Pea Pod - The Return


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"Yes Dolly, now you know the real shame of Ka'an. Those men who really love their spouses wind up looking like them, with similar urges and desires. Unfortunately, that tends to break up loving couples due to the similarities. Who wants to make love to themselves... other than maybe William Shatner...?"

"Point taken Meka. What should we do to help the poor girls?"

"Nothing Dolly, only love them, and respect their decisions. A basic Ka'anian rule."

"I know, but I feel so helpless when things like this happen. I just want everyone to be happy! You know I really do, too!" I responded vehemently.

"I know my love, since the day I met you I knew that you were Ka'an's perfect dream!"

"Meka I think you are biased... but thank you for saying so," I blushed my cute little bottom off!

"So Meka, why didn't I wind up looking like you or Gwen?" I was now really concerned, this could prove that I didn't love them if what Meka said is an absolute.

Meka giggled and hugged me, "I know what you are thinking! No it does not mean that you don't love Gwen or me. It means that you love the inner us but prefer a smaller more feminine type of body. So Maurice loves his wife's body and hopefully her inner self as well. I'm glad you didn't prefer Gwen and I just for our bodies. Of course... I kind of like the body you preferred too! Gwen gets wet every time she looks at you too!"

"I never get tired of hearing you say things like that! At least I won't have to loan any of my pretty clothes to Maureen. She is a lot bigger than I am."

"I doubt you will have to loan any to Davon either, but the Ambassador is another story altogether!"

"Do you think that he will look like me when the Pea Pod is through with him?"

"I doubt it, but I think you will be about as close as we can get," she prophesized.

I sighed and said, "You can count on me to do my part."

"It is getting late Dolly dear. May I escort you to the orgy or will you need carrying?"

"I thought the orgy was wherever I happened to be at the time!"

"Good point, but wouldn't we be more comfortable in the beds?" Meka prompted, but then threw in a twist, "You did know that we have the antigravity beds working, didn't you? Wait until you make love floating in mid air!"

"Wow, I can't wait to try them! Where are they?"

"We found a small apartment complex linked up with this building. If you will follow me downstairs, I will lead you to Nirvana," she snickered, grabbed my hand and scurried down the stairs like a cheerleader on the way to a pep rally.

We came up into a sort of an apartment building. There were several suites, which opened upon each other and also some kind of recreational facilities that I didn't explore right away, as we seemed to have a specific destination in mind. Further along we came to the stairway upwards and Meka had us climb all the way up to the fifth, and top floor.

The room was warm and bright as we entered. I saw pillows all over the place in the corners an along the walls. The window looked out upon the fenced compound around us but I could also catch a glimpse of the ocean beyond, through them.

I heard voices through a connecting archway on the other side of the room, so I wandered towards it. Once there I saw many of the other wives giggling and chasing each other around in the next room in their underwear.

"Meka? Is that you? Get your tail in here and bring the Queen with you!" Gwen yelled from somewhere within.

"Is someone inside here looking for these?" I asked cupping my two favorite body parts and displaying them.

"Those are just what I was waiting for!" Gwen squealed and started for me.

"Wait a minute, isn't it my turn?" Windy whined.

"Don't I get a turn?" Nicte Ha asked with her lower lip pouting as far as she could make it.

"I know that I am just a guest here and all, but do I get some too?" it was Glenda peeking out from the obscurity of the back of the room, "Shhh, don't tell anyone I'm here. It's a secret!"

Meka jumped in as the decision maker, "Since we have a guest, who I feel certain, hasn't gotten any in quite some time, I feel that first bite goes to Glenda. What do you say ladies? Can we show some Ka'anian hospitality and expertise to our guest?"

"I second the motion and give it my hearty support!" Gwen announced.

"Ladies, strip them, oil them, and then float them, while we provide support and additional stimulation! On your marks... get set... go!" Meka directed.

"EEEkkkk!" I screeched sounding as phony and a four-dollar bill. I pretended to try and escape, (Not very hard either.) so that they could catch me and drag me back, while disrobing me.

The girls seemed to have come to like our little play act of my attempted escape, knowing full well I really wanted to have the daylights licked out of me. They picked me up and ever so slowly removed my knee-high boots.

By this time, Glenda was almost bare assed naked, all she had on was her bra and panties, so she joined in on my attentive wives' slow stripping of me. Without delay she went right for my blouse and carefully unbuttoned it with her lips.

