Reese Ch. 05


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Reese was speechless and just stared at her.

"What's the problem? You were going to talk to me about it anyway," Alex said now back to her normally composed self. "Think about it, I'm already trained in weapons and hand to hand combat, I'm already familiar with vampires and let me remind you once again that I have resources that you don't. Besides Leo and Marco, who else do you have? I'm not counting the father of the kidnapped kid- he's a wild card as far as I'm concerned. I don't see an issue here."

Reese didn't know what to say. Everything that Alex just said was true- even the suicide part. He did want her to turn, but not for this reason.

"Why in the hell are you hesitating?" Alex demanded. "I'm offering and if it makes things easier- I was going to say yes when you got around to asking."

"This isn't how I wanted it to happen," Reese said softly. "I imagined taking you someplace where we could take our time. This... Alex the change isn't pleasant..."

"I know all about it, I've done my reading; but we're wasting time. You don't know when this thing is going to happen and if I'm going to do this it needs to be now."

Reese's mind spun with indecision. On one hand he really hadn't wanted to do this now but on the other hand, she would be better able to protect herself, but they still had issues to talk about.

"If I agree to this," Reese said, "you will still have to do as I say without argument." He almost laughed at the last part. He knew damned well that she would fight with him.

"That depends on what you tell me to do," Alex replied confirming what Reese already knew.

"Alex, I want you to think about this," Reese said. "Once done it's irreversible. You will be immortal and will have to watch those that you love grow old and die. They can never know about what we are and we cannot live in a place for more than ten to fifteen years."

"I understand all of that," Alex replied. "I have to watch family and loved one grow old and die now. And let's not even talk about the secrets that I can't share. Moving is no big deal- I do that now. The only major changes that I see are that I have to drink blood and I can't go out during the day. You mentioned something about me being your Achilles heel. If I turned doesn't that become less true?"

"Yes but..."

"But what?" Alex challenged. "Whether you turn me or not I'm going help you. Why not even the odds in your favor and turn me?"

Reese thought back to the time when Marco who had been Dante at the time had asked to be changed. He had been hesitant then as he was now. In the case of Marco, it had been a huge asset. It would be the same with Alex but with an added benefit.

"Alright," he said, "but..."

"I'm not going to promise to do as you say in all things so forget it," Alex said interrupting him. "But- I will agree to be your equal partner in whatever happens and that means no secrets and no coddling. Are we agreed?"

Reese's answer was a kiss. Alex was exactly what he needed. Now that they had decided, time was of the essence.

"What is your schedule like?" he asked breaking the kiss.

"I have the next four days off... "

"What about afterwards?" Reese asked. "You won't be able to tolerate any sunlight."

"I'll worry about that later- so let's do this."

"Not here," Reese said. "It isn't secure enough. We'll go to the villa where I and the others are staying."

"By others I assume you're talking about Edgar and Marco?"

"Yes," Reese replied. "You might want to pack a few things as I'm not prepared for the arrival of my mate and partner."

Alex looked at him and smiled. For the first time since she met him, she felt that things were going to be alright. A bit hairy in spots but alright. While Alex packed, Reese called the villa and spoke to Marco.

"How are things?" he asked.

"Quiet," Marco replied. "We've been camped out in front of the laptops watching the Borcelli website but so far no new information has come up. Edgar mentioned something and now that I think about it; he's right. Why post a guest list if the ball isn't going to take place within a few days? This list has been up for four days at least and still there is no further information."

"What are you thinking?" Reese asked.

"I don't know, but Edgar is wondering if something happened that caused the delay. I don't suppose you've heard from Lewis?"

"No," Reese replied. "I'll call him after I'm through with you. Keep an eye on that website. I'm on my way back and I'm bringing someone with me."

"Really?" Marco asked, "Do tell."

"It is my mate and you are not to bombard her with questions do you understand?"

"Ohhh the mysterious woman-it is a woman right?" Marco teased.

"I will see you soon," Reese replied not answering to the tease.

He immediately called Lewis.

"I don't know anything," Lewis said when asked what he knew. "Edgar is right. Something is going on. There is the chance that the ball will be cancelled. It's happened only once that I'm aware of."

"Lewis," Reese said after a moment, "You and your mate aren't thinking of doing anything stupid are you?"

When Lewis didn't reply, Reese continued.

"Did you really think that I didn't know who your mate's family is? I had her investigated when I was thinking of a possible target. Let me be clear about something, I don't care who she's related to and that had no bearing on why I didn't choose her. Edgar was more easily attained. If she contacts her family what happens is on your head. If anything happens at that ball- the same applies. Is she there?"

"This is jean," she said in a businesslike tone a few seconds later.

