Oil's Well That Ends Well


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After a few minutes of crying and hugging, Katie looked at me and said, "Dad, I am so sorry she is doing this to you. You do not deserve it. You are a good husband, and a good father. You are the greatest man I know, and you are my hero."

I cried again, but this was because of how proud I was of my daughter. She had just turned 17, but had the maturity of someone twice her age.

We calmed down, then I told her my plan. We would stay here tonight. Tomorrow morning I would go home and confront them before they went to work. I would have all the video evidence I needed, then I would tell her I was filing for divorce on the grounds of adultery. I told Katie she could come if she wanted to.

Katie thought a minute then she spoke some words I think I will remember the rest of my life. What she said certainly changed the outcome of my life.

"Dad, I would like to suggest another plan of action. Now what Mom is doing is disgusting, and immoral. However, I think there are extenuating circumstances here. I know she loves and adores you. I also know you love and adore her, in spite of all this. I know this Judy bitch is having a bad influence on her."

She stopped to see my reaction. I just nodded for her to continue.

"Maybe she is going through an early mid life crisis. I don't know, but I do know that you have 20 years together that have been good. We are a close family. We need to try and save it."

"Let's wait until they come home, and confront them before anything bad happens. We will monitor her with your GPS tracking. When they head home, we will be waiting out of sight. After they go in, you go upstairs and confront them. Have them come downstairs. I will then appear, and I will let mom have it. Believe me, I will pull some heart strings. Then have her choose right there, him, or us."

"What if she chooses to be a Doctors wife?" I said.

"Then we will walk out, and you file for divorce. I will tell the judge I want you to have full custody."

Wow. How did I raise such a wonderful, smart, mature daughter. I agreed, and to be honest, I am glad she suggested it. I wanted to, but I didn't want to be a wimp. Katie made me realize I wasn't being a wimp. I was fighting for my family.

We saw on the cell phone when she left. We left to get something to eat, then headed to our house. We parked down the street, but where we could still see. We watched on the cell phone as they headed to our house. Sherri took her car, and picked up Dr. Home Wrecker. She pulled her car in the garage, and closed the door. I guess she didn't trust snoopy neighbors.

We waited just a few minutes, then went to the back door. We entered quietly, there was no one downstairs, so that meant they were already in the bedroom. I better hurry up there. Katie stayed downstairs.

I got to the bedroom and peeked in. Chad had his pants down on the bed, but Sherri was still dressed. She had her hand on his dick, but when the doctor tried to pull her head down on his pole, Sherri resisted.

I charged in the room and yelled for Dr. dip shit to get his pants up. Sherri jumped up and started crying.

She yelled, "No, no, God no. Oh Jake I am so sorry. Please let me explain. I am so sorry."

I motioned for her to shut up. The good doctor looked scared out of his wits. He said he was leaving, but I let him know he wasn't going anywhere yet. I told them to both get their asses downstairs in the kitchen and sit down.

We went downstairs, and they sat down. Sherri didn't sit anywhere near Chad. She was crying, and kept telling me how sorry she was. I finally told her to shut up and just listen.

I yelled for Katie to come in. You should have seen the look on Sherri's face. She was horrified. She looked at me like she wanted to say something, but the look I gave her shut her up.

Katie let her have it. I mean she put everything in perspective. She was much more effective than I could have been. Katie's speech really put a dose of reality on Sherri. I could tell Sherri was so ashamed, and embarrassed at what she had done.

I said what I needed to say. Mostly how hurt I was, and how much I loved her all these years.

Finally I said, "Sherri, I love you. I don't want to lose you, but I will not share you. You need to make a choice right now. If you choose me, and Katie, I will find a way to forgive you. We will work through it, and keep this family together. It's not going to be easy after what you have done, but we can make it. There will also be conditions, if you choose me."

I started to choke up an cry, so I stopped for a minute. Sherri was still crying. I already knew what her decision would be.

