One Night At A Party (Conclusion 2)


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"After I had come, Billy wanted me to – masturbate him. But, now that I had come back to my senses, I was worried about being away from the rest of you – and I was terrified that you would come looking for me, and see … Then I heard someone calling. For an awful second, I thought it was you, but then I realised it was Tony. Billy heard him, too, and we both ran off - I only just had time to pick up my top, and had to leave my bra in the sand! Billy and I separated – well, I made sure I went in a different direction from him."

"He was back at the fire when I came out of the trees, further up the beach, then I saw Tom come out, and I went to join the rest of you, beside the water. You didn't seem to notice that I hadn't been there, all the time, so I didn't have to explain."

"Then, a few minutes later, Tony and Bev reappeared, together – and everybody thought they'd gone into the woods to have sex!"

I remembered that – I even remembered being turned on by it, and wishing I had taken Mary into the trees … But Mary hadn't finished her story.

"As soon as we could," she went on, "Bev and I went for a walk along the beach together, and she told me that Tony was very suspicious. She had managed to cover up before he found her, but she was still with Tom, and Tony didn't believe they had just gone off for a walk together."

"And then, next time I saw Beverley, she told me she had admitted to Tony that she had let Tom kiss her, and feel her breasts, a bit, on top of her clothes, and she had apologised, and said she had had too much to drink! She said Tony hadn't spotted Billy and me, and that she hadn't mentioned us."

"Did you believe that?" I asked.

"I did, at first," said Mary, quietly, "but not when I had thought about it, a little later – and, anyway, I soon found out it wasn't true!"

She curled her body up into a ball, trapping my hand between the soft inner surfaces of her thighs. Her arms went tightly round me, and her head was pressed against my chest. I put my other hand round her shoulders, and held her. Her body was shaking, and she might have even been sobbing, but I could tell she was still very wet at her centre and I waited, cuddling her awkwardly, until, with a long, broken sigh, she uncurled, and lifted her mouth to mine. I kissed her, gently, and slid a finger along the puffy, slick lips of her vagina. Her mouth slid away from mine, and her hand came down and closed over mine, cupping it against her flowing mound.

"Do you remember that time you went to Birmingham, for that interview, and had to have an overnight stay?" Her voice was calm, as if a decision had been made. That had been about three weeks after the barbecue.

I nodded, very conscious of Mary's flowing juices wetting the ends of my questing fingers.

"Well," she went on, "that night, a group of us went back from the club to Tony and Beverley's house for a nightcap, after a match. We had won the match and the bar had closed, but nobody wanted to break up the party, so Bev suggested we go back to their house for a few more drinks. So, there were seven of us, altogether – me, Bev, Tony, Billy and Sheila, and Nicola and Alan."

"We were all pretty 'high' – 'high-spirited', I suppose you'd call it, and there was bit of larking about on the way to the house, from the club. Nothing serious – just the boys chasing the girls and giving them a squeeze when they caught them – but there was definitely an 'atmosphere'. We were all still wearing our tennis clothes – I had that short dress on, the one with no arms. And it felt a bit – odd – for me, as the only girl there without her husband …"

"Anyway, when we got in, Bev went into the kitchen and filled seven champagne glasses, put them all on a silver tray, then carried the tray back into the lounge, wher the rest of us were. Billy and Tony had been talking, in a corner of the room and, as Bev came through with the tray, Tony called – 'Watch you don't drop that tray!'"

"But, at the same time, Billy slipped behind Bev and reached under her arms and grabbed her breasts! She gave a little scream, but she managed to keep hold of the tray, and everybody was laughing and telling her not to drop the drinks. But Billy didn't just let go, after a quick squeeze – he came up close behind her, and really gave her tits a good feel, pressing himself hard against her bottom – until she managed to put the tray down on a coffee-table, then shook Billy off, and collapsed, laughing, on a chair."

"Then Tony told us somebody had done that to Bev at a dinner party she and Tony had been to, but the man who had done it had just given her a quick squeeze, then let go."

"How did Sheila take it?" I asked

"Well, it was all supposed to be a joke – a bit of fun," said Mary, "but, although Sheila laughed about it, with the rest of them, I thought she might have more to say to Billy, when they got home. And I thought there was more to it – where Tony – and Bev – were concerned. Tony had definitely enjoyed it – sexually, I mean. I could see the look on his face, watching Billy grab a good feel of his wife's breasts …"

"And how about Bev – did you ask her - later?" I asked, curious. Mary gave an odd little laugh.

