Pledge Prank


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The hickey I left earlier was visible. I smiled to myself. I knew on an intellectual level that I liked to see it because it was a way of 'marking my territory'. I also knew that Marci hadn't actually agreed to be mine, yet that didn't stop the instinctual part of me from getting turned on by the sight. I looked up and noticed her watching me.

We shared a lust filled smile. I reached behind me and started rubbing her clit with one hand as I continued to stroke my cock between her tits. Her eyes grew bigger as she let go of her breasts long enough to grab my other hand and surprise me by sucking two of my fingers into her mouth. She sucked them like they were another cock. Marci never broke eye contact again until I finally came, and cum I did!

I came on her face, in her mouth and even on her hair. I'm pretty sure the first jet of cum actually shot past her and hit the headboard! Marci pulled me up until she could take my cock into her mouth.

I rolled off of her when I was done and shifted on the bed until I had access to her pussy. This time I wasn't going to allow myself to be rushed. I took my time and kissed her swollen lips. Marci was more than ready by the time my tongue touched her clit quite a while later. Her orgasm exploded and quickly overwhelmed her. I smiled in satisfaction.

My cock slapped against my stomach as I shifted in the bed again. The taste of her had me hard again. I waited only long enough for Marci to recover before moving her up on her hands and knees. It was obvious that this was a new position for her.

"Hey!" she cried as I leaned forward and licked her pussy. It wasn't really necessary again because her excitement was plain to see and smell, but I liked the taste of her! "Just because Tommy calls my sorority the Dog Pound, that doesn't mean we're animals! You don't think I'm going to let you...well you know! Like this!"

"Of course you are," I said confidently. "We're 'Fuck Buddies' after all and 'Fuck Buddies' will try anything once."

"Anything?" she asked in concern.

"You'll see," I replied and then moved behind her and pushed in. This stopped all conversation for a time.

Marci obviously liked this position despite her initial complaints. It may have been her first time in it, but she was meeting my every thrust like she'd been born to it! She came first again and fell forward. I refused to stop riding her. I was now straddling her upper thighs and slamming into her from behind. This time it was a new position for me too and I quickly realized that I liked it! I grabbed hold of her hips and started slamming into her as hard as I could.

"Oh no!" Marci cried. "I'm going... I'm... I'm going to cum...again!"

"Me too!" I grunted and let loose deep in her pussy.

Marci damn neared howled as she came. I could feel her juices spraying past my cock and out of her pussy. She drenched my lower stomach, balls and upper thighs! We thrashed about for quite some time. Afterward, both of us lay panting. It was a fight to see who would regain their breath first. Marci won.

"That was incredible!" she said. "It was most definitely the best orgasm of my entire life!" I opened my mouth to reply, but she stopped me by placing her finger over my lips. "Please don't ruin in by making a comment about the noise I made when I came and my comment about Tommy calling us the Dog Pound."

"I would never," I said carefully. Truth be told, I did momentarily think it when she cried out, but I had no intention of mentioning that fact. "For what it's worth, that was the best orgasm of my life as well."

"Really?" she asked in surprise. I laughed gently.

"Just what kind of a guy do you think I am?" I asked with a grin. "It's not like I sleep with a different girl every night! Hell, I dating only one girl for most of my time here at college, and back in high school it was pretty much the same."

"So, does that mean I'm the third girl you've slept with?" she asked, but then quickly added, "Not that it matters!" It obviously did.

"Fourth," I replied honestly. "There was the girl I took to the prom last year as well, but I'm not sure if she should count. We were both so drunk that it went very badly."

"You're only my second," Marci offered. "And don't you dare say really! I'm a good girl, or at least I was before I met you!"

"So, you've only slept with Tommy and me?" I asked in surprise. She frowned.

"I did not sleep with Tommy," she said succinctly. "My first time was back in high school with a guy I thought I loved."

"So then, why exactly did you do this tonight?" I asked, honestly curious.

"I don't know," she responded with a shake of her head.

"I think I do," I said.

"Why?" she asked, waiting for the punch line. She was starting to get to know me.

"I found your weakness," I replied. "You're a sucker for a massage." Marci giggled.

"I hope not!" she said. "Otherwise I'm sure half your fraternity will be offering me massages."

"Hey!" I cried in denial. "I'm not the type to kiss and tell! Besides, why would I want to share my 'Fuck Buddy'?"

"Not even to the other two stooges?" Marci asked.

"Well," I grinned. "I'll probably brag to them about our sleeping together, but I won't tell them about your Achilles' heal."

"Oh great!"

"Don't worry," I said. "Do you think I'm going to let this get out so that Tommy's hears? He's still pretty stuck on you. In fact, this probably wasn't the smartest thing to do considering I'm one of his pledges."

"Do you regret it?"

"Not on your life!" I said quickly, causing her to smile. "I'll just have to be sure that Jerry and Mike know not to spread rumors. It shouldn't be too hard. In fact, Jerry isn't going to care all that much. It seems he and Janice are suddenly an item."

