Pea Pod - The Return


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I forgot all about etiquette and hugged the heck out of her, "Hi Dawn! I want to be your best friend and mentor! Is that alright with you?" I asked.

"Dolly! Oh how I wanted to hold you like this before... before..." she started crying, "before I turned into this!"

"I'm sorry you didn't get to hon. but don't you worry, you can hug me whenever you need to now, okay?" I looked deeply into the upset woman's eyes.

"I... I... I... Oh... I can't even think straight now! Please! Help Me!" Dawn wailed and shuddered all over her statuesque body.

"It's alright now Dawn. You are safe in our hands my dear. Meka, Windy, Gwen and I will all make it easier for you to become used to this new you. But right now you are really run down and need some real sleep. Meka is going to give you something to help you get your strength back and then we can start to help you more, alright Dawn?" I quietly told her while trying to breathe, since she had me in a very tight hug.

"Thank you... where... where will I be able to sleep? Oh god, please don't let that pig of an Ambassador near me, please?" Dawn begged.

"Have no fear Dawn. Theo in his ignorance and greed has succumbed to a Pea Pod plant. Just like he sent you and Maureen out on your own so that you had no help when you had your accidents, he too will emerge as a female in three days time," I informed her.

"There IS a GOD!" she stated emphatically.

"I think you need your rest now dear," Meka told her, and then handed her a piece of chocolate, "This should help you sleep, so don't take it right now. Follow me and we will find you someplace comfortable to sleep unmolested."

Once Dawn was safely floating in her room, I went down the hall towards where we had been studying, "Oh no you don't!" I heard as my feet left the floor.

"Wha...?" I started.

"You promised me an orgy if you will recall, and it is nearly midnight, so we need to get started my sweet!" Glenda giggled as she swept me into a room already half filled with squirming bodies in different states of sexual ecstasy.

"Oh no! Help, I'm being sexually pleasured!" I half squealed, half giggled.

"Not yet you are not... but tonight I have something special planned for you sweetie!" she teased, "I brought my favorite toy along with me on this trip. I had to hide it well, but I dragged it out for my special lover!"

As I entered the room I saw what looked like a small barrel cut in half, with a weird looking protrusion on the top and a control attached via a cable, "What the heck is that?"

"A well spent thousand dollars my dear!" she giggled as she pulled off my skirt, pantyhose, and panties, "You are just going to love this!"

"What... what are you going to... to do?" I squealed.

"Relax baby!" Meka whispered in my ear, "I saw Glenda on this earlier and if you react anything like she did, you are going to love this!"

The two of them spread my naked legs, opening my pussy lips, and then slowly set me on this weird device. I could feel that they had lubed the heck out of the weird bumpy parts so it slipped into my pussy with ease.

Once I had been settled onto the 'saddle' Glenda said, "Just relax and let it take you honey..." then she turned on a switch on the control panel.

"I'll start it out on low and as your orgasms build I will turn it up! You might notice that your legs don't reach the floor and that the centerpiece is too tall for you to lift yourself off of this machine. Meka has promised to support you if you fall forward or backwards while we pleasure you. So you are mine to with as I will!" she laughed a forced and caricature like evil laugh.

"Ooh help! I'm being..." but I never finished the statement. There was a sudden buzzing noise and my filled pussy began to buzz with it.

"Ungh!" was all I managed to get out. My eyes crossed and my hips moved of their own accord. I tried to hump the saddle, I tried to squirm on the saddle, and I tried to escape what the saddle was doing to me.

Glenda expertly adjusted the vibrating movements of the Sybian as it held me in its grip.

I came like gangbusters within minutes... then she wouldn't let me off it and started to send me over the brink time after time.

"Oh, my God! Dolly, look what your orgasms have done to everyone! There isn't a girl in the room with the single exception of me, that isn't tongue fucking someone else!"

"Ngah! Why... Why... not... Ungh! Why not you?" I struggled to get out.

"I'm wearing nose plugs! <Giggles> I wanted to try an experiment to see if it is your personal perfume that was driving everyone nuts! It is hon.! You are an orgy on the hoof!"

"Oh! Oh no! I'm getting soooo horny! It must be coming in through my mouth... it must just take a little longer!" she scooped up some of my pussy juice and slipped a lid on the bottle, "I want to see if this works on someone not already fucking their brains out!" she handed me the control and left the room, presumably to calm down and test her theory.