"Well, you know Bev and I were pretty – close – then, like I told you, before," said Mary, "and we spoke a lot about – things – just the two of us. She liked to ask me about me and you – what we did – whether we fantasised when we were having sex – fucking – and if you fantasised about fucking her – or who I fantasised about. She said that Tony and she were very 'into' that, and that we were their favourite couple for imaginary stripping and wife-swapping games. So, I thought, if Tony set it up for Billy to feel her up – well, I didn't know, but I didn't think Bev wasn't in on it – it might even have been her idea."

"So, how did you feel about it?" I breathed, my hand caressing her breasts. I noticed her nipples were hardening.

"I was – confused. I'd had a few drinks and it was quite exciting, thinking about Billy feeling her breasts – especially in front of all the others. I wondered what I would feel like, if it had been me- and that was quite exciting. One thing I did know – I wouldn't have dropped the tray, and, deep down, I think that was because the tray would have given me the excuse not to stop it. Can you understand what I mean?"

I thought I did. Mary likes to 'go by the rules', and I could see her feeling helpless, and aroused, at the same time, and using her helplessness to justify, and excuse, her arousal. I realised I was wishing it had been Mary who had been the object of Tony's plot …

"So, what happened – afterwards?" I said, sensing, my heart beating fast, that there might be more to it than Mary had told me, up to now.

"Well, I drank quite a lot of champagne," said Mary. "We all did. And we talked about silly games, and things, we had got up to, at parties, at college, at school – you know, kissing games and games where you were in a dark cupboard with a boy, and what you did, and what he did to you …"

"We laughed a lot, but some of the stories got – well, pretty explicit – and I began to think about getting home, in case things got 'over the top'."

"But then Billy and Sheila said they'd have to go, to let the babysitter go home, and Alan and Nicola said they would go, too. They offered me a lift, but I said I could easily walk home from Bev's, so we all said goodnight ..."

She went quiet, again, then – "Saying goodnight took a bit longer than usual, though – the kissing, and so on, I mean … I was quite turned on, again, after the others had gone, and I couldn't help thinking about what we would have been doing once we got home – if you had been there."

I waited for her to say more, but then she went on. "Then, after they had gone, Bev asked if I would help to clear up before I went, and we took the glasses and things back to the kitchen, and washed them up. We had finished, and were just standing, talking, having a last drink, when Tony casually moved behind Bev, and put his hands on her breasts – just as Billy had done. He moved in close behind her, and I could see him pushing his crotch against her bottom"

"Bev reached up and put her hands on top of his, and squeezed them. She was still looking at me, but she had stopped talking. I didn't know what to say – or do. I was embarrassed, but I could remember the feel of his hands, and watching him feel Beverley's tits like that was – uncomfortable, but it was exciting, as well."

I imagined the scene – Mary, in her short white tennis dress, watching as her friend's husband blatantly felt up her tits in front of her. Involuntarily, my hand closed round Mary's breast, and she gave a little shiver of excitement.

"I – I said I'd better go home – and put my drink down, on the table." Mary went on, after a little pause. Her voice was low, and tense. "But Beverley said 'You don't have to, Mary.' Tony had unbuttoned her top, and one of his hands was inside her bra – I could see him rolling Bev's nipple between his finger and thumb. They were both looking at me. Then Beverley undid the fastening at the front of her bra, so that Tony had a bare breast in each hand, playing with her nipples."

"But, they were both still looking at me and Beverley said 'I'd really like you to stay, Mary', and she reached out a hand to me …"

Mary took a deep, quivering breath and her hand snaked down and found my erect cock. She squeezed it, tightly, affectionately. I slid sideways and Mary pushed herself up on one elbow. Then she lowered herself over me. I caressed her hips and Mary parted her thighs. My cock nestled at her entrance, then I pushed my hips upward and it slid inside her. We lay together, my cock throbbing in her tight, wet cunt, and I waited for her to go on.

"What did you do?" I had to ask, as the silence lengthened.

"Well, then Beverley said – 'I won't tell Charlie, Mary – I haven't told him about the barbecue …' Her voice just sort of trailed away, Charlie, as though she had left something unsaid – then she said it – '… yet!'"

