Oedipus Spanks


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I may not have experienced an orgasm of my own, but whatever Mom had had, it transcended her own body and seeped into mine. Spiritually, emotionally, I had finally experienced part of a female orgasm. My whole body was quivering. And I positively glowed from the inside out, contented like never before.

We called it a day for today. Mom couldn't take anymore. She wasn't likely to derive any sexual pleasure from playing games for the rest of the day, so we just enjoyed the day as mother and son as we boated about Loch Ness, on the lookout for a monster.

We had a good day. A real good day. One for the history books. And whether we were out on deck, or inside the cabin, we were real close, continuously touching, barely letting go of one another for an instant; toilet breaks, the only exception.

As night fell and we moored up on the north side, we had a few drinks and fell asleep, fully clothed, in each other's arms, in the saloon at the dinette.


Chapter 16

For the second morning in succession, my son and I were awakened together.


My son kissed me on my cheek. I brushed him away.

"George? Is that you? The reception's terrible."

When my son realised it was his father on the telephone, he straightened himself up and shuffled over in the seat. I had to smile. We had gone beyond what any mother and son should, but I had no regrets. My new relationship with my son had become an intrinsic part of my life that I wasn't about to give up without a fight. George filled me in on his last few days and checked that we were both okay.

"Yes honey. I'll tell him. George? George?"

"Tell him what Mom?"

I smiled at my boy and kissed him on his cheek as way of apology for brushing him aside. "Your father said he wants you to take extra special care of me."

The look in my boy's eyes was priceless. And we were thinking the exact same thing.

"You're looking a little overdressed this morning Mom. Or is it underdressed?" he asked, swirling my slave collar around in his hand.

"Can I at least have some breakfast first?"

"Hmn, I don't know Mom. I'm thinking not."

"Babes, please. I'll play, I will, but let me get cleaned up first, washed and made up."

"Sorry Mom. On with the collar, off with the clothes."

The little bugger. I loved him. A minute later, I was naked and collared. And already I was feeling excitement sweep all over my body.

"Can I please put on my make up Master?"

"No slave. You may not. You're too beautiful just as you are. Permission denied."

"Yes Master." He said the sweetest things. And I guess, if I was going to be chained to the inside of the boat today, it didn't really matter. No one was going to see me. Or were they? I just had to wonder about what my son had in store for me today.

Once again, he left me alone in the boat while he went searching for a shop on the quieter, north side of Loch Ness, but this time, I wasn't on public display, much to my chagrin.

When he returned about half an hour later, he was terribly excited. He had a newspaper and a pint of milk, but he also had an idea in his head. He relieved me of my slave status temporarily as he filled me in on his plan – and I nearly wet myself. He was trying to get me to use up all my safe words, I just knew he was.

"I didn't see anyone on my way there. I didn't see anyone on my way back. When I got there, I had to wake the woman up. She was asleep with her knitting on her lap. Mom ... if you're ever going to be naked in public, this is as easy as it's ever going to get."

I can't really describe what I was feeling. I think if I had to choose just one word, it would be trepidation. But that would do a disservice to all the other words I was feeling too. I wanted to do it. And even though I was scared to death, I was thrilled by the sense of danger and the capacity for it all to go horribly wrong somewhere along the way. I was going to do it.

My son gave me the choice as his mother, not as his slave. My acceptance of the collar was to be my acceptance of his plan.

Shortly afterwards, we stepped out of the boat, my son locking up. I stepped onto dry land completely in the buff. Except for my collar, my leash and a pair of trainers. I was outdoors, nude.

There was no towpath anywhere near where we had moored, just fields, hedgerows and a glorious view to the south. As my son led me through the Scottish countryside, I felt absolutely fantastic. Liberated is not a strong enough word. I was rambling naked in public. It was great.

A short while later, we came to a lane. My son had said he'd walked along it for a quarter of a mile and nothing had come his way or the other. He hadn't seen a soul. At the end of the lane was a post office and about five houses scattered here and there.

