Pea Pod - The Return


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"Wow, you mean if the Ambassador takes anything he is stealing it from me? That is a hoot!" I giggled. "If you see them take anything, don't arrest them, just educate them, okay?"

"If it is your wish that the Ambassador takes back no prizes, he shall take none," Meka assured me.

"I want to make a gift of some items to the people of the United States however, if you think it is prudent Meka," I asked, "The good will that is generated even by something as simple as this three dimensional projector would go a long way in ingratiating Ka'an with the American people. Toys are greatly treasured by my old countrymen."

"We may not want to give them that exact model though Dolly. Try touching the little woman who is displayed.'

I reached out and actually touched her, she was warm an soft and had an actual physical presence, "Oh, my God! She is real! How...?"

"She only exists while the viewer plays, but she is completely real while it plays. It might be a little too... uh... real for them at this point, don't you think?"

"Well... if we recorded some of our ladies who wanted children... and could make the playback life size... the sperm donors would be endless!" I giggled, "Interactive porn for the lonely male!"

"Oh my! Do you think there are that many men who would want to make love to a three dimensional image instead of a real woman?" Meka asked.

"You have always been female Meka, so I know you are serious when you say that. Yes Meka, unless you think you can provide tens of thousands of women to nearly unlimited places around the country, yes there are that many men who would want to have their own 3D concubine," I assured her. We would have to find a way to preserve the sperm and have it delivered viable to us."

"And you think that you are not smarter than you were before!" Meka teased. "I think though you and Erica would make the best images to imprint on the viewers... judging by the slobbering fools men make of themselves when they are around you two!"

"Sure, buy this box and you too can fuck the queen of Ka'an... Are you sure you want that?"

"Never my Queen! I merely suggested that we use someone who looked more like you and Erica! It would be a disgrace to have just any Tom, Dick, or Harry screw our Queen!"

"You got that right! No hairy Dicks are screwing this Queen!"

"As you wish, my Queen. We will arrange only shaven Dicks for your pleasure!" Meka kissed my cheek reassuringly.

"Thanks... I think..."

We wondered on through the building, not finding much of any interest when I heard a big crash. Meka and I ran full tilt to where the crash originated only to see Maurice had fallen on his butt after trying to climb one of the shelves.

He staggered to his feet saying, "I feel so foolish! The only thing up there was an old jacket!"

We shook our heads and wandered away to look through other areas of the store. When we had gotten about halfway down the aisle it suddenly dawned on me, "Oh my God! The Iron Lung noise of the suit, it wasn't there!" I screeched as I spun around back towards where we had seen him last.

"Where is he?" I shouted to Meka.

"I don't see him! Oh nooo! Look over in the corner! I think that is Maurice!" she responded.

I shot a glance toward where she indicated only to see a bulging Pea Pod, with a squirming form within. "We had better tell the others!"

I was saddened by the thought that we would be bringing back a lovely girl to Ginger, her wife, "Shit! Damn, damn, damn! I wasn't fast enough! I should have noticed right away!"

"Do not blame yourself Dolly! I too should have noticed that his air filtration unit had been damaged in the fall. They were warned before coming to Ka'an that this was likely. They would not listen. I am saddened as well. Maurice was a good man," she held me tightly.

"What is all the commotion?" Davon asked.

"Maurice has fallen to the Pea Pod, Davon," Meka told him, "May I offer you the condolences of Ka'an?"

"Oh shit! Is... is... that him? Over there in the corner?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes, we believe so."

"Let's get him out!" he started over to help his friend.

Meka stood in his way, "You can only kill him and the plant together. Their lives are knitted together until the process finishes!"

"So... so... Maurice will come out... out... like you?"

"Sorry Davon, yes she will be like me."

We all regrouped and headed back to the campsite to bring everyone up to our new digs, the store where we lost Maurice to the Pea Pod.

We had all of the Amazons go on a search and destroy mission throughout the building to destroy any more plants that might have taken root in there.

Our camp was much quieter than the night before, but I managed to get Marilynn aside for a moment.

"Oh God Dolly, poor Ginger will be beside herself! I can't believe that Maurice will be a girl in just five days!" Marilynn fretted.

"I'm sorry Marilynn..." I apologized.

