Orc Dominion: Rebellion Ch. 08


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Undulations rocked Jeanette as she yearned to give in. She was so hot, so horny, that she needed to be fucked immediately or she feared she might die. His cock felt so good against her pussy; the thickness of it and the strange, inhuman bands wrapping around the meat. She did need it inside her; not just in her ass, but rubbing against the wondrously sensitive walls of her pussy. "Y-yes! Just put it in me! Fuck my pussy!"

Quick to obey, Gorath lifted Jeanette high enough for Kat to line his cock up with her nether lips, and even spread them apart for him so he could drop her back down on his cock. He groaned in satisfaction at the way her hot, wet insides wrapped around his cock. Her ass was hot and tight, but her juicy cunt was a pleasure unto itself. Gorath immediately began to thrust his hips, fucking her vigorously as he bounced her atop his shaft.

The skilled tongue of the warrior woman returned to the Queen's slit, eagerly licking upward from the joining of Jeanette and Gorath's bodies to the Queen's swollen clit. Her tongue flicked up and down, and then side to side until she felt Jeanette convulse above her.

Jeanette's hips jerked back and forth as the first climax rolled through her. Gorath's powerful pistoning hips didn't stop moving though, and continued to roughly fuck her even as she exploded in climax around him. The walls of her cunt gripped his thick, cork-screwed cock firmly, latching on and refusing to let go as she quivered in delight.

The large orc struggled to contain himself as he felt the Queen undulating on his cock. The wanton way in which she gripped his cock made him want to give in and loose himself right there. Gorath wanted to pull out of her and surrender to his climax, but he also didn't want to stop fucking Jeanette. Instead, he slowed his motions and moved one hand to cup her breast again. His slower thrusts allowed him to back off the edge of his climax slightly, and prolong the pleasure they were both enjoying.

Katerei grinned to herself as she held Jeanette's clit between her teeth, applying just the smallest amount of pressure. Gorath's thrusts and the Queen's own undulations made the flesh pull taut, and sent tiny shockwaves of pain through Jeanette even as she wallowed in the bliss that Gorath's cock provided. As her tongue swiped back and forth, she looked up again, searching for the orc's eyes to give him the go ahead.

"I need to set you down now, Your Highness, it's almost time!" Gorath moved his hands back to Jeanette's hips, squeezing them firmly. Instead of pulling her off his cock, he started to bounce her on his cock again as he increased the pace of his thrusts.

Tiny quakes erupted from her loins as Gorath took hold of her again in his powerful hands and started to work her up and down his cock. Her pleasure started to swell again as his thrusts increased, and her mind swam in a haze of lust. Jeanette's whole body shook and her breasts bounced wildly in the air as the combination of Katerei's tongue and Gorath's cock took her back to the peak of pleasure. "No! No don't stop! I'm so close! Keep going!"

Gorath spared a brief glance at Kat to see the woman grin before his control started to slip, and his hips slammed upwards into Jeanette, his movements a blur as he jerked her up and down on his cock. Her cunt gripped him like a vice, eagerly swallowing his cock again and again as the Queen reveled in the feeling of the first real shaft she'd had inside her in months. "Your Highness! Now! I'm going to cum!"

"I don't care! Don't stop! Don't stop! Aaaaah!" Jeanette's voice resounded loudly in the room as she screamed in pleasure as another orgasm exploded inside her. She tossed her head back and launched herself into Gorath's chest, resting all her weight on the strong orc as she convulsed in ecstasy.

A triumphant cry erupted from him, and his throbbing cock spewed his load deep inside the Queen, flooding her spasming cunt with his hot seed. He planted it deep in her body, painting her cervix with his load as he packed it in with each powerful thrust. Gorath's fingers wrapped so tight around her hips they might leave bruises as he jerked himself off with her body, milking his shaft until all his load was spent deep inside her.

Gasping for breath, Jeanette collapsed weakly into Gorath, still impaled on his cock. Katerei rose up, her fingertip lightly tapping Jeanette's hypersensitive clit as she pressed into the Queen. Together, Gorath and Kat guided her into Anne's bedchamber and set her down, a look of smug satisfaction on their faces.