"I just looked at her, and she said – 'Tony knows about what happened, Mary – I had to tell him – and we don't want to tell Charlie, but …'"

"Beverley's hand was still reaching out across the table and – I didn't think, Charlie, I … I couldn't, really – I stretched my own out, towards it. Beverley took hold of my wrist and she just held it for a little while, while Tony stroked her tits, and I watched. I'm honestly not sure whether I submitted to Bev's 'blackmail' or not. I know I was shaking as I watched his hands on her breasts – and I was frightened – but I was also oh, so turned on!"

"She's got big tits, Charlie – you'd like them. They're quite firm, and her nipples are short, but very thick, and her aurolae are wide, and dark. Tony moved a little, to Beverley's side, but he kept his hands on her breasts. But then Beverley pulled me slowly towards her."

"I thought she was going to put my hand on her breast, but … she didn't. She … she pulled it towards her side and … and she pressed it against Tony's trousers – against his cock. I tried to pull it away, at first, but she was holding my wrist tightly and I could feel his hardness against my fingers and – well, after a second or two, I couldn't help it – I took hold of it, through his trousers, and squeezed it."

"When I did that, Tony let go of Beverley and put his hands on my shoulders and said – 'Take it out, Mary.' I automatically looked at Bev, and she said – 'Go on – take it out' – so I felt for the top of his zip and started pulling it down. Then I felt Beverley unzipping the back of my tennis dress. When she had finished, she pushed it forward, over my shoulders, and it slid down my arms."

"I remember I had to take my hands away from Tony's zip, to let it fall to the floor, but I went back to it and opened it all the way down. Then I put one hand inside. His cock was poking out of the front of his boxer shorts, and there was some stuff – leakage – coming out of the end, and it got on my hand."

"I put my hand round his cock, and I remember his tongue coming out, running round his lips to moisten them. Then Bev unclipped my bra. I felt it relax, then her hands came round and eased the cups away. My bra dropped down my arms and stopped at my wrists, and Beverley cupped my breasts in her hands and 'offered' them to Tony. It was as though she was giving him a present of my tits, Charlie – as if she had promised them to him. She was saying something, but I can't remember what it was – the inside of my head was all mixed up. I could feel Beverley's own tits squashed against my back, and I could sense that she was getting – enjoyment – from the way she was holding mine. She was stroking them at the same time, and just touching my nipples, ever so lightly."

"While she was doing this, I had taken Tony's erection out of his trousers, and my bra had dropped to the floor. I looked at his cock – I wanted to see it, Charlie – and it looked just like yours! It was so like it that I looked at his face, to make sure I wasn't dreaming!"

"Then he reached up and held my breasts, his thumbs touching my nipples. By then, my hand was gripping the bare skin of his cock, and I could feel more slippery stuff on my fingers. Then he bent down and his mouth came down on mine, and he gripped my breasts, very hard, and I held his cock in both of my hands. He was very hard, and long, and I was holding him with all my fingers at the base of his cock and the head squeezed between my palms."

"Then I felt his hand between my legs, cupping my mound. I was absolutely soaking, and he must have felt it, through my panties. His finger was pushing against my opening, through the material, then he slid past it, and one finger went inside me."

"Then I felt Bev behind me. She was right up against me and I could feel her big breasts squashed against my bare back. She was whispering – 'Let him fuck you, Mary – go on – let him fuck you. Let me watch Tony fucking you …'. I could feel her hands pulling the back of my panties down …"

The scene was clear in my mind – Mary sandwiched between them, holding Tony's cock in her small hot hands as his finger slid inside her moist vagina … Was I ready for the next inevitable act? My throbbing cock cried 'Yes', but my heart …?

But it was all too much for me. Almost unconsciously, I had started driving my erection up into Mary and, as I envisioned her, spread out on the Vance's kitchen table, with Tony's cock pistoning in and out of her, my orgasm welled up and, clutching her bottom, I gave one last, mighty thrust, then arced my body in that exquisite, tumbling sense of release …

At last, I was spent, and lay on my back, Mary's soft warmth enveloping me, all over. Although I had softened, I was still inside her, and never wanted to emerge. My hands were still caressing her bottom cheeks, lovingly, my lips nibbling at her earlobes and the soft hollow under her jawline.

I could tell Mary hadn't climaxed – her body was still moving against me, her hips moving up and down just far enough to stimulate my passive penis, but not enough to let it slide out of her. Her vaginal muscles were gripping me and, already, I felt the restoration of passion.

