Sarah and Angie


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Angie just smiled and wiggled her ass at the boys thinking that the commit was directed toward her. Sarah suddenly felt a chill go up her spine. She wondered if the commit was directed toward her. She covered her perky breast with her arms in reflex. From their stares it was obvious that they were looking at her while smiling and licked their lips.

Dwane and Jerome removed their football warm-ups to get ready to get in the pool. They slowly removed their tops. Dwane had a muscular frame with his Abs completely visible. But, Jerome, made him look like a skinny little boy, he looked like a body builder with biceps as big as a normal man's legs.

Dwane and Jerome always liked the next part best. They slowly slid off their warm-ups bottoms to reveal a very skimpy and tight Speedo bathing suit. The Speedo barely covered their well-muscled behinds. These muscled behinds were the power behind their ability to "lay down the pipe" so to speak. But it was the front that was the most shocking. It barely covered their cocks and showed the complete outline of their manhood. Dwane was proud of his and his seven-inch limp manhood was outlined in all of its glory.

But Jerome put him to shame once again. He was obviously longer and thicker than Dwane.

Angie just smiled and winked at the boys. Sarah was staring with her mouth hung open. She had seen such things on the Internet. But that was part of a Photoshop special effect of some sort, was it not? She would not have believed what she saw outlined in their pants if she had only seen a picture.

"Well Sarah," Angie said with a laugh. "It seems that Dwane and Jerome are not Jewish!"

Angie had been with Jerome twice. She had not mentioned his size and the result to Sarah in order not to scare her. The nine-incher of Dwane had shocked her when she had told her about it. She was not about to go into details of the eleven-incher the Jerome packed! Poor little Sarah would have run off to the Convent upon hearing that information! Jerome held the 'King of the Cock' title on the football team for having the largest weapon on the entire 100-man team. Angie winced when she thought of how she had felt like a tender little virgin the first time she had took all of his monster cock into her little white pussy and even bleed like a virgin as a result. She could barely walk back to the dorm after a two-hour fuck session with him! He had one think right, he certainly did know how to take the ball and stick it up the middle! In this case two balls and a baseball bat!

Sarah wondered if this 'date' had been such a good idea to begin with. All she wanted to do was to get out after the long Volleyball season and have some fun! Now, she and Angie were almost naked in their skimpy bathing suits with two black brothers who truly packed Weapons of Mass Destruction in their pants! One thing she did know was that those big black baseball bats were not getting anywhere near her little tight pussy tonight!

All four of the teens got into the pool. They had quite a time swimming laps and playing Water Polo with others in the pool. Sarah just could not get the imagines of Dwane and Jerome out of her mind. Once, while playing, Jerome wrapped his arms around her and playfully tossed her. Sarah could fell the complete outline of his cock rub up against her bottom. It was innocent enough, but it was enough to make her shudder all the same.

After a few hours of play, everyone got out of the pool. Angie suggested that they all go back to the football dorm and enjoy some alcohol that Dwane had hidden in his room. They went into each respective locker rooms to dry off.

"Angie, do you really think it is a good idea to go back to their rooms!", Sarah said with a look of worry showing with her big brown eyes.

"Hey kid, don't worry, we are just going there to party. I have told both boys that you are definitely not into that kind of action. But, one the bright side, you will get to watch me put on a show for you!", Angie said with a giggle.

"Angie those monster cocks of theirs will tear you apart!" Sarah said in shock.

"You will be surprised about how much cock a little pussy will take! I have told you once and I will tell you again little girl all pussy stretches!" Angie said as a matter of fact.

Sarah still was unsure of what to do. She knew she would be in the hospital of she got anywhere near those monster cocks! But she was very curious, and after the night between Angie and Tim, she was becoming more voyeuristic all the time. She would just love watching Angie try to take on those two monsters. It would be fun just to see how they could possibly get those large pieces of meat into her wild little friend. She bet she was cry and scream for dear life!

Angie did not really know where the evening was leading to beyond the fact that she, at least, would be well fucked by tomorrow morning. She did not think that shy little Sarah would go all the way. Hell, she would be utterly surprised if poor Jerome got a kiss or a quick feel out of Sarah during the evening. But that was all right, she would see that Jerome was well compensated for the evening.

