Return of Grady


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They had a bath together and that was when Grady broke it to her gently that he wanted her to stay on as housekeeper but also wanted her to find a male friend among staff.

"I ask for this otherwise I fear we will end up being busted," Grady said "You must believe me when I sought to select the most compatible housekeeper I had no intention of fucking her. I wasn't to know I'd wind up with the most attractive woman in admin and services."

Maggie sighed and said when driving to town she'd reached the same conclusion. "You would find your position with both staff and parents intolerable if you were caught up me."

"Er Maggie..."

"Sorry, I meant in a compromising position with me. No problem master but I would like to think we could... um you know, just occasionally."

"Yes of course, but it would have to be away from Ascension."

"Then tonight will be our last time?"

"No when you leave this bath that will be the end of our liaison here at School."

"Well I suppose I agree," Maggie said weeping. She stood and peed over the startled Grady who understood her despair and made no effort to avoid the stream or to censor her.

Maggie climbed out and cried, "Oh Headmaster, how could I?"

"Very well I believe," Headmaster said dryly.

"You will excuse me if I don't accompany you to cocktails."

"Yes of course. Are you really that upset?"

"No but imagine what the Colonel's wife would think when I arrived all dolled up and looking like your hooker."

"Ah yes, I'd forgotten how women think."

The end-of-term advice to parents had stated to avoid arriving with their boys between 10:00 and noon on Sunday because Headmaster would be conducting a staff meeting. But they still arrived in droves and mostly held group picnics on close-by areas of the school's 344 acres.

All but one of the teaching and support staff were present when the academic dean called everyone to order and then introduced the new headmaster to resounding applause.

"Thank you everyone. Well we are here to teach and uplift our students so let's get on with it."

At that one of the double doors thumped open and in walked Miss Bernadine Dean, the Director of Information Technology and Senior Mistress.

"Good morning," said the almost ravishing green-eyed brunette. "I'm late to make a grand entrance." She paused and said, "The truth is I'm in agony... fish poisoning I think from breakfast consumed on my way here."

At that the thirty-six year old vomited across the floor. Her eyes rolled up and she fell.

"Everyone remain seated except you Miss Clough and Miss Joyce. Go to Miss Dean's aid," Grady said, pulling out his phone and scrolled for a number and pressed it. "Senior Nurse Gonzales, Headmaster speaking. Come to the teachers' lounge in a hurry please with your medical kit. We have an ill teacher."

"We must press on," he said, and continued with the meeting.

As soon as the meeting ended Grady asked the head of Science and Forensics to steer him to the school sick bay.

At the door he thanked Philip and said, "Please go to my house and have lunch with my housekeeper Miss Olsen, saying I will miss lunch. You might think about asking her for a date but for god's sake don't mention I suggested that."

"Yes Headmaster."

"Call me Grady when we are in a non-academic situation Philip."

Bernadine was sitting up in the 10-bed unit drinking water with a portable fan flowing cool air on to her face when Grady strode in and smiled.

"Oh hi Headmaster. Sorry. I've had my stomach pumped."

She looked to where he was looking and pulled her hospital gown across and said, "Oh god, how far down did you see?"

"You appear to have only one nipple."

She giggled and looked at him and at that instance they both knew they wouldn't be strangers too much longer.

When Rosemary Gonzales came in with Matron to check on the patient she said, "Tut-tut" and attempted to pull seated Grady's hand off Bernadine's hand.

But Bernadine resisted and wouldn't let go.

"Please Miss Dean. I don't wish your temperature to rise again."

Reluctantly Bernadine dropped Grady's hand.

"Ah so we meet at last Headmaster."

"Oh hi Matron. Are you intending me harm for commandeering your new assistant?"

"You'll keep. The second to top finalist in the interviews arrives Wednesday. I admire you for commiserating with your ill member of staff. I trust that would have mirrored your behavior had Miss Dean been less than beautiful?"

"We have to assume I would apply equality in my pastoral concern toward my flock Matron O'Brien. Should you be one of the more forward and drinking O'Brien's I suggest as a peace offering I invite you to a drink and pizza at the village bar say next Wednesday or Thursday evening?"

"Thursday would be fine at 7:30 thank you. You may leave now."

