Now!! Ch. 06


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"Let's see where she is right now with all this," David thought. He leaned over and barely grazed her lips with his.

An immediate response gave him his answer. Her mouth hungrily searched for his. Oh, yeah! She was way past ready.

Tears started to come out of Libby's eyes, not in pain, shame or fear as it should be but instead... ecstasy. This prolonged, unmerciful teasing had turned to bliss.

His response was slow, torturing, and wonderful all at the same time. Each time his lips closed around her clit and started a gentle, then more aggressive sucking, she moaned out loud. She ground herself up against his mouth; looking for everything he was offering and silently begging for more. The thumb never stopped exploring, circling, pressing her sensitive inner walls.

Then it was there. The minute, the second that David and Sue had so long anticipated. The moment Libby had so long desired.

That it was so abrupt surprised all three of them!

Her body suddenly started bouncing hard against his face and then froze in mid air. Her non stop moaning and begging came to a near scream when David recognized where she was and brutally brought her to the final peak by sucking her clit in and out so fast and hard he knew it just had to be painful, nipping it with his teeth as he did.

After all those years, after all those sensual visions of how it would be...Libby exploded into the reality of her wish. That it was with a man other than her groom was quickly washed aside in an erotic wave. That it was lurid and didn't matter at the time.

Libby didn't just have an orgasm...she blasted over the edge, alternatively grabbing his hair and pressing him into her, then beating him on the back with her flailing hands. His head stayed buried between her legs, his mouth moving in unison with the flailing movements of her body, fighting to keep contact on her clit. He removed his thumb so that he could concentrate on keeping that flailing, wet nub in his mouth.

In the melee David's mind quickly flashed back twenty-five years. It was a taste he had gotten that night then dreamed of for years and swore he would never forget. Now that it was here again, it was even sweeter than his wildest fantasies.

Sweet wasn't the word for which Libby was looking. It went well beyond that.

It was here! Finally! After all the waiting, the hoping, the promises. Rob had failed her. David had not! The time was hers and hers alone! Her response seemed so deserving.

"Fuck me, David! Lick it! Fuck me! Please, please, ple-e-ea-a-a-s-s-s-e!"

David was taken totally aback. Like her Mom, Libby was a talker!

Libby flung her head from side to side, her undulating body challenging David to stay with it. David had been there before many times. As excited and consumed as he was with the long sought surrender of the child bride he still knew that he had to keep her going, to keep her on the very edge of orgasm as they continued into the evening.

Libby didn't know it but he and Sue did. The night was just beginning!

David began to bring her down a little. He would tease her, judge her, and then tease again. He wanted her on thin ice, her body and mind so devastated that she dare not question any of his plans.

David's head came up from between her legs and slowly slid up her wet body. He had perfect timing. Putting his hands under her head, he lifted it slightly so that their lips met lightly. Libby returned as many kisses as she was receiving.

"Isn't this nice?"

She didn't answer, squirming instead under both his weight and his question. Giving in to both, she wrapped her legs around his and gave him a long kiss. Words weren't necessary.

There was regret. This was wrong. But there was no use trying to hide anything from either herself or David. The barn door had already been left open and the horses were gone.

"This is absolutely wonderful...unbelievable." She wouldn't tell him but she admitted it to herself.

"Me, too. You are fantastic." His verbal response to her silent thoughts sent a shiver through her.

"How did he know what I was thinking," she thought. It caused her to squeeze hard between her legs.

There was a moment of silence. Libby continued to search for his mouth.

"What do you want from me, David?" she wondered silently. She had passed the point of any regret and was totally open to him.

"I want you to want me." David's voice was soft.

Again, he answered her unspoken question.

"How did he do that?"

"I want you on top. I want you to take me in you. I want you to control it. I want you to want me."

Her answer was a very long, deep kiss. He stood up and gently lifted her out of the water. There was a massive lounge chair right there, folded down flat to make a small bed. He laid down on it and pulled her on top, removing his trunks and with a deft little jerk the little string on her back that got rid of her top. That was the end of clothing for either of them.

David carefully guided her on top but gave her the lead. Taking him in her hand, she suddenly realized his size. Unlike her timid mother twenty-five years before, to her he was huge but not frightful. She was accustomed to a large cock. Rob had a wonderful cock...he just wasn't satisfying her with it!

Libby had him in one hand. Moving it up and down her bald pussy to lubricate it, she finally put the head barely inside her lips. Slowly, oh so very slowly, she lowered herself. It took no time to totally fill her opening and yet she knew he had hardly penetrated her.

Determined to please, she started a very gentle rolling of her hips, both side to side and up and down. At times he would slide out and she would rub it up and down her slit again to get it wet. Each time it would bring moans from him, his sensitive head enjoying the wet ride.

Libby smiled. She knew she had control. She would show him what Libby Lee was about!

David smiled. He wanted her to think she had complete control. Then he would surprise her.

Libby had been a hostage to sexual disappointment for too long. She couldn't hold out. It quickly turned from teasing to pleasing and she enjoyed every minute of it. It didn't take long for her to say enough was enough. There had been nothing but teasing in the first few months of her newly found young sexual life. She wanted his cock!