Angie could not help but to fantasize about seeing little innocent and tight Sarah get her Cherry popped right in front of her! It will take a lot of smooth moves on Jerome's part to crack this little cherry! One thing for certain, if Jerome ever got his big fat war club between Sarah's little white thighs, she would never be the same again!


Jerome and Dwane spoke to each other briefly in the men's locker room.

"I can't believe how good-looking Sarah is!" said Dwane to his friend. "And to think she is a completely untouched virgin! Mostly likely the only one on campus! I know I have three, or is it four kids, but fuck it lets switch up tonight bro!

"I do love you like a real brother" added Jerome. "But there is no way in hell would I let this opportunity pass me by!

"You really think you got a chance to get into that tight pussy?" added Dwane. "She is two steps away from living in a convent! I know your good with the women, but are you that good?"

"If I want a piece of pussy, I can usually get it", added Jerome, "you have seen that time and again! Sarah is a nice girl; I can tell that already. But I can smell that she is in heat, she might not know it but I can sense that her pussy is already on fire! It would not take much rubbing and touching to make her mine!

"It would be fun to watch you spit open that pussy and knock it up!" laughed Dwane. "I bet she would scream for her momma when you split her apart with that monster cock of yours!"

"She will be mind" added Jerome. "Not only in body but in mind and soul. I will take not only her cherry but I will make it so she will never want any other man but me!"


Sarah and Angie came out of the girls' locker room with their warm-ups on and Jerome and Dwane came out of the boys' locker room in their warm-ups. They all smiled at each other and headed off to the boys' dorms, two by two.

"I hope that you have some good brew in your room tonight," Said Angie with a shout, " I am really thirsty!"

"I have some of my grandfather's Blackberry wine that I brought from home," Dwane added, "you won't believe how good it tastes. Grandpa had it sitting in his cellar close to ten years and should be good and strong by now."

"I met Dwane's old grandfather the last time I went home with him", added Jerome, "that old coot is one crazy old man. I would guess that old man is somewhere between 80 and 150 years old and I would not be surprised if he did not know Abe Lincoln himself."

"According to grandpa he was on a first name basis with old Abe," Dwane said with a laugh, "after which he went out west to fight the Indians as one of the Buffalo Soldiers"!

They were all laughing about stories of Dwane's crazy old grandfather as they stepped into the old Football Dorm.

Now a Football Dorm is a strange place indeed for the uninitiated. The coaches try to keep it from getting too wild with the parties. But, at the same time, the coaches realized that the boys needed to have some way to let off steam. So, there was 24-hour visitation by all sexes in the dorm. The coaches figured that 'female companionship' was one sure fire way to keep the players happy! And, companionship, was one thing that was freely available in the football dorm! They should have put a sign up in front of the door as girls made their way inside. Perhaps a quote from Dante's Inferno of "Abandon every hope, ye who enter here!" would be appropriate; not many girls have left this building with their little pussies in one piece!

The first thing you noticed in the dorm is the sound of rap music reverberating off the walls. In a dorm, loud music coming from a room was a sure-fire way to know that some heavy fucking was going down in that room! The smell incenses also filled the air to help hide the scent of pussy being split open. Many of the players were walking the halls wearing but a pair of baggy shorts which could be lowered at a moment's notice and be ready for action!

The group of four made their way down the dark hallway like they were going down the pits of Hell. Sarah suddenly stopped in front of one door, captivated by the sounds coming from the room. The entire group could hear the noises coming from inside.

"Yes, harder, harder, harder!" Screamed one female voice.

"Not so deep! Not soooo deep!" Screamed another female voice. "You're ripping me apaaaarrrrrt!"

"Oh my God!", Screamed again the first female, "God help my poor puuuusssssy!"

The moans and groans and screams and hollers continued to fill the air coming from behind the door.

Angie giggled. "You can tell by the sound of their voices that they are white girls"

"Yeah, that's Amanda and Ramona being introduced," added Dwane.

"You mean the two little gymnast?" Sarah said was a shocked surprised. "They can't be more than four foot nine and I would doubt they weigh 80 pounds each!"

