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I made a show of doing voice training and a few calisthenics until I saw it was time. Then I stood up on the bonnet, legs straddling mum's body, arms raised to the heavens, and as the crescendo of the Etihad Airways Airbus A380 rose to a deafening roar, I let loose with,


I ranted for the thirty-odd seconds it took for the plane to be in complete control of the airwaves and then turned to Mum.

"There you are, you see, just get it all off your chest, all those things you've ever wanted to shout out but have been too afraid to admit to."

"It's a good idea. I'd like to, but..."

"What did I tell you about those 'but's?"

"Yes I know, but..."

"No buts..!"



Mum removed her panties and hose in the back of the car and used the bottled water and tissues I'd brought along in the backpack to clean herself up. Then she got out and looked up at me sheepishly.

"Sorry about that..."

"Why sorry? How many times did you have to change me when I'd pissed myself?"

"Oh, countless...and once not so very long ago after that Halloween party you threw..."

She tilted her head and smiled at me.

"Yeah, well... Look, the blanket's on the bonnet and I've left the engine running so it's nice and warm up there. Let's climb back up and you can dry out the back of your skirt while you're lying down."

We did just that, and the blanket was even large enough to hitch it up at the sides and cover ourselves with it.

"You're still not forgiven, you know. When it's my turn to give a rant you're going to be top of the list, mister..."

I held her hand under the blanket.

She let me.

We linked fingers.

Four or five planes later, it was turning to dusk, and Mum's skirt had dried out. She'd decided that now was the time for her premiere performance.

"Here I go. Listen to this..."

She threw the blanket back and stood facing the oncoming jet, straddling me in just the same way I'd done with her earlier. Her face to the heavens, she let loose.

What did she shout? I've no idea. Not because the screaming engine noise drowned out whatever it was she was shouting, but because when she'd stood up, her skirt, which had been crumpled, had dried stiffly. It didn't drop down behind her as she got up, but rather, it remained lifted like a flap above her knickerless bum.

Mum was looking towards heaven. I was also looking towards heaven. The globes quivered above the muscles of her outstretched legs and every detail, every fold, every cute hair around her magnificent pussy was open to my astounded gaze. I held onto her legs and started to raise my arms towards it. They were just above the backs of her knees when she turned her face round, all flushed and happy, to look down at me.

"Er, well done...don't fall... I've got you..."

She lifted one leg and placed it down beside the other and lowered herself back onto the blanket.

"That'll show the old git. He can..."

She suddenly realized that the rough texture of the blanket was flush against her backside. She thrust an enquiring hand beneath her bum and realized her predicament.

She looked across at me.

"Well it's almost dark...I didn't...I couldn't..."

She rolled over and pressed her face into my shoulder and spoke into it.

"Oh no, what have I just done..?"

"Actually what you just did was kinda yummy, haha ... But what you're doing now is showing your ass to that innocent plane spotting kid over there behind you."

She whipped round. There was no one behind her.

"Just joking..."

I was thumped yet again.

"Never mind though."

"Never mind?!?"

"Here you go.."

I delved yet again into my backpack and brought out a pair of dainty black satin panties, dangling them from my finger. Mum grabbed them from me.

"They're mine!"

"Yeah, well I was holding them in reserve..."

She looked at me uncomprehendingly.

"You're not the first casualty of a trip to the end of the runway, you know. You remember Josie?"

"That girl you went out with for a couple of months? The one from that lawyer's office?"

"That's the one. Well, she didn't take the experience too well at all - much worse than you, in fact. I think her legal wig's still attached to the tail fin of one of those planes... funny that - it was the last time I saw her... but the mess she left behind...tut."

"So the bottled water and the tissues..?"


"What else have you got in there?"

"Well I have got you another skirt.." I pulled it out and she ripped it away from me. "And, dadah! A nice bottle of Riesling and two plastic cups. It should be served cold, but..."

Mum grabbed hold of my face and kissed me full on the lips.

"You're incorrigible and I love you."

"Mum, I've got to say it. You're wasted on dad and I love you too."

"Let's toast to... Hold on, there's another plane on the approach...quick..."

I quickly poured us two cups of wine, gave one to Mum, and pulled her up onto her feet - making sure she was decent of course... And as the behemoth soared over our heads we raised our cups to the sky and shouted,

"TO ...!!"

Laughing, we plonked ourselves down again, clinked our cups together and took a swig of the wine.

We lay quietly against the windscreen, taking occasional sips, my arm around Mum's shoulder, her leg linking over mine. I put my cup down and encircled her waist with my other arm and pulled her in close. I nuzzled into her neck behind her ear.