"No! Dolly it isn't your fault!"

"I feel responsible because I heard his filter unit had failed, it just didn't dawn on me until it was too late!" I told her.

"Don't feel bad Dolly, I never would have realized it wasn't working, even after he had been consumed by the plant!"

"I know, I just... it was so close!" I groused.

"Yah, why couldn't it have been Theo?" Marilynn told me.

"You really want to see him with a pussy don't you?" I asked.

"I just want him to see what it is like to be on the other side of life. He has always had power and strength. He has never used it well either," she informed me, "With his position, strength and power he could do so much good in the world. Everything he wants is for himself, he never wants to give anything back!"

"How did you get stuck with this lemon Marilynn?"

"I was young and star struck. He was wealthy and charming. I bought his line and married him. Things were pretty good until he started hitting," she became quiet and reflective.

"You are invulnerable while on Ka'an. I mean back at the Consulate too. If you are touched, walk outside the door and you will become a political refugee to the world of Ka'an, under the direct protection of Queen Dolly Gift From God Gordon," I told her.

"Thank you Dolly. It's nice to know that I can count on you!"

"Well you sleep tight under this big roof tonight and we will continue exploring tomorrow."

"What about Maurice?"

"There is nothing more that we can do for her, at least until the Pod gives her up!"

"I see, all right... some of the ladies and I can stay here and keep an eye on things while you adventurers go out and explore!"

"Sure, that sounds like a plan!" I agreed, "Time to turn in so we can be fresh in the morning."

I won't go into the details of our lovemaking but... yes they made sure they satisfied this horny girl!

The Manufacturing District

Come the morning the exploration group took off and left a few back to take care of the home fires.

We sped on down the road with the ATVs opened up pretty good, we had to throttle down just a little to let the Ambassador keep up, but all in all we made good time. In less than two hours we were surrounded by large warehouse like buildings, which is when Meka called back to us and pulled over so we could go exploring.

We slipped into the nearest building and ran across and found a large blocky looking thing with a cab. We walked around the base of it and climbed up on it. We stopped the men from climbing on it. One accidental fall damaging a suit was enough.

Meka finally told us what she figured we were looking at, "This is a heavy antigravity-exploration vehicle. It doesn't appear finished though, the power source hasn't been fully installed and the gyrostabilizers are still missing. All in all, it could be made operational by a good crew in about a week."

"No kidding! Heavy is a good word for it! This thing is a hundred feet long!" I exclaimed.

"Antigravity? You have to be kidding me Meka the Ambassador's breathy reply came from the speaker on his chest.

"Was that the wrong term? Maybe gravity nullifying is a better term?"

The Ambassadors jaw was open far enough you could have done dental work on him without any trouble at all.

"There are many smaller antigravity units around. This one is too large for our uses," Meka was done here and wanting to leave.

"Can we... could we... could we make this operational Meka?" the Ambassador asked, nearly drowning in his own saliva.

"We Ka'anians could Ambassador, should we desire it. You and your people could not," Meka, stated, "There is little reason for us to devote the kind of time necessary to make this machine operational, so I suggest that we move on in our explorations."

"But... but this is... is... such a waste..." the Ambassador tried to get Meka to reconsider.

"Yes, and I shall not add to the waste. Let us move on to greener pastures."

We all marched out of the building over to the next closest structure.

Once entered we made our way through office spaces and came upon what looked to be a needle shaped sky vehicle.

I regretted not being able to see all of the Ambassador's body, obscured as it was by the suit he wore, I would bet money that when he saw that thing, he creamed his jeans!

"Woof! Meka this baby looks so damn sleek! What is it?" I nearly drooled myself!

"It looks to be a personal intercontinental transport, probably a seventy five model. It must be here getting a new fuel cell installed. The newer models are much sleeker."

"This is a jalopy?" the Ambassador looked as if he might faint.

"Yes Ambassador, it looks to be an economy model, nothing very special. We have some much newer models parked outside of the village, should we need them."

You could have knocked the Ambassador over with a feather.

"You have vehicles like this available for your use and we are driving around in ATVs? Why... how... what... Can you tell me why we didn't use them instead of the ATVs?" the Ambassador fussed.