"Oh yes, I have hordes of parents waiting. Good afternoon ladies. I shall ask Mrs Larsen to check here later and if your patient is fit to go to her accommodation unit to take her there and settle her in. Welcome to your new semester at Ascension Miss Dean."

"Thank you Headmaster. I find your attention compelling."

Apparently the other two females knew what that meant.

A large number of parents attended chapel in the Great Hall with their sons that evening and the non-denominational chaplain officially welcomed Grady to his flock and invited Grady to speak. He was brief and said his first impression of the tone of the school was very favorably and under his academic stewardship a basic exposure to Christianity and some education on other mainstream religions would continue to be very much part of school curriculum.

"At Ascension we stand for an all-round education as unbiased as we can deliver it."

The chaplain led the applause and at supper with parents Grady kissed his new friend Jennifer Ashton, the Colonel's wife, and she introduced him to the wives/partners of other board members present.

Grady walked to the house with Maggie and she was bubbling.

"That was a novel way of sending an apology for not coming home for lunch when you knew I would be preparing a salmon salad because you'd be on the run."

"Yes it was inspired thinking. I suggested to Philip you'd probably invite him to lunch."

"Actually he asked if he could have your lunch. He's such a lovely guy. I can't believe I'd ever pee over him," Maggie giggled. "Then something wonderful happened. He just came out with it and invited me to go somewhere for lunch Saturday."

"Oh really? That's an astonishing coincidence. You may take Saturday off instead of Sunday if you wish. You never know after you have a few drinks you might get lucky. There is a side door to your quarters. I feel it's in my best interests for word to get out that you occasionally have a gentleman caller."

"Oh Grady, you wonderful guy," Maggie enthused, careful not to touch him.

Grady lay awake in bed in the dark listening to a Debussy CD of Preludes when his phone went. He saw the light flashing and reached for it.

"Hi Headmaster are your really interested in me?"

Grady instantly recognized Bernadine's voice but said playfully, "Is that you Matron."

"Jesus!" Bernadine snorted. "What's the use?"

He said quickly to Bernadine to not cut the call.

She waited and he took the gamble and said nothing. When her breathing appeared to become impatient he finally said, "Why do you only have one nipple?"

"The other one was hidden below the edge of my gown you fool."

She appeared to be close to a giggle. Time to be proactive. He said to describe her breasts to him. He heard the swallow.

"Um they are pretty even in shape and they hang comfortably but being rounded lose their much of there shape when I'm on my back. I like seeing them when on my hands and knees, nude and watch them gently sway.


She giggled and asked was it proper for Headmaster to be talking like this to a member of staff?

"In this instance it has my approval. But that's enough for this evening. Tomorrow evening call me late and discuss feel, texture and nipple color. In answer to your initial question yes I'm interested in you."

He lied, "When you called I had a hand on my dick thinking of you."

"Oh Headmaster," she said, voice quavering.

Grady callously cut the call to maximize impact. He thought it wasn't acting professionally to be talking like that to a subordinate he'd only just met. But sometimes one had to take a chance and bend or break the rules, written or implied.

Bernadine was the senior female teacher so it could be stretched to suggest she was only marginally his subordinate. If he took this carefully it could work.

Early Monday morning, as arranged, Paine took him to meet everyone in school administration. Admin was not Grady's patch but without admin and campaigning for funding the school would wither and die. Already he'd met male parents who remembered him at the school as a student and he actually had remembered some of them. The line of studentship from great-grandfather and down to the present and future generations of a family with the school as its tradition comprised another foundation that ensured the school prospered. He must remain focused on that and on his teaching team and standards but leaving some time for diversions such as Maggie and now her possible successor Bernadine.

The school assembly at 1:30 was noisy, as to be expected on first day back from vacation and he knew he'd be tested. He walked to the rostrum after the introduction by Jack Long his lackluster deputy, and immediately someone yelled, "Oh look, the new guy."

Most of the students laughed, some as if hearing the joke of the year.

Yes he was under test and so it was time for counter-action.

As pre-arranged, Grady nodded to the Director of Sport and she tossed him two pairs of boxing gloves that he slung round the base of the rostrum microphone and left them hang over, facing the students. Barely a minute's silence elapsed as he continued before a voice called, "Come on, get on with it."

Brady walked in front of the rostrum and unhooked the gloves.

