Plan C, Inception

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A wife stood up is a wife free to consider other options.
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This story was an experiment. We've been reading stories on Literotica for some time, but this is the first erotic story that we've ever written. We hope you enjoy the story as much as we've enjoyed the works of other Literotica authors.

If you're looking for a fuck-me-now story, this isn't it. There are some cliff hangers here, but it isn't intended to be a tease. If you like a slow burn, and a bit of suspense, then if you stick with the series we think you'll be glad you did. You'll also find that it also isn't your typical cheating wife story, but we're not making any promises about how things turn out either! As many others have said, if you don't like the genre, style, or subject matter, then we hope you find one you do.


We've fixed one or two minor errors based on reader feedback. We've also changed the title so it's clear that there is more to come. Thanks for your comments, especially from the people who are able to give constructive criticism without being mean about it. For those folks who said that the transition was too abrupt, we'll just say that you may be assuming something we've only implied. You'll have to read Phase 1 to see what that means.


Sarah looked at her watch. Almost eight. Over the last hour and a half she had gone from bemused to annoyed to pissed off to hurt and back again several times. Right now she was just feeling resigned. Her mobile rang. "Hi, baby. I am so so sorry. Jack had a couple of things to go over with me, and then I needed to catch the rest of the team before they went off to party."

She decided to play it cool. After all, it was rare to have this time away from the children; why spend those precious moments arguing? "It's OK, I'll get over it. I'm sure you can find a way to make it up to me."

She said this with a light wink in her voice -- thinking that would get him out of the corporate office and over to the hotel lounge just that much quicker. Maybe they'd still have time to have a couple of drinks together before the concert started. She had just about salvaged the situation in her mind when Cedric ruined it again. "So, yeah.. that's just it. I'll have to make it up to you later tonight. In bed."

The wink in his voice landed like a lead balloon. He may have been shooting for "cool and alluring paramour" but he landed on "expectant and horny spouse". Sarah found herself moving past pissed off and hurt to quietly enraged as she listened to Cedric drone on. "You see, the VP for Operations -- you know that Tom guy I was telling you about on the plane? -- kind of an asshole, but he holds a lot of sway around here, and it turns out he's going out drinking with the gang tonight. You know I just can't miss this opportunity to present the ideas I've been working on for meshing production and logistics. OK? Now, I know this is probably going to piss you off, but you have to understand that this is the whole reason we're on this trip in the first place. Right, sweetie? Sweetie?"

She was debating whether to go with Plan A: "Hang up, go up to the room, find a chick flick on the TV and pout" or Plan B: "Launch in to a full-on tirade, unloading the last six months worth of accumulated demerits right then and there" when an inspiration hit. Plan C: "Ah, that's OK, honey. There is plenty to keep me occupied here."

"Oh, ok.. great." Was he really going to get off that easily? "Well, I'll um.. see you later then. I'll try not to be too late, sweetie." Two or three beats and the barb hooked. "Wait, what do you mean, 'plenty to keep you occupied?'" At that point, she quietly ended the call, a slightly self-satisfied smile on her face.

What did she mean, actually? Was there anything behind her improvised baiting? She didn't know herself. "Well, whatever.. that will teach him to blow me off when I'm ovulating" she laughed to herself.

But come to think of it, she did happen to be swimming in a pond full of decent looking guys at the moment. The couple were staying at a nice, somewhat hip downtown hotel, and the lounge crowd was definitely a step up from the pudgy population of washed-out white-collar wage slaves that she was used to seeing the few other times she'd tagged along on one of Cedric's business trips. Instead, around her were seated attractive, nicely dressed, interesting men -- and as always, it was mostly men who were hanging out in the bar later at night -- most of whom looked like they could hold up their end of a conversation. A lot of the guys there were slightly older. Late forties, early fifties, fit. Some sort of upscale professional conference must be in town, she mused. Probably that Sustainable Urban Planning thing she'd seen on the convention centre marquee.

And they didn't seem like the typical corporate types either; those men's men who had an eerie way of making her feel like she was little more than a vagina with a pretty face. Actually, some of the guys in the place looked so cute that she wouldn't mind if they were thinking about her vagina while making small talk, she giggled to herself. "Hell, maybe I'd even show that guy the whole package, and ask him his opinion!"

At this point she realized that this line of thought was a sure sign that she'd had two vodka tonics too many. She was hardly that kind of woman and this mental exercise lay clearly in the finger-fantasy realm. Probably time to initiate Plan A -- with a bit of digital self-stimulation thrown in and a lot less pouting. And yeah, she'd find a way to have Cedric make it up to her, and she'd already begun thinking of how to give him less than he was hoping for in return. Much less. One way or another, payback was going to be a bitch.