"However, if that is not what you want, and you prefer to be with Dr. Home Wrecker here, then I will give you a divorce. What is you're decision?"

She practically ran and jumped in my arms. She kissed me, hugged me, and kept apologizing for her stupidity. Katie came over and joined the group hug. We would remain a family.

Chad looked at the scene, then said, "Jake, I would give anything to be you. You are so lucky to have the wife and daughter you have. I really am jealous. I will admit I was trying to steal her from you, but I see now that it was wrong. I know you can never forgive me, but I will say I'm sorry and leave it at that. I hope I can find someone to love me as much as Sherri loves you."

He started for the door, then stopped and said, "I will not contact your wife again. Anything we say to each other at the office will be strictly professional."

With that he walked out the door.

I told Katie to head on up to her room, that I needed to talk to her mother alone. She gave us both a hug, then left.

Sherri started into her apologies and I stopped her.

"Honey, You have apologized enough. You know what you did was wrong, and was stupid. I will forgive you, but I will not forget. You are going to have to prove to me that I can trust you, and that will take awhile."

She nodded yes.

"I want to ask you point blank, did you ever fuck him?"

She very emphatically said, "No, and before you came in, I know it looked bad, but I was feeling so guilty, and knew what I was doing was wrong. He was trying to get me to suck him, but I was about to tell him to leave. I just couldn't cheat on you."

"So if I had not come back, you would not have gone through with it?"

"I love you Jake, I don't need anyone but you. I realized sitting on that bed that this was our bed. You are my husband, and my lover. I need you Jake. I was about to tell the doctor to get out of our bed and house. That is the truth Jake"

"I believe you Sherri. Of course you know it never should have gotten that far. In fact you never should have had that first meeting, but we will overcome that. Here is what you're going to do."

"You will turn in your resignation, and find another job. I know you will have to stay on awhile until they replace you."

She nodded yes again.

"You call up your friend Judy and explain what happened. Then you will sever all communication, and association with her."

Sherri then said, "After I tell her off, that will be the end of my friendship with her."

"Finally, I'm not sure how this will affect our lovemaking. I will just have to see. I might have trouble for awhile with that. I will still share the bed with you."

She nodded yes again. Then said, "Can I say something now?"

I nodded yes.

"I know I messed up Jake. I mean I really almost blew it. I want to first tell you I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you, and proving that I was worth saving."

She started to cry again.

"I also want to thank you for saving me, and not giving up on us. Most husbands would have just kicked me out, and filed for divorce."

Then I said, "I was ready to do that, but Katie straightened me out. She saved our family Sherri."

So we walked upstairs and got in bed. I felt awkward for a minute, but then something strange happened. Sherri rolled over and snuggled up to me. I put my arm around her. Then I got a huge boner. She felt it, then looked at me. I smiled, so she started playing. I started playing with her, and she got very wet. So I pulled her on top of me, and we made love. Slow at first, then faster and faster. I could feel her orgasm build until she exploded. When she did, I released with a mind blowing orgasm into her.

We never said a word. We lay arm in arm and fell asleep.

The next morning we all decided to go see Uncle Roger for the weekend. He was so excited to have us come. When we got near his farm, Katie mentioned all the oil wells.

I told her we were in the middle of the Eagle Ford shale deposit. A south Texas oil boom that was growing daily.

I helped Uncle Roger with some ranching issues, and the girls gave his house a good deep cleaning. Uncle Roger told me that when he died, he was leaving everything to me. He was hoping I wouldn't sell the ranch. I promised I wouldn't.

He also informed me that he had signed an oil lease, but didn't know if they would drill or not. I didn't think anything about it.

We left Sunday after saying our goodbyes to Uncle Roger. We promised to come back again in a couple of weeks. It was the last time we ever saw him.

I got a call the following Thursday from Uncle Roger's neighbor that they found him dead on his front porch. He died of a heart attack. I had to get down there to arrange everything.

