Rachael's Awakening Ch. 06


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The ride back went quickly as home came into view. The gates swung open and the car was eased into the garage and the door closed. Bradford turned off the powerful engine, flipped the trunk switch, and then climbed out... opening Rachael's door as he passed it, reaching in, and then handing her out.

Rachael smiled her thanks and went quickly inside; shrugging out of her coat in the laundry room and then hanging it up to dry before she took off her boots and went into the kitchen.

She took the place mats out of soak, noting that the stains were gone and then tossed them into the dryer on a low setting, then returned and started the dishwasher and then made a fresh pot of coffee.

Still feeling chilled, she went upstairs to the spare room and changed out of the clothes Sir had placed out for her to wear and hung them up. This time she opted for a warm sweater, a pair of loose jogging pants, and socks. Running a brush through her hair, she eyed her reflection in the full-length mirror, put the brush up, nodded once, then turned and went back downstairs to get a cup of fresh coffee.

She went into the kitchen and pulled down two mugs from the cabinet next to the coffee pot. Once the mugs were prepared, she turned and went back into the living room to stand next to Rodger, sip their coffee and watch the snow falling. After a few minutes of that, they moved in companionable silence back into the living room to sit and watch the fire.

Rodger had tossed the pillows back onto the floor while he waited for Rachael and now he put their coffee mugs on the raised hearth. Settling into the pillows, he noted the pants Rachael had put on. He shook his head in non-acceptance.

"Take them off Rachael. And if you are wearing panties, remove them also. Always accessible means just that. When they are off, go get your towel and then come snuggle next to me."

Rodger watched as Rachael removed her jogging pants and her panties, moved away to go find her towel and just as she was about to sit down next to him, he stopped her.

"Stand and spread... in front of me please."

Rachael spread her legs and then spread her labia wide... exposing her vagina to Rodger. He eased two fingers into her then brought his face close to her puss to inhale her scent. He slowly moved his fingers in and out of her puss, then reached up and bit her clit as he stuck his tongue deep into her finger-filled vagina.

Her knees buckled as she felt Sir stab her vagina with his tongue again. His fingers moved faster and faster and he pushed them deeper and harder. She was aching to feel His cock in her again... as again she felt that stab of memory of how His cock felt in her ass last night.

"Oh Sir! Please... take me again! Please fill my ass. Please!"

She was unaware she had spoken out loud until she felt Him remove the fingers from her puss. She looked down at Rodger as a confused expression crossed her face. He was looking up into her face and smiling, patting the cushions to his left.

"I will take My ass again soon, Pet. But right now I have something else in mind. Move your towel to the cushion under you then lie down, putting your legs in my lap. No, no questions. Just do as you are told, please."

While Rachael got settled, Rodger pulled the big shopping bag from Mikala's next to his right hip, opened it and began to rummage around in it. Finally finding what he wanted, he pulled it out, dropping it where Rachael couldn't see it, then closed the bag and put it back under the table next to his side of the sofa.

As a grin curved his lips, he picked up the package he had dropped then handed it to Rachael.

"Open it and then put it on. No, no questions. Just do."

Rachael stared down at a package she hadn't remembered seeing and realized that Sir must have had it secreted away while she was looking around the shoppe last night. She tore the package open and withdrew the black satin blindfold.

"We're going to work on heightening your senses while deprived of your sight... a little 'sensory deprivation with a twist' if you will. I will be placing different things against your legs, or against My puss. I want you to tell me what you feel... and what you think they are... and where you think I will touch next.

"Am I clear?" He asked and waited for her answer.

"Yes Sir," came the clear-voiced reply.

"All right then... we shall begin. Start by spreading your legs wide, please."

Rodger took the still frozen condom from next to him, and watched as Rachael spread her legs as wide as she could.

"Don't worry Rachael, the table is not going to interfere. You didn't notice it, but I moved it into the center of the room... so as not to impede your movement or movements.

"Ready Pet?"

"Yes Sir," she replied again.

Rodger moved his fingers up and down the sides of Rachael's labia from her clit to her slit. This was done so as to confuse her and to let her think he was going to re-insert his fingers and she spread her legs open a little wider.

Rodger smiled and picked up the item he had placed next to him. He laid the tip of the frozen water-filled condom down on her now wet and sensitive clit.

Rachael gasped as her back arched and her hands moved instinctively to cover the clit from being frozen.

"Hands down, girl! No!" Rodger ordered.

His voice was firm and sharp as he swiftly brought his hand down hard against the soft inner thigh of Rachael's left leg.

"You may not cover where I touch. Keep your hands still, or I will restrain them, and you. You will accept what I do without question and without qualm. Am I clear?"

"I am sorry Sir. Yes Sir, very clear."

Just as Rachael's back eased once again into the softness of the cushions, Rodger put the tip of the frozen condom against her clit again and left it there... for a few seconds.

Her back arched again and she cried out as the cold penetrated her body and she very nearly screamed... but she willed herself to keep her legs and hands still as she felt the tip begin to travel downward along her slit... now wet and slick with her moisture.


