Oedipus Spanks


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They were already so moist, my juices were seeping out of me at an extraordinary rate. I just had to make use of them. So I ploughed myself into the glass window, gyrating, sliding, grinding, lifting my legs side to side to try and create friction in my loins.

The glass was so smooth and left nothing for my clit to rub against, so slick was the glass with my clear fluid that I stood on tippy toes so my exposed clit would have something new to slide against. And then it was smooth and slippery again. So I stepped to my side, for a fresh piece of glass to provide a moment's friction to excite my clitoris.

Up and down the window I manoeuvred, side to side, around and around, pounding, grinding, slipping, sliding, splaying my legs and gyrating my mound into the glass.

Oh, if only there were people on the other side to see me now.


Chapter 13

When I got back from the shop, there was a small gathering of people on the towpath alongside where our boat was moored. And I could see why.

Mom was naked and pressed to the glass, her hands behind her head with her blindfold on. She was sliding up and down the window trying to pleasure herself, leaving sticky trails of vaginal fluid wherever she'd been. It was some sight.

There were about eight or nine people standing there watching Mom. All but two were kids. I say kids, they were teenagers, all boys, all with their mobile phones in their hands filming her. Good idea, I thought.

The other two were both women in their twenties and I could tell from the way they were holding onto one another that they were lesbians and clearly enjoying the show.

I stepped over to them and spoke quietly, so the teenagers wouldn't overhear. "Would you like to touch her?" I asked.

I realised that came across as a bit bold and a bit awkward, but they wasted no time at all in answering with a resounding 'yes'.

"I can arrange that," I said. "She's my slave. She gets off on this, as you can no doubt see. Come on."

I filled them both in on my plan. I gave very strict instructions on what they were allowed to do. I had given them each one minute, alone with my Mom. To touch her in any place they wanted, just so long as they remained quiet, didn't remove her blindfold and only used their hands.

I unlocked the cabin door and stepped inside. Walking across to Mom, I briefly removed one of her earplugs. "I'm back slave. Stay where you are and don't move."

"Yes Master."

I replaced it and went back up on deck and gave word to the first of the lesbians to go down inside. I stood with the other one as she too, now filmed Mom, waiting to be touched up by her partner.

This was too good an opportunity to pass up, so I took out my cell phone and began filming, making sure to take in a shot of the crowd watching and taking photos of her.

The lesbian cupped Mom's breasts and ran her fingers down her stomach, into her pubes, then over her clit. She massaged her clit for a few seconds longer, really finding a rhythm, then slapped Mom on the backside. I watched as Mom jumped.

The kids on the path sniggered. "Can we have a go, Mister?"

I shook my head. "Sorry lads. No men allowed. But you can take all the photos you like."

The first lesbian came up on deck with a wicked smile on her face and when the other lesbian stepped on board she stuck her tongue down the first one's throat.

We all watched on, filming, as the second lesbian found her way over to Mom, naked and exposed in the cabin cruiser's side window. She slapped each one of Mom's beautiful ass cheeks, before bringing her hands around to Mom's frontage, delving momentarily into her pubes for a quick feel, then up her stomach, between her breasts, up to her neck, then back down to her breasts. She pinched each nipple in turn, before slapping her first breast, then her second. She finished up with a slap to Mom's pussy, before re-emerging on deck.

"Show's over boys," I said. "Hope you enjoyed yourselves."

I undid the ropes from our mooring and went back into the cabin, started up the engine and sailed away.

When there was nothing but water all around us, I returned to Mom, taking out her earplugs and removing her blindfold. I unclipped her wrists from behind her head as I figured her arms must be tired by now. Instead I went into the bag for my next goody. It was a belt, again with plenty of D rings. I clipped her wrists to her sides instead.

"It looks like you enjoyed yourself while I was gone slave."

"Oh yes Master. I'm sorry Master."

"While the cats away, the mice will play," I said. "But now I know you can't be trusted slave."

"I'm sorry Master. Please forgive me."

"Oh, I can forgive you slave. But I still have to punish you."

"Yes Master."

"Bend over slave."

I went to my bag for my next surprise. Actually, it was two surprises. The first was a container of lubricant. I slathered some onto my fingers and ordered Mom to stand with her legs far apart. I found her little rosebud and plunged inside, making sure to wriggle my finger around inside her anus.