"Hello Jean, I am the vampire that has your son," Reese said in an equally businesslike tone. "We've spoken once before and it appears that you've forgotten the rules. As I told your mate, if you're thinking of contacting your family-don't. I know who they are and where they are and I have no fear of them. You've spoken to Edgar several times and I'm sure that he's told you that he is well. Whether he remains that way is up to you. Do you understand or do I need to elaborate further?"


"Do you understand or do I need to elaborate further?" Reese asked again this time his tone icy.

"I understand, but you better understand this; if anything ..."

Reese had already hung up.

"You really aren't going to hurt that boy are you?" Alex asked from behind him. She had heard his end of the conversation and what she heard chilled her.

"I have no plans of harming him," Reese replied.

"That wasn't a no," Alex said.

"That is as clear of an answer that I can give," Reese replied. "I must keep them in fear or else all will fail. My getting into that ball is dependent on Edgar's father. As long as he believes that I will harm his son he will comply."

"But that wasn't him that you were just talking to, it was the mother," Alex said. "I could tell by your tone. It was slightly softer than the one you used with the father, but she was so upset that she didn't notice."

"Very perceptive," Reese complimented. "Are you ready to go?"


Alex looked around as Reese pulled into the large garage adjoining the villa. She saw the security cameras in every corner and above the doorway. He was leaving nothing to chance.

"All of the cameras are set to detect motion no matter how small," Reese explained. "They however are the second line of defense. The house is warded which means that no one can see it even if they stood ten feet from it."

"You can do that?" Alex asked.

"It took me a very long time to learn how to do it, but yes I can do this."

"Can all vampires do it?" Alex asked intrigued. There was so much that they didn't know about vampires and now she was finding out first hand. It didn't matter that she couldn't share the knowledge; she was just thrilled to be a part of it.

"The talents that we have are just as varied as the talents that humans have," Reese explained. As in humans, the capability has to be there in order to expound on it. Whatever gifts you have as a human will be amplified as a vampire and that includes any psychic gifts."

"Interesting," Alex mused. "So is it true that all mated pairs are telepathic?"

"That is true," Reese confirmed. "We will be able to communicate from anywhere no matter how far apart we are. Some mates are not psychically gifted except for that one thing. I am anxious to see what gifts the turning awakens in you."

Reese led her into the house and was greeted by Marco and Edgar.

"So this is her," Marco said assessing Alex from head to toe. "I'm Marco and this is my new mate Edgar. It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," Alex said meaning it. "I hear that you're quite the computer geek."

"I know my way around the big 'www'," Marco replied. "What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm an intelligence officer in the army," Alex replied.

"An army officer?" Marco asked. "That is very cool. Reese didn't tell us that you were coming until a while ago so we may not have food here that you like."

"No problem, I'm not picky."

Something about seeing Alex and Marco interacting calmed whatever misgivings Reese had about Alex helping him. It was as if they all belonged together. A moment later, that feeling included Edgar. He realized that there was no way in which he could harm him but no one but him and Alex needed to know that.

"Marco, Alex and I will be indisposed for the next three days. I do not want to be disturbed unless it has something to do with the ball and anyone involved with it."

"You're going to turn?" Marco asked Alex his voice filled with excitement.

"It appears so," Alex replied. "I hope that you'll help me adjust to this new life."

"You don't even have to ask," Marco said. "I'm happy that Reese found you."

"Me too," Alex said, "Maybe between the three of us we can keep him in one piece."

Up until that point, Edgar had been quiet. He didn't know where he fit in with this new arrangement.

"We'll do our best," he said with a big smile.

"We must go," Reese said interrupting the discussion. Time was getting short; he could feel it and Alex had to be ready.


"I like them," Alex said as Reese led her by the hand to his rooms. "Marco has a great deal of respect for you and he cares for you. Reese- he was scared for you."

"How do you know that?" Reese asked. "You just met him."

"It was in his eyes," Alex replied. "And you care for him too even though you try not to show it."

"I can see why you're so good at your job," Reese said. "Have you always been able to read people?"

"Let's just say that it was hard to trick me- where are we going?"

"Our rooms are just around that corner," Reese said.

When they reached the door to their rooms, Reese stopped in front of the door and picked Alex up.

"I was wrong about something," he said. "I found you exactly when I needed you. Thank you for not being afraid to challenge me."

He kissed her and walked into the bedroom after opening the door without touching it. He had them stripped and on the bed before the door was closed. He wished that they could take their time and leisurely make love before the first exchange, but there wasn't time. It helped that Alex understood. He did take the time to make sure that she was still willing.

"I'm willing now let's get going. We can do the slow hand stuff later."

"Alex- I love you and I promise to make it up to you."

"I know and I love you too. Just do what you have to do so that we can get this done."

