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When I couldn't take it anymore, I lowered my hand to him and positioned him perfectly, urging him forward. He braced himself against the headboard, not letting me coax him into me. His face showed the strain of the action. "Are you sure, Vikki?" It was easy to tell that he had to force his voice to stay even. It was a different feeling to have someone care about what I wanted or how I felt. It made me love him and want him even more. His breath against my neck had been warm and real.

I placed a hand gently on the side of his neck, propping myself up to move closer to him; he sat almost straight up and I met him where he was, kissing him softly, without tongue. Lifting myself further, I wrapped my legs behind him. We were now both sitting, though my weight was suspended above his thighs. We both sighed simultaneously. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I whispered against his lips. His mouth crept into a smile before pressing more firmly against my own.

While we kissed, he eased himself upward, his arms wrapped tightly around my back. Slowly, I lowered myself down toward him. A gasp escaped my lips as he pushed into me, a fraction of an inch at a time. I was clinging to his back, unable to refrain from dragging my nails against his skin. His face dropped to the nap of my neck, breath heavy. More and more I relaxed my knees, feeling him spread me open. "Oh God." He moaned, deep in his throat.

Finally, he was all the way in. "Wait, don't move yet ok." Then without a word, I began to push myself upward until he was almost all the way out, before lowering me back down, only slightly faster than before. It stayed exactly like that for some time. His lips against my neck, not kissing, my fingers pushed into the skin of his back and me moving up and down slowly. Rory allowed me to move at my own pace, keeping his arms wrapped around my back, but not gripping or helping as I eased myself up and down his cock. The skin of our chests rubbed together, and I had never felt so comfortable in his arms.

Everything with Devon was always fast and hard, there was no easing into it. No emotion. This was better than anything. Finally, he shifted his arms from across my back, and gripped me at my waist, guiding my movements to quicken the pace, at first moving up slowly, then back down with more force. "Yes, just like that. Yes." My inhibitions were gone, and I made no effort to quiet myself. He groaned each time we smacked together, sliding his hands up a bit at a time until his fingers clutched my shoulders, allowing him to pull me down with more vigor. His body was sliding over my clit, making my fingers dig harder into his skin.

"I can't believe you waited. I'm so happy you waited." He moaned through clenched teeth.

I leaned back from him a little, still rising and falling on him. We both looked down between us and watched as his cock slid in and out of me. The sight was intoxicating. I began rotating my hips, moving in every direction. His mouth fell open and he groaned slowly but deeply. "Oh! Vikki, fuck don't stop." Moving faster, I couldn't help but smile at the lust in his eyes.

I brought myself toward him again, pressing my body against his own and my lips against his ear. "How does it feel being inside of me?" My voice was thick with lust. He could only moan in response. "Being inside my tight wet pussy." I was rotating in small but firm circles on his cock.

"Oh God."

"Do you want more of me?"

"Yes." He gasped, "Yes!"

"Then take me." With those words, he dropped me backwards and took over completely, sliding in and out even faster than before. One hand landed on my hip, pulling me back toward him with every thrust. The other was on the side of my neck as he brought himself in to kiss me. Our kisses only lasted a few seconds before one of us broke it to let out a moan.

"Oh, God... yes... yes." The bed started to bump against the wall and our moans and cries grew louder, but we didn't notice. He thrust harder, still. Pulling out quickly and hovering for the smallest fraction of a second before pounding back in.

"Mm you feel so amazing, Vikki. Every last inch of you." Dragging my nails down his back, I heard him moan in approval. I pulled my knees closer together around his body, tightening my pussy's grip on his cock even more. The bed smacked against the wall with each thrust. His skin was glistening with sweat, and I had no doubt that my own was doing the same. His full weight was on me, no space between our bodies, and he bit gently on the skin of my neck.

His warm body slid over my clit. "OH!" I pressed my face against his shoulder, muffling myself.

"I want to hear you. Let me hear you." His voice was heavy and broken through his panting and punctuated movements.

Needing no further encouragement, I did not hold back. "Yes! Rory, please don't stop, you feel so good. Don't stop, Rory!" His lips rose to my mouth and he kissed me hard, releasing his tongue against mine. We both moaned deeply into the other's mouth as he slammed himself into me, the entire length of his body rubbing against my own. I lowered my hand to his neck, and he caught it, planting a kiss on my palm and intertwining his fingers with mine before pinning it against the bed. I squeezed his hand as he moved deep inside me.

"Oh Vikki. Mm, so tight!"