I pulled it out and showed it to Mom.

"Now because of your misbehaviour, my finger is dirty. What are you going to do about that slave?"

Mom wasted no time at all in responding. "Alanis."

I laughed.

"Don't even think about it Babes!"

My God, my Mom was so beautiful and utterly captivating. I was head over heels in love with her and as far as I was concerned, no one – and I mean no one, was as beautiful as her to my eyes.

"You sure about that?"

"I'm sure," she said.

"Okay." I went to wash my hands in the bathroom sink and scrubbed my fingernails with soap while I was at it. "Ready?"

She nodded.

"Bend over."

I slowly felt around with the butt plug I had purchased, found Mom's hole and gently pushed it past the threshold, into her anus.

"Thank you Master, for punishing me."

"I think it's time we went up on deck now, slave."


"On deck. We can't spend all our time in the cabin. It's a nice day outside. It's really warmed up since yesterday. I think we should go and get some air."

"Master, please. I'll be exposed. Someone could see."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that slave. By the end of this week, you'll have shed most of your inhibitions. Once you get used to being my slave and get used to not having the automatic right to wear clothes, you'll adapt. And you'll thank me for it."

I could tell Mom was thinking of using her next safe word.

"Slave. If you're thinking of using another safe word, you'll only have one more left to use. You've used half of them already and it's only the first morning. We have another three days of this. Do you think one word will get you through the rest of the week? Because if you use all your amber words, there'll only be the red word left to use. And if you have to use that, all of this ends. At least for this holiday."

I looked at Mom. It was hard, I know, but if she only played it safe, she wasn't going to get the most pleasure out of this. This was Scotland. No one knew us here. It wasn't like we were famous or anything, we weren't recognisable to anyone.

"Come slave. Follow me." I walked up the steps onto the deck above the aft cabin and waited for Mom to follow. Slowly, she poked her head above the hatch.

I went up a few more steps onto the upper deck, directly above the saloon, to where the external steering position was situated. "Now slave. Come now."

Mom climbed the steps to the top deck and looked all around. There were a few boats in the distance, but none close enough to get a good view. It wasn't like there were going to be any zoom-lens paparazzi lying in wait.

"Come sit with me slave." I spread my legs on the seat and pushed myself back as far as I could go. I wanted Mom to sit between my legs, so I tapped the seat where I wanted her to sit.

As she slowly sat her naked ass down between my legs, my cock dug into her back. I reached around her with my hands and felt her nipples. I had to remember she was sitting on that butt plug.

I kissed Mom's neck and ran my tongue down her cheek and into her ear, which I nibbled away at. She turned into me so she could enjoy my touch all the more.

I felt between her legs. They were saturated. Slick like something had exploded inside her. I kept my fingers on the outside of my mother's vagina, not venturing inside and not arousing her clit, but just rubbing my fingers through her pubic hair and exploring the folds of her outer labia and the soft, saggy portions of her inner labia which protruded forthwith.

"Slave. What did you think about when I left you this morning?"


"What was on your mind? Tell me your thoughts."

"Master, I ..."

"It's alright slave. You can tell your Master anything. I won't be mad."

"Master, I wondered what it would be like to have people watching me. Watching me naked, trying to pleasure myself. The thought turned me on."

"Secretly you wanted it?"

"Yes Master."

"You thought about people standing on that towpath, being able to see inside, being able to see your most intimate parts, bare and exposed. The idea of that thrills you doesn't it?"

"Oh yes Master, more than anything."

"What if I told you people were watching you?"

"But Master, they couldn't have seen in. The windows are tinted."

"Yes. And it was very difficult to see inside anything more than a shadow. But when I pressed my face to the glass, I could see inside clearly. And when I had you press your body to the glass, I could see you clearly from outside."

"Master ..." Mom's breath became ragged with excitement.

"And so could everyone else."

"M..." Mom choked her words and I didn't want her using a safe word, so I unhooked her collar from around her neck.

"Mom ..."

"Babes? People ... saw ... me?"

I wrapped my arms around my mother and held her quivering body.

"People saw you Mom. And they thought you were beautiful. They could hardly take their eyes off you."

