Out of Darkness Ch. 17


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Sandalio jumped up when Carr and Lee entered the room. He was about to speak but thought better of it when he saw the weary faces in front of him. He slowly took his seat. He could wait.

Carr ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair, the white scar clearly visible across his forehead. He didn't notice the frown on Lee's face as she looked at it. He leaned against the wall and let his head fall back, making a loud "thunk" sound when it hit the wood. Closing his eyes, he sighed loudly and smiled when he felt Lee's hand take his and squeeze.

"How many did you lose, Carr?" Alistair hated to ask the question and knew from the Alpha's face how much it pained him to think about it.

"Four. I don't know how some of them made it. I saw Cole go down and thought for sure he was dead when he hit the ground. I really didn't expect him to make it back alive. But I sure am glad he did, thanks to Nathan pulling him out in time." He squeezed Lee's hand.

"Actually, The Seven Sisters had a hand in that. I'm not sure how, but I'm sure we'll learn more later." Alistair lifted an eyebrow as he looked at his mate who smiled and nodded her head.

"Well I'll take any help I can get. I wish they could have saved them all. Jason was the only son in his family and had no cubs of his own. Luckily, he hadn't found a mate yet." Carr paused for a moment and thought back to the meeting with Jason's parents. It was heart-wrenching. And it was the same with the other families. "Only one was mated. No cubs for any of them. I never know what to say."

Lee wrapped an arm around Carr's waist and hugged him close. "You always say the right things. The families know it was for the good of the pack. Isn't that what a werewolf lives for? The good of the pack?"

Carr held a hand to Lee's face and stroked her cheek, moving forward to lean his forehead against hers. "I think you're the one that always knows what to say." He brushed her lips with his. "Thank you."

As much as he wanted to take his mate into the woods under the full moon, he knew he had business to take care of. Carr turned slowly to the Spaniard. "Sandalio, I heard you wanted to leave but you wanted to speak with me first."

"Yes, well, as you know, I have been spending a great deal of time with one of your females, Julia."

Carr cocked his head. Where was this conversation going? "So I've noticed. And?"

"Before now, my wolf wasn't really interested. He played along for my sake, as always. But when I passed her on my way in here, now that the fighting is over, my wolf has suddenly realized that she is our mate. So I would like to take her back with me."

Carr and Lee exchanged amused glances. "And she has agreed to this?" Carr winked at Lee.

Sandalio seemed surprised at the question. "Agree? Why wouldn't she agree?" Sandalio suddenly panicked. He hadn't thought to speak with her. Would she possibly refuse him?

Lee laughed. "Don't worry, Sandalio. She'll agree. She's known you were her mate since the Wolf Moon. But she was smart enough to wait for you to realize it. She knew you were distracted."

The look of relief on Sandalio's face was amusing to the group surrounding him.

"In fact, I believe she's packed and waiting for you now." Lee looked through the open door towards the foyer, where her former Beta waited for her new mate. She smiled as she watched the female pacing nervously.

"How did she know I had a charter waiting?" Sandalio whispered under his breath as he smiled at the beauty who would accompany him home.

Rhys grinned. "She will make a fine mate, Sandalio. She seems rather resourceful, doesn't she?" Rhys ducked, evading Katy's slap across the shoulder.

"So I take it you'll be waiting to mate then?" Alistair knew that Sandalio and Julia would have a difficult trip. Their wolves would want to mate, but he knew the Head of the European Council was expected to mate during a lavish ceremony. Julia would enjoy being the center of attention.

Sandalio stood up, clearing his throat loudly. "Yes, unfortunately, I have no choice in the matter now." He turned to the Alphas and bowed, reaching out to take Lee's hand and kiss it in the European fashion of his time. "It has been a pleasure. Thank you for your hospitality, and I hope to someday repay it in kind."

Sandalio made his way around the room, saying his good-byes to this group of new friends. He saved a bear hug for his old friend, Konstantin. He whispered into his ear. "Take care of your little mate, old friend. Don't crush her by accident."

The big silver-haired were roared with laughter. "Never, my friend, never. Můj anděl will be the safest when she is in my arms." He looked down lovingly at the tiny woman ,whose skin had blushed the brightest red he'd ever seen.

Kelly hadn't heard a word of what was happening a few feet from her as she stared at the rising moon. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the ground moving quickly beneath her four big paws. She felt like she couldn't hold still.

He will be with us soon.

Kelly really needed to get used to her other half talking to her.

Drago will be back soon. Perhaps it would be best to wait outside.

Kelly sighed to herself. She needed to get used to her grandfather talking to her too. She quietly excused herself from the room and walked out of the big house. But where should she go? She stood in the middle of the driveway and looked around. The full moon lit the area all on its own without any help from electric lights.

She saw the lights on inside the surrounding homes and heard laughter and giggling coming from some, sobbing from others. She thought for a moment of Jason and felt a tear rolling down her cheek. She'd never forget his face, watching her with so much hope.

I'm proud of you, baby. You helped so many. Drago's voice was like a soft whisper in her head.

