Not Even a Big Birthday


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Now it was my turn to groan. Candy had her thumb up probing against my ass, Beth was rubbing my cock as she handed over the spoon.

Once Beth had gained possession of the spoon she was not so much inclined to hurry as she had been before. I had my back to Beth of course, so unfortunately she had no real reason to play with my cock.

'Hmmm,' she said, 'With your back to me there is not too much for me here. We must play this again.'

She raised the spoon up through my boxers and up my back, under the shirt before handing me the spoon.

'Take your time birthday boy,' she grinned.

I turned around to face her, not worrying that it tightened the string all the way along the line.

She raised her arms in the air. Her big, 38D's at a guess, stood proudly out. I knew she had no bra on as we had seen all of the girls raising their shirts a little earlier so I just pushed up her strappy top above her tits before passing the spoon down her neck. I played with her nipples, then, lowering her shirt I put the other hand under there as well. We both enjoyed the minute or two I played with her tits before I passed the spoon under her skirt's waistband and into her knickers. Holding it between my thumb and my palm left my fingers free to infiltrate her panties and push my fingers down over her shaven pudenda. I heard a cheer from the other team. Was it something I had done? No it appears they had finished, and won?

Personally, I thought I was still winning. My fingers were getting wet and sticky as they burrowed through her slit. I raised the back of her skirt with my other hand and ran my fingers through her arse-crack to reach the other end of the spoon. I teased her anus a little until I heard her moan before starting to pull the string through, and then up her back. I was really sorry to sight the spoon coming up to her neck clutched in my fingers. I started to pull the string through. There was a lot of it and suddenly I started hearing moans and groans from behind me. Eventually I felt it myself, those damned little loops that Beth had tied working their way through our moist slits. Uncomfortable for me, fun for the girls I wondered?

By now we were getting a slow handclap from the other team.

'Well,' said Karen, 'You took your time. We even had time to refresh our drinks. 'You lose that game, take off an article of clothing.'

I saw that no-one was going to argue so I decided to take off my trousers, they were only in the way for playing twister anyway. I saw Candy reach for her second stocking.

Above the noise yet again we heard Jana's raised voice. 'It is a strange party Rose, isn't it? I thought these people were Karen's friends but it appears not.'

Even Rose wasn't sure what she was getting at this time. Everyone stopped and waited for Jana to continue. My trousers were at half-mast.

'You can see that her husband loves her but you would have thought all her girlfriends on the losing team would have taken off their panties in sympathy, wouldn't you.'

That was the clue for us men to cheer and chant 'Yes, Take 'em off, Take 'em off.'

I would have thought both Beth and Candy would have been delighted to take them off to get a little air to their fevered sticky slots.

The girls quickly shimmied them down.

Back in the kitchen we tossed off a couple of shots, not that the girls needed much warming up now. As we stood chatting with a drink in our hand, I noticed all the boys had a hand under one skirt or another, and none of them funnily enough standing next to their wife.

I thought it was time that a few clothes started disappearing so took the next game into my own hands. 'Next game,' I said. 'Using those dice you had earlier, we will throw the girls dice 6 times and the boys four, but this time, thank you, I only want the same odds as the rest of the boys so ones and sixes are rerolled. If your number is called you have to have one article of clothing removed. We will throw the dice to see who gets the pleasure of removing it. Okay?'

We stood in a rough circle and I rolled a 2. Jana. About time I thought. At last the noisy one loses an item of clothing. I know I didn't have to choose the item as my wife shouted, 'Yeah motormouth, someone take off her panties.' Karen was definitely showing signs of the tequila shots. I rolled a 3 and Paul stepped forward to do the honours. Ever the gentleman, he just raised his hand up under her skirt and started to lower them.

'Boooo,' cried Karen, 'Show us her puss as you do it.'

Ever the obliging guest, he said, 'What like this,' and pulled both sides up past her waist to cheers. Her matching black panties, stockings and suspender belt were beautifully on display. What was interesting was that she had put on her panties first, under her suspender belt. He tucked the hem of her skirt up in her belt and tried to pull her panties down, and off.

'Oh no,' he said. 'I am going to have to undo these straps in order to get your panties down. This could take a while.'

