All Comments on 'Playing with Fire'

by steelring

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TwentysevenTwentysevenover 6 years ago
Fooled Me

I have to say the writing here is excellent and the twist at the end devastating. The weaknesses are (1) her lie was certain to be discovered and (2) the honest husband finds her blatant dishonesty acceptable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
no surprise

The moment wive's demeanor changed about her laughing about having fun and claiming to have turned phone off the watch shows I knew she had cheated.

I was waiting for babysitter to give her away and she did.

Given their playing with fire and his acceptance her flat out lie is despicable.

He now has five get out of jail cards, and should demand she stay home next five times he goes to club alone.

Make sure she knows she is punished for the lie

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
what a fool

Not only did wife lie about taking on five guys but she also makes it known she wants to do it again.

Guy is too dumb to realize he has lost her to that cheating lifestyle

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Mist it?

No I didn't mist it, writer did.

Yes, I know it is fiction, but there is fundamental line in

our species: It isn't cheating... it is lying to our face that

can, and often do, KILL.

When I say kill I don't mean murder, I mean kills them as a couple.

PS: still, nice try!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Idiotic cuck/wimp crap!!!

" wife was a lucky woman, and must be someone special." Whats special at a whore??!! She fucks strangers and he is willing to forgive??!! Are you insane??!! Where is there the love?? Love means by it self never harm the feelings of your spouse!!! Only pervert sick people believe that love means one or both of them can fuck around!!! That spouse who allows that behavior is only worried he will loose the other and that weakness is his mainspring to add it!!!

Impo_64Impo_64over 6 years ago
I agree with @Twentyseven...

I agree with @Twentyseven...worst than the cheating was that she lied so blatantly without a drop of shame or remorse even after he had told her that he would have forgiven her and after she had said to him: "that she hated the thought that I would ever sleep with another woman"!...After all that, he accept the cheating and the lie so easily? Really? It could have been a good story, but the end ruined it because he didn't understand that his marriage was doomed from now on...1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well played with a twist

His easy acceptance of her lying is the only unrealistic note.

The BTB loons are sure to be enraged by this one. “How dare a fictional wife get fucked at a sex club in a PORN story! She should be burned, mutilated and her head chopped off!!1!” Haha. Their tiny literal minds cannot separate reality from fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well let this loon start

Next time you go to Aberdeen, Stay there and send the divorce papers to her for service. Obviously your boss likes you and you are good at your job.. The trust and honor are gone and she did it.

cloakndagger772cloakndagger772over 6 years ago
good, not my favorite

The good: your writing style is always a pleasure to read. You do a great job of setting up erotic situations. You are good at executing the twist.

The bad: personally, I would like more actual sex in my stories. Also, even as a guy who loves to share his wife, I had a hard time accepting the fact that the husband in this story didn't mind being so blatantly lied to. That rang a bit hollow to me.

You have some truly stellar stories in your collection - Spanish Bull, Tasting Sarah, Fever Pitch. Sailboard Lessons and Law Enforcement are fun reads, too.

This one has a great concept, but seems to miss a little in the execution. Thank you for sharing, however - despite what the rabid BTB crowd says, we need more hotwife stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I wish I could take back my vote. I gave it a 3 but it deserved a 4 or 5. My vote was emotional. I was so mad at the lying wife and willing cuckold that I took it out on the story. As usual your story was well written and a good concept. I would have preferred a different ending. In reality wife would have known she likely would have been caught but then again she may have realized her husband's latent cuckold tendancies and realized he wouldn't really care.


GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonover 6 years ago

Steelring excels at writing condensed stories that pack an intense emotional and erotic wallop. Perhaps the condensation is the reason for the loose ends in this one:

Why doesn't Laura tell the truth, after she knows she won't lose anything by it?

Now that Narrator knows Laura cheated, how does he feel about turning down Glaswegian Sally? What does he do next time he's in Aberdeen, or elsewhere?