I began to tremble with anticipation.

Once she had the blouse open she splayed it and started rubbing up and down the sides of my ribs and across my flat tummy. Then she planted her face square in the middle of my cleavage, reached around underneath me, and before she could start to struggle getting her hands around underneath me to unfasten my bra, we both began to float straight up slowly.

Mind you we didn't experience the falling stomach churning type of weightlessness that astronauts do. We still felt approximately 1Gee of gravity. We were just floating in the air.

After only a second of shock, Glenda finished her reach for my bra clasp and undid it with near professional ease. She pulled the garment towards my front and then slowly worked each cup off of each boob individually.

The ladies were oiling her up all during this and removing the last of her clothes.

She let out little shrieks of pleasure as the ten or so hands were rubbing her all over her body and especially her most erogenous zones.

It was really turning me on since she had planted her face back between my breasts. The feeling of her moaning into them and the little twitches she made as she was stimulated by the professional skills of the Ka'anian ladies.

I was being oiled up too finally. Of course Glenda seemed to have lost herself in boobage, so the women filled each of her hands with scented oils and helped her apply it to my quivering body.

"Mmmmm! Wow I love the feeling of your hot quivering body Dolly! Oh god, it turns me on so much to be doing this to a hot woman, especially since she used to be a man! It was always a special dream of mine to see how a male reacted to some wonderful girl sex. To see him quiver at my loving ministrations to his oh so feminine body!" she licked and whispered and fondled her way along my tummy towards my sopping wet pussy.

"Ooh, cum for me baby doll. Mmmmm, give Miss Glenda a gully washing orgasm baby. Please cum for me baby. Soak my face in your feminine love juices. Mmmm I really want you to orgasm like you have never cum before!" Glenda crooned every time she came up for air between licking and tongue fucking my steaming love hole.

"Uh, ooh, uh, uh, oh god!" I replied as she expertly brought me towards an orgasm.

"C' Mon sweet pussy, cum hard hon.! Please! I want you baby! I need your love juices all over my quivering quim!" she cooed.

"Mmm... Uh! I... Ooh!"

"That's my girl..." she urged while she stuck her hand inside me and began working on my G spot, "You will cum for pretty Glenda. I want you to orgasm everything you can honey. Now you just relax and let Miss Glenda do all the work sweetie."

"Ghahh! I'm... uhh! Ooh!" I tried to say something but nothing except squeals of ecstasy would come out.

"I want you to relax and squirt love juices like you never have before sexy baby," Glenda was crooning and coaching like my own personal cheerleader.

"Yaahhhhaaaaaaaoooooh!" I screeched as a mind shattering orgasm washed over me. It felt like I had peed all over Glenda's face, but she was still busy lapping at my quivering cunt.

"Ooh, you're such a good girl! You are a real good gusher honey! Mmmm, get ready for your next peak! I want you to gush even more than what you just did!" she was still at it enthusiastically working me up again. "Oh... Oh... ooh! Ooh! That was good!" Glenda squealed her own orgasm, but it didn't sound as good as what she was doing to me.

"I like pretty little girls who cum so hard! I want you! I want more or your sweet juices! I need my sweet baby to scream and twitch with enjoyment! Cum really, really hard for me sweetie!" her hand was still within me working my G spot and licking my pussy!

I was floating around with Glenda clamped to my pussy like and octopus while three or four other women did unspeakable things to my boobies and almost every other place, which they knew, would drive me wild!

"Ooh I'm...! Goooood! Oh so good! Oh those feel so nice! Hi Erica... I love to feel your boobies!" I knew Erica's boobs from the other women we had with us, hers were bigger... and if you hadn't guessed, I love big boobies!

Erica's big tits in my hands brought a new level of excitement to me and I was peaking once again!

"Cum hard baby! Not like the last time, cum really hard for pretty Glenda! Erica wants you to cum really hard too! She wants you to play with her boobies and gush out a hurricane of pussy juice! You can do it honey! I know you can! Give me a torrent of love juice baby!"

I never knew that having someone urge me to greater orgasmic heights would turn me on, but WOW, did it turn me on!

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," I screamed, feeling a giant wave of pussy juice squirting out of me, while a wave of pure enjoyment crashed down over me bringing darkness with it... a blissful lovely glow to my body and pleasure overload in my brain!