"How many people Babes?"

"Eight or nine."

"Eight or nine? Oh my God. Oh. Oh God. What have I done?"

"How do you feel Mom? Excited?" I put my hands in her pussy and it felt like a river flowing in there.

"Oh Babes, I just don't know. I would never have ... oh my God, what I did. It was so obscene. People saw that?"

"People filmed that Mom."

"Oh ..." Mom got to her feet and began to pace around. "Oh fucking hell. Oh fucking hell, fucking hell, fucking hell."

"Mom, do you want to see the video I filmed?"

Mom stopped dead in her tracks.

"You filmed a video too? You're not just trying to scare me?"

"No Mom. I filmed a video too. And you were beautiful. You are beautiful. And I love you and I hope you can forgive me. You have to know, I only did it because I felt it was right for you, that it was what you secretly wanted but were too afraid to ask for."

"Oh Babes." She started to cry.

"Mom, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. Please. Forgive me. I couldn't bare it if I lost your love. I'm sorry Mom. Please tell me you still love me."

Mom came and sat down in my arms and held me.

"Please Mom. I didn't do it for me. I did it for you. And I did it for us."

"How could you think that you could lose my love Babes? That will never happen. Never. Not ever."

"So you're not mad?"

"Let me see the video first before I decide that."


Chapter 14

As I sat naked in my son's arms and watched the video, I was overcome with emotion. I think I would have cried at my ordeal, but I was having some kind of out of body experience. I was filled with lust for this poor woman who was on display to all these ogling eyes. She was making a complete exhibition of herself and God knows where those videos were going to end up. But that woman was me. And it was her vulnerability in all this that was turning me on. I thrust my fingers into my vagina as my son held his cell phone up to my eyes.

"Oh my God. You let someone else on board?" I said as I saw a woman stepping onto the boat. "Wait a sec ... I thought I could smell perfume. I thought it was ... oh my God, it wasn't me? I thought my sex was overpowering it and that's why it didn't smell quite right. It was another woman. Oh my fucking Aunt Judy."

And then she was touching me and I felt my son's hand join my own at my pussy. He began to stimulate my clit as I plunged ever deeper inside and used fingers on both my hands to slop around inside.

"She's the one that slapped me?"

He moved his hand up to my breast and began to touch my nipple, all the while holding the small cell phone in front of my face.

My orgasm was here, I was coming. I was coming and I felt like I was never going to stop. I could hardly catch my breath. That poor, exposed woman, I thought. She's me. Oh God. I came. I came like crazy. I was gushing. Whatever it was between my legs, it was slathering all over the boat. It was oozing out of me and with each pulse of my private parts came an intense wave of pleasure. It was permeating throughout my whole body causing me to writhe in exquisite ecstasy. Never in my life had I felt anything remotely like this before. I had never imagined such a feeling was possible. And I just kept on coming. And another woman was making her way on board, kissing the first one, then coming down into the cabin to be with me.

And I knew what was about to happen. She had begun by slapping my ass cheeks. Which she was doing now. I was whimpering, tears were flooding from my eyes, bodily secretions were flooding from between my thighs. Oh God, I can't take it. I was panting, my breasts were heaving, my breath was shallow and rapid, I was flushed all over. I was on fire. And I was outside masturbating and being masturbated by my son. In public. Outdoors. She was slapping my breasts.

I remembered in the boat, when I thought my son had slapped my vulva. That feeling was so intense I had nearly, but not quite, come. But seeing it, watching it, touching myself, being touched now, orgasm upon orgasm upon beautiful orgasm washing over me like an unrelenting tidal wave. God, I was going to fucking blow up. I screamed. At top of my lungs. I screamed out loud.



I fucking roared!


Chapter 15

I had to hold Mom up and keep her from falling. I thought she was having some sort of a fit. She was convulsing uncontrollably. I thought I knew what a female orgasm entailed from last night, when I had fingered my Mom's pussy with a vibrator. I didn't know shit.

I'd like to say it was ten times more intense. But this was off the scale. This was some scary shit. And I'd never been more envious in my life.

I always thought women came off worse than men when it concerned orgasms and their intensity. I mean, they just didn't have the parts, did they? They didn't have a penis. They had some tiny little thing that was like one small chunk of just the tip of a man's penis.

