Newfound Love Ch. 06

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Marcus and Octavia, the conclusion.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 02/26/2006
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One year later....

Marcus Ross tugged his black rolling suitcase behind him as he trudged through the airport. A long sigh escaped as he thought of the fact that he had less than two days to get ready for the conference, the same national conference where he met Octavia the year before.

This year, he was presenting on his research on a new prescription drug that seemed to lower the incidence of hallucinations in the schizophrenic population without the usual side effects. He hadn't developed the drug, but he had noticed the results and decided to join the study being conducted by the pharmaceutical company.

Usually, he tried to stay away from things like that, but Octavia coerced him to at least take a chance. And now, here he was, at the forefront of his field, presenting to his peers. There was only on thing missing, the reason for his moping and his frequent sighs.

He looked down at his phone and quickly texted Octavia to let her know that he had arrived. She wouldn't be there until right before the conference started and he missed her already.

Marcus recalled how empty he felt a year ago when Octavia boarded her plane, leaving him standing at the big window in the airport, staring out as her plane backed up and began to taxi. He couldn't pull himself away from the window for some reason and he realized how much Octavia had changed him in the brief time that they had been together. He knew that he had to get to her as soon as he could at that moment.

But now, he felt as if he had left part of himself behind and it was definitely worse. Marcus couldn't believe how much Octavia had wormed her way into his life and made him almost desperate for her presence. He had never felt so...needy. But, then again, Octavia was a wonderful and amazing woman.

Marcus took the airport's shuttle to the hotel that housed the conference. He stared blankly out of the window, noticing how close the hotel was to the airport. Good. That meant that he wouldn't have to wait long for his princess when she finally arrived. He tugged his large, black suitcase behind him as he entered the hotel and smiled his first genuine smile since he arrived in the city.

His hand lifted and returned the wave he assumed was meant for him. "Carl!"

Carl Bergman lowered his hand and strode over to Marcus. "Marcus, it's been a while. I haven't seen you in almost six months. I thought we were friends."

A hearty chuckle was Marcus' response before he replied, "Well, it's not my fault that you're projecting your feelings onto me. You've got to watch that."

Carl shook his head, his short blond hair shifting slightly. "You better watch yourself, old man. So, where's that lovely young lady of yours? Did she finally get enough of looking at your ugly mug?"

"Very funny. She had a doctor's appointment today. But, she should be here by tomorrow evening."

"I didn't think she'd stay away for long. Or should I say, I didn't think you'd let her out of your sight for long."

Another smile played across Marcus's lips. "You see it too, huh?"

"Who wouldn't? You two are so obviously in love and I don't see either of you wanting to be apart from each other for very long. I applaud you, Marcus. You found the type of love that many of us, myself included, have been searching for."

"It'll happen for you, Carl. Probably as soon as you stop looking for it."

Carl shrugged and turned to follow Marcus to the counter so that he could check in. As Marcus handed the young woman behind the counter his credit card, he noticed that he had an admirer. Susan, another woman that he had met at the conference last year, sat in the one of the comfortable lobby chairs, practically undressing him with her eyes while she pretended to read a newspaper. Unfortunately for Susan, she was too late. He had already found his princess and there was no way he was going to mess that relationship up.

Marcus turned his attention back to the desk clerk, who was handing him his key card for his room, and smiled. "Thank you."

Marcus invited Carl up to his room to catch up, but Carl was waiting on someone who was flying in to meet him. So, they agreed to go out to dinner later that night and get a couple of drinks at the hotel bar afterwards.

Marcus made his way up to his room on the 12th floor, the floor that he requested specifically because it was one that meant a lot to him and Octavia both. He keyed into his room and unpacked his suits and Octavia's casual conference wear. Marcus had insisted that he take as much of her stuff as she was willing to part with so that she would only have to deal with a carry-on bag when she came the next day.