My son left me chained to the hook outside the post office that said 'Dogs' on it. Charming, I thought. But as he went inside and left me standing there out in the open, I couldn't help but start to finger myself. This was such a delicious fantasy. And my son took his time too. He was a good five minutes in the store, but all he came out with was a book of stamps. And he'd caught me again.

He looked into my eyes and felt between my legs with his own hand, bold as brass he pushed his finger up inside me and crouched to his knees. He pulled his finger out and licked it. Shaking his head, he put his finger back inside me. I was oozing sex and I knew it.

Standing up, he put his finger in my mouth for me to taste. I sucked on his finger and was reluctant to let it go. If he'd put his finger inside me again, out here in the open, effectively in the post office doorway, I would surely have begun to climax.

"Come slave."

He led me across the road to a public bench.

"Assume the position. Ten spanks for you. You're a very naughty slave. I must remember to cuff you when we get back."

"Yes Master."

I can't describe the joy I felt, bent over my son's knee, in public, outside a shop where someone was inside, stark naked, being spanked. It was heaven.

My son had said he wouldn't be able to take me to the imaginary 'Sessia', but this was surely the next best thing. I mean, this was real, this was happening. And happening to me. How far I had come, from reading about this kinky stuff on the internet to actually living the dream. I didn't care about anything else in the world right now, because, simply put, nothing else mattered. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I wasn't going to pass it up, acting like a middle-aged, prudish, stick-in-the-mud. I was going to fucking enjoy myself while I could. You go girl, I thought to myself as my son allowed me to return to my feet, before leading me off back down the lane towards our boat.

He took out the book of stamps from his pocket. We needed some for the postcards, but we didn't need a dozen. He'd bought an assortment – six first and six second class.

He tore off a first class stamp and held it to my tongue for me to lick it. Then he slapped it on my already sore ass.

Then he tore another one but licked that one himself. He slapped it on my left breast. The next I licked and he slapped it on my other breast. He licked the next one and that one found my other ass cheek. I hope he wasn't planning on posting me somewhere.

Two left of the first class stamps. He tore them to have one in each hand. I licked the stamp he held out for me which he carefully stuck dead centre, just above my pubic hair. I smiled at him. He was such a cutie.

The final stamp he put on his lips and lightly brought them to my own. I just touched the bottom of the stamp with my tongue to taste that awful substance, when he pulled back and kissed me on the mouth, sticking the stamp over my lips.

"It's all first class slave. It's all first class with you."


Chapter 17

True to my word, I cuffed Mom as soon as we got back to the boat. I decided to experiment a little with the sex shop goodies. After putting the cuffs and belt on Mom, I attached her left wrist to the right side of her belt and her right wrist to the left side of her belt in a way so as to accentuate her boobage.

Not content with merely lifting her boobs out, I decided to get a little bit adventurous, improvising with some rope I found on deck. I was no expert, but seeing as I wasn't intending suspending her from the rafters, I relied on good old common sense and didn't wrap or tie anything too tight. When I was done with Mom, her boobs looked like cartoon eyes on stalks. They were a completely different colour from the rest of her body, but she assured me, they were fine.

Next up, some clothes pegs I'd brought from home. I teased her first, placing one on her labia, but then settled for one on each nipple. She didn't particularly like that at first, but I told her she had to give them a chance.

Next up was the rather messy procedure of inserting the butt plug, though what Mom didn't know was that it vibrated. I just hadn't turned it on yesterday.

After washing my hands, I again delved into my case. She hadn't yet seen all that I had purchased. I was hoping to be able to punish her for some form of insolence, but the only thing I could legitimately punish her for was feeling herself up outside the post office.

I know I'd given her a spanking for that, but I had said that I would have to take a more preventative stance to deal with that problem in the future. And it was my intention to deny her any orgasms until tomorrow night. I had hopes that she might be so gagging for it, she might allow me to – well, I'd just have to wait and see and play it by ear.

Anyway, I had a ball gag. Mom's eyes lit up the instant she saw it. She knew exactly what it was.

"Master? Have I done something wrong?"

I just smiled at her as I positioned it in her mouth and tied it behind her head. "Not yet slave, but I'm sure it won't be too long now."

I finished her ensemble off with the blindfold.

