Patrick Ch. 08


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She didn't understand why Carl had insisted that they be here early, it was another hour until the fundraiser started and the Sinclaire's hadn't even arrived yet. She felt a tap on her shoulder and plastered on a smile before turning around to greet whoever it was.

"Linda!" The woman greeted, "Finally we meet!"

"I'm sorry but do we know each other?"

"Well not personally." the woman replied, "I'm Maryanne Sinclaire Johnston"

"I'm sorry....." Linda started to say but was interrupted by Maryanne.

"I believe that ......"

"There you are!" Carl said putting an arm around Linda.

"Maryanne! So nice to see you again." Carl said holding out his free hand.

Linda gave Carl a confused look and then looked at Maryanne who she swore eyes just flashed.

"You know that I support all of Katrina's charities." Maryanne replied.

"Of course but I thought that you and George were on a trip somewhere."

"We were but we came back early just for this, aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely.... Wife?"

"My apologies! I was just surprised to see you here, where's that husband of yours? Carl asked looking around."

"He's talking to Ethan about some problem with one of his companies. Apparently someone is stealing but at any rate, please introduce me to your wife."

Linda was confused, how did this woman know her? She had never met any of the Sinclaires personally but this woman while outwardly polite to her didn't like her.

Carl made the introductions as Linda smiled politely. When Carl turned away Linda asked Maryanne how they knew each other.

Maryanne smiled at her but the smile didn't reach her blue eyes and walked away.

Something warned Linda that she should leave and now but she couldn't, Carl wouldn't allow it. She turned when there was a commotion in the front of the room, Ethan and Katrina had just arrived.

Linda stared at Ethan open mouthed; the pictures of him were so far off the mark that it wasn't even funny; he made even the most handsome men in the room look like mutts. "If Patrick Sinclaire had even an ounce of his good looks no wonder Melissa went after him." she thought and then she looked at Katrina and wondered how in the hell someone like her had captured someone like Ethan. That he loved her was obvious by the way he looked at and touched her and it wasn't a put on.

Maryanne stood next to her second mate George and watched Linda. She found out about the almost rape from Rachel who thought that she knew about it and then she found out about Kevyn from Patrick himself. As soon as he told her she did what Patrick thought she would do.

"When can I meet her? What is she like?" she asked, "What does she do?"

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you sooner." Patrick replied.

Maryanne had backed off but didn't tell him that she knew all about Melissa Hunter and about what almost happened, it would have upset him and that would have served no purpose. Instead she learned what she could about Melissa's mother, after all "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." she told George.

"Whatever that bitch has planned ends tonight." she told George as they dressed for the fundraiser. George raised his eyebrows but didn't comment. He knew that Maryanne still felt guilty that she hadn't done more to protect her boys and now that she had an opportunity to help and protect Patrick it was full steam ahead. He didn't even ask what she had planned, he really didn't want to know but he planned to enjoy the show.


Patrick led Kevyn to a spot a few hundred yards away from the water and sat down. Kevyn sat next to him and waited for him to start. The fact was, Patrick didn't know where to start, the past? The present? Where?

"Just start talking." he heard Martin whisper.

Patrick cleared his throat and tried to speak but no sound came out.

"Did you go to prison for something?" Kevyn asked.

"No, but.... I should have."

"Did you embezzle or something like that?"

"No, Kevyn.... ."

He felt her eyes on him, felt her concern and he wasn't going to do it, she told him that he didn't have to tell her, she said.....

"I'm a rapist."

Kevyn stared at him thinking that she had heard him wrong.


Patrick took a deep breath.

"I... I'm or I was a rapist but...."

"You raped women?"

"Yes but....."

She had already moved away from him.

"Melissa, did you rape her? Is that why she was warning you about her mother?"

"NO! I didn't rape her, I almost did but I didn't! I swear to you that before her I hadn't even touched another woman!"

"How many?"


"How many women did you rape?"

"I honestly don't know, but one was too many."

"Why aren't you rotting in prison somewhere?" Kevyn asked angrily, "never mind, I forgot who you are and who your family is." she said standing up.

"Kevyn wait!" but she had already started walking away.

Patrick started to go after her but was stopped by Martin.

"Stay here, she needs space, I'll watch after her." and then he vanished.


Linda's neck prickled and she looked around the rapidly filling room to see who was watching her but she already knew. Carl took her arm and led her over to Ethan and Katrina for introductions.

"Carl! I'm glad that you made it....."

Ethan stopped talking and looked at Linda in disbelief. Katrina realizing that something was very wrong took Ethan's hand and gave it a squeeze.

'I'm so sorry." Ethan said, "I just thought I saw a ghost, please introduce me to your wife."

The urge to run hit Linda so hard that she felt faint.

"Ethan and Katrina Sinclaire this is my wife Linda, sweetheart, this is Ethan and his lovely wife Katrina. They have this fundraiser as well as others every year to raise money for the homes that house emotionally disabled children."

Katrina looked from Ethan to Linda and wondered what the problem was.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Linda said.

"You too, thank you for coming." Katrina replied looking at Ethan from the corner of her eye.


"Linda was thinking about helping on a committee and I know that you have another fundraiser coming up that you need volunteers for." Carl said giving Linda a squeeze.

"Of course, I'd be happy to help." she forced herself to say.

"Katrina!" Maryanne called from behind Linda.

"Maryanne? What are you doing here? I thought that you and George were off sailing the Caribbean!" Katrina said pleasantly surprised and reaching for Maryanne's hand.

"We were but something came up and besides, you know that I like to support your causes."

Linda really wasn't feeling well and looked for restroom.

"Carl, is your wife alright? She looks a little pale." Maryanne said.