Susannah cuddled up closer to Tristan as they sat around the fire. Dusk would be here soon and they would have to douse the flames, but for now she intended to get as warm as possible. She had just made love with him again, and was still flush from the encounter. Susannah intended to retain that heat for as long as possible.

"Tell me again what the rider said!" She begged Tristan.

"Again, my sweet?" Tristan chuckles softly. "The Queen has landed with a small force and seized the port town of Tranor. She's rallying the orc bands in Braden and is marching towards the Lyskean Pass, hoping to catch the Hestens there in a pincer attack from both sides."

Susannah grinned, happy at the prospect that the war might be ending soon. Or at least, she thought, the part of the war where I have to live on this mountain. "When will we be joining her?"

"Not yet, not for some time. We're cut off from the Lyskean Pass by the soldiers King Connor has been marching south. We're going to move southwards though, to get a better position on the road between the Pass and Wareg, so we can ambush any reinforcements coming down, or and soldiers retreating north. We'll join up with the Royal Army when they move on Wareg after the battle."

"How long do you think that will be?"

"It's hard to say, sweetness. I imagine it will be another three or four weeks until she reaches the Pass, and then maybe another week to make it to where we'll be. Call it a month and you'll be back with Her Highness." Tristan grinned at Susannah. "But hopefully you won't be leaving my arms when the time comes."

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it Tristan. You've been wonderful throughout this whole thing. You saved me and my baby from King Connor, and I'll be sure to let the Queen know it." Susannah smiled tremulously at Tristan and rested her face on his shoulder.

"I'm sure the Queen won't have time to hear about common men like me."

"Not so common, Tristan! Don't say that. You've done great things not only for me, but also for the Queen and you deserve the credit. I'll make sure you get it too, the Queen will listen to me." Susannah kissed Tristan on the cheek while her lover looked into the fire with a satisfied smile on his face.

As they sat by the fire, a group of men spoke furtively on the other side of camp, and after a moment they approached Tristan and Susannah. The apparent leader of the group was a lean, wiry man that Susannah always thought must have been a cutthroat before the war. He went by the name of Declan, and was one who always laughed the loudest and stared the longest when she was with Tristan in camp. "Hey chief, there's something we need to talk about."

Tristan looked up at Declan and the others, passively retaining his seat on the log. "Oh yeah? What about?"

"It ain't fair that's what. We're supposed to be equals here, all of us. So why is it you get the only piece of tail in camp? When do we get women?"

Susannah shivered at the way Declan looked at her as he spoke. It seemed like there was only one woman he was interested in.

"We can't have a whole village of women up in these hills, you know that. It'd slow us down and attract too much attention." Declan's response came easy, as if he was expecting something like this.

"So what, we can only afford to have one and your girl is it? That's nice and convenient! As big as she is you can't say she doesn't slow us down!"

"Don't talk about me as if I'm not here, Declan! I pull my weight in this camp, or do you want to do all the cooking and the cleaning? If you think you can manage it, it would certainly take time away from your complaining!" Susannah glared up at the rogue angrily. His comment on her size had struck a nerve. Even living in the mountains on a more restricted diet hadn't slowed the rate at which her belly was growing.

Declan continued on, ignoring the Duchess. "And don't get me started on not attracting attention, your wench screams like a banshee! It's a wonder you haven't brought the whole Hesten army down on top of us!"

Susannah flushed deeply at his words. As inappropriate and insulting as they were, she knew there was a ring of truth to them. But surely Tristan wouldn't allow him to speak of her like that!

Tristan remained in his seat, looking up serenely at Declan. "Well which is it you want? What are you complaining about, that you want a woman or you're worried about the one that's already here?"

Declan seemed confused for a moment as he tried to untangle what Tristan was saying. "We want women! We've been stuck up here for months without and it's time we got some relief!"

"Well, having a whole gaggle of females up here 'screaming like banshees' isn't going to help matters, is it?"

"Then we want yours! Stop hogging her all to yourself and let us have a go at her!" The other men spoke up in agreement, their eyes turning to Susannah lecherously.