Sherri and Katie came Friday after school. We had a nice service at the Methodist church that Saturday. All of his friends came, and everything went well. After lunch at the church, Sherri, Katie, and I went to his house and started going through everything.

A man showed up that afternoon from the law firm where Roger had his will. He briefly explained that everything would go to me, including all the oil rights. He needed me to be in his office Monday morning.

The girls went home the next day, but I stayed to hear the will.

When I met with the lawyer Monday he had me sign some papers, then informed me all the deeds and titles would be mailed. He then handed me an envelope with a check in it. This was what was in all the bank accounts.

The check was for $175,000. I was speechless. The lawyer said Roger was very frugal, plus he got a lot of money for his oil lease. The lawyer informed me that the oil company would be in touch soon.

When I got home Monday evening, I called Sherri and Katie into the living room. I told them everything, but not how much the check was.

As I was taking out the check, Katie joked about the fact that it probably wasn't much since Uncle Roger was just a poor rancher. So I just handed them the check.

They almost fainted. They hugged me, and then looked upward as if to say, "thank you Uncle Roger."

We made plans to go back to the ranch in two weeks. About two days before we were going, I got a call from a representative from Diamond Oil. He needed to see me. He agreed to meet me at the ranch when we got there.

In the meantime, I got all the titles and deeds, so the ranch and everything was mine.

When we met with the oil man, he informed us they were ready to drill. The lease was about up, and they would rather drill than renew the lease. He took us out and showed where they would put the platform. He explained how they drill, and all about fracking. Fracking is how they turn the shale into oil.

When he finished explaining everything he then explained what we could probably expect in compensation.

"We will pay you 1.25 million for the surface rights on the well. Once the drilling is complete, and the oil starts flowing, you will receive monthly royalty payments. It takes about three or four months before the first one comes, but that first one will be a big one. Then after a few months, they will go down and level off."

I was still trying to recover from the 1.25 million. So Sherri said, "Do you have an estimate of what the monthly checks will be?"

The oil man said, "Well it's hard to say, but you have a lot of oil down there. Based on what I have seen with similar farms around here, I would say your first check will be about 5 or 6 hundred thousand. Then for the next six months probably about 4 or 5 hundred thousand. Then it will probably level off at about 300,000 a month."

We just stood there not saying anything, then Katie cleared her throat and said, "That will work."

We all yelled and started hugging. We even hugged the oil man.

Sherri and I retired effective immediately. We made plans to move to the ranch. We kept Uncle Roger's house for company, although we did a complete makeover, then built our own house. We also built a pool.

We waited until Katie graduated high school, then moved. Katie went to Harvard, then eventually Harvard Law School.

Sherri and I enjoyed the good life on our ranch. We raised some cows, horses, and chickens. We loved the peaceful country living. It wasn't far to drive to San Antonio when we needed some city culture.

We also bought a condo in Port Aransas on the gulf coast.

Sherri And I love sitting on our back deck watching the sunset, holding hands, and giving thanks everyday that we have a daughter that saw fit to save our family, and keep it together.

Oh, and we still fuck our brains out when we get the urge, and we can make all the noise we want out there in the country.

Now some of you I'm sure are thinking I was a wimp for not kicking Sherri out and divorcing her. I disagree. It takes more guts to stay with someone and try to save it, than to walk away. I never regretted my decision, and Sherri has been the perfect wife.

I never told Sherri about my cell phone trick. I kept tabs on her phone calls for a long time just to be sure. I trust her completely now, and eventually got rid of it.

One last thing. I hired a PI to get evidence of Judy cheating. He got plenty. I sent the photos and videos to her husband, saying it was from a concerned friend. He threw her ass out and divorced her. I never even looked for revenge on Chad. He seemed sincere in what he said to me, so I just let it go at that

So I guess you could say that this South Texas love story has a happy ending, because as we say in Texas, "Oil's well that ends well."

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