She just did it! She pumped up and down a couple of times and shoved downward. His head jammed inside her and up her anticipating pussy. She felt absolutely stuffed as he slid in, amazed at herself for taking him like she was, feeling him fill every part of her cavity.

And the sensation it caused within her! Her eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth went wide open as she started a non-ending stream of verbal appreciation for him, letting him know how he felt inside her.

David returned her favor, letting her know how they stood.

"I'm there. All the way in." He moaned it more than spoke it. His pleasure with her was undeniable.

David spurned his tendency to grasp her ass and control the tempo. Instead, he let her take the lead. His time would come later.

It was perfect!! His decision to let her ride was sensational to Libby. His hands were almost feather light on her back.

Libby took over completely, riding that cock and kissing his mouth and nipples as they progressed. She felt like he was going deeper and deeper inside her, even more than before, and now she knew why he wanted her on top. He knew there would be a great amount of penetration this way and she had to take him as she could. Any limitations were only in her mind, not her body, and they both were aware of it.

He was so different from Rob. So wonderful. And so perfect with his words!

"Don't hurry. Make it last," he pleaded. "You are wonderful. Perfect. I want it to last forever."

"M-m-m-m-m," was her reply, loving his begging words but knowing full well they were both about to explode. And they did, within minutes.

It was wild, it was loud, and it was mutual. She had dreamed for seven years about having simultaneous orgasms like this with her husband. Maybe it was because this was all so illicit that pushed her over the edge even harder than it may have. Whatever it was, it was so fantastic, so stimulating in it's own sense it drove her even higher. She could feel him pulse hard within her, his semen squirting loads into her.

She expected him to stop. After all, he was a man. Instead, they only slowed. He stayed with her for several minutes after that first massive, mutual explosion and allowed her another light but wonderful one. During this time he reached up, took a breast in each hand, and started a gentle kneading of each sensitive nipple as she gently ground down on what she knew had to be a super sensitive cock. How was he still so hard?

"I was hoping you would come with me." His shaking, husky voice was that of appreciation. She knew he was right; they had really hit it hard together. Very hard.

"Libby?" A small groan passing his lips. He didn't have to say more.

"It's okay." It was more of a whisper, certainly with no conviction. What was she to say? The reality of what had just happened was starting to break through the ecstasy. Here she was with her Father's best friend...and obviously her Mom's lover. At the moment he was buried deep inside her, his heart beating hard against hers, their lips locked in intense passion.

There was nobody to blame but herself for that explosive orgasm that she had not just imagined. As she would look back on it later her thoughts would be mixed with regret and smoldering, erotic memories beyond words.

However, for right then, that very moment, Libby Lee couldn't get enough of that massive, vibrant hard cock. This time, this night, she wasn't going to be cheated!

The realization was slow to come but the dawning finally came through. She was rolling her hips, dipping slowly up and down on a cock that was still so hard you'd thought he hadn't come in a month.

Welcome to the world of Viagra, Libby Lee. David Elliot was going to be as hard and as willing as your awakened young pussy could take!

On the second floor Sue was thinking the same thing. Her eyes were practically closed as she gingerly stroked her clit. Just minutes before she had exploded in a second orgasm at the precise time that the child bride exploded on her husband's rigid cock. It wasn't just watching that turned her on so. It was the unknown; the little bit of teasing that so often enhanced the actual event.

What were they saying to each other? Where was their conversation going?

She would only know what David would later divulge.

David was biding his time, waiting calmly for what he knew would be the finale. He had given her the lead, let her control her passage to becoming a complete woman. But he knew it couldn't last forever. Even in this erotic stupor Libby was going to question, was going to wonder about Sue.

But first things first. Libby had made love with him. She had exploded in her first uncontrollable orgasms of which he knew there would be many.

Now, Mrs. Lee was about to be fucked! He wanted to take her to a level that would forever be her benchmark of pleasure. Take her down an erotic path that hopefully would beacon her from that day on. Anything else she did would always produce a silver medal at best, not the gold she found with him.

This time there would be no conversation. No teasing. No words of gratitude from him.

David lifted himself slightly, enough to manipulate Libby until he rolled her over on her back and he mounted on top of her. In mere seconds, a surprised Libby Lee found herself under him and felt his full weight.

He couldn't miss the surprise on her face. Or the question mark!

He answered.

"Libby, this is what you really came here for."

Ignoring the open-eyed expression on her face he rose to his knees and slid her legs wide. After settling his body a little he stared her directly in her face while he silently brought her legs up and over his shoulders. She was bent back like a question mark, most of their weight being supported by her shoulders buried on the mat.

Sue slowly brought the binoculars to her eyes. Her hands were shaking so bad it was almost useless. This was the moment she had been waiting far. The princess was about to become a slave.

David leaned forward over Libby, brushed her lips one time with his, and slowly settled the massive head of his hard staff against her exhausted pussy.

Libby recognized, acknowledged and then bellowed an unladylike sound that was a cross between a scream and a laugh.

When Sue heard her all the way up from her lofty perch she had to smile.

"Welcome to the Elliot family, Libby." she smirked.