I could feel his cock tense inside of me. My pussy responded with the same sensation as before, and my insides began to shake, along with my legs and every other inch of my body. He thrust even faster.

"Rory." I moaned against his mouth, "Riley, I'm going to... oh... OH! I'm... I..."

"Come with me." He placed his forehead against mine and looked deep into my eyes. "Come with me!" Seeing his eyes almost pushed me over the edge, but kept my thoughts in the way until I felt him reach his peak. Just before he did, he set up one more trick. He set his eyes on mine. "I love you, Victoria." His lips clasped down on mine, as he made a final thrust and held himself as deeply inside of me as he could.

Hearing his words, the ripple worked its way down my body. Just as I felt his release, my own started. He continued to kiss me as we came, dulling my screams against his lips. After the longest few seconds of my life, my body involuntarily relaxed and I sunk deeper into the bed, falling away from him. He started to do the same, but caught himself on his forearms so he didn't put too much weight onto me.

With his right hand, he pushed some hairs off of my face. We smiled at each other, and our lips met in small pecks. Slowly, he slid his softening member out of me before rolling to the side and collapsing onto his back, still breathing heavily. For a moment, we lay next to each other, not speaking, but trying to get control of ourselves.

He reached out towards me with a smile on his face, inviting me closer. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me against him, and I rested my head on his chest, listening to his calming, yet rapid heartbeat. We were both completely naked, but completely comfortable. His hand stroked my back, tracing over every last vertebrae. "Was it ok," I started, but decided not to ask.

Even so, he answered. "That was amazing, Vik. Wonderful." He kissed the top of my head. "Perfect. It was better than anything I ever imagined, and I'll be honest with you, I've imagined that a few times."

"Glad I could rise to your expectations."

He rolled to his side, closing my hands in one of his and stroking my neck with the other. "I wouldn't call them expectations. I never actually thought I would get to. That we would." He shook his head and collected his thoughts. "Vikki, I've wanted to make love to you since prom, but I never thought we actually would. And this far surpassed anything I could have ever even have begun to imagine. I thought you had been with Devon. Thank you." Our lips met in a small kiss that sent a shock to my stomach.

Still, I couldn't help but feel a bit lost. Was that all he wanted from me? It went from imagined to real so there was no reason for us to become more than just friends, as we had always been. "So." I started, but cut myself off, not sure how to ask.

"So?" He twisted his hand around mine and locked our fingers together between our chests. His eyes were on mine.

"So, was this just, you know a onetime thing?" It was a question I had to ask, but one I did not want the answer to.

He smiled a little more, his eyes shining. "I hope not." This answered the question I had asked, but not the one that was truly going through my mind. He was smiling, though, so I did in return. I was watching him, my eyes never leaving the deep green of his. "I know all this stuff with Devon is still really fresh." It was the first time in my memory that I had heard Rory say his name out loud, other than the first night I saw him. "And you two were together for over a year, but... oh." He stopped and his expression warmed. "Did you think I meant..., when I said I wanted to make love to you... I'm sorry, I did this all wrong." With a deep breath, he tried again. "Do you remember that night on the porch?" Without any more description, I knew exactly what night he was talking about; I nodded. "Do you remember what you said to me?"

"I said I loved you."

"Did you mean it?"

I lowered my head back against his chest, still looking up at him, but needing to hear the rhythm of his heart. "Of course."

"Did you believe me when I said it?"

For a moment I thought, wanting my answer to come out just right. "I've always known that you loved me, Rory, I just never understood in what way. Rich told me about Stacy."

His smile was soft and delicate as his arms tightened around me, fingertips tracing gently over my skin. "I told her she was being ridiculous, but the second I saw you in that dress and I got so jealous every time one of the other guys tried dancing with you I knew she was right. I thought I loved Stacy, but the way that I felt when I looked at you, when you laid in my arms or when your number showed up on my phone, just hearing your voice or your laugh was the absolute, unconditional happiness that I felt when you told me you loved me, there was no comparison to that.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

He chuckled, and I couldn't help but to feel as though I were standing on the outer edge of an inside joke. "Two reasons. One, it was kind of scary looking at you and knowing that I desired you in every possible way. I had always thought of you as a little sister, and then out of nowhere you weren't a little kid anymore. Rich may have had the title of my best friend, but you were the one I could tell anything to and the first one I wanted to tell everything to. Admitting those feelings to you meant risking you not feeling the same and then things not being the same ever again. When you started dating Devon, I wanted so badly to tell you and have you been with me instead of him, but I didn't want it to seem like I was only admitting those feelings because I didn't want you to be with him."