"That is probably why the experience is so hard on them", added Jerome, "there just ain't much room to move in a pussy that small. Added to that fact that they are in the room with Lee Lee and Malcom."

"You mean the mean the two Offensive Linemen?" Angie said in disbelief. "They have to be six foot six inches tall each and weigh over 350 pounds"!

"What exactly do you mean by being 'introduced'?", Sarah asked Dwane.

"Well, they are both losing their little Cherries tonight!" Dwane said as matter of fact.

"But WHY?", asked Sarah staring at him, "those poor gymnast practice about 12 hours a day in hopes of making the Olympics someday. Why would they ruin themselves?"

"Actually", said Jerome, "it was the gymnastics coach that set it up. It very important nowadays for gymnast to be as limber as possible. Many in the coaching profession believe that a female gymnast being a virgin, with them being so tight down below, is a hindrance to performance. With gymnast being basically isolated from everyone all the time there is very little opportunity for them to normally get their little cherries popped! And, after tonight, I can guarantee that they will be able to do the splits much easier than ever before!"

"Yeah man," added Dwane, "the coaches even send the male gymnasts to be introduced. Of course, they are all fags anyway!"

"That is why our Field Goal Kicker handles that job!" Jerome said laughing out loud.

Sarah could not believe what she had gotten herself into! The sounds of rap music bounced off the walls. A parade of black men, dressed only in baggy shorts and covered in sweat, moved about the hall. Coming from the bathroom and going from room to room. Sarah could continuously hear the sounds of moans and groans coming from door to door as she passed each.

"Oh my God, you're so big!" Came the sound from one room.

"There is no way you can fit that in me!!!" Came the scream from another room.

"Please don't cum in my pussy! I am not on the pill! Oh, God! you're cumming so much!"

"Momma!!!!" Came the wail from another.

"It sounds like someone is going to have a black baby!" said Angie with a laugh.

It is strange, though Sarah, all the voices sounded as if they were white girls. She wondered where all the black women were and why they were not getting fucked!

They finally reached Dwane and Jerome's room. The dorm room looked about the same as all dorm rooms. A twelve- foot by twelve-foot square with beds on the opposite sides of the room. The difference was that they had a large air mattress, unfilled, off to the side. Chains and beads hung from the walls. Many a poster of NFL and rap stars hung from the walls. The smell of incents filled the room. It was sort of dark. A huge stereo system sat at one corner of the room.

Jerome turned on the stereo, but instead of the sounds of rap from the unit came the sounds of Motown Love songs from the 70s and 80s.

"I really like the music from the classical period of black music better than anything else." Jerome said with a smile. "Diana Ross and Lionel Richie just does something for me. And, of course, what would a night be without the sound of Luther Vandross and Barry White

filling the night!"

"Yeah man," Dwane said with a laugh, "Some guys on the team call old Jerome Superfly and wonder if he should grow a big Afro and get some platform shoes!"

"Sorry about how hot it is in here, they are having some trouble with the heating system in the dorm right now", said Jerome as he continued to listen to the music.

"Well", said Angie, "Since it is so hot in here we mise well get out of these sweats." Angie Quickly took off her top and slipped out of her bottoms to get back into the Bikini that left little to the imagination.

Sarah removed her warm-ups as well. She was a little leery of doing this. It just did not feel right being almost naked in front of two boys in the football dorm as the moans and groans of countless white women being fucked raw echoed through the halls. But Jerome seemed like a good person, he definitely had a great body! She guessed that she could trust the both of them.

Dwane pulled out an old gallon sized stone jug. "This is the Blackberry wine that my grandfather is famous for", he said with a smile. He pulled out some paper cups and began to pass it around.

Sarah noticed the strong taste of blackberries in the wine. It had a sour taste to it. Being sealed for ten years she imagined that the alcohol content was much higher than the standard off the shelf variety of wine. But it did taste good.

"Here we are listening to brother Luther on the stereo singing his greatest slow dancing songs and we are not dancing", said Jerome in a deep baritone voice. "That is just not right!"