David Elliot had abruptly dropped straight down on Libby, burying his cock to the very hilt without so much as a nudge or a thank you!

Libby had reacted, both with her mouth and her body. Her scream could escape...her violated pussy could not!

It didn't stop there. David had only started.

First it was the grinding, pressing down as hard as he could and circling his ass on her. Then the strokes...long, hard and unforgiving.

For Libby, first the surprise. Then the pain. Then the discomfort.

It was amazing how fast she could go through those emotions in such a short time before setting in on just one other.

David's erotic domination!

Libby was instantly lifted into another world, one that she would have denied existed had she been told instead of experienced.

She couldn't come. She couldn't stop coming. She mouthed obscenities, she openly begged Rob for forgiveness, she cried for more. She couldn't understand how he could come and then do it again.

David fucked hard. He gave no quarter...allowed no excuses.

In the middle of the pounding Libby forgave her mother. No wonder Mom had stayed under David's influence. Surely this was not something a girl could get from a man and then just walk away.

Finally, Libby just begged. She couldn't go any further. Her depleted body, her wrecked pussy, her devastated senses...there was nothing left.

David didn't share her pitiful plight. ignoring her pleas for another fifteen minutes until it was he, not Libby, that couldn't go further. During that time the depleted Libby had exploded again, crushing the notion that there was nothing left.

He lay still on her for a few minutes in a mutually tight embrace, neither speaking.

Slowly, she felt his cock begin to react, to gain strength once again. She wondered how much longer could it possibly go on? Was it possible that David could recover only to start all over again?

Her savior was her cell phone. Rob was home. Where was she?

Libby quickly put herself together as well as she could. It was amazing that Sue should arrive just as she was leaving.

"It was a great party, Sue! Thanks so much!"

"Oh, I hope so, Libby. Now you come back and bring that hunk of a husband with you. In tiny trunks!!!" Laugh out loud!

David waved. Sue hugged...real close!

Libby walked out with uneasy legs. Now she knew how Heather felt when she walked with that "I've just been fucked" wobble. What a fantastic, earth shattering sensation!!

But for now there were other things for Libby to think about.

Libby had a husband waiting. One that she loved very much. Thoughts, flashed across her mind.

How was she to resolve her home problems? How could she ignore the deal with David and her mom?

How difficult was it going to be to distance herself from the Elliots? What happened tonight was to never happen again. Never!!

As she thought it her hips were slightly moving, forcing a sensitive pussy to rub on the seat.

She glanced down at the passenger seat of her car. There was a small, unwrapped box lying on it. Somebody had put in her unlocked car while it was parked at the Elliot's. Maybe her Mother?

Traffic was light. She turned on her interior lamps and slid the top off.

There was no protective tissue. No niceties.

She lifted it out.

Leather! Lots of it. Deep red, very soft.

Fashioned like a teddy, cut low to the navel in front and like a thong in the back.

There was more. Sexy black stockings. Shiny tall, tall spiked black high heels.

Wait. Something in the bottom. Something else!

My God!

A small leather whip. She smiled and slapped her leg. Ouch! It wasn't a toy. That could hurt!!

And a note. Hand written and to the point. From Sue.

"Libby, are you a woman or a little girl?"

Libby drove on. She thought about the evening.

Just the thoughts almost made her come.

As she pulled in her driveway she looked at the note again and mentally nodded to herself.

Sue was right!

She had a husband in there. One who was handsome, vibrant and with a fantastic cock.

Exhausted pussy or not, she was going to have him tonight and she wasn't going to allow him to stop until he totally satisfy her.


The End.

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mfj77mfj777 months ago

The writing was great - 5. The story itself was horrible -1. This is a story of 2 predators - Elliot and Sue. These are the type demons I would fear the most - devils in sheep's clothing. And Roslyn never teaching her husband how to satisfy her is truly sad. Not sure where Libby will wind up. Not much to say about willing cuckold and voyeur Glenn. Would be interesting if some other authors took up the mantle to continue the story. Lots of directions it could take.

Too bad this author disappeared after writing this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Only one comment:

David needs to die, and the more painfully the better.

The man's a fucking predator.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I read plenty in my everyday life. With each item I choose to take on there is a gratification even if it is negative reinforcement. Your story was wonderful in the most positive of ways. I enjoy adult literature for mental stimulation. Thanks for putting this together for us.


TwentysevenTwentysevenover 8 years ago

Why does this story make me feel unclean?

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
if you could see where this couple is coming from

I fear for your marriage, you better tell you husband before he is raising another man's child unless of course that's what he wants.

PattyMariePattyMarieover 13 years ago
Erotica is what this site is all about.

Erotica is what this site is all about and this was one erotic story. If we're looking for reality... OK, not so realistic, but great stuff. The question is which character did the reader identify with? I could identify with a couple. Great work Keep writing.

norcal62norcal62over 13 years ago
Disappointing to read about supposedly intelligent people

who continue in ignorance today. Where was the mutual sharing and communication from before a wedding and the unrealistic expectations? It's similar to other LW authors using drinking and drunkenness as easy excuses for unfaithfulness or abuse between a couple. Stupidity hurts.

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