Reese rolled on top of her and kissed her as he placed his hips between her legs. He was worried that she might be dry and he had no desire to hurt her. To his relief, she was already wet. He inhaled deeply taking in the spicy sent of her arousal. He slowly eased the head of his cock in and waited. He closed his eyes and sighed as he eased himself further into her. Alex moved her hips in an effort to get him to hurry but he stayed the course. Finally he was fully imbedded in her.

He kissed her forehead, her eyes, cheeks and her mouth as he began a slow pumping motion with his hips. He drew back until he was almost out and slowly pushed back in. Alex writhed beneath him her breath coming out in short pants and gasps.

"'You're killing me here," she gasped at one point.

Reese stopped, looked down at her and began again. He reached between them, thumbed a nipple before pinching it and then moved down to between her legs. He circled her clit with a finger several times just stopping when she was about to come.

"Not yet," he breathed.


"Cara- sweetheart, you aren't ready yet. Soon, but not yet."

He wanted her orgasm to be so intense that she wouldn't notice the bite when it came. He stopped moving which earned a curse word from Alex and then began again. This time he kissed and suckled on her neck.


Then he bit. She was about to tell him 'don't stop' when he bit. She opened her mouth and screamed into Reese's shoulder as he drank from her for the first time. Reese exploded with a moan around the wound from which he drank. She tasted so sweet to him that he didn't want to stop. Finally, he did. Alex was still moaning and jerking from the intense orgasm.

"Cara- did I hurt you?" Reese asked searching her face for signs of pain.

"What? No- did you bite me yet?" she asked dreamily.

"Yes Cara, the first bit is complete but you must drink from me now. Wake up," he said gently kissing her.

Alex slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him. "It didn't hurt a bit."

"Good, now are you ready?"

"Ready," Alex replied even as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

Reese rolled off of her, gathered her into his arms and bit into his right wrist. He touched the bleeding wrists to Alex's lips and moaned when she latched onto it and began feeding from him.

"Enough," he said as he took his wrist from her mouth and licked it closed. "Rest now."

He didn't need to tell her that, she was already asleep. She woke up three hours later and the second exchange was done. By dawn the third and final exchange had been done. Now it was a waiting game. Reese hoped that the change would begin sooner rather than later, but it was out of his hands. If he had his way, the turning would be a pain free and pleasurable. After making sure that Alex was as comfortable as she could be, Reese closed his eyes and rested.


Jean looked at the phone and then back at Lewis. She reached for the phone, pulled her hand back and sat back in her chair. She had to do something! Surely the vampire that held Edgar wasn't as powerful as he seemed, but yet... she felt and heard the violence in his voice. She looked at Lewis again and saw him once again as a weak, ineffectual mate. She reached for the phone, and was about to dial a number when Lewis was suddenly in front of her.

"Who are you calling?"


Elena settled in to her new surroundings even looking at the garden where her death was to take place with a smile. A tiny seed of hope was awakened within her. Cristiano had made a mistake. She only need to find it.

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spearishspearishalmost 11 years ago
A favourite

Every chapter is so good !

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 11 years ago

Interesting differences in the relationship between the couples. I love it.

Stephan10caStephan10caalmost 11 years ago
Great Work

Exceptional work as always, I'm looking forward to more of your stories.

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 11 years ago
Me likey!!!

Alex is my shero!! Another great chapter Kala.

popparazzipopparazzialmost 11 years ago
Enjoyed this chapter

I know Alex is going to be a powerful bad ass with her enhanced abilities. Hope jean doesn't do anything stupid to jeopardize things for Edgar. Also looking forward to when Donatello and Reese meet and how they finish the chess game. Good chapter

DecadentdessertDecadentdessertalmost 11 years ago

Great as always! Looking forward to getting your entire Vamp series in hardback. Do you intend to publish all your stories?? Looking forward to the update.

MySecretSideMySecretSidealmost 11 years ago

I really haven't read this story. I'm sure it's good. However, one question. WHEN WILL WE GET MORE OF THORNE?

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 11 years ago

Exceptional as always. I wonder what talents will awaken in Alex.

TrellyWellDoItWellTrellyWellDoItWellalmost 11 years ago
Knock out!!!

Kal you out did yourself with this chapter!!! You always having me crying when I read your stories. I feel every emotion that you put into your characters. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work. You rock Kal!! ♥ツ

donaldedonaldealmost 11 years ago
Loved the chapter

I can not wait to see how this all plays out please hurry with the next chapter.

Littlecat76Littlecat76almost 11 years ago
Love it

I love this, i check for updates daily I'm now at the point I don't know whether I want you to update this or Thorne more! Please keep both flowing brilliant writing

darkfaerdarkfaeralmost 11 years ago

Resse and Alex are a power couple. I am glad he turn her.They are going to kick ass. I hope Jean don't get stuck on stupid and call her father. Poor Elena tuff break I hope she knows what she doing. GOOD STORY!!!!!

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