"You feeling better?"

"Much. You?"

"I think I'm all black and blue."

"Aw. Sorry about that. Let's have a look..."

She lifted my shirt and pressed gently into my chest.

"Does that hurt..?"


She leant over and licked the area before planting a lingering kiss on it.

"Anywhere else..?"

"I think you'll have to hunt around a bit. If I feel anything, I'll mention it in passing..."

She shuffled further down and lifted my shirt over her head and began a thorough investigation of the top my chest with her mouth, then down to my nipples, taunting each one in turn with her tongue. In between them she grasped my chest hairs between her teeth and tugged gently at them...

"Ow, ow..."

Her head reappeared, her chin resting just above the belt of my jeans, Her hair covered most of her face but her eyes glinted behind the strands.

"This is far more serious than I first thought." The nails of her fingers were sweeping across my stomach between my navel and jeans and it was sending delicious tremors through me, the epicenter of which seemed to be in my cock, which was threatening to burst up out of the top of my pants.

I reached down and heaved her up fully on top of me and we smothered each other in wet kisses. She poked her tongue into my ear and sent yet another tremble surging through me. Her legs fell open to either side of my hips and she ground her torso into my lower body. I reciprocated by lifting my hips to meet each thrust.

At the same time my hands busied themselves at her breasts, squeezing them through her blouse and bra. One hand managed to burrow its way through the narrow gap between the buttons and hook itself under the bra to grasp at her warm flesh. Into my ear she gasped,

"Did you bring me a spare blouse as well...?"

"Well, yeah..."

With both hands she reached up and ripped her blouse apart and the buttons went flying in all directions.

"There you are, lover..." And pulled her bra up over her gorgeous tits and pulled my face into her bosom.

We were dimly aware that darkness was creeping in, but it was not yet fully night and there were still a few people in the vicinity. And try as we might, with all our writhing the blanket could only cover so much of our activities.

"Stop." I held a finger in front of her face. She licked it. And pressed down yet again.

"Stop." She looked disappointed.

I slid out from underneath her, slid off the bonnet and stood up.

"Come here."

As she slithered across towards me I pulled the blanket with her and enveloped her in it as her feet touched the ground. Her feet. Where were her shoes? With her eyes and smile on me, I pulled her along by the blanket's edges to the rear door of the car, using one hand to wrench it open while keeping the blanket wrapped round her with the other. She didn't for a moment release her eyes or smile from my face. I stepped in backwards and fell back along the seat, pulling her with me. The door slammed shut behind her and she threw the blanket off. She knelt there on the seat, looking down at me, her chestnut brown nipples taunting me. She brought her index finger up to her lips and licked it, then brought it across to my lips, down to my chin, over my chest, my navel, the top of my jeans, and traced down along the ridge of my cock before turning her hand and cupping my balls. Then, still kneeling, she shuffled up to the top of my legs, hers gripping mine, then higher, to my waist, then lifted her skirt up over her hips, the cute triangle of her pubic hair coming into view, and slowly sat back down onto my cock. She grinned at me and lifted herself up...and then down again...and then up...and then down again... then up, then down - faster...she closed her eyes and threw her head back and opened her mouth wide..."Yessss..." She was dry-humping me as fast as she could and leant forward holding on to my chest, her tits swinging wildly back and forth. I grabbed hold of her bum and pulled at it in conjunction with her rhythm. My mouth tried grabbing at one of her tits but I only succeeded in having it slap and slap and slap against my face. Then suddenly her knees were crushing against my waist even more, before they were released as a shiver went through my mum's whole body. She collapsed on top of me.

"Aaaaah... Mmm" She licked my ear she kissed my cheek she pushed her tongue as far as it would go into my mouth...


She relaxed onto my body and lifted her face to mine, sweeping the hair away from her face, looking lovingly into my eyes...

"I used you..."

"I love you."

She laughed, "You brought those clothes for me - did you bring any for yourself?"

"No. I didn't think I'd need..."

"Well I think I just soaked your jeans... and this time I didn't piss myself.." She grinned.

I strained to look down and, yes, over the mound of my tumescent rod there was a distinct damp patch.

"Never mind though. You've left the engine running, you can put them over the bonnet to dry." She giggled.

She then sat back and tugged at my belt, keeping her eyes focussed on my face all the while. She released the buckle and opened the top button, still watching me. She shuffled further back down my legs and dipped the nails of both hands under my jeans to the top of my boxers. She ran her nails backwards and forwards above the waistband. I trembled. Her smile broadened.