"My pledge Janice?" Marci asked.

"Yes," I replied. "That's how I got in. Jerry and Mike visited our old high school friend Janice and her roommate. Mike excused himself to use the bathroom and let me in."

"Sneaky," Marci said with shake of her head.

"Funny really," I shrugged. "Jerry never much liked Janice in high school, but Mike says that he's gaga over her now."

"And what about Nancy and Mike?" she asked.

"Um, no comment," I said tactfully.

"She is a bit much, isn't she?" Marci asked rhetorically.

"You know," I said, changing the subject. "You still haven't told me why you're lying here naked with me."

"Does it really matter?" she asked.

"A little," I answered surprising myself.

"I'm not sure," she sighed. "I guess I was lonely and more than a little horny. I think I just got tired waiting for the 'right guy' to come along."

"No, that's not it," I said confidently, surprising her.

"It's not?" she asked with a grin.

"Nope," I replied. "The truth is that you have met the right guy, and I'm it."

"I doubt it," she replied, still grinned.

"Doubt all you want," I shrugged. "You're just angry at the way we met. Once you think it through and get to know me, you'll see the truth."

"I told you," she said no longer looking amused. "You're not my type."

"Why?" I asked. "Because I give you earth shattering orgasms? Don't you deserver them?"

"You're crazy!" she snapped. I knew when it was time to pull back. She'd see the truth eventually.

"We'll talk about it later," I said. "Right now, I'm ready for another go."

"You can't be serious!" Marci cried. "Not after what you just said. Besides, I'm spent!"

"'Fuck Buddies' aren't allowed to be spent," I said, ignoring the first part of her statement. Marci made to protest some more, but I pulled her on top of me and kissed her. I wouldn't let her speak until I could tell her own desires were wakening.

"In that case, I'm not sure I can survive being your 'Fuck Buddy'!" she groaned.

"I knew I could get you to say it!" I grinned.

"What?" she asked.

"The F word," I laughed. "It the first step of my plan to drag you down into the evil abyss!"

"Jerk!" she snapped, punching my chest and trying to roll off of me.

"Oh no you don't!" I laughed, pulling her into a hug. She fought for a few seconds before my lips found hers. Once we started kissing again, all the fight went out of her.

Marci sat up and straddled my hips when she was ready. I watched as she directed my cock to her pussy. She sank down slowly, groaning the entire way. I smiled and reach up to caress her breasts. Marci started slowly moving up and down. Eventually her hands were resting on my chest while she bounced up and down.

"I like this position too!" she gasped out between breaths. She came, but didn't stop riding me; although she did slow down long enough to catch her breathe.

"Lean forward and kiss me," I said to her.

"Oh! But this feels so good!" she protested.

"Do it," I said. "I promise, you'll like what I do next." Marci leaned forward and kissed me. I took a moment to hug her tight before grabbing her hips.

"Not what?" she asked.

"This!" I replied, and then held her hips steady as I started pounding up into her. At first Marci smiled, but didn't seem impressed. Of course, a few moments later my hips blurred as I picked up the pace and she cried out.

"Oh fuck!" she cried, surprising me. Her eyes were big once again. Another orgasm was obviously close.

"Say it again!" I demanded.

"Oh yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" she cried. "Fill me with your cum again! Please fuck me!"

"Here...I...cum!" I grunted and let loose. Marci cried out and we kissed crazily as she joined me in orgasm. I was soaked once again, but I loved every moment of it!

She fell asleep on my chest afterward and I smiled contently, lying there for another fifteen or twenty minutes as I recovered and enjoying the feel of her. Everything about Marci made me feel warm and good. It was almost painful for me when I slipped out of bed.

"Where are you going?" she mumbled, still half asleep. I kissed her cheek.

"I don't want to go, but I can't be here when your sorority wakes up," I replied glumly as I started to leave the bed. "It's a 'Fuck Buddy' rule. I don't want to give you a bad reputation. Call me when you're ready for another massage."

"Don't go," she said, pulling me back. "I don't want to sleep alone tonight." I rolled and faced her.

"What about your reputation?" I asked.

"Hmm," she said with a smile. "You're right."

"See," I said. "I've got to go." She nodded but didn't release me.

"How about this?" she asked after another couple of moments. "We go to sleep together and wake up late. You can slip out after lunch when everyone is out."

"Sorry," I said with a shake of my head. "That's against the 'Fuck Buddy' rules as well."

"And just where are these rules written?" she asked in amused annoyance.

"I'm sorry," I said. "But if I tell you, then..."

"...You'd have to kill me," she finished with a roll of her eyes, but she was laughing softly now.

"I have another idea," I offered. "How about we sleep together and wake up late. We spend the rest of the day talking and getting to know each other."

"That's not against the 'Fuck Buddy' rules?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe," I shrugged. "But I'm willing to chance the 'Fuck Buddy Police' to get to know you better."