"Would that disruptive interjector kindly come forward and put on a pair of these gloves and let's have it out, in front of everyone. I was only so-so at boxing at university in England but my reflexes as a top fencer partly made up for some on my hitting power. Where are you boy?"

"It was Kennedy-Love sir."

"I don't want tattling. I give that interjector one of three choices, to come forward and box; to come into the aisle and apologize in a loud voice and say it won't happen again or to remain hidden as a coward."

The assembly remained hushed, those near the front turning to look for any sign of movement.

A tall, thin blond boy emerged from the back ranks and walked slowly forward and stopped just short of the stage. "I'm the culprit sir. My name is Raymond Kennedy-Love."

"Ah yes, I remember meeting your parents on Saturday, David and Arlene."

"Correct sir. I apologize for my disruption and request I be canned because my mother will be mad at me if I get my face pulped."

Grady paused for effect. "Would you consider a compromise?"

"Yes sir."

"Return to your dorm and write on a piece of paper, 'I'm not destined to be a fool', stick that above your bed and hasten back here and return to where you were at the outset. Off you go."

"Now is there anyone willing to put on this pair of gloves and test how long it takes me to put out their lights?"

There was silence and no movement.

"May I have a go Headmaster?"

It was Josie, the Director of Sports.

Grady turned and waved her back and the hall erupted in laughter. He motioned for silence and laughing said, "This has been fun. Now let's get on with it."

At the end of assembly Josie came forward to collect the gloves.

"I would have loved having a go Headmaster. I was in the fencing team at college so what about that?"

"Very well, what say 7:00 tonight in the stadium."

Only then did Grady realize a senior student was right behind him waiting to lock away the rostrum and microphone. He decided to say nothing, thinking if a few senior guys turned up it could be great for Miss Yates if she managed to beat him.

Regulated school life stopped at 6:50 when almost everyone began streaming to the stadium.

Grady, dressed in his fencing kit and carrying his helmet, came out of the house with Maggie and they stopped and gawked at the lines of people hurrying to the stadium.

There was no warm-up, no announcements. Josie was game but proved to be no match. She stopped, removed her helmet and called, "McAllister, get out here with your gear on. Sir, senior student Toby McAllister was runner-up in foil in inter-school regional competitions last semester."

Toby was faster and more agile than Josie but was also outclassed.

"Sorry everyone," Grady puffed, toweling sweat from his face. "I'm past my peak. May I compliment my two worthy opponents for standing up against me. I trained for eight years so even at my old age I ought to have held an edge."

Headmaster was cheered and clapped and that day would prove to be a defining day for Grady Halliburton at Ascension School. He would become huge role model to the students. He'd won the respect of his staff and the administration team and to her astonishment Bernadine Dean found she had to check herself from running to Grady to hug and kiss him.

Grady was in bed listening to some dirge on CD waiting for Bernadine. The player changed disc and he decided Miss Dean would not be calling tonight or ever. He rolled over to try to sleep when his phone went.

"My hero."

"Oh hi Matron."

Bernadine giggled.

She quickly sobered and said, "How are we to have sex? I feel we are trapped in this situation; it leaves us powerless."

"And why would a lovely young woman by wanting sex with the likes of me?" Grady ask.

"What?" she replied, sounding bewildered.

He switched tactics. "Describe your cunt to me Bernadine."

She dropped the phone and he heard her snort "Oh shit."

"Sorry my phone slipped out of my hand. Where were we?"

He said, "You were insisting on describing your cunt to me and I replied I found that suggestion somewhat offensive."

"Did you now."

The call was cut.

Two hours later Bernadine called, sounding ready to cry.

"I can't go to sleep. My mind is running rampant. Let's meet somewhere and kiss."

"No Bernadine. We must be very careful. Now, please close your eyes and let me tell you about how I'd like to hold you in my arms, both of us being fully dressed, er for the moment."

Two minutes later Grady stopped his romantic overture and whispered, "Are you awake Bernadine?"

"I'm almost asleep," she said almost as a moan. "Call me Bernie in future. Good night darling."

She cut the call and Grady knew he had what he desired... a real girlfriend.