"Mom ..." I didn't refer to her as slave because I wanted her to know something important. "I think we're up to 'Liz' next, aren't we? Well, seeing as you have that gag in your mouth and you're blindfolded, so I can't see your eyes, the signal will be lifting your left leg as high in the air as you can and stamping your right foot. Okay Mom? Nod, if that's okay."

She nodded. So I led her from the saloon, down the steps into her cabin and helped her onto her bed.

"Lie down slave and don't move. I want to take some pictures of you."

A few minutes later, I had all the snaps I, I mean Mom, would want. And I took off all my clothes so I was naked. Mom had had the orgasm to end all orgasms yesterday and to say I'd been envious was an understatement. But regardless, I wanted my own orgasm right now, but I also wanted to tease Mom, by bringing her to the boil and denying her at the last.

I lay on the bed between her legs and spread them a bit. Then I licked her. It was the first time I'd done that, so I stopped and looked for the signal. When it didn't materialize, I licked her again, probing deeper with my tongue.

Far from being upset, she appeared to be enjoying it. But I wasn't going to pleasure her. I knelt over her next and took one of the pegs off her nipple and immediately started tugging it. Then I slapped her boob, before kissing it. It was the first time I'd done that too. I licked all around her areola, then blew on it. Then slapped it. Then replaced the peg.

Next I plunged my fingers inside her pussy, two at first, but then I added a third and finally a fourth. When they were all in there, I rotated my hand and watched her react. She lifted both her thighs, but her feet remained firmly on the bed, her toes curling and digging into the sheets.

I was only inside her about twenty seconds. Removing my hand, I slapped her pussy, then buried my fingers in her pubes and tugged away at them.

Again, I switched my focus of attention. Now I licked her face, those parts of it I had access to. I licked her lower lip and chin, nibbled on her ear, then engulfed her whole nose with my mouth and began licking her nostrils. Her head flinched to the side and I looked for the signal. Then carried on.

Aware that she needed her nostrils to breathe with that ball gag in her mouth, I concentrated on just licking one nostril, even trying to shove my tongue up there. As I was doing so, I reached between her legs and switched on the butt plug.

She nearly jumped clean off the bed. I smiled and looked for the signal. I then removed the peg from her other breast and began to kiss that one. I had placed the clit massager on my finger and slid the switch to turn that on too. Instead of touching her vagina with it, I ran it over her breast, which was the most tender shade of bright pink I'd ever seen.

I wanted to get her sexed up, but I didn't want to push her over the edge. I definitely intended only to tease her all day today and tomorrow and deny her any release.

I wasn't going to deny me any release though. And so I shut down the butt plug, I shut down the finger massager and I gave her pussy one more lick, just teasing each side and up to her hood, but not venturing inside or onto her clit.

I then knelt between her legs and started to jerk off my dick. This was a real life porno, right in front of my eyes and this was the one true love of my life, my Mom.

She must have known what I was doing, right there between her legs. Indeed, she even raised her head to 'see' why I had stopped pleasuring her. I decided to stand up off the bed and push her legs together. I then straddled her arms and belly so my erect cock and balls hovered just over her bright pink boobs. I snapped off both pegs, slapped each breast and shoved my dick in between the two.

There was a lot of rope in there, so I made sure to squeeze her boobs, such that my dick was able to slide comfortably between them. I turned around and looked for the signal. There was none.

I could only ascertain that Mom was okay with me masturbating myself on her. After all, yesterday and the day before, she had allowed herself to be masturbated by me. It was only fair that I should get my go too.

I sensed however, that if my cock were to end up anywhere near her vadge, the signal would go up like a flare. So I stayed away from it, but did take to reaching behind me, either to give her a brief finger or a quick slap.

I was very near coming, so finished myself off with my hand and aimed my spunk all over Mom's breasts. Wow. Fucking A Mom. Fucking A.

I was spent and my milky white sperm covered Mom's titties. It was such a contrast, like strawberries and cream.