"Ambassador, using an intercontinental vehicle for exploration of our own backyard, is silly! We could have been to the city in a heartbeat, but only a couple of us. You wanted to bring your entourage along. That would not have been possible. Now, do you want to move on or would you rather stare at this Junker longer?" Meka asked.

"Let's move on and see something new and exciting then Meka," the Ambassador said, shaking his head and shuffling out of the warehouse.

We jumped aboard the ATVs and scooted to the next building. Once inside we found an upright needle which, looked like something from a Science Fiction film! It was so tall that it was extending many floors down underground.

"This does not look like a Junker Meka, do you have any idea what we are looking at?" I asked in awe.

"I did not know where it was being built, but this looks like a space craft which was being built to journey to our nearest neighboring star. We were trying to confirm the portals link to planetary bodies in this universe, rather than it's linking to other dimensional realities. It looks like it was nearly finished when the cataclysm befell us," Meka surmised, seemingly impressed with the construction of this wondrous craft herself.

"A star craft!" I whispered.

"Holy shit!" Davon whispered.

Everyone stood in awe looking up and down at the lines of this beautiful piece of machinery.

The Ambassador and his people began taking pictures of the star craft from multiple angles.

"Don't get any ideas Ambassador! That is a Ka'anian treasure and will be fiercely guarded by the Amazons. Once I have been able to restore some of the infrastructure to Ka'an, I promise that this craft will be put to the job for which it was intended," I warned.

"It is revolutionary technology even for the Ka'anians. This craft is designed to use total inertia dampening for propulsion! It should be able to phase out of our reality, into the realm which quarks are derived from, to far exceed the speed of light," Meka informed us.

"What did she just say?" the Ambassador asked Davon.

"It's a star craft which is FTL and uses technology far above our understanding," Davon translated.

"This thing makes the Space Shuttle look like the Wright Brother's flier!" the Ambassador exclaimed.

"Yup, and we ain't no smarter than the Wright Brothers!" Davon replied wide-eyed.

"I think that should be enough exploration for today Meka, can we return to base now? The Ambassador seems to have had enough for today."

"As you wish," Meka answered, and then did an about face walking toward the ATVs.

On the trek back I asked, "Meka did you know that we would find that ship here?"

"Most assuredly not Dolly. Had I know it was there, we would have given that building, a wide berth!" she stated emphatically.

"I hate to tell you this Meka, but we need to have an Amazon on watch twenty four-seven to monitor what the Ambassador and his party are plotting," I fretted, "I know these types, they want that bird and they will do nearly anything to get her!"

"I received that indication from the Ambassador as well Dolly, he is not to be trusted. If he returns from this trip I believe that he will send more spies through in an attempt to secure the star craft," she stated.

We drove the rest of the way in near silence.

Once we were in camp we were informed that Maurice was still in the pod and everything else was normal and under control. Of course we had been in communication the whole time, but it is nice to see it for one's self.

The home fires were burning as our loved ones welcomed us.

"You are such a terrific leader my Queen!" Gwen exclaimed as she hugged the stuffing out of me.

"Did you see the star craft on the monitors back here?"

"You bet your sweet ass we did! I love being a member of an advanced race..." Gwen giggled, as she landed a passionate lip-lock on me.

"Okay, is everything still kosher back here? No feuding with the neighbors?" I asked.

"Hell no! Once we agreed to loan you to Glenda for a lick fest. Then everything went as smooth as glass!" Gwen teased, "Um, actually Glenda admitted that she tends to fancy girls... but she made me promise never to tell anyone... except you that is," she admitted, "For some reason she says you really turn her on!" <Giggle>

"What? Do I have a sign on my back that I can't see, that says 'Easy'? Why is it that everyone wants to fuck my brains out?" I asked her.

"Maybe that is the kind of girl you desired hon.. You wanted a girl who would make everyone around her want to fuck her brains out," Gwen postulated.

"Now that you mention it, I always have desired girls like that... Oh my god! I'm a sex magnet! That plant probably made my new body secrete lots of pheromones, so if I am too near someone for long they will want..."

"Sounds like a good analysis. Don't you like the way people act towards you?"

"Umm... You know, I think I do!" I admitted, at first concerned, and then with a growing ease.