He smiled as he pulled Octavia's peach skirt from the bag. That skirt had him hard from the moment he saw her in it and he was glad she brought it back to the conference. He had just finished hanging up their clothing in the closet, when his cell phone rang. He looked at the faceplate and once he registered the name that flashed, Marcus snatched the phone of the desk and answered it.

"What are you wearing, princess?" Marcus murmured softly into the phone.

"Oh, so you're in one of those moods, huh?" Octavia giggled.

"Maybe. Depends on what you're wearing."

"Well, right now, I'm in one of those blue paper gowns they like to make you wear at the doctor's office sometimes, so I think that what you're planning will have to wait a bit longer."

Marcus could have laughed. For all his disappointment at not being able to have fun with his princess, his cock was still as hard as it had been when he first heard Octavia's soft voice. "Really?"

"Yes, really. But later tonight, I'm all yours."

Octavia felt shivers all through her spine as Marcus' deep chuckle permeated her senses. She could barely believe that he was hers and any time their talk became sexual, she couldn't help but get wet. It would be a bit embarrassing when the doctor walked in and noticed the big wet spot spreading along her gown, but it was probably worth it for a chance to talk to Marcus just for a minute.

"Well, tonight, I won't disappoint you, princess. Call me when you're done and let me know how it went."

"I will, love. Now, let me go. If they come in and I'm on the phone, the doctor will rip me a new one again. Dr. Cho is no joke when it comes to cell phones around his equipment."

Marcus laughed. "I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the good doctor."

"No, you wouldn't, because I would take it out on you the next time I saw your handsome ass."

"I love you, Octavia."

"Love you too, Mr. Ross. Take care and I'll see you soon."

"Not soon enough," Marcus added before saying his goodbyes and hanging up the phone.

He finished unpacking and sat down at his laptop to work on his presentation. It was almost seven before he tore himself away from editing his work. Peeling himself out of the chair that he had occupied for the better part of four hours was a chore, but he made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower nonetheless. It was almost time to meet Carl and his friend for dinner.

He walked into the hotel's restaurant, taking in the bright colors of the upholstery paired with the deep mahogany woodwork, creating an atmosphere that was comfortable and interesting. He was directed to the table where Carl sat, his eyes devouring the woman who sat next to him.

He watched silently as Carl's hand caressed the woman's face, holding her face while his finger stroked across her bottom lip. Marcus felt bad about intruding, but he was intrigued. Carl hadn't said anything about a lady friend, but there he was, sitting with a woman, looking positively smitten.

Marcus walked over and cleared his throat. He watched, amused as Carl yanked his hand back from the woman's face and finally acknowledged his presence.

"Fuck, Marcus, you scared me," Carl huffed, sitting back in his chair and motioning for Marcus to sit in the one across from him.

"Sorry about that. Did you forget that I was coming?"

Carl shook his head and smiled.

Marcus took a moment to look at Carl's lady friend. His eyes swept over her warm brown eyes, her caramel toned skin and the huge grin on her round face. That was as far as he got before the realization of who he was sitting across from hit him full force.

"Olivia! What are you doing here?!" Marcus exclaimed quietly, trying not to cause a scene in the cozy restaurant.

"Marcus, I haven't seen you in so long and I don't get a hello or a hug? What good are you?" Olivia answered, her tone teasing.

Marcus frowned slightly before getting up and giving Octavia's older sister a hug. He knew that he wasn't getting any answers until he gave in. After he released her, his questioning continued. "Liv, it's so good to see you. What brings you here to Seattle?"

Olivia smiled. "Well, I've always wanted to see Seattle. I've heard nothing but good things about it. But, I guess Carl is the main reason I'm here. You and Octavia are just the cherry on top."

Marcus couldn't shake his disbelief. "You and Carl? When? Where? How?"

"You know very well that we met when Octavia and I came up to visit you in Chicago. Remember? You brought him along to run interference so you could make your move on my baby sister. Little did you know, you were actually setting me up with a wonderful man that I simply adore."