I reached behind her head and untied her ball gag, carefully removing it from her mouth. I then kissed her lips and immediately felt her tongue reaching for my own. I slunk back down and began to lick my load off Mom's right breast, scooping up as much as I could and held it in my mouth. I then kissed her again, open mouthed and her tongue instinctively reached inside to suck out all my salty goodness.

Mom was insatiable, she couldn't get enough of it, her tongue was frantically digging inside my own mouth. She wanted more, more, more.

I placed my right hand on her left breast and scooped up more of my sperm with my fingers and put those in her mouth. She sucked and slathered, trying for every last bit of my semen. Game on Mom. Game on.

I managed to collect one last handful of sperm and instead of putting it in her mouth, I rubbed it all around the outside of her mouth instead, on her chin, her cheeks, even her nose. I sat back and watched Mom's tongue work its way out of her mouth to try and get another taste. It was then that I looked down at my dick which was receding fast and noticed the last few drops squeezing up to the tip, so I knelt over Mom's face and lowered my cock, little by little as her tongue delved around outside of her mouth to find every last morsel of her son's sperm.

Just a little lower, then boom. She licked my cock. Her tongue went back inside her mouth, but I remained in place, hovering over her. A few seconds later, she tentatively began to stick her tongue out again and again it went back inside her mouth.

Then all of a sudden, her tongue was on my cock and she lifted her head and closed her mouth all around my shaft and began frantically sucking on me. There was no way on Earth that she didn't know what she was doing. And she was okay with that.

Even though I was unable to get another erection, I did enjoy the feel of Mom's mouth and tongue on my cock for a few minutes longer. Replacing the ball gag, I removed her blindfold.

I stayed kneeling above my Mom's face so she could get a look at just what she'd been sucking. Then she began lifting her head so that the ball gag touched my penis. She chomped down around it as if longing to have my penis back in her mouth again. She tilted her head from side to side so she could caress my member with the sides of her face and chin and nose.

I lay down on Mom, being careful to keep my dick away from her pussy. I looked into her eyes as I kissed her face, then just lay, doing nothing but gazing into her eyes. I rubbed my nose on hers like Eskimos and went back down between her legs.

I switched the butt plug back on and also the clit massager and went to work bringing Mom to just below the boil. I brought her to 99 degrees, purely using these battery operated stimulators. Then when I felt her climax was close, I stopped what I was doing.

I untied Mom from all her accoutrements and left just her cuffs which I fastened to the front of her collar. I didn't want her masturbating while I was gone. I ordered her to stay on the bed while I went and levered out the spikes that secured our boat to land. And headed off north easterly.

When we were well on our way, I went and fetched Mom and brought her to sit in the saloon. I was driving from the inside helm and liked having her sat naked at the dinette. We made our way up the Caledonian Canal and it wasn't long before I had to get out and leave Mom inside while I went and moored up in the first loch. There was a loch keeper on hand to operate the sluices and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't see Mom through the tinted windows.

I felt it was time Mom had a turn at the wheel, so I released one of her hands so she could steer, then I took off my clothes and curled up on the dinette and started masturbating again, just watching Mom driving.

Every so often I would command her to look at me, then command her to look away. It was my intention to really rub it in that I was getting sexual satisfaction, while Mom was only getting sexually frustrated.

When I came, I squeezed my foreskin tight shut at the moment of ejaculation. I always loved the way that felt – urgent, pressurized, captive. I then got up and walked over to Mom, holding my dick out in front of me.

"Slave. Clean me up."

"Yes Master."

Mom got down from the helm while I took the wheel and carefully, she took the bunched foreskin between her thumb and forefinger and slid her mouth around it. When she released her grip, my tadpoles unloaded into her mouth and she began to suck on my penis once more. She rolled back my foreskin with her free hand and sucked and slopped away merrily on my softening cock.

We then hit a series of five consecutive lochs as we entered Inverness, so I gave Mom the order to go get dressed, but leave her slave collar on.


Chapter 18

My son had ordered me dressed as we approached Inverness. "No underwear slave," he had said.

I didn't have a huge amount of clothes with me, we had basically packed to keep warm but stay prepared for fine weather, such was the nature of British summers. My son had said he wasn't releasing me as his slave, but I should put on a dress as we would get dinner in town.
