Second Best


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"Oh my God" she moaned, "What am I going to do?"

I was silent for a moment or so and then I said, "You won't do anything. Tonight never happened. When you get up in the morning treat it as a weird dream that you had. Only two people know and I won't be telling anyone and I see no reason for you to tell anyone either."

"But I cheated on Dale."

"So what? You aren't married and you haven't taken any vows of fidelity. Besides, how do you know Dale hasn't played around while he is gone for the summer? Just let it be Grace. Pretend that it never happened."

Under the circumstances I didn't try for a goodnight kiss and as I watched her walk into her house I cursed myself for telling her what I had. I could have kept quiet and maybe kept Grace for myself, but in a way I would have been lying to her if I got her that way. Besides, how would she end up feeling if she threw what she and I had done in Dale's face when he got home and then found out that he wasn't guilty as charged.

After that night Grace didn't avoid me, but she didn't go out of her way to be around me either. Dale came home and as far as I know Grace never told Dale about our evening at the motel.


Senior year was busy and I had so much going on that I didn't think too often about Grace. No more than two or three times a day. I dated some and I scored some, but I always ended up mentally comparing the girls I made it with to Grace and they all came up short. The only ones who held my interest with Rita Martin and Hillary. Rita was willing to suck cock as long as you were willing to eat pussy and when Rita found out that I was very willing to do it she told me that I could call her anytime and if she already had a date she would break it just to go out with me.

I did call Hillary a couple of days after her birthday party and she asked me to meet her for lunch. I met her at Anderson's Steak House and she apologized for the way she had acted after the night I had taken her cherry.

"It wasn't you Rob; it was me. I was disgusted with myself. I had promised my mother and myself that I would walk down the aisle at my wedding as a virgin. I was down on myself for giving it up to you so easily and every time you called it just reminded me of how weak I had been. But I got over it and started looking forward to doing it with you again, but you never called and that pissed me off even though I was the one who told you to stop bugging me. And then I went and made an ass of myself at Sally's party."

"So what are you trying to tell me Hill?"

"What was it that you said at my party? That when it comes to sex I sure talk a lot about it? Well, as the old saying goes, "Talk is cheap." I've taken a gamble Rob. Before meeting you here I stopped and got a room across the street at the Marriott."

She slid a room key across the table to me and then watched to see what I would do. I looked from her to the key and then back at her and then I picked the key up and said:

"What are we doing wasting time here?"

From then on I shared my time between Hillary and Rita.


Prom was coming up and I was planning on asking Rita to be my date, but one evening the front doorbell rang and my mom hollered up at me:

"Rob honey; Grace is here to see you."

We went up to my room and then Grace asked, "Do you have a date for the prom yet?"

"Not yet. I plan on asking Rita Martin."

"You haven't asked her yet?"

"No. Why do you want to know?"

"Dale broke his leg in three places yesterday and so I was going to ask you to take me."

"I'm flattered Grace, but the thing is that Rita and I have something going."

"You and a half dozen others."

"What does that mean?"

"What it means is that on nights Rita isn't with you she is with someone else. You don't need to worry about Rita having a date for the prom. I'll bet that by now a couple of guys have asked her to be their date."

"I don't think so Grace. I'd end up in bad shape. I'd be holding you, dancing with you and that would have me remembering the last time we were on a date and I'd be praying that it would happen again and knowing that it wouldn't."

"Please Rob. No one else is going to ask me because of Dale. If you don't take me I won't be able to go. I don't want to miss the prom Robbie. Please?"

She was easily the best looking girl there and I know that a lot of guys there wished that they were me. The night went just like I knew it would. Holding Grace as we danced constantly brought back memories of what we had done and those memories kept my dick hard most of the night. I did my best to keep from poking Grace with it, but it still happened several times.

We hit two after prom parties and then I drove us home. On the way Grace slid over next to me and put her hand on my leg.

"Let me see it Robbie. Take it out for me."

"I don't think so Grace."