"I'm not some camp follower to be passed around! I'm the Duchess of this land!" Susannah tried to stand up as she shouted, but Tristan kept her firmly at his side with his arm around her.

"Duchess? Maybe down there you are, but up here we're all equal! Up here to cook and clean and spread your legs for the chief, now it's time you spread 'em for the rest of us too!"

Susannah spluttered in outrage and finally shot Tristan an angry look. "Tristan! Do something!"

"I don't know, my love, he may have a point. These are all good men who are risking a lot for you. Each of them have families that they've left to come and save your Duchy from the Hestens. Every one of them would be hanged by King Connor if they were found to be harboring you. They've sacrificed much, and maybe it hasn't been right of us to flaunt ourselves in front of them so."

Declan and the others nodded as Susannah gaped at Tristan in disbelief. He couldn't be serious! Yet it seemed he was, as he gazed back at her with a thoughtful expression on his handsome face. Her eyes fell from his, down to the earth for a moment before she looked at Declan and the other men of their band. They were dirty, scraggly, thin, and unkempt. It wasn't an easy life, and she knew that they were all veterans of a dozen engagements.

These past few weeks had been some of the happiest she'd had in years, but none of them were sharing in that. Perhaps they were a bit cruel to flaunt themselves though, but that still didn't mean she owed them anything, let alone her body. "That might be true, and I am sorry if we've made you feel lonely or reminded you of what you've been missing, but even still, I don't think the answer is to, well, let you between my legs."

The men started to shout their objection, but Tristan waved for them to be quiet. "Let me talk to the Duchess alone for a few minutes boys, and we'll get this sorted out." When the men stepped back to the other side of the camp, Tristan leaned over to Susannah and lowered his voice. "You know I love you sweetness, and I won't ever ask you to do something you don't want to do. But you need to know all the facts. Men have needs, and if they don't get them sated they'll become reckless and violent."

"I know about the needs of men, Tristan, but I'm sure you can keep better control over them than that."

"I do, for now. But if the situation carries on, then one night I'll wake up with my throat cut and you'll wake up being pinned down and raped." Tristan looked at her to make up her mind, but his expression said all that she needed to know about what he wanted her to say.

"It's only a month Tristan, you said so yourself. You can keep them at bay that long. I'm sure you can."

"I wish I could say that I could. But you know Declan, the kind of man he is. He won't wait that long, not now that he's made it an issue." Declan continued to stare at her, until her gaze fell to the ground again.

"I, I don't know Tristan..."

"I won't think less of you, Susannah, don't worry about that. It's no big thing, really. None of them want to make love to you. It's just a matter of physical relief. It won't be like what we have, it won't affect what we have." Tristan stroked Susannah's arm and leaned over to kiss her temple.

Susannah's heart sank and her shoulders slumped. She couldn't believe that Tristan really wanted her to do it. She loved him, and didn't understand why he would want to share her with the others. But as she loved him she trusted him. He had always protected her. If this is what he thought was best, perhaps she should do it. If Tristan could look past her having been wedded to Bodak, then perhaps he could look past her being with the other men in the camp. "Do you really think it's best, Tristan?"

He stood up, helping Susannah to rise as he did so. "It is, Susannah." Tristan walked her over to where Declan and the men were waiting. "It's not as bad as you think, it really isn't. You'll see."

Declan grinned and reached for Susannah, taking hold of her arm. As the Duchess looked down at the earth, he led her off into the woods, while the men behind him cast lots to see who would go next.


Thick plumes of smoke rose from the burning village, blocking out the sun from the Dukes of Haverset and Swetford. They had a good vantage point to observe the men under their command move from hut to hut, setting them ablaze and cutting down any orc who ran out. Frederick, the Duke of Haverset, had taken on a green pallor as the pile of slain children grew in the center of town. The village had been near unprotected, with only a few elderly or lame men available to resist their attack.

Thomas, the Duke of Swetford, seemed unperturbed. Nor did the men seem overly concerned with the plight of the fallen orcs. "It's strange to find all the children unattended. There are hardly any women about. Where are their mothers? Did we miss some in the fields?"