"So Devon was reason number two?"

He chuckled again, "no, not exactly."

"Then what was it?"

"Rich. He may or may not have threatened to castrate me if I did anything that could potentially hurt you. This is ironic because he vehemently refused to let me castrate Devon on the numerous occasions I offered to."

"Also ironic since he all but told me to chase after you tonight."

"Hmm." A cute, boyish grin spread across his lips. "Remind me to thank him for that." Leaning down, he gave me a quick kiss. I snuggled up closer to him, reveling in the warmth of his body. "You probably want a more complete answer to your original question, though. The one you didn't ask." His fingers continued along my spine, softly brushing up and down, while is other hand clasped over mine, bringing it to his lips. "I want to be with you, Vikki, for as long as I possibly can be. I would ask you to marry me right now, but I'm pretty sure you would refuse."

"I don't want to get married at nineteen." We said together. His words, of course, in a mocking tone.

"So until you change your mind about that, I want to be with you in whatever way you'll let me."

My heart was fluttering in a way I never knew it could. "Say then, hypothetically, I wanted to be your girlfriend."

"Then you should say 'yes' when I ask you. And before you ask 'how long do I have to wait for that?" he stole the words straight from my lips, "all I can say is that it won't be long. I would ask you right now, but I want to do it right, and at the perfect time and when I'm not half distracted by the fact that you're naked and almost on top of me."

I couldn't help but laugh at the playfully accusing way he said this. "Would you like me to get dressed?" I made as if I was about to roll away from him.

He clutched me tighter to his chest, rolling me around so I was trapped between him and the wall. "Don't even think about it." Those green eyes sparkled at me as he smiled and rubbed his nose against mine. "I'm never letting you go."


"With all my heart." His lips pressed gently against my forehead, making me feel light. I let my body fall deeper against his, closing my eyes and focusing only on the beat of his heart and the feel of his arms around me. My breath began to steady. "Always so sleepy." He teased his words so soft I couldn't tell if he was speaking them to me or to himself.

"We've been through this." I whispered just as softly, "it's your fault for being so comfy and warm and, no, you will not stop that immediately." He laughed and his chest shook lightly, rolling me along with it.

"Go to sleep, Vik. I promise I'll be here when you wake up and for a very long time after that."

"You better," my words began to jumble together, "or I'll castrate you myself."

"But on the off chance I happen to need to pee right before you wake up."

"Sucks for your boys." He laughed once more, the sound wonderful and relaxing. "I love you, Rory."

His lips pressed into my hair. "I love you, Vikki, so much." ***

The second I woke up, I was aware of the bed sheets wrapped snugly around my body, the only fabric covering me. I was aware of the warmth radiating next to me. I was even more aware of Rory being the source of that warmth. His arms were still firmly around me, his fingers continuing their pattern across my skin. Lifting my head slightly, I shifted to look at him. He was awake and watching me with a look of interest. "Good morning." His voice was pure honey. The vocalization of perfection.

"Morning." My own voice was still laced with groggy slur. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

He smiled that innocent, boyish smile. "I love watching you sleep, listening to the way you breathe." Just by the way he spoke; I knew he was being completely honest. His hand brushed over my body. "I could get used to this."

"What? Waking up with a naked girl in your arms?"

His smile tilted to one side, that crooked grin I loved. "Waking up with you in my arms," he corrected. "Having you in my arms, period. Holding you, kissing you just because I want to."

"Do you want to?" He slid his hand up my spine, around my shoulder and to my neck. His fingers touched me as if I were fragile, pulling me up toward him. Warm breath cascaded over my lips until his mouth formed gently around mine, spreading goose bumps over every inch of my body. The kiss was slow and soft, completely without urgency.

As he pulled away, I felt a smile crawl on his lips and couldn't help but smile myself. "I'll take that as a yes."

He nodded, kissing the tip of my nose. "Yes."

I rested my head back down against him, enjoying the feel of his skin. "I really loved last night. You know we need to talk about the no condom."

"Well you were a virgin and on the pill and I get tested for work so we're good." He looked down at me smiling all sure and confident.

It wasn't until then that I noticed the thin layer of sweat that covered both of our bodies and that bit of sand that had clung to my hair. "Hey." He gave me an 'hmm?' in reply. "Mind if I shower? It feels like I brought some of the beach with me."

"You know, I wasn't going to say anything about all the sand you left in my bed, but now that you mention it." He bumped me gently to show he was joking. "Go ahead."