She gasped loudly and drew a quick breath as she felt the tip ease in along her slick vaginal walls. She could barely concentrate on what she was supposed to tell Sir as she felt the tip being inserted into her vagina... just a little... and then removed... then re-inserted and a little more was pushed in.

"What do you feel Pet? What sensations are running rampant through your body? Correction... My body. Tell me, quickly. The longer you delay answering... the faster you will force me to insert more of the item in my hand."

Rodger already knew what to expect and the reactions the female body would have to this form of training... but he wanted to hear it from Rachael's own lips.

"It is cold inside... making the inner lips sting from the cold and feel immediately numb. Then, when You remove the cold – the sensation of feeling it still inside lingers." Rachael quickly answered Rodger... telling him what he already knew.

"Good girl. That is what you are supposed to feel. Are you ready for more? Do you know what the item is yet?"

"Yes Sir. I am ready. And no, I do not know what the item is... yet."

Rachael's tongue flicked out to wet her dry lips and she took a deep breath as she prepared to feel the cold item being inserted once more.

Rodger didn't disappoint... and eased the now melting tip back between Rachael's labia and into her now very wet slit. She took the tip and an inch more into her before he withdrew it and put it down next to him. He the lifted the plastic bottle of very warm water and placed it against her labia.

Rachael felt the heat of the warmth and immediately surrendered herself against it. It felt good against the lips of her pussy – which felt numb – but wasn't. If they had been, she wouldn't have felt the warmth of the bottle now pressed between her labia.

Rodger saw her body relax and picked up the frozen condom once again and pressed the tip between her labia and inserted a little more of the frozen-water-filled item into the warmth of her pussy. Half of it was inside her now while he held the other half

He watched as her back arched – a little higher this time, and her hips rose up off her towel and she clenched the cheeks of her ass tightly and tried to grip the lips of her vagina closed.

"Keep My ass on that towel Pet." That's all he said.

Rachael had just lowered herself back to the towel when Rodger pushed a little more of the frozen condom inside... watching her labia stretch as he did so.

'She's taking this with remarkable grace, just like I knew she would,' He thought.

Rachael uttered a low groan and bit her lower lip as Rodger felt the legs in his lap tense and she fought the urge to scream or to raise her hips.

He watched as her hands grasped fists full of cushion and he quickly removed the frozen condom and replaced it with the bottle of warm water, and watched as Rachael immediately relaxed once again. Still, she didn't scream.

He knew she wanted to... but she wouldn't let herself.

"Thank you, Sir," was the only thing she said.

"Can you take a little more Pet, or do you want me to halt the training with this method? You really are doing better than I suspected. But before we continue, go use the restroom off the kitchen, wipe once, wash up then come back. Now go... quickly."

Rachael sat up, removed her blindfold, and hurried to go use the restroom. She quickly did as Sir told her to do and returned to the living room, settling into the cushions once more and putting her legs back in Sir's lap.

"Tell me what you were feeling Pet. Tell me what you thought during this training session," Rodger asked and then leaned back against the front of the sofa while Rachael collected her thoughts.

Automatically Rachael sat up and pulled her legs under her, mindful to keep her towel in place as she did so; yet mindless that she was naked and exposed to Rodger from the waist down.

"At first the item was freezing cold as You began to insert it and I felt chilled from the insertion point, upward and inward. I wondered if it might get stuck to the wet walls of my vagina. However, when You removed it... the freezing sensation lingered... way up deep.

"It felt both good and strange at the same time; and just when I got used to the cold and felt I could tolerate it a little longer... You removed it and replaced it with the warmth. I immediately relaxed and then You put the cold back almost as soon as I relaxed against the warmth."

"Good girl," Rodger congratulated her.

"That is precisely what I was told you would feel when this method was brought to my attention and it was suggested that I try it. An old friend of mine, who is also a Dom and is not aware that I have a new girl that I am training, told me about it."

Rodger took this opportunity, while his lap was empty, to stand and reach down to pull Rachael to her feet, then bent and retrieved the semi-still-frozen item he'd been using.

"I don't know about you, My Pet... but I'm getting hungry again. And while I'd love to enjoy you, I am hungry for something edible. Shall we adjourn to the kitchen and rustle up some lunch?"

Rachael nodded and was about to reach down for her panties and pants when Rodger forestalled her with a shaking of his head.

"No, Pet. No clothes on your lower body. As we fix lunch, I want you accessible to me. I will touch wherever and whatever I choose. If I decide to step behind you and insert a finger to inspect your wetness... I expect you to open your legs to permit it.

"Am I clear, Pet?"

"Yes Sir. Crystal clear."

Rachael preceeded Rodger as they headed off to the kitchen as Rodger followed... watching her ass as she moved in front of him. He felt himself growing rigid as his thoughts wandered back to last night... and his claiming of her anal virginity. He would take her again... and soon. He wanted her to get used to his taking of her when it pleased him.