"I think that was what set Tony off, too, Charlie," Mary whispered, at last. "Bev talking about him fucking me, I mean. I felt his finger go hard up inside me and then he started to jerk and then all this come was shooting all over my hands and … well, even though I hadn't come, I suddenly came to my senses."

"I just wanted to get out of there – it was Bev, really. She was livid with Tony, and I realised how much she had set this all up for her own benefit. I think what she really wanted was to have sex with me – after Tony had fucked me. She had told me, in the past, about having sex with girls at that school she went to, and she had dropped a few hints, but I wasn't interested and then, after the barbecue, I thought – but, I suppose she must be one of those who likes boys – and girls!"

"But it wasn't that I was worried about. I think, if Tony hadn't come too early, I might have let him – have me – actually fuck me – if only to stop them telling you about the barbecue. But, now, I don't have to worry about that – you know all about that now – and the rest."

"And I really don't want to do that to you, Charlie. I want to keep that just for you. And I don't think you'd want me to do it – for real, I mean. I know it's a great fantasy for you – and for me! – and I know, now, that you'll enjoy hearing about me getting my tits – and other things – felt. But fucking – 'all the way fucking' – that's just for you and me."

And I knew I agreed with her. We had learned a lot about ourselves during the last twenty-four hours – especially me! – and I thought we would both have more such adventures, in the future. But I didn't think they would involve Beverley and Tony and I knew, in my heart of hearts, that I didn't really want another man's cock invading my Mary's sweet pussy.

But, in our dreams – anything could happen!

(As usual, I welcome e-mail comments on my stories, and always reply if an address is given. Also, just a word about the confusing titles in this series of stories. The word is 'sorry'. I know the title sequence is confusing, but the underlying reasons are very complex and not worth going into - I just hope you've enjoyed the stories!)

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SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 2 years ago

Pretty damn hot and pretty fucked up as well. What kind of friends are those? And real nice wife you have there in Mary. She is easy as they come. If I was Charlie, I would be flat out furious with Mary and would be dropping my so called friends and I would even see Mary differently from then on, and that is perhaps the saddest part. Of course he was aroused, but you can be aroused and angry at the same time, The only problem is when the arousal is over, after the final orgasm fades and you are left to your own thoughts, that anger leads to doubt, fear, and feelings of inadequacy for Charlie. Yet Mary, due to her story-time confession, has alleviated her only issue of guilt, and wakes up refreshed with the little bit of knowledge that she can get away with things now. Charlie must put this to rest or they are in trouble. There are so many issues at play here in this wonderful story. Great work.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Getting closet

Charlie is getting closer to being a cuck. Mary is a total slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Sorry doesnt even come close.

Youd be better off deleting them all and reposting with new titles. These are imposible to read with these ptitles.

Fix it.

266xxyz266xxyzabout 6 years ago

Than the first conclusion but not much. Still cheated in my book but I guess everyone has different boundaries.

netinguwannetinguwanover 6 years ago
Incredibly erotic!

This is one of the most erotic stories I have ever read. Very well done and done without paragraphs and paragraphs of explicit sex. I loved the emphasis on the main characters’ emotions. Judging from your submittal dates, it appears you have retired from writing. Such a shame.

PymGordon777PymGordon777about 7 years ago
Incredibly hot! Good job, indeed!!!

This (series of) story is the one that has best captured - by far! - the mix of feelings, jealousy, sexual excitement and sense of guilt, that I have experienced on my own. It is fantastic! I would have given 10 stars if I had ten... Very well written and incredibly arousing. Thank you Quinn for sharing it

tony090909tony090909almost 8 years ago
One Night at a Party

Excellent writing with good insight into the thoughts and motivations of the participants. My personal preference would have been for an ending where Mary got another man's sperm in her pussy and then her husband reclaimed her, but that's just my preference and doesn't detract from a great story.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 10 years ago
Good Series (both variants)

Ah, yes ... we really know one another. Especially if the two of us live on a deserted island, and have since we were 10 years old!

Nah ... probably not then, either!

5* each

johnstang2johnstang2about 12 years ago
Well I was both wrong and right in my previous comment on the first installment of this series.

In it I inferred he did not get off on these stories but was on a fact finding mission. I also stated he would not mind as long no actual fucking was accuring. I was wrong in saying he did not get off on these stories. I admit he does. But I was correct he does not wish any actual fucking to occur.