Crawling over him, I dragged the top layer of blankets with me, leaving a layer covering his waist. Tiptoeing around and over the random articles of abandoned clothing, I made it all the way to the doorway before turning back. "You coming?" I tried to keep my tone innocent, but a hint of dread crept into it.

Once again, a sly smile danced to his lips. He stood and was by my side before I had time to blink. His hands caressed my bare shoulders and neck as he looked down at me, moving closer. "On one condition." I cocked my eyebrow, telling him to go on. "You'll agree to be my girlfriend when I ask."

"Do you doubt that I will?"

"I just want to make sure."

"Okay, I'll say yes on one condition." He cocked his own eyebrow in return. "You can't be angry when I tell you that I'm not on the pill."

For a moment, he could only set his eyes deeply on my face, until that smile reclaimed his features. "Done." Pulling me against him, he brought our lips together and danced us backward toward the shower. "We'll wait and see, use condoms from now on and if some how you're the unluckiest person in the world and end up knocked up the first time you have sex, then you get to be married at nineteen.

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bigurnbigurnabout 1 month ago

I gave you 4 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐ , despite the fact that you kept changing the character's names. Sometimes, within the same sentence. A bit of advice though; stop making your female character so dense. Despite warnings from every person that they like, trust, and admire... They always gravitate to the asshole " bad boy" .

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 2 years ago

Didn't make through half the first page, First soccer game she was 9 and three and a half years she is 15?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What annoyed me is she had no reason not to listen to a group of boys who could have easily tried her at any time but didn't. She had a great role mode for men and dead ass was like "nah y'all don't know what y'all talking about"

ScoratScoratalmost 3 years ago

Good story besides the annoying name changes, and the 3 stars (without paragraph break) to indicate time change

Ginger630Ginger630over 3 years ago

Is it Rory or Riley? Devon or Dean?

I loved this story, but the odd page breaks and name mix ups were distracting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Inconsistent use of names

The names Rory & Riley were used interchangeably. Devon was frequently referred to as Dean. It was distracting.

ojalalalaojalalalaabout 5 years ago
So, she was protected but isolated, not educated by her boy band...?

Her parents were useless as role models, mostly out of the scene, and she is *protected* by her brother and his friends but evidently never counseled by them. At one point she wanted to break up with Devon but wouldn't because she was afraid of having to deal with her changing feelings about Rory, mostly that his hadn't changed and that she'd lose their special relationship.

Rory displaced Rich as brother, and she didn't develop any self-defense skills or relationship insights from her association with so many males. She evidently had no sister friends, didn't interact with the female companions and love interests of her band of brothers. With all of those people around her, she remained socially, emotionally underdeveloped -- her emotionally crippled parents didn't help, and their example of a relationship maybe was why she chose to remain with Devon for a year.

Both outright and through omission she lied about being abused. What was that even about? She didn't want to stop seeing him because she didn't want to deal with her changing feelings about Rory? Years after prom, her brother did finally speak with her about how Rory felt, but why didn't he speak with her during that year she was seeing Devon? I hope she isn't pregnant; based on her cockeyed view of relationships based on what she's seen of her parents' and then hers acceptance/expectation of abuse with Devon, also to avoid the will-u-b-my-volunteer/victim college experiences she'd otherwise fall into, she needs therapy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very good

I hope you come back to writing, you are very talented.

That said, Promises lost a star due to Riley and Dean joining the cast so often!

Read your work out loud, it is a great self-edit technique if you cannot bring yourself to ask for an editor.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great story but you NEED an editor...

OK did you just not proof read your work or anything. Idk how many times you called Rory the incorrect name. You kept calling him Riley.. at one point you literally called him Rory and not 5 words later called him Riley.. like wtf. And you did the same shit with Devon.. idk what other name you had for him but it confused the fuck out of me. Then I figured out what you were doing. It was an amazing story, but having someone read it for you will easily fix that. The other option to help would be to finish writing it, wait a couple days and read it again. You will notice errors easily this way. Don't stop writing, that was one of the best love storys I have read in a long time. Still worth the 5 stars even with the errors. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
She Dumb

I think that Vikki is perhaps the dumbest character in any story I have ever read. EVER. I mean, just wow. She's a moron.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Name confusion

Great story but it's confusing that Rory is also called Riley and Devon is also called Dean.

atropisatropisover 9 years ago
wow.... really good

Great story, so fluid and filled with emotion. And of course beautifully romantic.

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