Still, she wasn't quite ready for bed -- even if the idea of touching herself was tugging at her elbow a bit -- so why not work out the details of this Plan C a bit? Just as a little thought experiment to get the juices flowing? The thing is, she had noticed that more than a couple of the better looking guys kept glancing vaguely in her direction. In particular, one guy's glances had been a bit more frequent and more than a bit clumsier than the others. He had wavy salt and pepper hair and was wearing a bold rep tie with a beautiful pale grey suit. But it was where he was glancing that may have subtly initiated her current train of thought. She was seated at one of the high tables near the bar and while most of the cast of imaginary suitors had the grace to point their glances in the general direction of her face with perhaps an occasional furtive look at her breasts -- which were not jaw-dropping orbs of middle-manager lust in any case -- this one guy's eyes kept traveling lower. To her bare knees, calves, and presumably what little his fully-activated optic nerves could register of her outer thighs.

She'd dressed for a nice night on the town. A white sheer tank under a dark red tunic, a somewhat gauzy black skirt with slip, and elegant low-heeled pumps. Underneath that, a simple comfortable bra and rather conventional, if low-cut, pair of white cotton panties. Just the kind of panties that many men -- her husband included -- inexplicably found so sexy.

As she did a self-inventory, she considered how her skirt was just the right length to cover most of her thighs, yet had just enough shape to create a perfect tent if she held her knees apart. And then she realized why the man kept stealing glances at her waist line. He was hoping to get a look at a bit more than her knees! In fact.. hmm.. based on his dedication to continued observation, maybe he already had gotten a decent glance. It was a little awkward getting in to that high stool, and come to think of it, she had had to spread her legs a bit when she wiggled onto it. But a glance at what? Her inner thighs? Could men really be that easy to please?

What was she thinking? Of course men were that easy to please! She ought to know -- she'd married one.

And maybe her admirer -- she decided she'd call him Mr. X -- had seen more than that; the holy grail, a little flash of white? The lights weren't as low in here and the bar wasn't as cave like as many of these places were, and you could see into the shadows under other tables. And she was seated higher, putting her hips not quite at eye level for Mr. X lounging on the couch not five metres away.

She interrupted herself, almost startled at this rather surprising train of thought. She was impressed by how much energy she was putting into the line of thinking; how much she was beginning to enjoy herself. She even felt a stir of awakening beneath the soft material of the target garment; that subtle push of her outer lips against the close-fitting fabric. Pretty face, indeed, she smiled inwardly. And felt herself almost subconsciously open her legs, letting an innocuous little gap form between them.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Enjoyed the story - well written and good progression. Would like more

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 2 years ago

So hubby is working hard to sell new ideas and she is a pouting little bitch?

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Just a cheating whore story.

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
My two cents...

Pretty good writing. I'm guessing the "her" of this writing team did most of the heavy lifting. The descriptions of the clothes and their attributes made this read almost like a detailed clothing-catalogue fiction (reminds me of the stuff Elaine came up with for the J. Petermann catalogue in Seinfeld).

Not a complete story, but you warned us of that. Instead, it is a tantalizing vingette. How far does the wife go with Plan C? Hard to say. A little harmless flirting from afar? Could be sexy. A little up close and personal flirting, and maybe a little more? Playing with fire. Infidelity? One hopes not. Most commenters on LW, as you must know, hate the eroticization of slut wife experiences (though there are obviously many fans of it, too, but they tend to be a quieter bunch). The more verbal types (including me) want sexy and/or romantic, true loving wife (TLW) stories, cathartic burn the bitch (BTB) revenge stories, or redemtive reconciliaiton stories (although plenty will never be happy with reconciliation, no matter how justified). A few, like me, also like to see stories where the couple steps back from the brink of infidelity and divorce and transforms their relationship into something better and stronger. This set-up could go any number of ways.

You did a good job, in very few words, of setting up the nature of this relationship: hubby consumed with his work responsibilities, neglicting his wife; wife feeling that neglect; wife already going into the 'payback' mindset. That the couple have children, and the wife reflects that even her thoughts, safely tucked away in the fantasy realm, of infidelity are contrary to her nature, makes this reader hope that she doesn't cross that line.

It always makes me sad when a couple take each other for granted, and when their thoughts turn to payback ("she'd find a way to have Cedric make it up to her, and she'd already begun thinking of how to give him less than he was hoping for in return. Much less. One way or another, payback was going to be a bitch"), you know the relationship needs some serious attention.

Like I stated, well-written, and provocative. I'll read more, if there is more to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Oh yeah

Yes, and yes, she said, and yes. Keep it up - looking forward to the next chapter.