I heard cries of 'Beautiful,' from Jim. And surely it was. Jana had the grace to look a little embarrassed as he slowly undid the four straps while her panties were still at half mast, just over the tops of her stockings. He turned her around so that he could do them all up again. That way he knew we all got a good view.

I thought I should roll for one of the guys, so I threw a three, for Paul again, and then a four for Candy.

The girls all shouted 'Trousers, trousers,' so Paul surrendered them to Candy who ran her hands over the bulge in his boxers as she kissed his cheek and said 'Thank you.'

It had already been the norm that girls would lose their panties, if they had any, and the guys their trousers.

Jana was quick to lose her skirt as well, so was actually the first of us to lose all the important clothes on the lower half of her body and be semi naked in front of us. She didn't seem to care and took it in good part with no word of complaint.

After that, in the spirit of keeping the game moving along, I was able to throw the dice while everyone was watching the previous disrobement. This way nobody noticed that I called the person I wanted, spreading the pain around. I soon had all the guys joining me in losing their trousers and all the girls had lost their skirts and panties.

That seemed like a suitable time for refreshment and a pee-break so we congregated around the drinks again. We seemed to lose all the girls at one time, and assumed that they were all going off to the toilet together as they do in nightclubs. What we didn't realise that they had a hatched a little plan while they were out. I heard Karen shout. 'Right, clap your hands if you want to see more clothes come off.'

Wow, I thought, really getting in the mood. Of course, the four of us guys started clapping and in a synchronised movement four of the girls pulled off our boxers to cheers.

We had to laugh, it was actually quite fun every one of us standing around naked to the waist. It was actually amazing how all of a sudden those hidden breasts became targets. Instead of slipping our hands under their skirts to grope a bum we were now playing with their tits.

It was inevitable that Jana and Rose at some stage pulled Karen to one side to talk about the next game. I saw them talking and wondered whether I could pre-empt them, but as Karen went bustling off to find something Jana started to lay out the rules.

'Right next game.' She slowly started waffling about how much fun this would be but that she and Rose would be disadvantaged. I was looking forward to Rose getting disadvantaged so I could get my hands on her. I had hardly touched her so far.

Karen held up a sheet with four holes cut in it. She taped it to the sides of the open double doors between the rooms. 'Right guys, stick your cocks and balls through these holes and we will see if your wives recognise them.'

Subtle I thought but W T F. I had drank a lot tequila. I was more worried about not staying hard, which was the way I assumed they would want us. It was and they made sure we got hard, if we were not already. Our cocks were rubbed, kissed, sucked and fondled. There was no chance of any of them going down.

Eventually each of the four wives got a guess, and surprise, surprise, they were right.

Back to the drinks and logically the next game. We guys said that the one thing we had not seen for hours were tits therefore that was the next game. The same sheet but with holes cut higher for their breasts. Candy was easy, and Karen who had the next largest also fairly easy. We all thought Rose would have the smallest but embarrassingly got her and Beth confused. The remaining pairs of Jana and Suzy were relatively easy, not because of their busts but where they appeared as Jana was a good six inches taller than Suzy.

Because we got two wrong the girls made us take our shirts off now so the four of us were naked.

I asked if they would line up facing the wall, bend over and stick their bottoms out. They did so. I was amazed, there seemed to be no limits to what they would do. I quickly took a tea towel and got Laurie to blindfold me.

'I will tell you which one is Karen,' I bragged.

In the few seconds while I was getting the tea towel organised, I had to time to narrow it down to four. Candy and Jana both had landing strips. I knew Karen had a tight pair of labia. When lying with her legs together there was no sign of any lips or clitoris poking through. I thought I had a chance. I also assumed that she may be a little wetter than the others as she had removed her panties before the other girls.

Let's face, even if I was wrong, I was going to have fun finding out.

I heard the girls arranging themselves along the wall and Laurie led me forward. I stretched out my arm and felt heaven beckoning. I could smell the arousal. I guess being blindfolded made my other senses more aware.