My fingers kept twisting and knotting in ecstasy and I couldn't turn the damn machine off! Luckily Meka had become busy with Nicte-Ha's pussy and the next time I came, my back arched and my spasming threw me from the Sybian and I fainted.


The next day when I awakened I looked to see whose arms encircled me. It was bigger than any I could remember having around me, when I carefully rolled over, I was still shocked to see, Tess holding me, "Tess? Tess is in bed with little me?" I squeaked.

"Hmm? Wha...? Oh my god! I'm holding Queen Dolly!" I could see her mind struggle back to what had occurred the night before, "Oh shit! I sucked your boobs and licked you, even though you were totally passed out!"

I smiled and hugged her saying, "That's okay hon. it happens to me all of the time!"

"But... but... I'm not a l... le... lesbian!" she almost screamed as she cringed back away from me like I had made her do something against her will.

"Relax Tess! I was unconscious at the time, so I didn't make you do it!"

"Glenda?" Tess hollered.

"Yes sergeant?" she asked innocently.

"What the hell was in the jar you smeared all over me?"

"Just a little Dolly cum sergeant," she replied sweetly.

"Are you telling me that Dolly's cum made me go nuts and les the hell out of everybody?"

"That seems to be the results of the experiment sergeant," she replied a little less cockily.

Tess looked down at me and said, "Um, since we are in bed together... I was wondering... um, would it be okay if I touched them?"

"Grope away sergeant!" I giggled.

Tess uncertainly reached out and gently rubbed my right boob, then seemed to grow more confident and started in on a genuine first class grope, "Jesus! These are sooo nice!"

"You should feel them from this side," I panted.

"I smell it again... that... that is what was in the jar!" she began to pant too, and her groping became more intense.

Suddenly her hands left my breasts as though they were electrified, "It's happening again! I... I... have to go!" she said as she scurried from the room.

"Silly girl! I guess she is having issues," I tried to excuse her flight.

"I better go and patch things up with her!" Glenda sped after her.

"Did I do something wrong?" I worried aloud, my lower lip trembling.

"You stop that! You didn't do anything wrong! Glenda used your scent to lure her friend into your bed and you were only trying to be hospitable!" Gwen told me and held me tightly.

"Okay, I didn't want to hurt her feelings," I allowed her to comfort me, making me feel much better.

"It will be all right hon.. We have discovered a new product to market on earth now too!" Gwen told me.

"What is that?" I asked wide-eyed.

"I think we will call it Lady Viagra. 'One whiff of this and she will screw the stick shift out of your car!' What do you think of the logo?" she teased.

"So what is it?"

"We distill essence of Dolly, add a fragrance and viola, instant horny women!" Gwen told me with a kiss to my lips.

"If it works like it did on Tess, maybe it should be prescription only?" I suggested, "It could be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands!"

"You may be right love, I think it will take some doing to calm Tess down!" Gwen admitted.

"Maybe a patch prescribed by frigid women's doctors?" I suggested.

"We'll work something out... but first I think we need to get up and figure out what we can do to save Ka'an," she tickled me and made me squeal.

"I think we should take charge of this for a while Gwen," Windy stated as she plucked me from Gwen's grasp.

"Hey...! I was enjoying that!" Gwen remarked indignantly.

"Learn to share Gwenie! Anyway she must be cleaned and readied for the day now! You may participate if you wish?" Windy called over her shoulder as she carried me over the other shoulder.

"Are you ready to experience a Ka'anian refresher my Queen?" she asked and patted my ample derrière.

"So what is it? A shower, a bath, or a futuristic sonic dirt remover?" I bated her.

"None of the above!" she told me, "You are in for a treat dear Queen Dolly!"

Now I was getting kind of weirded out.

Windy walked up to a door, pressed a button to open it and then deposited me inside a small chamber. It was dark inside and I was starting to worry about what was to happen next, when out of nowhere I felt a tongue start to lick me! It licked my hands. It licked my feet. It licked every part of my quivering little body!

When it had finally finished, the lights came on and I was in an empty chamber with a door, which I promptly opened.

"What the hell was that?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Do you feel clean all over my Queen?"

"OH YAHH!" I told her.

"That is a refresher. You should go and look at yourself in the mirror over there!" she added.