Drago, when will you be here?

Soon, baby, soon. Wait for me in the meadow. I'll join you there.

But how do I find it?

Your panther will know where it is. Let her show you.


Kelly rubbed her crossed arms with her hands. She wasn't cold, just antsy. She couldn't hold still for a second. She looked down at the ground and realized there was a track in the grass that had formed in the last fifteen minutes. After all they'd been through today, and all that she and Drago had been through in the last few weeks, why was she so nervous now?

The soft wind blew through the trees surrounding the meadow. Kelly didn't feel scared at all, which surprised her. She'd never been one to go out alone in the dark, especially in the middle of nowhere. She stopped for a moment, listened to a wolf howling in the distance, and smiled. She knew there were no wild wolves in Nevada. It must have been one of the pack with his mate.

It was cold by human standards, maybe thirty degrees. Kelly didn't care anymore about things like that, but her skin felt so hot she wished there was a lake nearby. Maybe I should just strip. What was it going to hurt? Anyone she might run into here would be from the packs and nudity was an everyday thing for them.

She couldn't get her clothes off fast enough. Her whole body felt like it was on fire! Maybe the cold grass would make her feel better. Am I sick? She lay down, stretching out in the wet grass. But her relief was only momentary. Too soon the overwhelming heat returned. What's wrong with me? In frustration, she closed her eyes, her face pressed against the ground, trying to cool her burning skin.

She felt him near before she heard him. How had she missed his approach? "Are you sneaking up on me?" Now as she listened carefully, she heard the cadence of four paws on the ground.

Never, Kelly.

She felt a large, wet tongue slide along her skin from her tail bone to the nape of her neck. She wasn't cold but she shivered nonetheless. Where his tongue had passed felt momentarily cooler as the wetness was cooled by the breeze.

Drago, what's wrong with me? I think I'm sick. Maybe you should stay back.

She felt his cold nose on her neck and his course shaggy hair along her body as he lay next to her.

No, you're not sick, Kelly. You are in heat! This is the first full moon after our mating. Tonight we will seal our mating and our bond.

And I might get pregnant? Kelly felt his laughter more than heard it.

Yes, baby. You might get pregnant. I want cubs, as many as we can have. So many nowadays have none.

Kelly had never really thought much about children. But, she had to admit, since becoming a werepanther she had been thinking about children, cubs.

Could I have gotten pregnant yesterday when we mated?

She felt him pressing against her body, the whole length of him against her side. She found herself snuggling into his furry body.

No, you weren't in heat yesterday. But today you are. I can smell it.

Again she felt more than heard his amusement. This was going to take some getting used to. It was almost like she was inside his head and sharing his emotions just as much as his thoughts.

Only when I let you. We can shut each other out when we need to. But I hope we don't make it a habit.

Kelly rolled over and looked at her handsome, strong, brave black wolf. His dark eyes seemed to shine under the light of the full moon. I never want to shut you out, Drago. Again, she felt his laughter without actually hearing it.

Someday you will, and that will be fine. We'll learn when to share and when not. Drago gazed into Kelly's deep blue eyes. His nose drifted along his mate's neck, inhaling deeply, lavender and orange filtering through his nostrils into his brain and every cell of his body. And there was another scent there, the evidence of her heat. He knew he would soon lose any control he had over his wolf.

Kelly stretched languorously as she felt the slow exploration of her skin by her mate. When she felt his tongue lapping at her nipples she surprised him by purring loudly as she lifted up her body, pressing her breasts closer to his tongue. When she felt the sharp points of his teeth biting into her tender flesh she didn't scream or jump away; she bit her lip and moaned loudly as he lapped at the blood that came to the surface. The small wounds quickly healed.

She watched his every movement as he slid down her body, to her boiling center. Her purrs became roars of pleasure when his tongue delved deeply inside her, drinking her. Drago, Drago please!

Let your panther take over, baby. Don't fight her.

Kelly closed her eyes and gave herself over to her waiting other half.

The wolf watched his beautiful human mate roll to her hands and knees and become his stunning black panther. She was lovelier than he had ever imagined possible. He stood in awe, watching her long tail as it flipped back and forth behind her. The panther turned her head to look behind, and Drago saw his mate's gorgeous sky blue eyes looking back at him.

Kelly's whiskers twitched as she scented her mate; her ears swiveled to listen for his breathing. The black wolf who stood behind her was imposing, his size much larger than most of the wolves that she'd seen since coming here. The only ones of comparable size were the Alphas and Drago's own biological father.

He will be a fine father for our cubs. Kelly had to agree whole-heartedly with her panther. They had been lucky to find him. She knew that fate was involved somehow, but she would never understand it.

Drago, the wolf, pressed his nose to his mate's wet and swollen opening, flicking his tongue to taste her. He was shocked at the difference between the taste of his human mate and his panther. It was like the flavor and scent had intensified to an almost unbearable level. Drago, the human, was shoved backwards in their shared mind, and the wolf fully took over. It was time to breed, and he would control it.