Laurie pushed my hand towards number one. I felt my index finger immerse itself in a hot wet bath. That was exactly how it felt. 'This must be Karen,' I thought but ran my hands over the buttocks. Fleshy. My right hand eased it's way over the anus, I could feel it tightening as I probed, through the lips, over the clit and, just as I touched just a couple of pubic hairs, a hand pushed me back. I realised it had to be Candy or Jana. She was so lush and I had felt this one before. This was Candy.

'Sorry Candy,' I guessed. 'I didn't mean to stray.'

She gasped. I think I got it right.

I started to ease back, dragging my fingers through the moisture. I slipped a couple of fingers quickly inside, just for a few seconds. I wondered how closely the girls would be watching. I knew the men would be. As I had already guessed I really shouldn't have needed any more exploration.

I moved my hand right to find the next bottom. Small, tight buttocks. A couple of inches lower than Candy. Rose was the smallest, but Beth wasn't much bigger. Again, the rosebud tightened as I dragged my thumb over it. My right hand cupped her labia, tight, no clit popping through but big string lips. Too short for Karen I thought, worried about calling the wrong girl Karen. As I cupped my hand I realised I had felt these lips before. There just a hint of a mole on the thigh just below the big strong lips. Beth, who had been beside me for the string game. I pushed my thumb inside her.

'I recognise these beautiful lips Beth.' Another gasp. Two strikes.

I moved along. Buttocks at the same height. Thin lipped, but with such a hard little jutting clitoris. Completely new to me, but very welcoming. Hotter then hell. No hell was the wrong comparison, hotter than a sauna. My cock felt like it was about to burst. I longed to sink it deep. I knew I shouldn't as I knew it wasn't Karen.

I played with her clit for a moment or two trying to elicit a noise, a moan or a groan, but nothing but a little wriggle. I am sure that was .... 'Rose, delightful.' I got my noise, another gasp of acknowledgement.

Three down, three to go and I was fairly sure I would spot Jana. Rather than start at the buttocks and work forward I decided to try to find the landing strip so cupped my hand strongly around the labia. My fingers touched a little fur and quickly eased down. Jana.

'Mmm.' I murmured as if unsure. I spent some time playing with both her rosebud and vaginal tunnel. I had two fingers wriggling beautifully when I heard a whispering from my right where the two untouched girls were standing. They were switching around before I got there. Why would one of them ask to move? It had to be Karen, right, moving to last place I felt. If I had been right so far there was only Karen and Suzy left.

Time to move. 'Thank you, Jana,' I kissed a buttock as I moved to my right to hear the almost obligatory gasp, this time getting an echo from my far right. Had to be Karen surely wondering how I am guessing.

This was going to be the difficult one, Karen was taller, certainly longer legs, but both girls were the same sort of build. I made the requisite moves but was already sure in my own mind that this was Suzy, hot wet and fun, she wriggled a lot, especially when my fingers were inside her, facing down. G-spot?

I didn't make a guess just moved to the last one. Karen, I thought, unless........ I briefly wondered if they had been sneaky and one had moved around to go again. I dismissed this idea. I had heard no other signs of movement. I thought they were all still leaning against the wall. I felt this last one, yes tightish, smallish lips no hanging flesh. It felt like home.

I leaned forward and pushed my cock straight up inside her. 'Karen, I hope, and the last one would have been Suzy.'

I pushed a few more times and I felt Laurie behind me pull off the blindfold. Yesss, it was Karen I was in.

'Damn,' I heard Suzy beside me. 'Why did I change places? That could have been me.' Everyone laughed. I think she was serious. I hoped she was serious.

Between moans I heard Karen say. 'How did you do that? I need a word with you at some stage.'

Just in case she was serious I said to the others, 'Come on girls, alibi me. First time right?' I thought I wouldn't mention the string game.

I needed a drink so pulled out to more groans. I felt Suzy fondling me as I stood there, before bending and licking some juices from it as if mesmerised.

As we strolled back towards the kitchen they were all discussing my prowess. I wondered whether I would have been able to do it on taste. Maybe next time I hoped.

We had another drink. It was getting late. I hoped that the girls hadn't noticed. Could it get any better?

It was Jana, the tour guide, as I began to think of her, who came up with another game.