"Wait till I tell Erica! We thought we were being treated differently due to some kind of conspiracy or something. She will be relieved that we are just prone to making friends..." I giggled, "You don't mind it do you?"

"Hell no! I have the greatest most loving family I could have ever dreamed of. So what if I'm technically a lesbian? On Ka'an almost everyone is!"

I threw my little arms around her and told her, "I sure do love you Gwen!"

She hugged me back, "I love you too, my Queen!" then she sniggered her head off.

We went about our usual camp duties for the rest of the evening.

The following day our search revealed nothing of much interest, warehouses full of decayed produce, a gear manufacturing facility, and a salt bagging plant, so we returned mostly empty handed. (I brought a bag of salt just in case and was teased for my trouble.)

We settled in to the evening routine once again before turning in.

The Compound

Everyone turned out in the morning to make today's excursion into the district, but Davon didn't show.

"Where is Davon? Is he coming or did he come down with something?" I asked looking all about for him.

"Um, We don't know. He wasn't anywhere to be found when we woke up this morning," Tess admitted.

I stuck my two little fingers in my mouth, and let out the loudest whistle I could muster!

In a flash I had ten attentive Amazons surrounding me, "Windy, Meka, Davon has disappeared."

"WHAT?" came back in a chorus of their voices?

"They do not know where Davon is. He disappeared sometime during the night. Who was on watch?" I asked.

Nicte Ha answered, "I was on watch from midnight to 4:00 AM."

"I had it from 4:00 until now," answered Tayanna.

"You saw nothing unusual, did you?" I knew the answer, but had to ask anyway.

"Okay, that means Davon went out secretly. There is no way you ladies would miss someone leaving in a trance or struggling," I concluded, "Damn that Ambassador! I would put money on the fact that he ordered Davon to sneak off and... hmm... The Star Craft! We need to skedaddle, so we should leave a couple of ladies here to baby sit and the rest should come and help look for Davon!" I headed for an ATV and added, "Just to be politically correct, ask Tess and Glenda to come with us."

"I am impressed my Queen," Meka acknowledged as she escorted me to the ATV, "I am not making fun of you either. You logically deduced that Davon went out in secret and would be headed for the most likely target! Then you took command and organized a well thought out plan to recover him."

"Oh shit! Did I step on Windy's toes? Should I have let her handle this?" I reflected worriedly.

"No, no, no...! Dolly, if you had devised a plan that was not logical, or was foolish, Windy would have stopped you and made suggestions. It is your right and place to order the forces available to do what you will. Anyway you weren't overly specific so they will have quite a bit of leeway. Always a smart move for a leader, determine where you want to go, then let your people get you there."

"Good... I think... just so long as we are doing the right thing and Windy isn't going to kick my lovely well cushioned ass over my head!"

Meka grinned, "No doubt that she would kiss your lovely well cushioned ass over and over, if you will let her."

"Later, right now we have a job to do. Do you think he is lost, camped somewhere or...?"

"My money is on or...? There are too many things that can happen, which will compromise those suits of theirs," she calculated, "A lone man is not going to stay that way for long."

"Okay then let's go look for a fat and happy Pea Pod!" I told her and slipped my bottom into the ATV seat and waited for Meka to speed us on our way.

It took us three hours to find him. He was almost all of the way to the Star Craft, where it appeared he had taken a fall. We found pieces of his faceplate a hundred feet from where the Pea Pod had gotten him.

We left Nicte Ha and Glenda to guard Davon. We left them with one of our ATVs and some supplies and we promised them we would drop off relief people in the morning.

We radioed back our find and headed back to the Store.

I didn't confront the Ambassador with what we had concluded, but Marilynn did seek me out, "Dolly I am so sorry for what happened! Poor Davon!" She hugged me with tears running down her cheeks.

"She'll be all right Marilynn."

"I just know it's Theo's fault! He probably sent Davon out on some kind of stupid mission, just like he did with Erica!" Marilynn blubbered as she soaked my shoulder with salty tears.

"Well there is only one penis to go then Marilynn," I told her hopefully, trying to cheer her up.

"Do... do... do you think so? Theo would make a terrible woman! But he so deserves to loose his manhood! Can we make it happen, or do you think he will be stupid enough to cause it himself?"