I agree with others who say the marriage is in trouble because of the lies, more than the cheating / cuckoldry. I wish they didn't have children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

They both knew club rules for single females.

By asking she told husband she wanted to screw other men. By telling her to go and have fun he gave his consent.

If he really regretted giving permission he had time to send another text or better yet call her and withdraw permission.

The worst part of wife's lie is the ''did you really...'' part. As if she cannot believe her husband would think she would screw other men thus putting husband on defensive and feeling guilty.

Fire has only begun to blaze until house burns down

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
"...switched off her phone to tease me ... Then she asked me what I thought she had done."

That's a bit of a "Huh?" moment. Obviously she wanted him to think exactly what he did think.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago

I thought this was a superbly constructed story, really cleverly told.

What I liked most was the description of the thoughts and feelings of the husband while distant from the wife, realising that the situation had a high probability of her succumbing to temptation.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Go back n fuck Sarah very often and whoever else he can

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Wasn't it odd that she would lie?

Why would she do that? Why would she want to do that? After all, he kind of gave her permission. What is she trying to hide?

The next time he's traveling he will do two things. He will tell his wife that he still does not want her to go to the club without him, and he will fuck whatever he can pickup while he is away without telling her. Or maybe he will seek to balance the books sooner than that.

While he is away she will go to the club anyway, or just meet one or more men outside of the club scene. Eventually all the cheating and the lies will come tumbling down upon them, with the realization that while it was fun being married, its even more fun cheating and lying to their spouse. And when they admit that to each other they will realize that somewhere during the lust and the cheating and the glorious orgasms, they forgot about their marriage, their children, and their mutual commitment.

The marriage will of course be crippled. And may or may not survive. And by the time the mistrust and disappointment and guilt and unrequited lust has had plenty of time to fester and ripen, they will determine that even they don't care all that much if their marriage survives. Once the kids are grown and gone I suspect one or both of them will be gone shortly there after. Like moths, drawn to the fire. They will both deserve what they get. But their children won't. Sad.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopover 6 years ago
Let Louisa play

Let her play, you watch. You will probably be more excited than you think is possible xoxoxo Annette

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
playing with fire

too painful due to the misspelling. I thought is was a translation thing when I saw Hot on heat, but no, this is crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Sorry, bub, your marriage is on life support.

Unless he wants to become the accommodating cuckold, his marriage is over. With the arrangement they had, the lie she so glibly told him indicates that she has lost respect for him. There is nothing but heartache ahead for him and the kids.

The story was written well, it kept tension going until the reveal at the end. But I was caught by surprise and now my stomach hurts.

One last thing: it is ironic that he uses the fire analogy yet didn't have enough foresight to not light the fire in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
He said trust in a marriage

She blew it. The trust is gone. She should be confronted. He is going to be turned into a wimp and think she can do what she wants when she wants and who with. She has already left him. He just doesn't know it yet

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

and don't check the windows for drafts, chayos ensues. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
4 stars

You write very well - story construct, pace, dialogue, plot devices, etc - and the story successfully maintains a subtle tension. But you undo this with the ending, where the husband's response is completely inconsistent with how you've constructed his character. Not to say that the logical extension is a nuclear response, only that the quick acquiescence and acceptance of his wife lying and cheating doesn't align with how you seemingly wanted the reader to perceive him up to that point. To borrow a baseball analogy, the story only made it to the warning track.

BarlowNBarlowNover 6 years ago
Twists and turns

I love the twist at the end. This could warrant a follow-up story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

What? He drank whiskey in Scotland. Good grief everyone knows it should have been Whisky.

Ironman52Ironman52over 6 years ago
4.5 stars

Well written.

The twist at the end ripped my heart out. His reaction was pathetic.

That said it was a gripping story right up to the last line.