And she did please him. Oh, how she pleased him.

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HisbelleHisbelleabout 13 years ago

This is my favorite chapter of this story. Why? Because it shows His tender side, and rings a personal chord in my heart

I was abused in a previous relationship to the point of being hospitalized. It made things very difficult at the beginning with my Dom and I. I was jumpy and frightened...in fact, we had one encounter where I, like Rachael, had a flashback that came out of nowhere and caused me to freeze up and shake like a leaf against Him.

He was so gracious, tender, and loving toward me...it was more than I ever could have imagined. Reading how Rodger loves and tenderly cares for His sub brought tears to my eyes.

Keep up the amazing writing.

Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 15 years agoAuthor
To kabaa4me:

<i>Thank you so much for portraying this relationship between a Dom and submissive. Not all Doms are cruel or harsh. The writing is excellent and we look forward to reading more.</i><br>


You are so right kabaa... not all Doms are cruel, harsh, or sadistic. There are those who are, while being fiercely protective of what is Their's, They can be gentle, loving, tender, yet also firm.<br>


I must thank Sir, my Mentor, for His invaluable help during the writing of this story. Yes, He was a Dom at one time; but has retired from the life. Without Sir's wonderful help, His brilliant ideas (both real and imagined), or His innate knowledge of my thoughts and the direction in which they are heading at any given moment... neither Rachael nor Rodger would be as 'real' as they are; nor would so many identify with one or the other.<br>


I am so pleased you are enjoying the story. Thank you for your lovely comment.

Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 15 years agoAuthor
To: Azuldragon

My dear, faithful Dragon...

Thank you for your wonderful comment, and how like you to see the truth within my written words. Thank you also for what you said to "Joyce" -- for she quite obviously missed the point of the story and indeed knows nothing about D/s relationships. But... to each their own. I have very much enjoyed writing Rodger and Rachael, and I still can't believe how this story has taken off from Chapter 1 -- which was meant to be a simple re-write and has, by all intents and purposes, taken on a life of its own. I hope you have had a chance to read Chapter 7.

Chapter 8 is being worked on and it is my desire to have it ready before Thanksgiving...hopefully. :heart:

Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 15 years agoAuthor
To: Scorpio44

"<i>As the story progresses the writing gets better and better. His slow reinforcement of his control and power is delightful and agonizing. His manhood is under remarkable control.</i>"<b>


Sir... once again Your words of praise have me smiling with joy. Correct me if I am wrong, but it is my feeling or impression that <i>any</i> Dom who wants to have a submissive who has total faith and trust in her Master, would not only show slow reinforcement but would also show agonizing control and still be able to show stern power when and where it is needed. Rodger is ever mindful to the fact that Rachael is still a virgin -- literally -- and is taking her slowly up the ladder toward the time when He will lay claim to her vaginal virginity... finally claiming her as His and His alone -- completely.<b>


I am so glad You find that the writing is getting better and better. I must, in all fairness, give due credit to my Mentor; without Whom, the ability to keep my characters 'real' would have been lost some time back.

Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 15 years agoAuthor
To: danalearns

How lovely to hear from you again dana... and I'm glad to know you are still enjoying the story and that you are finding pleasure in the characters. I have enjoyed the writing and the building of the relationship between Rodger and Rachael.

Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 15 years agoAuthor
To: Joyce19063

I think you missed the point of the story, as well as the building of a relationship that will, eventually, be steeped in trust. But, I do thank you for your comment. I'm so sorry you didn't like the story; for you obviously know nothing about Doms, submissives, or a D/s relationship.

kabaa4mekabaa4meover 15 years ago
More please

Thank you so much for portraying this relationship between a Dom and submissive. Not all Doms are cruel or harsh. The writing is excellent and we look forward to reading more. Thank you.

AzuldrgonAzuldrgonalmost 16 years ago
Joyce was wrong.

I think Roger is showing a different side of his manhood when he allows himself to be comforting and not at all the evil dictator some profess as being a Dom. Above all else, a good Dom cares for the sub. This is why Doms do not abuse the relationship they have with their subs and this story demonstrated that.

Other than that, I like the way he tested her and the gentle way he reminded her of his policy of her always being accessible. This is still a wonderful series to read ad I am eagerly awaiting # 7.

Scorpio44Scorpio44almost 16 years ago
The writing just keeps getting better!

As the story progresses the writing gets better and better. His slow reinforcement of his control and power is delightful and agonizing. His manhood is under remarkable control. Too bad many other men don't have such control.

It will be interesting to see what delightfiul things they experience together in future chapters.

danalearnsdanalearnsalmost 16 years ago
great story

i am really enjoying this story. i like how Roger is taking things slow and is very keen to how she is progressing. he is always aware of how she is reacting to what is going on. it is so interesting to read different stories and see the differences in doms and relationships because everyone is different and that is a model of reality. thank you for sharing your talents.

Joyce19063Joyce19063almost 16 years ago
He should first test himself for manhood

He would flunk

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