said she liked to feel it slowly engorge before it was touched.

I felt her begin to rock to and fro and I matched her rhythm.

"Clit." she said and I moved my tongue up and found it easily. I moved carefully around it, slowly feeling my way. I could feel her body moving, the muscles in her legs and pussy contracting and relaxing, her breathing slowly accelerating. Some low moans told me I was doing well and I started lapping at her clit.

"No, gentle."

So I made my touch softer, more delicate.

"Mmm yeah, yeah."

I was encouraged and ever so slowly started to apply a bit more pressure. I could feel the tension in her now, building as her rhythmical movements got quicker. She pushed herself down on me a bit harder and I kept the pressure on, little circles, up and down and across.

" Oh yes, oh oh."

I had never made a woman orgasm before but I knew it was coming. Lost in her pussy I carried on letting her decide how much force to use by how she moved her hips. Everything seemed to stop just for a millisecond, her whole body tensed

"Ah." She was shaking, her whole body spasming over me. Her pussy almost felt like it was vibrating on my mouth. I felt her fall forward as more moans of pleasure filled my ears.

Before we had started she had told me that when she came I should stop and not move as her clit became super sensitive but to follow her lead afterwards. Her breath was coming in short sharp gasps as the aftershocks bit her. I realised she was regaining her composure and she moaned

"Again, be careful."

I hardly dared move my tongue. I made tiny motions on her clit and felt her jump and gasp at each one. Slowly, very slowly I was able to move a little more as her sensitivity decreased and before long I was back in the groove and she was on her way again. I changed track slightly and very delicately began massaging her clit with the very tip of my tongue. The response was almost instant. Her breathing shortened and within a minute she shuddered into another loud and deep orgasm.

"Oh god, stop stop." She panted and she shakily climbed off me. She slumped beside me, occasional tremors still running through her sweat covered body. I didn't know what to do, aftercare? I turned towards her and her arm just pushed me back down.

"Gimme a minute." She said.

My face was covered in her sweet juices, I looked down to see my erect cock bobbing up and down. I hadn't even thought about it while as I had been utterly engrossed in her pleasure.

After a couple more minutes she said,

"Wow." and propped herself up on.She was smiling broadly and looked radiant.

"You lied to me."

"What? Ma'am? Sorry, I don't understand"

She laughed,

"You liar, you must have done that before Tom. That was bloody amazing! Don't go getting too cocky baby, but I think you're a natural."

She leaned over me and gave me a big sloppy kiss. I was genuinely in heaven.

"Thank you Ma'am. I'm so happy, really so happy."

Her head flopped into my chest and she made a couple of contented sort of ahhs.

"Maybe I'm getting a little carried away as it's been a while but that was a fine job." she mumbled into my chest. Her hand slid down to my cock and she said

"I'm glad to see he enjoys my pleasure too."

Once more she stopped short of touching it, instead tracing little lines with her finger up and down my thigh. My frustration was growing but it was overshadowed by my joy at what I had given her. It was as if her pleasure, her orgasms were all that mattered now. My cock was just something she could use to stimulate more joy for her.

Suddenly she jumped up,

"Come on, we need a shower."

She took me to the en suite by the hand and we had a long hot shower together. I gently soaped her entire body, taking in every curve and marveling at her beauty. She ignored my rock hard cock and just smiled at my occasional groan as it touched her and slipped across her skin. We dried each other off and sat on the bed.

"I have news" she said, " I'm going away for work, and a little fun tomorrow. I have some loose ends to tidy up at my old job then I'm spending a couple of days with a couple of my old girlfriends. I won't be back until late next Sunday."

I wouldn't see her tomorrow, or the weekend after either. I was devastated and it showed.

"Sorry Tom, I probably shouldn't of gone as far as I did this weekend but I couldn't wait 2 more weeks before getting down to it with you."

I recovered a bit,

"It's no problem Ma'am. I have some mock exams the week after next. I've been working harder since you told me to. My grades have improved but a week and a weekend devoted to study would do me good."

I was trying to hide how much I was going to miss her, unsuccessfully. She knew.

I will miss you too," she smiled, "but your training can wait a couple of weeks. But every day is now a lesson for you. A lesson in obedience. You have to prove that you don't need me standing over you to do the right thing. I will be watching remember."

How could I forget? I saw her beautiful face every moment I was using my computer.

Man up Tom I thought,

"I will work extra hard until my mocks Ma'am, I will make you proud."

I thought for a second,

"And I will be proud of myself too Ma'am. I need to heed your lessons. I will try to be the best I can be."

" Good boy, make us both proud. By the way you are banned from any porn while I'm away. I want today to be your last sexual activity until I get back."

She let that sink in...

"So no orgasms for 2 weeks Ma'am?"

"You're assuming you will have one when I get back boy."

The stern tone was back.

"Sorry Ma'am."

" I want all your energy focused on those exams. I want you to pass all of them, with flying colours. You know my rules, always do your best. Will you do that for me Tom?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Say it."

"I promise not to orgasm and to work hard and do my best Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am."

I had said it, and I had meant it too. 2 weeks of hard work and no orgasms. I could do that.... for her. The work would be my only distraction as porn and gaming was no longer an option.

"Stay for dinner Tom." She quickly said. The rest of the evening was completely normal. I struggled to flip between being totally dominated by her and then being in an apparently normal 'dinner and chat' situation. She had done this sort of thing before, gone from one person to another in the blink of an eye, I hadn't.

It wasn't entirely normal though, as I was naked the whole time. Bizarrely though it seemed to not bother me at all. She was clothed, I was naked. End of story.

Dinner was lovely, i helped where I could, setting the table and doing the dishes.

We shared a bottle of wine. It was a really nice evening.

"It's late Tom, I have to up pretty early tomorrow."

She gave me a big hug,

"This is good Tom. I've pushed you and you haven't let me down."

She touched my face,

"I will see you soon and I'll text you to see how you are getting on."

"Ma'am, I'm so glad I have pleased you. Thank you, thank you for everything."

We hugged again and I opened the door to leave. She burst out laughing. I stopped, confused.

She was still laughing, even harder now.

"This is great, not only are you a natural with your tongue but you're a natural submissive. Why do you think I'm laughing so hard Tom?"

I froze, fucking hell! I was still stark naked! I burst into laughter too.

"Oh this is priceless!" She was in fits of laughter, so was I.

"I should make you go home naked!"

We laughed some more, to my great relief and after some mock begging I got dressed and went home.

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Tigerpup29Tigerpup29about 1 month ago

The story was lovely. Maybe the sex was rushed or submission too easy - I don't think I could have held myself back from cumming like that at 18 - but all that fit together in the little world you created at the end of that quiet street. Some of these comments are so harsh. I think constructive criticism is a great compliment, but just complaining seems so out of place.

I would say more, but I have to delve into part two. Thanks for such a lovely story. There were some typos, so if you need a proofreader, I'd be happy to volunteer. : )

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Why does he masturbate every two minutes? Because that’s what 18-year-olds are supposed to do? How does that contribute to the story?

Vittorio Vittorossi

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

should be listed in nonconsent. Hes too young and foolish to be able to give informed consent. She's an abuser.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Good premise.

But sex is rushed.

Nothing about her breasts, nipples, ass. At least she could have teased him with them.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To "yourcybersub" don't quit your day job.

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