I walked over to the mirror and found that my hair was done in its usual fashion and I had make up on!

"The miracle of modern technology, Dolly," she giggled knowingly.

"Would men come out with makeup too?" I asked being silly.

"Oh yes Dolly, on Ka'an most men wore makeup!"

My jaw dropped nearly to the floor, "Damn! Damn! Damn! I wish we still had a male with us! I would get a real giggle out of one coming out of there with makeup on!"

"You are a silly lady Queen Dolly and that only makes you more lovable!"

"Okay but don't put Maureen or Dawn in there for some time to come, I think they need to acclimate a little before that happens to them!" I suggested seriously.

"Agreed!" she answered, "Now let us go back to our research into what we can do to save our beautiful world."

We headed back to where Meka, and the rest of us were digging through documents to unravel the mystery of how to restore Ka'an to its namesake, Heaven!

"Damn! I see where she went wrong," Meka, announced, "She allowed mutagens to become present in the pollen! We will have to do the same thing to reverse the process."

"Um, Meka?" I interrupted.

"Yes, my Queen?" she answered only slightly perturbed.

"I don't want to step on anyone's toes but I have been thinking of all the friends we have made since this began," I stated uncertainly, "Um, is it possible to say, keep a greenhouse full of the mutated Pea Pods safely?"

"Why on Ka'an would you ever want to do that?" Meka asked startled.

"Because of Francis, Amelia, Maggie, Dr. X. and many, many more. I like the work we have been doing. The new ladies are so happy in their new lives. I don't think it should be forced on anyone, but I really would like to be able to give this gift to more of the people of my world that need it so desperately," I told her almost in a whisper.

"I hadn't considered that my love. You know, I think I agree with you. Our ladies love their new bodies so much, I feel... almost like a hero to be able to do that for them! When you first told me of people like them I couldn't even fathom that someone would want it, I have known so many who have had it forced upon them! Those women come out of the Pea Pod so, so happy!" she seemed to be convincing herself that it was a good idea.

"Did you have a chance to read any of the biographies that Transgendered people wrote while we were on earth Meka?"

"Yes, dearest Dolly, I cried my way through four or five of them before I decided that I could read no more. You are right, we must preserve at least some of these mutated Pea Pods to help those poor people. I should have thought of that myself Dolly! Thank you ever so much for reminding me!" Meka squeezed me tightly.

"Thank you, I try to look after the little problems!"

Tears began to run down Meka's cheeks, "Dolly... from what I could read from those poor tortured souls, it was not a little problem to them!"

"Don't cry hon. we can still help them!" I reassured her.

"Dolly, if you had said nothing, in two or three days, I would have eradicated all mutated Pea Pods from the face of Ka'an! I am so grateful the all powerful being saw fit to gift us with you!" she tearfully acknowledged.

"Anybody would have thought of it Meka, it wasn't that special!" I assured her.

"You're almost too humble my dear! No wonder our people love you so!"

"Stop it! You're makin' me misty!" I tittered.

"Windy? Are you within earshot?" Meka called out.

"Yes your Wisdom. What can your Amazons do for you?"

"Windy, we need for you and your girls to create a green house which is isolated from the environment and then replant it with say... one hundred Pea Pod plants. Nothing must be able to penetrate the greenhouse. Nothing must be able to leave it except through airlocks and decontamination facilities. Can you do that?" Meka asked in an officious and commanding tone.

"Yes your Wisdom. Yes my Queen! It shall be done, within the day!" she scurried away.

"Oh my god! Does she mean it? Can she do all of that within one day?" I asked incredulously.

"Don't worry Dolly!" Meka giggled, "We spotted a greenhouse like that yesterday in our searches. It is just outside of Dr. Ixmucane's lab. All she and her Amazons will actually have to do is to make certain it retains its integrity and to repopulate it with Pea Pod plants."

"I am glad it is only a huge amount of work and not just merely impossible!"

"Well Dolly, I have a vial of the proper mutagen already in my possession, all I need to do is to use it on one Pea Pod plant and within a month or two, every plant on the planet will revert to rejuvenators, from their present penis stealing mutation."

"It won't be able to give back my cock though, will it...?" I asked solemnly.

"I am so sorry my love, but no. Once that Y chromosome has been destroyed it cannot be reintroduced by even Ka'anian technology. I wish I didn't have to tell you that my dear, but it is what is," Meka hugged me tightly.