"I'm alright." Linda insisted.

Ethan now had a viselike grip on Katrina's hand, he was angry and she had to find out why.

Ethan forced himself to calm down, the last thing he wanted to do was to scare Katrina.

"Could you all excuse us for just a moment?" Katrina asked tugging on Ethan's hand.

They went off into a corner with her still holding his hand.

"Ethan what's wrong?" she asked.

"Baby, I'm sorry if I scared you but that woman...."

"I'm alright but are you talking about Linda? What about her?"

Katrina listened stunned as Ethan told her who Linda was and her relationship to Melissa.

"You think that she's here to do what exactly?"

"Maybe nothing but that woman taught her child to use her body to lure men into bed for their money! We almost lost Patrick because of her!"

Katrina looked at up at him and then over at Linda standing next to her husband still looking pale.

"Ethan, does your mother know about Melissa?"

"I didn't tell her." he replied, "why?"

"I don't know but are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thank you baby."

They headed back to the group, it was time to start.


Kevyn started walking not really caring where she was going.

"What is wrong with me?" she asked herself, "I marry a loser and now I'm in love with a rapist! What in the hell is wrong with me?"

Martin followed Kevyn closely; he felt for both her and Patrick but was powerless to ease their pain. They would have to work through it like he had to with Rachel and Ethan had to with Katrina.

Finally Kevyn sat in the sand and started to cry. She didn't hear Patrick walk up to her and sit beside her, when she realized that he was there she didn't look at him.

"Were you planning to rape me too?"

Patrick felt like he had been hit by a truck.

"God No! I would never hurt you like that!"

"But you hurt others so why not me, why did you rape?"

"The why is a story all of it's own and I promise to tell it to you but when I told you that I hadn't raped in years that was the truth, when I told you that I hadn't touched a woman until Melissa that was also the truth and if you think about it, you know that I'm not lying."

"Are you trying to tell me that you've been celibate until Melissa?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you.... Melissa, there was something about her that pushed me. That's no excuse and I thank god that I didn't hurt her anymore than I did...."

"What was it about her?"

"She.... She resembled my past victims; it was something that I didn't remember until recently...."

"How can you not remember what your victims looked like? You were in their faces and in their bodies! How could you not remember?"

Kevyn was crying again, "I don't understand how you could hurt someone like that!"

She got up and started walking again without waiting for any explanations. Patrick followed her wanting to touch her but too afraid to.

"Kevyn, could you stop for just a minute and let me try to explain?"

"Explain what?! That I took a chance and fell in love with you and you're a damned rapist? Sure try to explain my stupidity!"

"You love me?" Patrick whispered.

Kevyn didn't answer but started walking again.

"I love you too!" Patrick called after her but she acted as if she didn't hear.


The fundraiser dragged on and Linda was feeling worse by the minute, she was barely paying attention when Katrina made her less than two minute long speech and rushed off to the nearest bathroom with Ethan following her.

"She's a brave woman, my daughter -in -law." Maryanne said from behind Linda, "she abhors public speaking hence the short speech. As we speak she's in the bathroom throwing up."

"So why does she do it?" Linda asked.

"There are some things worth suffering for and for her helping children is worth the fifteen minutes of discomfort that comes after every speech but as we know there's a difference between bravery and stupidity." Maryanne replied.

Carl turned to George after watching Maryanne and Linda for a few minutes, "I'm glad that our wives are getting along so well."

Without missing a beat, George smiled and replied, "As am I."

Linda didn't reply but excused herself to the restroom, gasping in surprise when she found Maryanne in the bathroom before her.

"How did you get here before me?"

Maryanne gave Linda a cold smile as the door to the bathroom locked.

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AMHJ89AMHJ89almost 11 years ago

Mama bear protecting her cub... go Maryann

vickivalevickivaleover 11 years ago
Hot diggy dog!!!

Hot damn is all I can say!!!! I agree with Anon... write a book. This is better than Twilight LOL... I can see this as a movie!!!

shortydeeshortydeealmost 12 years ago
Hot Dang!!!!!!

Mother is about to put Linda straight. I hope she scares the SH** out of her.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Linda and Maryanne

Totally didn't see Maryanne coming at Linda to protect her boys. And I like George:-) On a serious note... Can you write a book already?;-) I'm so hooked i still check every day for updates. You're a great story teller.

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyover 12 years ago

didnt see mom coming out of the woodwork, wow i almost feel sorry for Linda almost.

as for patrick poor baby cant wait to see what kevyn does next.

IndianPrincess2IndianPrincess2over 12 years ago

Woo Wee let the games begin oh boy I can't wait until the next update this is really getting more intense then ever I'm on the edge of my seat so please update again real soon thanks!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
GEESH...again...and again...and again!

These damn cliffhangers are sending me RIGHT. OVER. THE. EDGE!!! Linda needs a beat down. Poor Kevyn needs Patrick and he needs her. Then you end the story! WTH?!? All I'm going to do is wait-ANXIOUSLY-for 3-4 pages in Ch. 9! Great work, Kal!

mycreativeauramycreativeauraover 12 years ago

You are so not nice to me, teasing me that way.... 0.0

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Better than anticipated... wow!!!

This twist is so much better than I expected. I thought dumb ass Linda was going to have to deal with Kevyn. Now we see Mama Sinclair step up taking center stage.

Loving it and have NO doubt she is opening up a family size can of fresh Whup Ass for Linda. I also love how clueless her husband is as to what' s about the happen.

Write on baby...write on!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
still captivating

The difference is that they are dealing with the issue as a family. The story is about Kevyn and Patrick but Patrick has the support that both Ethan and Martin lacked.

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