From then on Bernie called him every night around 11:00 and after a brief chat ended by describing parts of her body to him and what she felt about them. She covered every part except for her two lower orifices but did describe the shape and droop of her ass and on another night the tops of her thighs. Grady had a thing about what he called stocking tops. She described her nude thighs and he began jerking off and she added a piece that she'd learned the pads of flesh above her stocking tops were alluring to some men, she must have heard him gasping as he blew a stream of semen that reached halfway to the ceiling, er well it seemed like that.

And when Bernie had completed coverage of her entire body, apart from the two lower orifices, she began all over again, not requiring Grady to reciprocate.

They fed one another bits about themselves and their past and hopes and aspirations and the climax came the night he pushed to the limit and admitted, "I wish to marry and try to have a couple of kids."

"Me too," she whispered. "Oooh you have got me so aroused I must finger myself. Good night my sweet."

Grady grabbed his dick and later his eyes bulged as his teeth clenched and he shot towards the stars.

During a coffee break in his office, Grady knew they'd go mad unless they had proper sex really soon. They'd have to plot a risk-free opportunity. His schedule was so busy as opportunities were rare and always too short. He visited sports activities on Saturdays, either hosted people or was invited out on Saturday evenings, had chapel every morning and the main service on Sunday morning and parents visited on Sundays, often arriving from some distance, and it was his duty to be on hand for consultation.

This pressure of unconsummated sex with Bernie was driving him nuts. Well this coming Saturday afternoon he'd leave school mid-afternoon and meet Bernie somewhere to deliver a dream-like seduction that they'd remember for the rest of their lives. They could bang all night and he would be back in time for Sunday late morning chapel.

Oh yeah!

Mrs Mario his assistant came in with his updated diary and phone messages she'd taken when he had been otherwise engaged (i.e. either on the phone or plotting the grand seduction).

"Oh don't forget to air your tuxedo. You have Founder's Dinner this Saturday evening, one of our big fund-raisers of the year."

"Oh fuck," Grady groaned, knowing his dirty night with Bernie had been just scuttled by that overlooked event.

He jumped to his feel and looking horrified said, "Oh Mrs Mario. Please forgive me..."

"Oh you'd forgotten the function and were planning a dirty night out were you?"

Headmaster turned crimson and she left the room cackling.

When Bernie called that night he told her about his grand plan that had gone array.

"You could meet me afterwards," she said supportively. "Half a night would be better than nothing."

"I will be too drunk to keep it up," he mourned. "I'm told the big checks don't start coming until we have the donors' eyes glazed."

"Damn," she said and began to sob. "I'm beginning to think I'll never had sex again."

Grady felt like sobbing too.

Neither of them knew it but it was about to happen, but it wouldn't be within a bull's roar of the idyllic seduction they'd discussed at times.

* * *

At least twice a week Grady made the point of joining teaching and support staff in their lounge on the second floor for mid-morning coffee and to make himself accessible. On this occasion he hurried to the elevator a bit late and saw Bernie, clutching at one of her ears, enter ahead of him. He ran and entered the car and was met with a glorious sight: Bernie was bent over apparently looking for an earring. Her short skirt was up high and he gleefully focused on the legendary piece of pale flesh squeezed between the stocking tops and panty elastic and then he focused on what appeared a tiny damp spot amid the unmistaken shape of a fleshy vulva. He imagined it pulsating.

And that's when Grady lost it.

He slapped a hand on the delectable rump and called out, "Bernie."

Still bent over she called delightedly. "Headmaster."

He lowered his hand to squeeze the elongated crescent and she gasped "Ooooh."

Grady pulled his hand away to unzip and being a male multi-tasker when great need arose, he flicked the hold switch of the elevator.

With accustomed accuracy Grady pushed his fat dick forward, right on target, sliding a panty leg across while Bernie placed her hands on her knees.

But she was not wet enough. "Lick me."

Grady dropped and 'bit' into her muffin, his tongue slobbering. He failed to hear the cleaner of the admin facilities Mrs Roderick calling to let her in.

Grady had just grabbed his dick again to push forward when Mrs Roderick used her emergency key to open the door and stepped in pushing her trolley complete with broom, bucket and mop and cleaning cloths and fluids.

Already heated up and now pushed over the top in shock by the intruder, Grady fired over Bernie's back and the second blast went on to the smooth wall and sections of the fluid broke free and began sliding according to the laws of gravity.