Frederick looked at Thomas, a grim expression on his face. "If you want to ask one, you'd best do it quickly. There aren't many women left."

Thomas looked down into the village again, staring for several long moments before turning to a rider and giving the order for an orc woman to be brought to him. "It's hardly even a village, really. I'm surprised it was even on the map. Do you suppose that's how they live out in the March? In straw huts surrounded by their goats and pigs?"

"They lived a more nomadic life in the March. The land isn't fertile enough to support permanent grazing, so they are constantly on the move, finding better spots for grazing and raiding each other for livestock and women."

"I bet they wish they were on the move now." Thomas chuckled softly, and then leaned forward, squinting his eyes to try and peer through the haze of smoke. "There we go, I think we've caught us one. Let's see what she has to say, eh?"

A pair of soldiers dragged the female orc to their position, and dropped her carelessly on the ground at their feet. She was large, compared to a human woman, but not nearly as large as an orc male. She wasn't quite as tall as Frederick, but she would have stood above Thomas if the Duke of Swetford were not atop a horse.

One of the soldiers kicked her sharply in the ribs, making her grunt in pain. "Stand up pig! You're before the Duke of Swetford and the Duke of Haverset!"

The orc woman rose to her knees, and looked up to the Dukes. "Gosh'nok! Ik bok feshnez! Hek dor ugazh!"

Thomas snorted in disgust. "It figures the beast doesn't know proper language. So much for that notion, Frederick."

Frederick shot Thomas a dirty look. "She's asking for the lives of her children." Frederick turned back to the soldiers that brought her over. "Did you find children with her?"

"Aye sir, didn't know if you'd want them or not so we kept 'em separate."

"Good. Have them brought over. Go!" The soldiers ran off again and Frederick turned back to the orc woman, addressing her in her own language. "Your children are safe, and will remain so if you answer our questions. Where are the rest of the women?"

The orc woman sobbed in relief at the Duke's words, but it quickly turned to confusion at the question. "All the women are here, great chief."

"There are so few women for a village of this size, there has to be more. Where are the rest of them?"

"All here great chief. All here I swear it!" The orc woman looked panicked, desperate for the Duke to believe her and spare her children.

"There aren't enough women here for the men that must live here. Why aren't there enough for everyone?"

Understanding dawned on the orc woman's face, and she sighed in relief. "Orc men share their women great chief. Only one woman born for every," the orc woman held up her hands, counting her fingers, "for every four hands. Only the strongest orc males get to breed, the rest share in other ways."

A look of disgust crossed Frederick's face and he turned towards Thomas. "She says only one in twenty orcs are born female, and the males share their women with only the strongest males getting to breed."

Thomas chuckled, "Well that's positively barbaric! No wonder they're so angry all the time."

Frederick looked back to the orc woman. "How do your people have so many children with so few women?"

"When orc males mate with human women, it is an even chance if the children come out boy or girl. But when it is a girl, the children come out as with regular orc women, with one female for every four hands."

"That's disgusting. Your people are parasites." Frederick turned back to Thomas. "When an orc male rapes a human woman, the gender of the child has an equal chance of being a boy or a girl. But when the girl grows up her children will have only a one in twenty chance of being female, just as with regular orc women."

"How ghastly! No wonder their appetite for human women is so voracious. I'm more convinced now than ever that we're better off without these animals in Zentara. The sooner they're gone the better it will be for all of us." As Thomas spit out the words, a scout rode up hard beside them.

"Your graces! Orc soldiers are approaching!"

Frederick turned sharply. "How many and how far?"

"I'm not sure Your Grace. Maybe twenty-five thousand. Four days out, maybe three if they ride fast."

Now it was Thomas' turn to look green. "We're outnumbered nearly two to one."

Frederick waved the scout away. "We knew we would be. We wanted to lure them away from the Pass and we did. Now we need to find better terrain and wait for King Connor to come through the Pass and cut him off." Frederick turned towards his aide. "Call back the men and get ready to march. The orcs will be mounted and we're not so we'll have to move quickly if we're going to make it to the Thavesal River before them."