As I lost consciousness I heard, "Oh my god! I have never seen anybody gush like that!" from Glenda.


I regained my senses with a tongue down my throat and someone playing with my boobies, "She likes playing with mine almost as much as I like playing with hers!" it was Erica.

I gently tried to reach her boobies but wound up with someone's pussy in my little hand. It was sopping wet so it was no trouble to slip inside of her and fist fuck her, while I started working her G spot like Glenda had worked mine.

"Oooooh! Look who is awake and... Uhhhh! Oh my! What are you...?" Meka squawked.

Immediately I felt a tongue start to work my clit! A... B... C... D... ooh! I love being alphabeted! That was just the beginning... she started to work my G spot and my clit! Oh my god! I was way too far stimulated already... had she been working over my unconscious body?

"Oh! Oh my! Glenda take your time with Dolly! Oh! She is doing... Oh God!" Meka shrieked brokenly.

I worked Meka's G spot the best I could, while I was getting the same treatment. Meka had the disadvantage of not having had someone do it to her once already!

"What... What are you...? Oh god! I've never...!" Meka shrieked, as I did wondrous things to her.

"Cum for me pretty Meka... cum hard baby... Oh GOD!" I tried to do, as Glenda had done for me.

"Oh! Oh... Eee ahhhh ohhhhh! I... Eeeeeee!" Meka screeched while she orgasmed.

"Ooh good one Dolly! She really gushed that time! Now I want more from you dear one... I need your pussy juice! Cum hard for me baby! Cum like you have never cum before!" Glenda cooed to my pussy.

I don't know what she did just then, but I spasmed as though someone had broken my back! I twitched, wiggled and my toes clenched so hard you could have made diamonds with coal stuffed in them!

This woman had found a way to make me orgasm like an epileptic on command! I was Jell-O in her hands!

My body seemed to anticipate what Glenda was doing to me, so I became easier and easier to push over the precipice into a mind shattering orgasm! When she did it, I would gush out huge quantities of pussy juice! I have no idea where all of that fluid was coming from but it was absolute heaven every time!

I quickly became unable to resist what she was doing to me! She could make me orgasm anytime she wanted and each and every time my body responded with an orgasm I could not remain conscious through it.

One time I awoke when no one but Meka was there and she started to do as Glenda had... I quickly reached a screaming ultra orgasm and was lost to darkness...


The Doctor's Lab

When daylight started streaming through the windows, I knew that I was safe and could get up and prepare for the day. I stood up unsteadily and floated out of the room to the world of normal gravity. When I stepped towards the main room I was greeted by, "Oh good! You survived!"

Gwen came up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Mmmm... thank you my wife!" I told her.

"You should have seen you last night! You must have been putting out boatloads of pheromones! All of the ladies were doing each other like it was the last time they would be able to! The girls would make you cum like gangbusters and then lick each other until everyone fainted! What a night! It must be some kind of record!" Gwen enthused, "If we could bottle you hon., there would be a market for you such that either world had never seen!"

I must have blushed fire engine red! She was telling me that everyone loves Dolly, no matter what Dolly did. How do you live up to that kind of reputation?

"You are undoubtedly the hottest girl in all of the world. <Giggle> You are the Queen of Cum hon.!" she enthused.

"Can I ask why you want to knick name me as the Queen of cum?"

"Dolly! You must have gushed out over a gallon of juice! Glenda thought she was going to drown the second time you went off! Then everyone was going at it like girls on super Viagra!" Gwen giggled.

"Can you think when you are doing everyone else?" I asked trying to determine what exactly was happening to the ladies.

"Not a lick girl! The only thing I was thinking of was fucking or getting fucked!" she admitted enthusiastically.

"I don't think I was even that cognizant of what was going on. The only thing I knew was that I was overloaded by orgasm after orgasm!" I admitted, "and that I was orgasming so hard that it felt like I was pissing all over Glenda every time!"

"You weren't pissing on her hon.... those were legitimate gushing orgasms! I never saw a woman cum that hard in my life! I thought you were going to gush so hard we would have to swim for it!"

"Is that a good thing? Should I try not to do it anymore?" I asked thoroughly convinced that I had peed on her!

"Not on your life sweetie! I loved seeing you cum like that! I was so turned on I think I gushed a little too! You are definitely a sex magnet sweetie! If you had an Internet site, you could make millions!"