Holding onto one side of my jeans, she took the zip in her other hand and slowly, still watching me, click, click, click, started to ease my zip down.

As the pressure on it was released, my cock urged its way upwards and out over the top of my shorts. Mum momentarily glanced down and then back to me. She raised an eyebrow.

Then the zip was undone completely and my jeans were spread wide open. Mum kept her eyes on me as she grasped both sides of the material and her head sank down. Then she wasn't watching me anymore and was yanking my pants down over my hips and her tongue was licking the bell-end of my knob. When she got my pants down as far as my knees her hands returned to my boxers. She stretched the elastic at either side and pulled them down to join my pants.

For a moment she pulled her head back to admire my apparatus, and then greedily grabbed hold of it at the base and sank her mouth down onto it, down and down. I thought she must choke. The irreverent thought crossed my mind that I'd always admired good sword-swallowers.

And then her head was lifting and the glazed length of my rod was coming back into view, up and up. The swollen head suddenly appeared and mum's tongue appeared with it as she licked and sucked around it, and she almost released it but not quite, and her head repeated its downward plunge. My hands grasped clumps of her hair as I lifted my body off the seat to meet her mouth.

"Mum, don't make me come, don't make me come...! I want to come inside you...! I want to come inside youuuuu...!!"

She totally ignored my pleas and I exploded upwards into her mouth. She was gulping it down, but since the seal of her mouth wasn't quite hermetic, my cum managed to ooze out of the sides and down over her fingers. With her hand around my base and my cock still fully inside her mouth, she raised her eyes back towards me and grinned. As she did so, more of my cum spilled out of the sides of her mouth. She lifted it off my cock, her eyes never leaving my own, and licked around her lips, then scooted up my body and kissed me with her mouth wide open. We swirled my cum around in her mouth, I licked it across her teeth, she reciprocated.

"I wanted to come..."

"I know you did. And you will. In fact I think I can feel him knocking at the door right now..."

Such was my expectation and hope, that my cock didn't seem to realize that after such a release it is supposed to take a little time to recover... It seemed to have a mind of its own and was telling me, 'Get out of the way, I've got work to do...'

I rolled Mum over onto her back and she pulled her own knees up towards her shoulders. I looked down at her and she was lying there totally exposed to my gaze - her puffy pussy lips and the puckered entrance to her ass. I couldn't resist bending down and licking my tongue the length of her labia and then darting it in between the folds. I extracted it and led it further down and circled the entrance to her ass hole. She let out a whimper.

Then I took my cock. It was as if the two of us, we were the two poles of a magnet, because, as a compass points to North, so my pole made no mistake in pointing directly at her cunt and it was immediately sucked deep inside into her hot sheath.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and transferred her legs onto my shoulders and I started to thrust. Still we didn't take our eyes off one another's faces, and as I thrust harder and quicker, so Mum's smile grew wider until it was no longer a smile and her mouth was wide open and she was emitting strange guttural noises. I came to the accompaniment of her "Yes, yes, oh yes...!!"

Mum lowered her legs but we remained glued together, in no hurry to go anywhere, my body lying over her and her hands making caressing motions across my back.

After a few minutes of this, I whispered,

"Dad," and Mum's hands stopped their roving. "might wonder where we've got to..."

"I don't think so."

"Oh, why not?"

"Because he's probably used the opportunity of us going off together to go round and see know? Emily? Wifey numero uno..?"

I looked at her blankly.

"You don't know. OK love, I'll give it to you in a nutshell. Your father was married to Emily when he got me pregnant after one of those 'see me after class' things. All respect to him, he did divorce her and married me straight after you were born, but, let's face it, I was always his 'bit on the side'. We maintained a respectable façade for a few years - I mean, we were busy raising you. And you were always a handful..." She squeezed my cheek. "We didn't have much time for other stuff. Then one day I came across Emily in the supermarket. We were both reaching down into the freezer section for the same steak. Apparently we both know how your dad likes his meat haha... anyway, we both recognized each other from pictures and stuff. They'd never had kids, and so maybe your dad had sent her a family snap or two. We started chatting and went and sat down together for a coffee. She's really very nice and I could see what had attracted your dad to her. Then I simply realized - they'd been married for all the right reasons, they'd been in love - and I was just a mistake along the way - but he'd stood by me. He's a good man. But those two, they were similar ages, they enjoyed the same things, they had the same sense of humour..."

I looked at her askance.

"Yes, cheeky, he does have a sense of humour - it just seems that I'm not the one destined to bring it out in him. So, bottom line, he goes over to see her now and again, and I turn a blind eye.