If I were him I would have words with Tony utilizing my fist and feet to express my words for trying to blackmail my wife into something she evidently does not want to do.

By the way great story. Has to be great to rile me up like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
This one below probably lives in the Appalachi.

With a brain like that he must cum just watching beating somebody to death, better if it is a woman. I really hope you are not married (poor woman, all dishes and yes honey) and furthermore hope you don't have children so neardenthalians will finally disappear. A pig as more brain than you. For sure is more evolved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Why had none of his socalled friends evere mentioned to him that they were feeling up each other wives when they did talk between themselves as Billy claimed. It is clear he was left out but his wife apparently wasn't. Now he had confronted Bille it all of the sudden comes out about his wife and Billy and Tom, and from his wife about Billy, Tom and Tony. ** I would have written it a bit different **

While Billie was smugly telling me about feeling up Mary and what happend with him and Tom, my earlier arousal suddenly disappeared and I felt a surge of anger. To think they were his friends and then to take advantage of my wife, no make that with her consent or even encouragment, that were no friends at all. Not to mention my wife Mary or the other wives, was that really all that went on or was there more. i harshly punched Billie on the nose and followed up with a kick in his balls. While he bent over in agony, I told him in an icecold voice "If you see me again, you scumbag, you better run fast or you won't like the outcome". I turned and went inside. I spotted Tom on the other side of the room talking to Mary. As I approached she smiled at me but then her eyes got big a,d her smile froze on her face when she noticed the grim look on mine. Just as Tom turned around to see what caused the change in Mary, I kicked him in his crotch. He folded in pain and I lifted my knee staight to his face. When I looked up, nobody was moving a finger and they were all staring bewildered at the scene in front of them. "That's what happens when you feel up my wife without my knowledge. I suppose you are all Ok with it if your wives take liberties with other men or them taken liberties with your wives, but I'm not. You can keep my slut of a wife here for your entertainment as she's with the likes of her. I don't know about you Tony but if I ever hear about you too, you know what to expect. You better all stay away from me. You're no friends". I walked out and went home. By the time I got there, my sudden anger had subsided a bit. I expected Mary to show up but I didn't want to talk to her right now. I packed two suitcases and went to stay at a hotel. The next afternoon my cellphone rang and my not too suttle "What do you want" must have startled Beverly. She started pleading to come home to talk to Mary who was hysterical, she said. Mary seemed to have had fainted when I kicked Tom and called her a slut, and when she came by she had started screaming and got so hysterical, they had called an ambulance and Mary was taken to the hospital where she was kept overnight but got released just before noon and now she was crying all the time. It got on my nerves, so I told Beverly coldly "I suppose I may have to talk to her sometime, but that will be when I AM ready and not when it's convenient for her. Why don't you and your fuckbuddies cheer her up. From what I saw, she seemed to like it very much when Billie was feeling her tits and from what he told me so proudly, she was really into it when Tom got her half naked and Billy sucked her nipples that time when Tom was all over you. Just remember, don't let me find out that more went on with others". Beverly gasped as I hung up. She called back the following day but I let it go to voice mail. Two days later I received a personal letter at work from Beverly. I debated just throwing it away, but curiousity won. She wrote Mary had to be admitted again and was devastated and desperate to talk to me. The doctors too urged me to come and see her. She said she too wanted to talk to me and tell me all about the parties, irrespective of the consequenses. (for an ending, just figure it out yourself).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Bull shit !! Utter bulshit !

Anon comment below was very likely written by quinn himself !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great story. I agree that the first conclusion was a bit over the top, but the final chapters are well written, and much more natural. Many thanks for all your excellent writing and hard work. It's hard to believe that it was written 10 years ago, but still sounds so fresh.

I hope you will continue to post stories here. My favorite is "Just for Old Times", again because it is so realistic.

MaryAnn70MaryAnn70over 17 years ago

Good ending, I chose to comment on this one so I guess you know what my preference was.

Sometimes you can want something, want it really bad but know you can't have it. Nothing will push you past that point.

You can what-if this to death but the future is in their hands.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 19 years ago
Well, we learned one thing

If she has a drink or two and in the right circumstance, she'll quite likely be fucking somebody. She pretty much said as much. She's already let them feel her tits and cunt. She wanted to be shoved up against the wall and fucked. How soon before she is??

How far could he trust her? He's have to keep her on a leash.

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