The wolf reared up on his hind legs, his stiff cock entering his mate swiftly, impaling her in one thrust. He felt her hips rise higher to allow him even deeper inside. Her tail had moved far to the side to allow him unimpeded access.

He heard her roar of pleasure and hooked his front paws around her rib cage, pulling himself forward to force himself as deep as he could possibly go. His hips bucked against her, propelling his cock into her tight sheath. His brain was flooded with pleasure as his cock was squeezed by her body. The instinct to plant his seed deep inside her drove him to mercilessly pound into her over and over. He was close and felt her body readying itself.

The panther could feel her mate's need, equaling her own. A were fulfilled their destiny by bringing cubs into the world; wolf or panther, it didn't matter.

The panther's body stiffened momentarily before her body clamped down on her mate's cock. She roared when she felt his knot force its way inside her and knew the time was close.

The wolf leaned forward, steadying himself by digging his claws into the panther's sides. With his knot seated, his movement was curtailed and his thrusts shorter, but more urgent. He was close and found her neck, his teeth closing on the skin, tearing, tasting blood. He bit down hard and heard her cry out with her pleasure as he flooded her with his seed. His cock shot load after load deep inside her, his knot keeping any from escaping. He let go of her neck and lifted his head to the sky, baying at the full moon high above them. The wolf pulled them both, still tied, to the ground and they lay there together while he slowly licked the wound he had inflicted on her neck. He felt the wound heal under his tongue.


Guillame held his red kitten in his arms, stroking her soft skin while they waited for his knot to shrink. He heard her sigh and squeezed her tighter. "Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is right, finally. I feel like the whole world is open to us. When we first mated, I knew we had so much heartache in front of us, but there was this sense that something good would happen, sometime. I just didn't know it would take one hundred and sixty years to find it." She turned her head and kissed him softly.

They heard the roar of a panther and the answering howl of her wolf from a distance and smiled.

"It sounds like Drago and Kelly have sealed their bonds." Guillame nuzzled the back of Orsolya's neck.

"For the first time since the eclipse, the night your father and grandmother died, I feel hope, like the darkness has finally lifted."

"Then that is what we will name our daughter; Hope." Orsolya slid her hands over Guillame's, moving them over her stomach. "My panther tells me we will have a girl, Guillame. You will have your chance to be a father. And this cub will know and love you as our first cub never had the chance to." She smiled when she felt his arms tighten around her. His love warmed her heart.




"Did you know that panthers can tell as soon as they're pregnant?"

"I had heard that."

"Can we name our son Jason?"

"Yes, baby, we can." He held her tighter, so proud of his incredibly strong, beautiful, and brave mate.

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Ramjet57Ramjet57about 3 years ago
A fitting end to this set of stories

Now to start the next set, ASAP. And good riddance to Erobos.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Can I just say WOW again? You have a truly unique gift. Weres are some of my fav stories to read anywhere. If you had these printed, I'd buy them just so I could read them again and again! Incredible stories. Wonderful characters. I loved the humor, the suspense and the love in the story. You threw in a few loops for us, but I can't wait to see where you take these folks next! Please keep writing! I love your work!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

what happen to the female dire wolf?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

As always your stories are amazing. Can't wait to read the next one.

MizTMizTabout 11 years ago

More than just the name of a future daughter, but what the future holds for everyone. I like that Kelly wants to honor Jason by naming her future son after him. And with so many babies coming it won't be long before all the packs have their numbers up. You did a nice job showing that life does go on and that it is filled with HOPE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You are such a compelling storyteller. Your works in this series have been a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing.

rosettastonedrosettastonedabout 11 years ago
glad to see I wasnt the only one that apprrciated the cub being named Jason

This has been excellent. I found the stories and read them all in a day. Keep it up and thanks for sharing!

LolalinLolalinover 11 years ago

Brought a tear to my eye that she wanted to name the baby Jason. You are good...keep it up.

ElhazElhazover 11 years ago
Loved the series

Thank you so much for a wonderful series. Great story lines and characters, I have not been able to put it down since I started.

mrschipperbrowningmrschipperbrowningover 11 years ago
dont end

i love this pack.i love the ending but hate that it had to end....could you maybe come up with the birth of all the cubs?

Butterflies1974Butterflies1974over 11 years ago

Beautiful end to this great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Hope there will be more!

Thank you for these beautiful stories and for letting us know that Guillame and Orsolya will have another cub!!! I just fell in love with them and I'm thrilled they get another chance at happiness together. I was surprised they are having a daughter though, since you had her mention she would like a boy this time...I was thinking, actually, it would have been great if their twin boys were reincarnated so they would all be reunited. I'm sappy that way. :-) And I can't give up hope that you will revisit these characters and show them with their young children...Ah well, something to dream about. Thanks again.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago

Thank you for having the courage and tenacity to complete this amazing story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
great series... thank you


RheamistressRheamistressover 11 years ago

One tiny question here: What is to become of the female dire wolf? Looking forward to seeing your next piece of work. :)

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