"All right then, I'll do it myself" and she pulled down my zipper. As she reached in for my cock she said, "I know what you gave up to take me to the prom tonight and I want to make it up to you. You seemed to like it the last time."

I pushed her hand away and said, "No thanks Grace; I don't need charity. If you wanted me for me I'd be all for it, but I'm not interested just because you think you owe me."

I zipped myself back up, but Grace didn't slide away from me. She sat next to me with her head on my shoulder the rest of the way home. I walked her to her door and she turned and put her arms around me and kissed me.

"Thank you Rob; thanks for being who you are" and then she kissed me again and went into her house.


Grace, Dale and I all attended a local college and while we ran across each other from time to time we each had different majors so we had very few shared classes outside of some of the basics like Intro to Calculus and English Composition 121. I did see and talk to Grace from time to time - we still lived two doors away from each other - but Dale didn't go on vacations with his parents anymore so I never had a chance to date Grace again.

In our junior year Dale proposed to Grace and she accepted and even though I'd known that some day it would happen I was crushed when it did. I went off on a two day toot that left me with a hurting head and the knowledge that it was my own fault. I could have prevented it by not telling Grace that Dale couldn't possibly be guilty of what she thought he was and letting her rub what we had done in his face when he got home. But I didn't do that so I would have to live with it.

I pined for Grace, but I knew that she would always be Dale's so I didn't bother to become a hermit where the ladies were concerned. I dated a lot, scored a reasonable amount of times and even had some relationships that lasted for several months, but I never found anyone I wanted to make things permanent with.

Graduation came and I got a job with XYZ Corporation. Grace landed a position with a local brokerage house and Dale went to work for Apollo Industries. Six months later and about two months before the wedding Apollo transferred Dale to the San Francisco office and he dropped off the radar screen. I found out later that he called Grace and had her postpone the wedding and then no one heard from him again. He never called Grace and when she called him she only got his voicemail. After three months she got on a plane and flew out to San Francisco and three days later she came home. There was no more talk of weddings and Grace, the few times I talked to her, never mentioned Dale at all.

Several months went by and then Grace and I were thrown together when Sissy Meyers and Dave Sampson got married. Grace was one of Sissy's bridesmaids and I was Dave's best man. I danced several times with Grace at the reception and just before the party broke up she came up to me and told me that she'd had too much to drink to drive safely and she asked me if I would give her a ride home. On the way to her apartment she slid over next to me and put her hand on my leg.

"Remember the last time I did this?"

"Indeed I do."

"Are you going to push my hand away this time also?"

"Is this some more of rubbing Dale's nose in it?"

She looked at me for a couple of seconds and then said, "Dale is history."

I made no move to push her hand away and she pulled my zipper down and worked my hard cock out of my pants. She lowered her head and just before she took my cock in her mouth she said:

"Don't pull it out like you did the last time. I don't have any spot mover at home and the stores are closed."

I didn't pull out -- I damned near hit a tree -- but I didn't pull out. Hours later as we lay next to each other trying to recover from three very active sessions I asked:

"How did this happen?"

She didn't have to ask what I meant and she said, "I've gone six months without what I used to get five and six nights a week. I needed this. I've only had sex with two men in my life and I didn't want to take pot luck. I wanted a known quantity and that would be you. If it had not been for Sissy's wedding I would have found some other way to make it happen."

"Any chance that this could turn into something?"

"I don't know Rob, could it?"

We started dating and six months later I asked Grace to marry me and she accepted. Four months after that we were married. I never did find out what happened between her and Dale and the one time I came right out and asked she told me that it was a subject that she wasn't prepared to discuss.

"It is a closed chapter of my life Rob and I plan on keeping it that way."


We decided early on that we didn't want to have children and so I had a vasectomy so we wouldn't have to mess with birth control pills and diaphragms and the like.