'Well that was a bit one sided, eh. What about one where rather more of us all get to partake? I can use these dice for a sort of dare, a k a, seven in heaven sort of game. We take it in turn to throw the dice. The first gives us the deed, say a kiss or a fondle, the second says who else gets involved, the third what part of the body is involved and the fourth how long it may last. For example if you throw the four coloured dice and get Red 1 Blue 2 Yellow 1 and Green 2, you will have to kiss, -red, the person of your choice, -blue, on the face, -yellow, 30 seconds, -green.'

'Ooookay,' said Karen.'

Beth said, 'And what would happen if I throw 5, 6, 5, 6.'

'Mmm, let me think,' smirked Jana. 'You would have to accept a dare, specified by the rest of us, with a random member of the opposite sex on another roll of the dice, pertaining to the genital area, out of the room for as long as you like.'

'Woah,' I heard from one or two places around the room.

Candy and Beth decided they needed to use the toilet. We continued to socialise with another drink. I noticed that both the girls had a word with their husbands as they returned.

It was Candy who spoke first. 'Look folks, I have had a wonderful time, and I can tell by the way that he is dribbling, so has Laurie. Before we go to this next step, which I think we can all see is going to be even more raunchy, I need to have a long talk with him. It is nearly two o'clock, so we are going to say goodbye and thank you, and, if I may just slightly pre-empt my conversation with Laurie, I would love to come back for the next party. And be a little better prepared, a little less surprised.'

'Yes,' said Beth. 'That goes for us too. Same conversations. In fact. we will probably have had them by the time we reach the end of your drive. But if I may speak for myself, I need more than the fingering I just received from Dave, and I need it very quickly. So I am going home for it. Thank you. Lovely evening.'

Whether Suzy felt she had to follow the others, or whether she actually agreed I will never know but she did add, 'Good idea girls. Much better to talk before rather than after. All I will say is that if I hear you two girls have been down here again and we are not invited in, I will want to know why.'

I could see that there was no way they were all not about to leave so I thought I had better make my small birthday speech.

'Thank you all so much for coming.'

That of course met various calls of, 'I haven't yet,' or 'I was just about to.'

'I can honestly say it has been the best birthday party I have ever had. It has also been good practice for my real birthday which is actually next month, not this one,' I lied. 'in fact, I see one coming on every month from now on.'

Loud cheers accompanied our slow meanderings towards the coat cupboard. It took a good fifteen minutes to actually say the goodbyes, with kisses and sticky fingers all round.

Jana and Rose started clearing the kitchen. 'Leave that.' I said, being masterful.

I laughed, 'You can do it in the morning.'

Karen laughed along, 'Yes leave it girls. It is time to give him our present. In the bedroom.'

I realised that the orgy I asked for was about to start.

My heart went out to my adorable wife, for organising the orgy I really wanted. But then of course I remembered that she was going to be there too. Had she organised it for herself or both of us? Who cared?

And I was only twenty-nine. What would they do for a big birthday? Like next year?

The End

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mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

* ffajaz * what kind of smoothie are you that you dare to criticize other commentators? Are you the omniscient or what title do you hold? It seems to me that something has been blown into your mind too much. Remember for the future whoever posts publicly here and allows comments does not need your help. In addition, nobody has to be an author and publish stories to comment on things according to their own rules and values. Unless you are of course D.Trump at a fake address, then you can also write such crap. But you can see in reality, you don't have to be a politician to recognize shit right away!

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

Since you can see how low the level is here, even this crap still gets positive ratings!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fun - Fun - FUN! Really!I

I got a little lost with where the spoons and strings were, but a great story concept that was well written.

I especially appreciate that it was published in Loving Wives.

Clearly not a "How to Conduct Your Relationship" manual, but perfect for an erotic fiction website .

WillingWolfWillingWolfover 3 years agoAuthor

To the Anonymous reader who contacted me direct through feedback to my email - thank you so much for an erudite explanation. Fascinating reading and i will take your advice.

Thanks WW

WillingWolfWillingWolfover 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks all. Some really helpful remarks giving me so much more insight into what is expected in LW and generally improving the story with more background etc.



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