"Come on Sarah, time to dance a little!" Angie said as she grabbed her friend's hand and dragged her off the bed.

It had been a long time since Sarah had danced. She was unsure if she should with these two men who were little more than strangers. But Jerome took her hand, smiled into her eyes, and wrapped his big arms around her and began to slowly dance with her.

Sarah could not believe what she was doing. Jerome and she were dancing chest to chest with both of them in their bathing suits! She felt as if she was being swallowed up by him with his huge arms and large chest. On top of that, his huge cock was centered and pressed directly up against her belly. She could feel almost every inch of his tool up and down against her belly. And, at the same time her breasts were rubbing up against Jerome's bare chest and she could feel her nipples start to get hard. She hoped that Jerome did not notice it!

Jerome could not believe how good little Sarah's body felt up against his. He was enjoying immensely the feeling of her body against him. God, were her nipples hard! The way her breasts curved upwards those nipples could poke your eye out! He did not want to scare her and he was glad he was not getting hard in his skimpy bathing suit. That would really give her an old shock if she saw how he looked and felt limp was definitely not the same as when he was hard. He rubbed his hands up and down her back and he could feel her shake in response. He wanted to rub her firm and full bottom; but he figured that was something that would really scare her at this point.

The old bottle of Blackberry wine continued to flow from cup to cup among the teens. Small talk with laughing and cutting up filled the room while Barry White filled the room with music and the distance songs of seduction filled the distant hallway.

Sarah could not help but to laugh and giggle now. She often started to giggle when she got a little on the tipsy side.

Angie and Dwane were not shy or slow in their moves in the least. And the flowing of alcohol helped speed up matters. They were passionately kissing and rubbing and grabbing the ass of the other through the fabric of their bathing suits.

"Kids," said Angie breathing heavy, "it's time for me and Dwane to get it on. If you two don't mind watching the show?" Angie smiled at Jerome and Sara.

"Not at all," said Jerome, "me and little Sarah here will watch and cheer you two on!"

Sarah could not help but to shake slightly. Would Jerome continue to be a gentleman? Would he respect her? She might consent to being kissed. Maybe a little rubbing through the fabric of her clothing. But she could not go any further than that! She did not want to end up in the hospital tonight!

Dwane and Jerome got out the air mattress and deployed it in the middle of the room. It filled rather quickly and covered a good area between the two beds.

"Why are you filling up the air mattress? She asked innocently, "When you have a bed that you can use."

"Well, little girl, " responded Dwane, "This air mattress gives a lot more room to move and grove than those old hard beds. And, the mattress is a lot thicker, and give more padding when the fucking takes place. And besides, Angie has said that she is going to do Jerome as well!"

Sarah felt a shiver go up her spine. She could not believe that she was going to get to see Dwane, Jerome and Angie put on a show for her. All she knew for certain was that she did not want to be spread out on this bed. She drank drawn her fourth cup of blackberry wine in one gulp.

But hey, it might be fun to watch her roommate get fucked hard!

Angie wondered if and how much Sarah would be part of the show. She had a scared shitless look on her face now and did not know how much more Sarah would let happen. She was not looking forward to being fucked by both Dwane and Jerome. One at a time was enough to make it difficult for her to walk and this night might take the whole week for her to recover! Angie had a feeling that she would be soaking her poor little pussy in a tub of hot water this weekend!

Dwane grabbed Angie and gave her a deep kiss. "Let's get this show on baby"! He began to rub her bottom through her Bikini. As he grabbed her ass cheeks, she let out a slight moan of excitement. Dwane had experience with dozens of women and he knew all the right moves as the old king of soul Barry White played in the background!

Dwane sunk both hands down into her skimpy panties. He grabbed both butt cheeks and let one finger slip into the crack of her ass and the other go down and rub the very edge of her pussy from behind. Angie squirmed violently while still locked in an embrace.

It was then that Dwane pulled his hands out of Angie's pants and went for her tits. "I've got to see these tits!" He reached behind her and undid the Bikini sting of her top and freed her breasts with one swoop.

Her big, floppy breasts fell to her chest. Dwane took both of them into his hands and lifted them skyward and began to suck on her hard nipples as Angie started to moan.