The next ten years rolled by and for the most part they were good years. There was only one major problem. With no kids and both of us working we were living large. About six years into the marriage the firm that Grace was working for was bought out by another firm and when the dust all settled Grace's job was one of the ones eliminated. We needed her income if we were to maintain our lifestyle. I suggested we find a smaller house, one that we could afford on just my salary, but Grace would have none of that. She didn't want to give up anything so she sent out resumes and started going on interviews. She came home one evening and told me that she had a job offer.

"Its decent money and it has god benefits."

"I can tell from your voice that there is a "but" in there somewhere."

"It is with Apollo Industries."

"So?" I asked and then it dawned on me. "Just don't accept any transfers to San Francisco."

The next four years went by and then about three months before our fifteenth anniversary things went to hell. Along with deciding early on to have no children we also decided that we each needed a night out alone to give each other a chance to talk to other people, keep a fresh perspective and to give each other a little breathing room. My night was Monday and I bowled in the men's house league at Starlight Lanes. Grace's night was Wednesday and she spent it stopping for drinks with the people she worked with.

One night as we sucked down a couple of beers after the game Dave Sampson asked me how Grace and I were getting along.

"Okay. Why would you be asking that?"

"No reason bud, just curious."

"And why would you be curious about that?"

"Well, she and Dale did have a thing going for eight or nine years."


"So I was just curious as to how things have been going since he moved back to town and is working in the same office as Grace."

A cold chill went down my spine when he said that. Dale was back and working in the same office as Grace? She had not mentioned that to me. I wasn't going to let Dave know that I didn't know so all I said was that everything was fine. The next morning I called Harv Yohann who worked in shipping and receiving at Apollo and asked him how long Dale had been back and Harv told me that Dale had been back for a little over six months. Six months! Six fucking months and not one word from Grace. The chill was back sliding down my spine.

I spent all day thinking about it and human nature being what it is I naturally thought the worst. Dale's back over half a year and Grace wasn't mentioning him. Did they have something going? I thought back over the last six months and some things that I had noticed, but hadn't paid much attention too suddenly shot to the forefront of my mind. Grace's Wednesday nights had been getting later and later. She used to get home around eight-thirty or nine, but for the last several months she hadn't been getting home until ten-thirty or eleven.

I'd always heard that one of the signs of a straying wife was an increase or decrease in sexual activity; the theory being that the decrease was because she was feeling guilty over cheating her husband and couldn't face him on the nights she had been with her lover and the increase was because she got turned on giving her husband sloppy seconds or cuckolding him.

Grace and I had always had what I considered a good healthy sex life. Three times a week on the average and if one of the times was on the weekend we sometimes made it two or three times. Our sex life had increased. Four and five times a week and always - ALWAYS - on Wednesdays and on the other nights it would usually be twice and once in a while three times. In the car she would slide over and fondle my cock and sometimes even take it out and suck on it and she hadn't done that in years. I asked her about it and she said she thought we were getting in a rut and she was trying to liven things up. I had no reason not to accept that as gospel. But that was then and this was now and now I was having doubts. I had never once given a thought to the possibility that Grace might cheat on me and God knows that I didn't want to believe she was, but I wasn't the kind to say, "Oh no! My wife would never do something like that" and ignore it. I was a believer in the old adage that "where there is smoke there is fire." I hoped that Grace wasn't playing around behind my back, but 'hope' wouldn't cut it. I had to know!

The first thing I did was check out Grace's Wednesday nights. Her group always stopped at the Landing Strip Lounge so I took my car to the dealer for service, got a loaner and was sitting in it at the back of the lot at the Strip five minutes before Grace got off work. I saw her pull into the lot and sit in her car until a red Lexus pulled in and parked beside her. Dale got out of the Lexus and Grace got out of her car, the two of them kissed briefly and then walked hand and hand into the bar. They came out of the bar at ten after ten and sat in Grace's car talking. They kissed twice - both times long and steamy - and I looked at my watch and saw that if Grace was going to be home by eleven she wouldn't be doing anything with Dale on that night so I went home. I was in bed when Grace got home at five to eleven. When she saw that I was still awake she said:

"You're up. Good, because I'm horny."