"Oh brother!" she laughed.

"Hey, who knows?" I said. "You might find out that I'm not half as bad as you think." She still didn't look sold, so I thought quick and added, "If everything go well, then I'll even treat for dinner and a movie afterward."

"And if they don't?" she asked.

"Then I slip out with no one the wiser," I replied, fighting hard not to hold my breath.

"You really think there's a chance we are meant for each other?" she asked, sounding serious now.

"Yes," I replied earnestly.

The room seemed to fill with tension. I could feel her fighting her fears and indecision. It was too much. I could see it about to overwhelm her. It was time to lighten the mood.

"For the sake of our children! Don't say no!" I joked.

"Our children!" she cried in disbelief.

"Just think of how romantic they'll think the story of our first meeting is?" I added quickly.

"Romantic!" she snorted. "This was romantic?"

"In a sorority slash fraternity kind of a way," I argued. This time I did hold my breath. Marci looked at me and suddenly burst out laughing. I thought it was a good thing at first, but wasn't so sure when she didn't stop for a long time.

"I'm willing to agree to your plan with one condition," she finally said, gaining control of herself. "If by some miracle we do end up dating, and on the billion to one chance we do get married and have kids, you will never ever tell them how we met!"

"Agreed," I said quickly, but then added, "At least not until they're older."

"You might as well leave now," she said with a shake of her head. "This is hopeless."

"Nothing is hopeless," I said, pulling her into another kiss.

She returned it, but when I finally pulled back she laughingly added, "Don't even think about it!"

"What?" I asked innocently.

"'Fuck Buddy' or not," she said. "I'm too tired to do anything other than sleep now."

"Sounds good to me," I shrugged, pulling her close. "Besides, now we have all tomorrow to play too."

"I thought we were going to talk tomorrow?" she asked, closing her eyes and nuzzling into my chest.

"That too," I promised.

"This will never work," she mumbled as she started to drift off to sleep.

"Sure it will," I replied, listening as her breathing grew deep and slow. I was exhausted, but suddenly I couldn't sleep. A few minutes later I glanced down and looked at Marci's face. She was just as beautiful in sleep as she was awake.

I didn't know why I was so 'smitten' with her, as Mike would say, but I was. It was actually a little scary. I continued to look at her and slowly started to nod off. Oddly enough, I wasn't worried about convincing her to date me tomorrow.

In fact, as I slept with Marci in my arms I dreamed of our children asking me how I met their mother. In the dream, I just smiled with an odd twinkle in my eyes. Marci saw it, shook her head ever so slightly and changed the subject.

The dream skipped ahead to the night. Marci and I were alone in bed. She looked just as amazing as always! I smiled and reached for her.

"Come here my little 'Fuck Buddy'!" I grinned. She rolled her eyes, but came to my arms.

The dream faded after that, but somehow I knew our lovemaking that night would be extra special and remind us of our first passion filled night together.

"I can't wait to make that dream a reality!" I said as I woke up.

"What dream?" Marci asked.

We were no longer in each other's arms. Actually, Marci was lying on the other side of the bed looking at me. I could tell from her expression that she'd just woken up and was trying to decide why in the world she let me sleep over.

"Maybe I'll tell you one day," I smiled. She looked at me oddly, but then shrugged to herself.

"We need to talk," she said nervously, changing the subject.

"Yes, we do," I agreed. "But later. Right now, I want you."

"You can't be serious?" Marci cried.

"Of course I'm serious," I shrugged. She looked at me and slowly smiled despite her obvious fears.

"You're too much!" she laughed.

I pulled Marci toward me and hugged her, trying to let her know the extent of my feelings. She smiled warmly when I let go of her. Marci understood.

"It's cold!" she smiled, taking the blanket from the bottom of the bed and covering us. I reached for her when she was done.

"Come here my little 'Fuck Buddy'!" I said, just like in my dream. Marci rolled her eyes, but came to my arms. Some dreams were meant to be.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I come back and read this story about once a year. The chemistry between Marci and Moe, you never name him, is so much fun. I adore the banter back and forth. I don’t want a sequel. Imagining the two of them together in the future is more fun than a sequel.

Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

What a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved thus story. And I'd love a sequel. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Don’t listen to them! Your story is great as it is. They didn’t make a sequel to Casablanca did they?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story. Would have been great to continue the tale.

cantgetenough2cantgetenough2over 2 years ago

It had been many many years since I read this last. But I came back looking and was surprised that I had only remembered the premise and had forgot the happily ever after part.

What a wonderfully light hearted and sappy story. I hope he is able to tell their grand kids about this when they get older.

And I hope he steals the bra anyway and they can laugh about it for years to come

Cal59Cal59over 2 years ago

Like others I see the possibility of more, unlike them I like it this way, thank you really enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Excellent tale of college hijinks

But curious minds want to know - did he take her red bra with him when he left?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

A good little snippet. Loved it.

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