(Not a moral judgement... Just saying how it made me feel. But it did make me feel.)

driv2u2driv2u2over 6 years ago

Needs an ending , but he did say he don't mind if she did , but now his wife has looked straight at him and lied, if he's ok with that , then he will soon be down club cleaning the business men

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Well why doesn't he tackle her about lying and tell her what one of men had said it indicated that she must have had a gang bang, if she still denies it tell her what the baby sitter said then point out that with her lying he could no longer trust her or does she want a divorce so she can play around. Definitely give up the club, try other forms of entertainment if you stay together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Almost worse than a cheating cunt is a lying sneaky pig who can act like a loving faithful wife. She not only went but gangbanged 5 guys . She is a dirty lying whore.

dreamer3366dreamer3366over 6 years ago
Follow up

Everything was fine with the story until She was outed about her lie. She should have been as truthfulnas him. She needs to be chastised every for her lie. Still it was a good story.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

the mice play love the one your with. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
get over it

let him get over it and let the guy go clubbing when he not at home. and then tell his wife he had to work really hard getting his work off, thinking about his wife going to the club house. and then leave hints of what he got. Im old now and id fuck a strange woman if I knew my wife had ever done that.

EasypeterEasypeterabout 6 years ago
Set her up

I don't mind my wife fucking other guys. But if she denied she was doing it I would set her up . When I caught her fucking around behind my back I'd get pictures and serve her walking papers.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Dump this lying bitch, you moron.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I’ve been reading your stories and they are consistently good. I guessed what was coming, but the way that you did it slapped me right in the face. Bravo!

PervertedKnightPervertedKnightabout 3 years ago

Obviously you're one of the better writers on this site, and you must have a good editor, but I didn't care as much for this story as others because it wasn't very believable. Why didn't the husband engage the guy in the suit about the details of "the last time"--I know I would have. I would have then confronted the cheating bitch and divorced her. Why didn't the husband get all of the details that he could from the babysitter--I know I would have. I also don't know why the husband didn't play with with the woman in Scotland since it was apparent that the wife wanted to have an open relationship. After I had gotten the truth from my wife, I would have told her that we needed to either decide on what we each wanted, and that if they differed, then it would be time for a divorce. Trust but verify seems to be applicable to this lying wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Just another WACC. hopefully hubby got Sarah's number. So here's how he should repond.

Well dear I know you were lying about not going to the club and you did get fucked. Your fuck buddies outed you. So here the deal. You stay home while I go to the club alone and we do it that way until I've had three women at the club. Further I'll hire the new baby sitter. I might fuck her too. And I'm hooking up with Sarah. Time for some loving hot husband stories.

Absolutely ridiculous that hubby doesn't get revenge. Maybe he truly is a WACC.

lflyer82lflyer82about 2 years ago

A really fun story with a nice twist at the end. This is third story of yours that I read. And each one is well written. Keep them coming please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Really good stuff. I respectfully disagree with PervKnigh, 26NC and others. On the surface they are correct - wife lied about what she did that night getting permission to go to the club alone was permission to fuck. Think about it - this story is true to the title “playing with fire”. The husband took her there *regularly* to see other woman getting several cocks at a time (some in succession and some tied up) - priming her need for that attention. So first chance she gets she *asked* go alone!!! (Very Hot) and he anxiously/reluctantly wished her a good time - expecting/fearing something like that would happen. The wife probably expected to cross a few line and then tell him about it, but between the his anxious face and how much farther she actually went, she must have decided to break it to him slowly over time. I do love this story.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

I hate stories where the husband endlessly imagines what is happening to his wife. Sure, it happens, but it is not fun to read.

SleeplessinMD4SleeplessinMD44 months ago

What struck me was a reader's comment that the husband truly was a cuckold who had no problem with his wife being fucked by other men and lying to him about it. The husband called it love but it rings like pure desperation.

The wife plays with the husband's feelings like a boy with a dog teasing him and letting him fuck her at the same place she was fucked by other men including providing them with a show. It makes you wonder how much the wife loves him.

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