She climbed onto the bed and reached for my cock and it did what it always did when Grace reached for it - it shot up erect. She opened her mouth, took my cock inside and sealed her lips around me as her head started bobbing up and down. After a couple of minutes she took her mouth off me and asked me if I wanted to cum in her mouth or her pussy. "Pussy" I moaned and she rolled over and onto her back and spread her legs wide.

"Fuck me hard baby; fuck me hard and make me cum."

I mounted her and thrust inside her as hard as I could. Because of the blow job I was close and I only lasted about three minutes, but it was three minutes of hard, fast fucking and I did manage to give her one orgasm before I blew.

As I pulled out she pulled me down, rolled me onto my back and went down on my limp cock. She sucked my cock and played with my balls until she had me up again and then she swung over me and drove herself down on my cock. She put her hands on my shoulders and then rode me until I shot into her for the second time that night. She laid on top of me until my cock was as soft as a cooked noodle and then she rolled off of me, snuggled up against me and in minutes she was asleep.

I stared up at the ceiling and wondered if her passion was fueled by guilt; guilt over what she had done or guilt over what she was going to do.


I checked out Grace's Wednesday nights for three weeks in a row and all I saw were Dale and my wife holding hands and kissing. It seemed that if they were doing anything it was happening at some other time. Since I could account for most of her nights and weekends it had to be either during the day when they were supposed to be at work or on the Monday nights I bowled.

I had some comp time coming so I told the boss I needed to use some of it, then I called Dave who was the captain of my bowling team and told him I was going to miss a couple of weeks and he should arrange for a substitute for me. I was parked and waiting on Monday when Grace and Dale got in Dale's car and went to lunch. I followed them to a Denny's and watched as they went inside holding hands. They came out about forty-five minutes later and sat in Dale's car talking for about five minutes and then Grace slid across the seat and they necked for another five minutes after which they went back to work.

I was parked and waiting again when they got off work that evening. They each got in their own car and I followed them to Mario's. Dale got out of his car and got into Grace's and they talked for about five minutes and then necked for ten more before getting out of the car and, holding hands, they headed for the restaurant. Two hours later they came out, got in Dale's car and necked for about fifteen minutes and then Grace got in her car and drove home. I killed another hour and then I went home at the same time I normally got home from bowling. I found Grace waiting up for me.

"Hi baby. Can I welcome you home with a blow job?"


For the next two months I spot checked Grace at her lunch time, on my bowling nights and on her Wednesday night out. She always had lunch with Dale and they went straight back to work. Dale spent Wednesday evening with her at the Landing Strip and they had dinner together on Monday nights. I never did see them doing anything other than talk, hold hands and neck. But they could have left work early and gone somewhere when I wasn't around watching. I did notice that the necking sessions were getting hotter and lasting longer as time progressed. The other constant was that Grace was damned near insatiable on Monday and Wednesday nights and I could never figure out why. Guilt over what she was doing maybe?

At the end of a couple of months it was obvious to me that, unless they had found some way to do it at work, that physically Grace had not cheated on me. But it was equally obvious to me as evidenced by the longer and hotter make out sessions that she eventually would. I spent many sleepless nights lying there in our bed and thinking about it. Confrontation was not an option for me. Confrontation would force things out into the open and I did not want that. I had to know what Grace would choose and that meant that I had to let her run free. All I could do was watch and wait and hope that she chose me. Easier said than done.

As time went by and I saw the kisses getting longer and longer it was obvious to me that Grace was making her choice and it wasn't going to be me. For me it boiled down to confrontation or just walking away. But what if confrontation made her feel guilty and she stayed with me because of that guilt? What if she stayed with me, but forever held it against me for keeping her from what she would have really preferred? There were so many of those damned "what ifs" and the bottom line was that I couldn't stay with some one who didn't want me and the longer and longer make out sessions between Grace and Dale told me that she would rather be with him than me and she just hadn't yet got to the point where it was time to tell me.