There you have it. I've got two people in the world and one of them really belongs to someone else, while the other..." Tears were starting to well up in her eyes. "The other..."

"The other is here by your side and is in love with you and always will be."

We hugged... and we hugged...

"So, on a lighter note," wiping her eyes and being relieved that she hadn't had time to put on any makeup because it would only have smudged all over her cheeks, "on a lighter note, me and Josie, are we the only ones who've undergone the 'experience'?"

"Mum, you know I can't answer that..!"

She looked at me expectantly.

"OK, OK ...Pammy introduced me to it.."

"Pammy, ah yes, Pammy..." Mum gave me her impression of two huge melons on a chest.

"Yeah, she did, didn't she?"

A slap from Mum.

"It was fun. She had this thing she liked to do..."

"Oh? What thing's that..?"

"Can't tell you..."


"Ow. I think we're going to have to drive straight to Casualty after this."

"What is 'the thing'...?"

"OK, OK..."

I reached round and whispered it into her ear.

"Hahahaha...!That's great! I think we could do that!"

"You do?"

"Yes I do, indeed I do..."

With that, she grabbed hold of me and began to fondle me in places I didn't know an erogenous zone existed.

Later, lovers Nick and Alison came fiercely together in unison with such a load roar, at exactly the same time as the Quantas airliner from Sydney swept overhead, that I'm sure its passengers must have heard it over the noise of their jet's engines, and I'm sure that more than a couple of them in first class were so unnerved that they were tempted to adopt the 'brace' position as it came in to land just a few hundred yards further down the runway.

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ukrainianukrainian5 months ago

Such a great story with characters that come to life. I wish that you would write longer stories but do admit that all that I've read are all five stars. Many thanks for writing. I don't suppose we could have part two for all of them please !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You really tell a good story. Perhaps longer ones with more characters and more liasons. Perhaps more family memberd

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

great but could have been more

SouthLondonerSouthLondonerover 3 years ago
A sexy good read....again.

Second time for me reading this great piece of work. Nicely written and very sexy. I look forward to my third read.

DebbieXDebbieXabout 5 years ago
Wonderfully written...

I loved the story, very original and well written.

I'm hoping that you'll do a part two to this one at least as the possibilities are endless with the two of them.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us.

Sadly all we can give is a 5 and only once at that.

virtual_lovervirtual_loveralmost 6 years ago
Loyal fans

You rightly have a band of very loyal and appreciative fans. I’m a new but very impressed fan of yours. Love your writing.

Omart57Omart57about 6 years ago
Five stars

CharleneBarr !!! You are an exquisite writer! Loved this!

SouthLondonerSouthLondonerabout 6 years ago
Second time round, still very nice

An enjoyable re-read nearly a year later And I still found it very sexy.

xsiveonexsiveonealmost 7 years ago
Another great story!

The second in line story did not disappoint. Even the "wink", which some people do with a raise of the cheek which would have been apparent below the blindfold, did not distract from an enticing build up and great story. I will continue on to the next ascending date, after doing some of my chores for today. Thank you for the stories.

SouthLondonerSouthLondoneralmost 7 years ago

Of course, it was small, and very simple oversight. It truly did not detract from your brilliant story. I'm currently reading others of yours with avid enthusiasm. You make for easy and enjoyable reading.

CharleneBarrCharleneBarralmost 7 years agoAuthor
SouthLondoner, you're right...!

You're quite correct with the wink..! I mentioned in the Authors' Hangout that no one seemed to have caught me out in this mistake, which I only noticed after submission but decided to leave in. It made me think most people just skim the text to get to the good bits - it's a pleasure to be disillusioned....

SouthLondonerSouthLondoneralmost 7 years ago
A very nice little read.

A great story and great read. Your English and grammar are, refreshingly, good also. Spoilt only by, well not spoilt exactly, but you took your brilliant story-telling eye of the ball slightly because while blindfolded, your lovely sounding 'mother', could not possibly have winked at you. That aside, I loved your story. I scored it a very rare 5 stars. I hope to read more from you. Regards from south London.

minniejohnminniejohnabout 8 years ago

Yet another excellent story from our favourite author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Always the best

I love all your stories and always top rate them. Your style of writing really is enjoyable to me, not over the top as many are with barely a story line. Yours are very original, hope you continue to submit.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Super writing!

I'm sure other readers would agree with me that the signature moment was when commando mom straddled sonny to rage at the incoming jet and gave him the view of a lifetime.

Rye and Ginger Ayle

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