Marcus barely registered the waitress that had just come up to the table. He found himself rattling off his drink order before she retreated and staring at the couple that sat before him. The pair had gone back to gazing at each other lovingly.

He was about to continue giving Olivia the third degree, but suddenly a soft pair of hands covered his eyes. His first reaction was one of joy, because his heart was nearly bursting out of his chest at the prospect of Octavia surprising him and coming in early. The voice that accompanied the hands, however, depressed him.

"Guess who?" a sultry voice cooed into his ear.

"Susan," Marcus answered, deadpan.

She took her hands away from his face and Marcus turned to regard her. She was wearing a red, scoop neck dress that allowed him a clear view into her deep cleavage. His eyes shot upward, to Susan's face, and he couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking.

"Marcus," her voice was a soft purr, "I haven't had a chance to catch up to you yet. Do you mind if I join you and your friends?"

Marcus' eyes searched for help in the faces of Carl and Olivia. Before either of them could form an answer, Susan sat in the seat next to Marcus at the table. Olivia grimaced and looked like she was about to give Susan a piece of her mind, but was distracted by Carl's sudden intake of breath. She looked at him before noticing what he was looking at.

Susan smiled sweetly at Marcus. "So, I know Carl, but you haven't introduced me to your...friend."

Marcus almost wanted to laugh. This was going to be amusing. "This lovely young lady is my sister-in-law, Olivia Davis. Olivia, this is Susan Hall. She's a psychologist that I met last year at the same conference that I met your sister."

Olivia's grin spoke volumes. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Susan."

"Sister-in-law?" Susan's soft voice matched her stunned expression. Marcus had been a total bachelor last year, swearing off commitment and only willing to get involved with women who knew it was a one-time thing. Now he was married? And to a woman that he met at that same conference that she had made her first moves on him. It was a blow to Susan's ego, that was for sure.

Olivia leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and her head in her palms. It was clear that she was enjoying Susan's discomfort and perplexed expression. "Oh yes, you haven't heard the story? Marcus met my sister last year and was so taken with her that he flew into Minnesota a week later to see her. He impressed our mom within the first five minutes of being there and even went so far as to ask for permission to marry Octavia. My mom gave him permission to date her, but told him he'd have to come back to get her okay on a marriage.

They flew back and forth every weekend for a month before Marcus finally convinced Octavia to move to Chicago with him. Five months after that, they were at the alter, with my mom's consent, of course. It was one of the most beautiful ceremonies and Carl sure cut a handsome figure in his tux. I was so happy to be a part of it."

Susan's mouth gaped open slightly as she listened to Olivia's quick run down of Marcus' whirlwind love life. She didn't know what to do, whether to get up and walk off or to stay and actually pretend that she wanted to catch up with Marcus. The decision was made, however, when she heard Olivia's next words.

"Oh, and there's my sister now."

Marcus swiveled in his chair and the moment his eyes landed on his beautiful wife, with her long legs and softly rounded belly, Susan was forgotten, as was everyone else at the table. Marcus rose and walked over to Octavia, picking her up and hugging her close. Susan's attention was pulled from the newlyweds by Olivia's voice, imparting one last piece of news.

"Did you know that my sister is almost 5 months pregnant with Marcus' first child? They are both so happy and Octavia positively glows."

Olivia watched as the rest of the color faded from Susan's face. The deeply embarrassed woman quickly rose and rushed toward the exit.

"Liv, you are evil," Carl murmured in her ear, nipping it lightly.

She giggled. "I don't get to be evil enough with Madison around. It's hard being a responsible mother. I have to make the most of the opportunities that are presented to me."

Carl laughed, his joy from no longer having to hide their relationship combined with the hilarity of the Susan situation causing his shoulders to shake almost violently.

"What's so funny, Carl?" Octavia asked as Marcus pulled out her chair for her.

"Your sister was just running off some poor woman that made the mistake of thinking that your husband was attractive," Carl answered after he pulled himself together and wiped the tears that were streaming down his face.