DWornockDWornockabout 12 years ago

To short and incomplete.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Very well written, very believable. Very nice touch mentioning that she is ovulating. Please continue the story soon, when I realized there wasn't a page 2 I got so extremely mad bro.

PadmaBearPadmaBearabout 12 years agoAuthor
It'll grow on you!

I think a lot of people didn't like that we left things kind of hanging there. Again, a first effort to test the waters. Also, a note that we're deleting all of those comments that aren't related to the story -- and seem to be coming from people who are still processing their failed marriages or whatever. There seem to be a lot of you out there. Good luck in your future relationships. We're very happy with ours!! :D

Otherwise, we're keeping all of those that have something to say about the _actual story_ good or bad. Hope to get a better sense for why people aren't digging this story. Some people seem to really like it, other people..really don't. You can't please 'em all. Stay tuned for a follow-up that will hopefully make this first story more compelling.

debbie2freedebbie2freeabout 12 years ago
Calling this plan S

Cause this sucks.For even a short story there is no start or ending just a short middle going nowhere. Its like going to the dr and him going I have good news and bad news and then him having to leave before telling you anything

rvwsrvwsabout 12 years ago
I liked it.

most people don't like cheating wives. I hate cheating wives, but I hate dipshits that choose to go drinking and ass kissing the boss over taking care of their wife even more. In real life most women cheat because of the dipshit actions of their weak assed dipshit husbands. If you decide she is going to cheat on her husband, maybe the dipshit deserved it. Or maybe the dipshit husband snaps out of ass kissing the boss mode and rescues his wife from a terrible decision. I say good job so far PadmaBear.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
This was a well written story

With plausible scenarios and pathos. However; as others have said, the move from loving and faithful wife to tempting and potentially cheating wife is to abrupt. Then again, the authors have purposely left out the back story so who knows how often she has been neglected.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
To short..

Well written but TO TO TO short. Not a story but a tease and I dont like teases. Sorry but write a story or dont. No need for games.

Gale82Gale82about 12 years ago
Well written beginning

Although I think the wife's shift towards temptation is a bit too abrupt and lacking real motivation.

I can only hope that this will be one of those slow-burners where, perhaps, she confesses her temptation and either 1) her husband is turned on by it or

2) laughs and refuses to believe she's capable of it

I would also suggest that, when you come to post Chap 2, you might think about posting it (and Chap 1) in Erotic Couplings. You'll still get marked down by those who have problems with unfaithful wives - but possibly not to the extent that you will in this section.

Good luck.

PadmaBearPadmaBearabout 12 years agoAuthor
From the authors -- Thanks for feedback!

Well, *almost* everyone... Most folks have been very kind, and we can certainly take negative criticism, we have a lot of experience writing in a non-erotic context and it's part of the deal. Still, it's always a bit sad to find how unkind people can be for no real reason, especially when hiding behind the cloak of anonymity.

Somewhat disappointed in low score for our initial effort, but perhaps we can put that down partly to the lack of fucking. :) But many of you really "got it" and hopefully the score doesn't dissuade other folks who might get it. Yes, this is a suspense story, and no we're not giving away who if anyone is doing the fucking. Based on your feedback, we'll keep the suspense going for a while. :)

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Chap. 1

The phone tease is not nearly enough punishment, and if it were, the story could/should end with her hanging up on his discomfiture (and then turning off the phone.). Since there is obviously more - please include Ch. A in the title!

I liked it, it is a good start. Agree that her thought process is very intriguing ... Weighing her options, moving into considerations she would NOT have considered at first, finding them not unthinkable (knowing that increase in liberality is ethanol-influenced, - but Hubby HAS kept her waiting in a bar!)

4* with an option to upgrade for Ch. B. (and maybe Ch. C for Plan C!)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Is your wife (partner/writer) suggesting a chapter two or...leave this story - well done, with just our imagination? Of course, hubby - knowing his wife is hot, just might say screw the VP and show up just in time to save the ranch, she might talk herself out and go masturbate or she could get real horny, a few more drinks and bingo. Oh well!

I think you two write well so keep it up but do all of us a little favor - don't leave all the story endings open for readers choice...dazzle us with what is obviously some literary talent on your parts.


CuckoldGuyCuckoldGuyabout 12 years ago
Like the song goes, "You keep me hanging on."

I have seen it often. A woman plays, she just wants to see if she can turn a guy on and it gets out of her control. Please continue with your wonderful writing because you have me hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Nice Beginning

I liked it! I'd love to hear more to see where the story goes. I hope she gets the pounding she deserves. Lol ^_^

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
hey is he isn't going to use that pussy

he has to expect that someone else would. well done. im not into cheating sluts but you did the story good. 5.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

once bitter------once bitten 1 & 2 down C is ready to go, TK U MLJ LV NV

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