As the aide signaled for the men to reform, Thomas turned to his own aide. "Have the orc wench and her brats brought with us." The Duke of Swetford looked down on the orc woman with a twisted grin. "I wish to question her further."

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OrcDominionOrcDominionabout 9 years agoAuthor
thanks again


I was actually going to do a gangbang for Susannah last chapter, but I ran out of time and it was getting darker than I liked. There will definitely be one next chapter though. Also, thanks for the ideas for the soiled dove. I can always use suggestions for that. I only have a couple ideas at the moment so I will probably use some of yours eventually.

I would love to read your rp. If you send me feedback through the button here it will email me. Just be sure to list your own email so I can write back. If not I will try to look for yours later. I normally check the comments and feedback on my phone though so it is not the easiest to navigate.

I am glad people liked the scene. That was the part of the chapter I was happiest with. Their affair will definitely continue, and the power struggle of the relationship will continue to develop and evolve in what I hope is an interesting way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I really like this chapter and am looking forward fot the following. It's nice to see the Queen doing some vaginal sex at last. Are you going to continue with Jeanette "cheating" on Turogg or are you going to leave it here? How about Jeanette having remorse on doing that and maybe fear of getting of getting knocked up by Gorath, since i'm not a real fan of pregnancies it would be nice if it could end only at being afraid of it. Can't wait for the next chapter and am also looking forward for the "Soiled Dove" chapters. Keep it up and slow down if you must so you don't burn out.

emmakendrick01emmakendrick01about 9 years ago
Extra line

When I stated "I'm not usually for this kind of sex", I forgot to add an extra line.

"I'm not usually for this kind of sex, but it was well written and you did a wonderful job of making it erotic and passionate."

emmakendrick01emmakendrick01about 9 years ago
Excellent set up

Great combat descriptions and details. You made it a good point to describe positioning and where everyone was in relation to others, made it easy to picture how the combat was going. I enjoyed seeing Anne, nice to see that she is doing well. Good weapon, armor, and clothing descriptions as always.

I particularly enjoyed the sex scene and was glad to see the return of vaginal sex with the queen. It was very hot, steamy, and had fun dialogue. I'm not usually for this kind of sex (I prefer gangbangs or several guys taking turns one after another, which I may get my wish next week with Susannah! I enjoyed seeing the other side of the fence with the issues in the camp and Sussannah and Tristan. I hope there's a nice write up on the men in the camp and her (and if possible could you describe how she looks for I can't find the original description and possibly a random picture or model she looks similar to.)

Interesting lore details with the orc breeding situation and the lords handling the orc woman. All in all there were several good setups for scenes in the next story.

As for being burnt out, I can completely understand that and I wouldn't want you to feel like writing is a chore or a job. I really enjoyed the tales from the soiled dove and I look forward to any new series you may have soon if they are as good as this series is.

As for Tales of the Soiled Dove, I'd like to see the queen hired out for a party and chained up with several people using her. Another idea is a dinner party where the servants are naked (masquerade party) and she's hired out for it, possibly scared at being recognized amongst the nobles (which only excites her more and throw in some voyeur). Maybe she sleeps with someone who actually knows the queen but due to her mask, they don't recognize her. My last idea is the queen being hired out by a group of men looking to lose their virginity and are completely inexperienced with the queen teaching them how to have sex and build their confidence. This could also work with a single guy too and have him and the queen copulate numerous times over the night as the queen "teaches" the man the art of sex.

Just a few ideas, use some or none, its all up to you. I don't expect you to cater to us, just write what you like to read.

On a separate note, your boat story is similar to an RP I had awhile back. If you're interested in reading it, I can send it to you via e-mail, just send me your e-mail.

syd_v63syd_v63about 9 years ago
Well Done

A decent Battle followed by a fairly decent sexual tryst. Five stars all the way. I so appreciate your work and am sorry to hear that you're feeling burnt out. On the up side the story is moving forward fairly well and you are again building your audience.

I for one am glad the Queen has strayed, never really was a Tourag fan. I do like this dynamic between her and her two lovers, it has so much potential. And poor Susannah she just can't catch a break, from Bodak to Tristan, will she ever find the happy romance she craves? Five Stars all the way.

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