And it wasn't like they could work it in the same way. All they could do was rub across it. I'd tried that with my own penis once or twice, seeing if I could simulate a female orgasm from my own body.

I would tuck my cock down between my legs so that just the tip was showing and then just rub my palm or my fingers across the top of it. Without the ability to slide up and down, it just wasn't the same. It was even quite sensitive doing it that way.

But I was sure I had a female orgasm inside me somewhere and I just had to keep trying for it. Even taking my shaft in my hand and pressing hard into my cock head with my other hand and rubbing across it, harsh and rapid like I'd seen women do. All it did was cause pain and that pain would soon become unbearable. It was just too sensitive to be so violent with my baby.

And so I never found out if it was indeed possible for a man to have a woman's orgasm. I just figured, women got that same feeling that I got and mistook unbearable sensitivity for pleasure.

Because I've got to say, when I masturbate and when I come, I'm pretty quiet. I barely make a sound. Women are noisy. They're screamers. And when I rubbed my cock in that unusual way, I cried out too. But not in ecstasy – in pain.

So I really did think that's what women got to experience. Faced with that or nothing, well, it was probably better than nothing. It did at least feel sexual in some way, even if it wasn't particularly pleasant.

Women would never get to feel that moment of inevitability, then a few moments later, that surge, then climax as we shot our load.

I'd even experienced different kinds of orgasm. Every so often I would have what I would refer to as a 'double cum' – simply put, I'd get that moment of inevitability, but the surge wouldn't be present. I'd go straight to orgasm instead, albeit without ejaculating and my dick would remain hard and not go all sensitive on me like it would during the refractory period after a normal cum. I could keep going, having something of a plateau to enjoy and then anywhere between maybe twenty seconds and ten minutes, another feeling of inevitability, then that surge, then another climax and finally my load would shoot out, more voluminous than ever.

I was able to have multiple orgasms, well, two anyway, very occasionally – and by that I mean four or five times a year perhaps. If the perfect normal orgasm was rated a five, a double cum – or a sensational double cum, more like, would rate a seven on a scale of five.

But women. If the feeling they got from massaging their clit was the same as what I got trying to simulate my own female orgasm, then that was like a nought point two on my scale of five. And I kind of felt sorry for them. I really did.

It was better than nothing I suppose. And if they'd never known what it was like to have a man's orgasm, then perhaps that nought point two was like a five to them.

But as I struggled to keep my Mom from spontaneously combusting on the deck before me, I knew I just had to be wrong. If what Mom was having was a five in her book, my seven seemed like a nought point two in comparison. And I really envied her.

I'd never lost control like that. If I hadn't been there to hold onto my Mom, she would have been overboard and Nessie would have come to see what all the splashing was about.

For the first time in my life, I really wanted to be a woman.

No. I wanted to be a lesbian. Have the best of both worlds. I laughed to myself. I was such a typical man – and all men were lesbians at heart. That's why we loved them so much. We didn't give a shit about gay guys. The sight of two blokes kissing was enough to make us want to puke our guts out. But lesbians – we loved lesbians. Kind of the dumbest irony imaginable. We lusted after the very creature that by definition had no interest in us. God, how stupid were men?

Mom finally stopped seizing after about five minutes and began to calm down and open her eyes. By this point we were lying on the deck, completely out of sight of anyone except passing spy satellites. I smiled at her.

"Wow Mom. That was intense."

The way she looked at me. In that moment, it was raw passion, plainly evident in her eyes. She grabbed my head and pulled my face to hers and stuck her tongue down my throat, almost fucking me with it.

As I leaned over her, my fingers went and located her clit.

"No!" she snapped, slapping my hand away. "No Babes. Mommy can't take anymore down there. It would probably kill me."

"It was that good?"

She burst into tears and sobbed in my arms.

"That was the best orgasm of my life Babes. And it wasn't with your father, it wasn't on my own. It was with you. I've never experienced anything remotely like that before Babes."

She was genuinely sobbing. Tears were running off her face. She lifted her hand to her eyes and squeaked. "Hold me."

I wrapped myself around my Mom and gently rocked her back and forth in my arms. This was the greatest moment in my Mom's sexual life. And it was mine too.