"Yah, sex objects dot com! Cum see me if you want to be insanely horny! You think that would make me a million dollars? From women?" I asked her quite seriously.

"Um... maybe... as long as instead we make it for men only..." she admitted.

"Yup! Women don't want to be horny, especially not so much that they couldn't control themselves," I acknowledged.

"I know some Dolly!" Meka admitted, "Although they are all Ka'anians."

"Of course, but had Ka'an not been in the dire circumstances that they are, the women here would not be so anxious to become pregnant!" I informed her.

"Well Dolly... even before the cataclysm, there was a reduced birth rate we were trying to deal with. It seems that our males were becoming infertile. It has been hundreds of years coming, but we have known for years and years," Meka told me as I fondled her privates. "Oh, how I wish I could have become, with child, by you Dolly!"

"Is it really important to you Meka?"

"I will get over it Dolly. I just wanted to give you a child or your own. It is selfish of me I know, but I love you so much I cannot help myself," she blushed, ashamed by her longing.

"Meka, it may still be possible. I have to check it out to be sure," I thought out loud.

"You are joking with me Dolly!" she declared.

"No, I am not Meka. A few years ago I made donations to a sperm bank, at Gwen's urging. I don't think that I even told her that I had done it. I will check on it when we return to Earth if you want."

"If I WANT?" she screamed, "Sometimes Dolly... I could...!"

"Huh?" I said not understanding the vehement reply from Meka.

"Dearest one, sometimes you can be so thick!"

"Are you mad at me Meka?"

"No Dolly! I just wish you had told me sooner!" Meka answered hugging me, "You mean so much to our people an I. Any child you sire or birth your self will hold a special place in the hearts of all Ka'anians. If your seed is stored somewhere on earth, the Amazons will leave no stone unturned until it is found and retrieved, this I promise you my Queen."

"Meka! Just don't let them get carried away! I don't want any diplomatic troubles with the United States. After all, we will be sending their Ambassador back to them, slit down the middle!"

"Dolly, you have no idea how important you are! We will try diplomatic avenues first, but should they prove unfruitful, the Amazons of Ka'an will not be diverted. They would take apart the whole continent to accomplish their goal!" Meka informed me, a deadly serious expression on her face. "The children you have already sired will be cherished as Princes and Princesses."

"But Meka, I'm not that special! Really honey, I'm just a regular guy... ah gal...!"

"You are the savior of Ka'an Dolly. Nothing that you or I could do will change that in the minds of our people. You should just accept it. You have become the most valuable thing on our planet. The people would preserve you in perpetuity if they could."

"This is nuts Meka," I told her, "I am just me, really! I think it is nice that the ladies love me and all, but the ladies wouldn't get all that carried away, would they?"

"Dolly, think of yourself as Helen of Troy. The people of Ka'an feel even stronger about you than that!"

"So if I went out for a walk and someone attacked me... what would happen?"

"There would be blood Dolly. Everyone from that person's bloodline would be expunged."

"What? You are kidding...? Please tell me you are joking!" I asked excitedly.

"No, I am not. You are more important than your old countries president ever could be. No queen on your world has ever been loved more. No leader has ever been revered more. The prophesy of your coming to us has been told and retold for a hundred and fifty years. You are the answer to the prayers of an entire world, so don't belittle yourself, for no one will allow it."

"Who made this prophesy?" I asked wanting to know just whom to blame.

"It was my father/Mother, who made the prophecy. She knew that you would be the salvation of Ka'an. It is strange, but for some reason, she could really tell the future. We know not why she had this gift, but every prediction she made has come to fruition. You being her most unbelievable."

That shut me up right away. You don't go casting aspersions on your lover's parents. It just isn't wise.

"Okay... Hi I'm planetary Queen Dolly, don't mess with me, I'm scarier than an atomic bomb."

"Atomic bomb? Those are not very powerful Dolly, maybe you should compare yourself to a neutrino dispersal bomb." Meka added.

"What the hell is that?"

"Well, basically it could stop all fusion in a sun. You would need to find a new world in a hurry, this one would no longer be able to sustain life."

"Um... let's not use that, okay? In fact, maybe we ought to un-invent that one!" I told her seriously.

"Have no fear Dolly, no one would ever use that or even have one. We know how, but have no need for one. Ka'anians are a very practical and responsible people," Meka assured me.