"Good. Someone's got to be on floozy watch while I'm away."

They shared a laugh before settling in for dinner. The conversation flowed and when it was time, they went their separate ways. Marcus escorted Octavia to their room, remembering their first elevator ride together. He had no idea then that he would be where he was at that moment, married to the woman of his dreams, the one who understood him and made him feel like everyday was a blessing. He was going to be a father, another thing that had seemed impossible just a year before. It seemed that his life was finally falling into place.

They entered their room and Marcus immediately pounced. He laid Octavia on the bed and loved her as gently as he could manage. It had been a while since he had a chance to make love to her and he needed to feel that connection once more. He loved the way she gave one hundred percent of herself during their intimate moments and held nothing back. Every inch of her body was his and she gladly gave it to him. He, in return, was careful with her gifts and gave of himself just as completely, something he hadn't been able to do with his first wife.

As they laid in the bed together, Marcus held Octavia, her belly pressing into his side and her head pillowed on his chest. He listened to her breathe for a while longer before he started to speak.

"Princess, what did the doctor say? Are we having a boy or a girl?"

"You, Marcus Ross, are the proud father of a beautiful baby boy."

"A boy!"

"Yes, a boy. Your prayers have been answered," Octavia joked. She knew how important it was to Marcus to have a boy, someone to carry on the family name. She was just happy that she could provide him with the son that he had been hoping for.

"Oh, princess, you know I would have loved a little girl too. In fact, after our son is born, why don't we get started on a sister for him?"

"We can do that if you're the one who's going to carry her around for nine more months. If not, you're going to have to give me a year or two."

"Well, I guess I can wait that long," Marcus replied with a pout.

"I guess you'll have to if you want me to stick around."

Wrapping his arms around the woman that he adored more and more each day, the woman who was pregnant with a gift more precious than gold or jewels, Marcus smiled. He dipped his head and placed a kiss on top of Octavia's head.

"Princess, I want you to stick around forever. You're mine and since the moment I found you, I knew that my life would never be the same. I was right. You've made me a better man. I can truly live when I'm with you and I never intend to give that up. Sorry, princess, but you're stuck with me."

Octavia grinned. "I can live with that."

"You'll have to, because I don't think I could ever let you go."

The End

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MtRseMan99MtRseMan995 months ago

Very nice love story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you

I love this story. Can you write about the sister and best friend?

KittyOh48KittyOh48over 9 years ago
Simply Beautiful!

That story was heartfelt, and passionate, just wonderful! I love the fact that he was so honest about his shortcomings, and took responsibility his part of his marriage failing. But more than that, he was willing to explore love again.

Simply Beautiful!

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 10 years ago

I loved how Olivia ran off Susan. That was hilarious!

I also loved how they got married, although I think I would have enjoyed reading about those details in an extra chapter previous to this one. ;)

chocolatesistachocolatesistaabout 10 years ago
loved it

What a beautiful story!

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 11 years ago
That was awesome!!!

Marcus was most certainly a keeper and that makes Octavia the keeper of his heart. I gice this story two thumbs up!!

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Mighty fine and cute tooooooooooooooooooooooo

So glad my dude was finally bad life can't imitate art.

KittyOh48KittyOh48almost 13 years ago
A very sweet love story

A love story from the first sentence to the last! I loved this makes me wish for a love like that!

katiebellkatiebellabout 14 years ago
Great read

Hi - I'm new to this site but wanted to take a moment to say how much I loved this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
A Sweet Romantic Tale

This was a sweet romantic tale of two smart but hesitant people acting on their instant mutual attraction. No chaos. No drama. Just a wonderful happy ending. A truly enjoyable read. ~Bluegardenia

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I so love beautifully sweet IR stories with happy endings. I look forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

What a sweet story. I really liked it

mekakymekakyover 15 years ago

love it, great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I love a happy ending and am so glad you posted this. I love the warm fuzzy feeling. :) -wlt

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