"Ah... would you be upset if I told you that I wouldn't want to change back?"

"You joke with me Dolly, don't you?" Meka asked wide-eyed.

"No, dear one, I do not. I kind of like being the new me. I would have wanted to change back maybe within the first month, but I am used to being whom and what I am now, and frankly I really like those incredible orgasms I get as a girl now... You don't think any less of me do you?" I worriedly asked.

"I would love you either way my Queen! I do love your sweet little body this way, maybe just a touch more than when you were male. You don't think any less of me for admitting that do you?" Meka asked tentatively.

"Never sweetheart! So when do we get busy saving our world, making Earth a better place, and sending someone to go explore the stars?"

"Tomorrow, we do not want to over work the Amazons. Will you come with me to investigate the lab a little more thoroughly?"

"I would be delighted!"

Who Dat?

Meka and I made our way back to the lab, dragging Akhushtal along with us for protection.

We entered the lab sending Akhushtal ahead of us to make certain the control panel was still in a state of shredded metal. She discovered that security measures were still down and allowed us to enter.

After digging around for two or three hours we came up with a few more journals, some from Dr. Ixmucane's and some, were from lab assistants. We didn't bother to dissect them there we just stacked them for return to the apartments and later study.

Suddenly all three of us heard a small crash from somewhere down the hall.

Meka pushed me flat on the floor and started yelling orders in Ka'anian.

Akhushtal silently disappeared from sight. I do not mean she slipped away, I mean I could no longer see her!

Meka whispered in my ear, "Stay on the floor my Queen and my love, we shall deal with this and be back momentarily," then she too faded out right next to me!

It seemed like half an hour but I am certain that only a couple of minutes passed and I heard a loud shriek from a room two doors down the hallway.

"What the hell? Let go of me! Who is that...? Oh my god!" I heard fear seep into the voice, "There are still Amazons! What do you want? Help! Leave me alone! I will leave and never bother these buildings again! I swear on the name of the High Priestess!"

When I heard the last I rose to my feet and trotted to the room all of the commotion was coming from, "Hi, there! The Amazon who has your arms is the High Priestess! I'm Queen Dolly, who may I ask are you?"

"Queen? The High Priestess is unmarried! You cannot be the Queen!" the slightly emaciated small brunette stated emphatically, even though her feet no longer were in contact with the floor.

Meka half spun the woman and stated, "Oh yes the High Priestess does have a wife, and you will show the proper respect or pay the consequences!"

I had never heard that kind of menacing intonation emanate from my dear Meka before, but I would not ever care to be on the side of that the brunette was on!

The little woman went limp onto the floor in a dead faint.

"Oh Meka... she is so scrawny! She needs our help, not our disdain! You can see she presents no kind of threat to us. Can we wake her and nurse her back to health?" I whined.

"I needed to know if she truly retains loyalty to Ka'an and had not lost her mind in the chaos. Now we know she is a loyal subject and not a threat and I agree we must nurse her back to health."

"She sounded scared out of her mind when she realized that you were Amazons! Why would she be frightened?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Dolly, Amazons are not abundant on Ka'an, even at the peak or our civilization. They are roughly equivalent to your Seal Teams, crossed with the Secret Service. Their sole duty is to protect the High Priestess and the royal families. She was shocked to learn that there were Amazons still active on our world."

"Not as shocked as when she saw you!"

"I look almost identical to my mother, the previous High Priestess. I think that ample reason for a faint, don't you?" she chided me.

"Well let's get her off the floor and see if we can bring her around. I think there is a bed like affair in the lounge down the hall on the right," I lead the way, while they did the heavy work. (Hey, I am just a little delicate slip of a thing you know!)

We all lay down and cuddled with her. Her eyes began to flutter and finally opened onto my cute little face, while my big boobs were pushed up against most of her tiny chest.

Her eyes grew to silver dollar size and she said, "My... My... Queen! How is it I am in your bed?"

I tittered, "It is not my bed dear. We are in the lounge. You fainted, and whenever this Queen sees one of her subjects in need, she helps in any way she can. Does that answer your question?"

"I beg your pardon my Queen! I did not believe that any semblance of our world's government still survived! I would never..."

I hushed her, "Think nothing of if dear! Meka was worried that you might be insane or something and try to hurt me. She is very protective of me!"
